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<mato> hannes: around? I have a mirage-entropy-solo5, essentially a copy of mirage-entropy-xen and a lightly modified nocrypto, but I can't get the latter to build
<mato> hannes: it's complaining about not having a rule to build src/libnocrypto_stubs.mly, what is that?
<hannes> mato: do you have a branch somewhere?
<mato> will commit shortly, hang on
<hannes> mato: you've seen myocamlbuild.ml.local which does the actual copy of the sources to xen/ ?
<mato> hannes: ah, i missed that
<hannes> (ocamlbuild is smart and doesn't want to rebuild the same path multiple times, thus we've to copy stuff around)
<mato> hannes: adding another rule there doesn't seem to help though
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<hannes> mato: you'll need an oasis setup afterwards I believe...
<mato> hannes: did that
<mato> hannes: solo5 branches on mato/ocaml-nocrypto and mato/mirage-entropy on github...
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<hannes> (looking into that)
<hannes> it seems to work here.. the build of ocaml-nocrypto
<hannes> (though the entropy-solo5 isn't happy yet)
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<mato> hmm, I got the build to progress after manually doing 'make distclean' and re-running configure
<mato> previously i was just using 'make clean', which presumably doesn't regenerate the myocamlbuild.ml.local bit
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<hannes> solo5/native/hash/sha512.c:235:7: error: implicit declaration of function 'sprintf' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
<hannes> i = sprintf((char *)buf, "SHA-512/%d", t);
<hannes> is what I get...
<mato> yup, that's expected
<mato> there is no sprintf() in ocaml-freestanding :)
<mato> i can add one, though the better option is to replace it with snprintf() in nocrypto
<hannes> yes, this oasis is a bit painful... I tend to use "opam pin add -k git bla ." which then upon install uses the git HEAD of ., but not untracked files
<hannes> agreed
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<hannes> also looks like that entry point is never used...
<hannes> (pls ignore in case you've the same local modifications)
<mato> thx
<hannes> hmm, is one expected to be able to build for xen and solo5 at the same time?
<hannes> (I've the feeling that this negative mirage-no-xen package does not scale in any way... it was a nice hack at the time..)
<mato> no idea. probably not -- why would you want to?
<mato> yeah, there are several problems with that. anyway, just trying to get something building and running via the path of least resistance right now.
<hannes> and in order to build mirage-entropy-solo5 here I needed to get rid of -nostdinc and -isystem ../gcc/.. (using clang and FreeBSD)... still confused by how to solve nostdinc properly
<mato> ok, mirage-www builds, still sorting out the link step
<hannes> \o/
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<mato> ok, static_website now works, but i expected that. static_website_tls fails rather interestingly.
<mato> will commit everything and sync up opam-solo5, then we can investigate what the problem with TLS is
<mato> one obvious problem is wall clock thinks its 1970-01-01 :)
<hannes> does s_w_tls link and fail to start? or not link at all?
<mato> it runs, but the TLS negotiation fails
<hannes> the tls stack will refuse to do anything if the certificate it is configured with is not valid at startup time
<hannes> (been busy with other things, have not even tried the solo5/virtio/net on bhyve yet)
<mato> hannes: is "refuse to do anything" consistent with this: https://gist.github.com/mato/1c8e192cd635b6872ca233a476a0e7be
<mato> ?
<hannes> yes. what happens on telnet <host> 443?
<hannes> hmmno, try openssl s_client -msg
<mato> 'sec, after i finish committing stuff
<hannes> telnet is useless since client needs to send hello first before the server does anything
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<mato> okay, opam-solo5 is synced up
<hannes> nice. if you can paste the output of a s_client -msg, I'm happy to look into that... otoh, either create a certificate valid on 1970-01-01 or hardcode your walltime to when the certificate is valid ;)
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<hannes> but actually, the TLS stack should throw upon configuration (load time) with an error..
<mato> it does not...
<hannes> so, does the -msg output anything useful?
<mato> nothing other than what i already pasted in the gist
<mato> just making a cert valid in 1970 now...
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<mato> hmm, that's if i could find some openssl options to hardcode the validity...
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<hannes> openssl ca -startdate 7001010000000
<Drup> I read "stardate", and I was confused for a while. :|
<Drup> (sorry, please do carry on)
<hannes> but from reading the code that shouldn't be the issue... since the server part never checks the validity of its own cert
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<hannes> do solo5 packets sent to the network need to be page-aligned? if so, which piece of code ensures that (mirage-net-solo5 does not)
<hannes> but then, the tcpip stuff should/might... there was an issue some time ago when doing the xen port..
<mato> yeah, that code is misleading, it shouldn't need to be page-aligned
<hannes> if you could hexdump the in&out via network, that'd be helpful..
<mato> i've fixed the wall time (tested only on ukvm, but should work on virtio), and the behaviour is the same
<mato> the server end says:
<mato> 2016-07-04 15:00.32: INF [server] [1] closing
<mato> and that's all...
<mato> hannes: have emailed you a pcap file
<hannes> mato: interesting...
<hannes> mato: try port 4433 pls (in case you're using static_website_tls)
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<mato> hannes: 4433 works!
<hannes> \o/ \O/
<mato> woot woot
<hannes> ..and it's still 10 days till the hackathon... vacation!!!! :)
<mato> :) not quite, now i need to sit down and write up the long "how do we merge all these bits" email :)
<mato> tomorrow... :)
<hannes> nah... job security implies to be the one who is able to say which are the pieces composed to the final unikernel ;)
<hannes> but... great work!!!
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<mort___> nice one mato and hannes!
<mort___> i wonder if the static_website_tls unikernel should be updated to say where it listens or something — i think that's the second time in a month someone's had to be told explicitly which port it's listening on...
<hannes> mort___: while you're at it, could you make use of the logging library inside :)
<hannes> (or alternatively see my comment about job security, boils down to meritocracy)
<hannes> (keep in mind, I'm just the troll)
<mort___> now that you've cut your hair, i fear you've given up right to be the troll
<mort___> point taken — i'll try and find time to make a PR :)
<hannes> I still have my troll shirt!!!!
<mort___> clothes may make the man, but not the troll
<hannes> :P
<hannes> there's also no need to use "Re_str" for the basic string processing (which maybe provided by cohttp nowadays, otherwise Astring is the way to go:)
* hannes runs away screaming
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