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<saite> hey! looking at failing tests in mirage-skeleton/block and the mirage-block-unix implementation at the moment; maybe someone more familiar with the code is here... check_sector_write_failure in mirage-skeleton/block/unikernel.ml is supposed to fail because Lwt_unix.LargeFile.lseek fails in mirage-block-unix/lib/block.ml ?
<hannes> saite: ask on the mailing list -- there seem to be intermediate problems (which might be solved by mirage from git, see https://github.com/mirage/mirage/pull/439)
<saite> with mirage from git it throws Failure("block1") at src/core/lwt.ml ... :(
<saite> so: no
<hannes> (I only used mirage-fs-unix / KV_RO so far).. the pr 439 is not yet merged..
<saite> i was exploring an mirage V1.BLOCK transparent encryption layer....
<saite> and a working mirage-block-unix would have been handy