avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<mato> hannes: FYI, Dan is giving a talk on Solo5 today at 11am at FW11.
<hannes> mato: ic... unfortunately I'll be in a meeting..
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<haesbaert> yomimono: around ?
<yomimono> yep! what's up?
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<yomimono> haesbaert: ^
<haesbaert> can you open dhcp_wire.ml and not get any errors on merlin ?
<haesbaert> I was pretty sure this worked at some point
<haesbaert> but now it complains about every cstruct extension
<yomimono> oh god, my merlin setup is not the one you want to be checking yours against
<haesbaert> gegegege
<yomimono> it's never been happy about cstruct extensions
<yomimono> I'll give it a try just in case though
<haesbaert> ah so not cool to have merlin errors popping up :/
<yomimono> yeah, I get mad errors from that file
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<yomimono> "uninterpreted extension cenum", for example
<haesbaert> ah ok, well i'm not alone then
<haesbaert> i had this weird idea that it was working
<haesbaert> I remember even feeling "oh cool this works now"
<yomimono> we keep the cstruct definitions in separate files in tcpip, so I often don't notice when I've messed up merlin's ability to deal with them
<def`> the ppx version should be supported
<yomimono> def`: do I need to add anything to .merlin for that?
<def`> PKG cstruct.ppx
<haesbaert> lemetry
<yomimono> does it for me (yay!)
<haesbaert> hooray
<def`> :-)
<haesbaert> worked for me too, I have other errors now
<haesbaert> thanks a lot :d
<haesbaert> hmm just one missing thing now
<haesbaert> I have:
<haesbaert> type dhcp = {
<haesbaert> ....
<haesbaert> scratch that
<haesbaert> type pkt = {
<haesbaert> ...
<haesbaert> } [@@deriving sexp]
<haesbaert> } [@@deriving sexp]
<haesbaert> but merlin never finds sexp_of_pkt
<haesbaert> works fine, just merlin still complains
<haesbaert> ideas ?
<yomimono> might need to also add ppx_deriving to .merlin ?
<haesbaert> PKG ppx_deriving ?
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<yomimono> that'd be my guess, that you're missing something from that universe of things
<haesbaert> whoooray
<haesbaert> love you guys
<yomimono> the ppx_ packages and what functionality they map to is a bit mysterious to me
<def`> merlin (tries to) follows the rules of the compiler
<haesbaert> PKG ppx_deriving did the trick
<yomimono> (not for any lack of documentation, just because I only have space for so many things in my head)
<def`> so provide whatever is provided to the build system / ocamlfind, and that should do it.
<haesbaert> is EXT nonrec obsolete ?
<def`> note: I don't know all the possible behaviors, there is a part of reverse engineering and bugs feedback
<def`> haesbaert: yes, nonrec was introduced in 4.02.3
<def`> it is no longer an extension
<haesbaert> ack
<haesbaert> hmm actually still missing one
<haesbaert> type htype =
<haesbaert> | Ethernet_10mb
<haesbaert> | Other [@@deriving sexp]
<haesbaert> "Cannot locate deriver sexp"
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<yomimono> might need to also PKG sexplib ? basically what I would do is keep adding every PKG I can think of
<yomimono> well, every PKG I can think of that's actually involved in the build ;)
<haesbaert> hm tried that, not luck
<haesbaert> oh if I add ppx_deriving is fixes one but errors out another one
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<haesbaert> when I add PKG ppx_deriving
<haesbaert> [@@deriving sexp] errors out
<haesbaert> with cannot locate deriver sexp
<haesbaert> but if I remove it, it works, but then breaks other stuff
<yomimono> I just did an `ocamlfind list|grep ppx` and there are a few sublibraries that look relevant? ppx_type_vonc.for_ppx_deriving?
<yomimono> s/vonc/conv/
<yomimono> :unicode_shrug:
<haesbaert> hmm might have fixed PKG ppx_sexp_conv
<haesbaert> yeah, seems ok now
<haesbaert> ppx_deriving + ppx_sexp_conv + cstruct.ppx
<yomimono> \o/
<haesbaert> \o/\o/\o/
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<haesbaert> any tips for me to get started with travis
<haesbaert> ?
<haesbaert> I want to build charrua-core on it
<haesbaert> any place I should copy the travis file from ?
<haesbaert> I have a very old one when avsm used
<haesbaert> I doubt it still works
<haesbaert> cstruct has one, should I go for that ?
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<yomimono> sorry haesbaert, you caught me when I was at lunch! mirage, mirage-tcpip, mirage-skeleton have all gotten a lot of attention lately
<yomimono> they have examples of using the remote that's tracking all of the masters that have broken compatibility for 3.0
<yomimono> so probably best to look at one of those if you want to run CI on what's going to work in the current trunk universe
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<haesbaert> I think i'm having some luck
<haesbaert> seems to be building
<haesbaert> had to add the extra mirage remote
<mort___> https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-ci-scripts is a good place to start for the scripts
<haesbaert> oh it's working thakns
<haesbaert> I found that url, dsheets wrote a really nice doc on it
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<haesbaert> hmm strange, travis is pulling a really really old cstruct
<haesbaert> on ocaml 4.03.0 it pulls cstruct 1.2
<haesbaert> (it is in 2.2)
<yomimono> constrain it?
<haesbaert> but shouldn't it fetch the newest one ?
<yomimono> I think 1.9 is the earliest ppx-supporting version
<yomimono> it'll do whatever the solver suggests to it
<haesbaert> ohhh
<haesbaert> "cstruct" {>= "1.9"}
<haesbaert> this should do it then.
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<haesbaert> bargh found the issue finally, charrua-unix depends on rawlink that depends on camlp4 cstruct
<haesbaert> but depends on charrua-core that wants ppx cstruct.
<haesbaert> so boom
<yomimono> I guess you'll have to bug the maintainer of rawlink :P
<haesbaert> yeah, that asshole is slacking, but I heard a version of 0.4 is coming out.
<yomimono> maybe if you buy that person some beers and coffee you'll get your fondest wish :P
<haesbaert> and chocolate
<haesbaert> don't forget chocolate
<yomimono> of course! how foolish of me
<haesbaert> if I'm using the travis-docker skeleton, any chance I can manipulate a package that needs to be installed on the machine ?
<haesbaert> my alpine target for rawlink fails since it wants a netlink header
<haesbaert> probably some package-dev that needs to be installed on alpine
* haesbaert knows nothing of docker
* yomimono knows nothing of travis-docker
<yomimono> Can you point me at the repo for it?
<haesbaert> and I'm using:
<haesbaert> I need to tell docker to run apk install something
<yomimono> hm, possibly the INSTALL environment variable?
* yomimono is still reading
<yomimono> no, that seems to be for testing install/removal
<haesbaert> PRE_INSTALL_HOOK ?
<yomimono> PRE_INSTALL_HOOK="apk update && apk add my_rad_thing" ?
<yomimono> jinx
<haesbaert> maybe
<haesbaert> - DISTRO="alpine-3.4" OCAML_VERSION="4.03.0"
<haesbaert> - DISTRO="alpine-3.4" OCAML_VERSION="4.03.0" PRE_INSTALL_HOOK="blablabla" ?
<yomimono> I think that's the right shape of it, yeah
<haesbaert> ack, lemetry
<haesbaert> hooray
<haesbaert> (1/1) Installing linux-headers (4.4.6-r1)
<haesbaert> OK: 440 MiB in 84 packages
<haesbaert> opam install rawlink.9999 "-v"
<haesbaert> :D
<haesbaert> thanks
<haesbaert> zeworking
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<yomimono> yaaaaaaay! :D
<haesbaert> yomimono: talked to thomas, turns out there is a better way: https://github.com/haesbaert/rawlink/commit/a5c9b2362c3c8063caded667d3ffa74e9ea9402a
<yomimono> oh right, depexts!
<yomimono> I totally forgot those were a thihng.
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<mort___> hannes mato djwillia: will be heading castle-wards in about 5min
<hannes> ack
* mort___ desperately hoping the rain might stop soon as in shorts+tshirt
<mato> hannes: will you join us?
<hannes> ack.
<mato> hannes: ok, will wait for you in the Lobby...
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