avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<reynir> hi
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<hannes> morning!
<reynir> morning :)
<reynir> Will the date for the summer hackathon be set soon, anyone know?
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* hannes does not know... maybe ask on the mailing list?
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<reynir> good idea
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<hannes> Drup: in contrast to my earlier claims, discovering the sizes of symbols via nm or objdump is very brittle (or not possible at all?) -- maybe bap has a decent interface to do so... or the dwarf output might let one discover the source code pieces...
<hannes> but I failed several times at discovering sizes using the output of nm on the ocaml-generated archive files..
<def`> hannes: there is some support for that in https://github.com/let-def/owee
<def`> (although right now it is 64 bits only)
<hannes> def`: oh cool, will look into that. 64bit only is fine with me
<hannes> def`: btw, did you see my merlin complaint that C-c C-x does not always jump to the next error in buffer?
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<def`> hannes: ah yes... hmm, "it's feature"
<hannes> ok
<def`> if you have better behavior to suggest, you are welcome :)
<hannes> def`: as a user, I'd expect C-c C-x to always jump to the next error :)
<def`> the idea was to update errors in buffer first, and move the cursor after. Some people complained to me that it was confusing that the cursor moved when error where refreshed
<def`> hannes: (setq merlin-error-check-then-move nil)
<def`> should do it :P
<hannes> (it happens if I have a bunch of errors in a buffer, C-c C-x to the first one, fix it, C-c C-x to jump to the next one. if I C-x C-s after fixing the first error, the second C-c C-x jumps to the next error afaics)
<hannes> oh cool, thx!
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<fowlslegs> Just trying to get a sense of the possibilities with Mirage, so will be asking some questions. For starters, does the application code of a unikernel have to be written in ocaml?
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<hannes> fowlslegs: MirageOS uses OCaml, yes. there are some bits and pieces written (and linked to) in C, but the idea is to have a homogenous language.
<hannes> there are other unikernels (using other languages, or mixes), see rumpkernel/halvm/... unikernel.org gives some overview
<fowlslegs> Cool, great resource.
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