avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<ironpill_> hi all, how do I install dnsmasq on mirage os to run as domU on xen? I am new to mirage - blog/tutorial would be great :) thanks!
<ironpill_> anyone?
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<def`> hello
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<reynir> hi def` o/
<reynir> For how long would the july hackathon be?
<reynir> Also, would it make sense for me to go if I don't have too much experience with mirage? :)
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<ironpillow> hi all, how do I install dnsmasq on mirage os to run as domU on xen? I am new to mirage - blog/tutorial would be great :) thanks!
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<fds> reynir: For the Marrakech one, it definitely said `anyone who's interested should come'. There were no experience requirements. (Which is why I wish I could have gone!) I imagine this one would be the same.
<fds> reynir: And, if you do come to Cambridge, I'll try and come up and see you for a day! :-)
<fds> Actually, even if you don't come, I'll try and make it there, depending on dates. :-)
<reynir> ^^
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<hannes> reynir: you're welcome to join in! :)
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<ironpillow> hi all, how do I install dnsmasq on mirage os to run as domU on xen? I am new to mirage - blog/tutorial would be great :) thanks!
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<hannes> ironpillow: I dunno, maybe asking the mailing list http://lists.xenproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mirageos-devel will bring you an answer
<ironpillow> hannes: thanks! will do
<hannes> (I'm not sure what you mean with "dnsmasq on mirageos")
<ironpillow> oh..running nothing but dnsmasq in a dom0, I need a base kernel so I was thinking about using xen's mini-os or mirage-os
<hannes> not sure what dnsmasq does, but in a mirageos vm you likely run ocaml code -- good news there is a dns implementation https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-dns :)
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<reynir> iirc dnsmasq does dhcp too
<reynir> (there's a dhcp library for mirage, too)
<ironpillow> hannes: yeah dnsmasq does both dns and dhcp. thanks for the ocaml-dns.
<ironpillow> reynir: cool will searhc for the dhcp lib.
<ironpillow> nice
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