avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<hannes> morning
<yomimono> morning
<yomimono> (and afternoon and evening to those in distant lands)
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<mattg> hello
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<haesbaert> yomimono: is there a release date for mirage 2.9 ?
<yomimono> unless there's a strong reason to do it, there probably won't be a 2.9 - instead we'll go right to 3.0 with all of the breaking changes
<haesbaert> ah ok, and 3.0 ?
<yomimono> it's early to put a date on 3.0 since people are still feeling out the magnitude of changes
<haesbaert> I'm thinking about adding a way to get the full ethernet frame while still use a STACKV4
<yomimono> curious about why you want to use a STACKV4?
<haesbaert> would get easier to integrate with the rest of mirage, the way the dhcp server example hooks in is a bit weird
<haesbaert> would be nice to request :give me all udp packets to port 67, but give me the full frame
<yomimono> any case where you'd want the actual cstruct and not the headers accumulated on the way instead?
<haesbaert> ack
<haesbaert> somehting like using raw sockets
<haesbaert> still want the filtering capabilities but want a raw frame
<haesbaert> but it might be a lot of work for not much gain
<yomimono> well, I was thinking perhaps the higher-level module types could optionally pass along the set of headers that had been parsed so far before the frame was handed off to the registered handler
<yomimono> since in a lot of cases, I think all you're going to do is parse it again anyway, and if the parse failed you're not going to get it to the handler
<haesbaert> that would work too
<haesbaert> like "ancillary data" is passed on sockets
<haesbaert> btw, I can combine two network listeners right ?
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<haesbaert> Lwt.join and family
<yomimono> as in, do NETWORK.listen one thing and then NETWORK.listen another on the same impl? no, one will replace the other
<haesbaert> say I want to have a unikernel that listens on two ports doing two different things
<yomimono> oh! yes, you can do that
<yomimono> Lwt.join on two listeners works fine
<haesbaert> ack, wanna run conduit and display the dhcp leases.
* yomimono nods
<haesbaert> hmm should I have any issues "? since the dhcp unikernel taps into the Ethif directly
<haesbaert> while conduit will properly use STACKV4 on top of that
<yomimono> hmmm, my initial thought was "no, that's fixed now" and then I realized I was thinking of another bug
<yomimono> hang on, let me look at the generated main.ml for a unikernel like that
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<yomimono> I think you'll probably have a problem for the reason you mention, but if you build a non-conduit http server you should be able to put it directly on top of TCP
<yomimono> ...although conduit itself might expect an entire STACKV4
<haesbaert> hmm
<yomimono> yeah, unfortunately `with_tcp` is actually `with_whole_stackv4`
<haesbaert> hmm that's a bummer
<yomimono> but! mirage-http can build directly on top of a FLOW implementation
<yomimono> so that can go right on top of TCP indeed
<haesbaert> mirage http <> conduit ?
<yomimono> correct
<haesbaert> ohh
<yomimono> conduit is fancier
<haesbaert> I'll give it a shot with mirage-http
<haesbaert> I see there isn't an example in skeleton
<haesbaert> could you point me to some reference ? some use of it in mirage
<haesbaert> oh sounds simple enough actually
<yomimono> hm, looking in mirage.ml it doesn't look like there's a way to get an impl without conduit, never mind :(
<haesbaert> mirage.ml from ?
<yomimono> what I mean is, there does exist Cohttp_mirage.Server which takes a Flow module argument, but the mirage front-end tool doesn't know about it and won't build that for you
<haesbaert> hmm
<haesbaert> I might just write a small http handler
<haesbaert> it's simple enough
<haesbaert> but feels like a waste if I can use the existing stuff
<yomimono> might be easier to invoke Cohttp_mirage.Server from your unikernel.ml
<haesbaert> oh I had understood that that wouldn't work
<yomimono> to do it that way, you'd make a listener in your unikernel.ml that would decompose the packet and then send dhcp-looking things to dhcp, web-looking things to the Cohttp_mirage.Server
<yomimono> it's getting pretty far from the way you wanted to structure it, and your unikernel is doing a lot of work that ideally the front-end tool would set up for you :(
<haesbaert> I you mean, I feed Cohttp_mirage.Server in unikernel.ml
<yomimono> yeah
<haesbaert> ah that's fine, since I'm already doing it for dhcp
<haesbaert> i need to wrap my head around all these functors tbh
<yomimono> merlin!
<haesbaert> ack
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<miragebot> [mirage] yomimono pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vK819
<miragebot> mirage/master f823b87 Mindy Preston: removes staticN.mli as well as staticN.ml...
<miragebot> mirage/master b9419af Mindy Preston: configuring generic_kv_ro with --kv_ro=crunch works on unix...
<miragebot> mirage/master 35804e9 Mindy Preston: add a doc comment about how to use FS passthrough for KV_RO.
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<yomimono> is it necessary to have both kv_ro and kv_ro_crunch in mirage-skeleton these days?
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<thomasga> no idea :-)
<yomimono> ah, the hello-world uses them to explain different things
<yomimono> fair enough
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<miragebot> [mirage] samoht pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages: https://git.io/vK8Su
<miragebot> mirage/gh-pages cf05aab Thomas Gazagnaire: Update mirage doc to v2.9.0-37-g69e9c87.
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