avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<engil> \o\
<yomimono> |o|
<yomimono> engil: are you in a position to run unpurecamelbot for the meeting, or do you want someone else to lead it in and feed it?
<engil> I can!
<yomimono> yay!
<engil> I woke up for that
<yomimono> oof
<yomimono> rough stuff
<engil> 7am, it's okay
<engil> I know understand the suffering of being Mirage's outreachy intern, poor wiredsister :(
<engil> s/know/now/
<yomimono> luckily for her, she's mostly in eastern time these days -- 5 hour time difference is much less painful than 8
<engil> ha!
<wiredsister> I'm here!
<wiredsister> and yes, in eastern timezone
<wiredsister> less painful
<wiredsister> morning engil and yomimono
<engil> morning!
<yomimono> morning wiredsister! :D
<engil> I need to fix the bot so it's useful
<Drup> wiredsister: you don't want to enjoy the charming english weather for your internship ? :)
<engil> charming
<engil> *cough cough*
<wiredsister> charming indeed. I hear you don't have a summer.
<wiredsister> you cannot fool me.
<engil> a british summer
* engil remember almost dying from hay fever a week ago
<Drup> I do, but still not sure about cambridge :p
<engil> cambridge in spring, never again.
<wiredsister> although, if we hammer out dates for this hackathon, I may attempt to brave the weather.
<yomimono> Cambridge in July is secretly lovely
<yomimono> don't tell anyone!
<Khady> how is the summer in Paris different from the one in Cambridge this year Drup?
<Drup> Khady: if you have to ask, you don't realize how is cambridge's summer :D
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<unpurecamelbot> I like utf-8
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<engil> he likes to write utf-8, reading is fine
<engil> (the message should contain some emoji, but does not, for some reason.)
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<hannes> today at lunchtime was british summer... I guess its over now..
<yomimono> it's summer! We have the windows open in the office and there's no fog coming in them!
<yomimono> I can see shadows outside and there's some kind of yellow thing in the sky!
<yomimono> (in addition to the usual gray things. obviously.)
<wiredsister> I suppose you have to take your victories where you can.
<yomimono> I can see people walking around *holding their jumpers* instead of wearing them!
<Khady> Fog and no sun, looks like beijing, but for different reasons
<engil> is it actual fog ?
<engil> or pollution induced evil ?
<Drup> in beijing, polution
<Khady> It depends if your source is the chinese gouvernement or a foreign one
<Drup> in cambridge, it's the amount of steam produced by all the tea being made. that's why there is more fog at fixed hours in the afternoun.
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<Drup> :D
<hannes> oh damn, there's again such a meeting today.. and I'll have to catch a train in the middle of it
<hannes> just to let the IRC know, versioned modules: still not sure where they should be needed, but I'm in the middle of doing an experiment (adjusting module type RANDOM) and see why/how/whether they're useful...
<yomimono> hm, so you'll make a V2 with a new definition of RANDOM?
<hannes> no
<yomimono> and same definitions of other module types as V1? or just with RANDOM in it?
<hannes> no
<yomimono> cool, I was hoping to be wrong on the internet today :P
<hannes> I'll adjust what we have and see whether there is trouble in updating it (as thomas and thomas proposed)
<yomimono> ah, ok
<hannes> alternatively, we could version function names as well... read_v1, read_v2, read_v1_point_5
<yomimono> enterprisey
<hannes> I'm just slow 'coz I want to finish this signing before monday to have an updated paper with working code.. thus random experiment was deferreed to next week
<yomimono> that's cool, I think many of us who are working at WhaleCo are very busy this week too
<hannes> yomimono: and sorry for the extensive blurb on the arp thingy on github...
<yomimono> so if you want folks to share your update pain it may be best to delay until around 22 June :P
<yomimono> hannes: oh no, very much appreciated; it's not worth it to merge the wrong thing
<yomimono> I'm a bit PR-happy at the moment because I can finally rebase a bunch of stuff and put it in the wild without making a ton more work for myself later
<reynir> o/
<yomimono> hi reynir!
<reynir> Hi!
<reynir> I remembered the meeting this time (I ususally forget) :)
<hannes> reynir: \o/
<hannes> engil: I have to hit my canopy every third day... does yours on unix also suffer from some memory leaking?
<hannes> or does it just run and run and run?
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<yomimono> at 16:00 BST (UTC+1) our fortnightly mirage meeting commences :)
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<yomimono> unpurecamelbot: ready?
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<thomasga1> yo
<dbuenzli> ya
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<GemmaG> Hi :)
<mato> \o/
<talex5> hi
<yallop> hi
<djwillia> hi all
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<yomimono> a lot of folks are here! :D agenda is at https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Call-Agenda if anyone wants to add stuff.
<yomimono> avsm asked me to convey some items on the first point, "quality and test"
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<yomimono> BEGIN QUOTE:
<yomimono> Docker containers: There's been a big refresh of the containers hosted at the Docker Hub:
<yomimono> - OPAM2 is now supported via docker run -it ocaml/opam-dev. This is a mirror of the ocaml/opam namespace, except that OPAM2dev is installed and the local OPAM repository upgraded to the new format (compilers-as-packages). Please try it out and experiment with OPAM2 and report bugs back to the issue tracker.
<yomimono> New distros: Alpine 3.4, Raspbian 8 (ARM) works, Alpine 3.4/ARM incoming, Ubuntu 16.04
<yomimono> - Deprecated: Ubuntu 15.10 (in favour of LTS Ubuntu 16.10).
<yomimono> END QUOTE, sorry for the spam :)
<reynir> 16.04*
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<yomimono> is 16.04 the LTS version, not 16.10?
<mato> It ain't 10/2016 yet :)
* noddy appears
<yomimono> ...that's a pretty good point
<reynir> I believe 16.04 is LTS and I don't think 16.10 has been released yet (october) :)
<yomimono> anything else about the containers on Hub?
<dinosaure> o/
* yomimono awkwardly waves but also gestures in a recognizing manner at dinosaure
<yomimono> next on the agenda we have datakit prototype progress - talex5 or thomasga1, before I pastedump avsm's status did you want to give us an update?
<dbuenzli> Daniel starts falling asleep.
<yomimono> OK, in that case BEGIN QUOTE from avsm:
<talex5> Not sure what this item is about. Work continues on DataKit (currently a 9p interface to Irmin).
<yomimono> - New VM for ci.ocaml.io setup where we will have the DataKit CI UI for MirageOS.
<yomimono> - This will be a build pipeline that uses opam-lib and the containers to test incoming Mirage libraries in real time.
<yomimono> - Two Cambridge interns joining us for the summer in July (Joel and Ciaran) who will hack on the web UI and scheduler, so it's ready before ICFP.
<yomimono> - TWiOPAM: works now, but not yet hooked up to run regularly. Any thoughts on where to publish this output would be useful -- should we push it to Canopy weekly for Mirage libraries?
<yomimono> END QUOTE
<thomasga1> No progress for me.
<yomimono> I think we don't have Joel or Ciaran here, so possibly we should just move on before dbuenzli dies of boredom
<yomimono> Mirage 3!
<yomimono> we had a mail thread where folks put some thoughts about upgrading and API changes
<thomasga1> Who's the release manager? :-)
<yomimono> there are some items in the call agenda that are more aimed at process, like that one :P
<yomimono> I'm willing to do that if nobody else is keen and nobody objects to me doing it
<dbuenzli> +1
<GemmaG> Sounds great!
<hannes> yomimono: +1 you doing it
<thomasga1> yay!
<noddy> motion accepted
<yomimono> ...right then
<GemmaG> Thanks yomimono :)
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<yomimono> please send me a copy of release managing for random idiots
<wiredsister> lol
<yomimono> I'll follow up on the mailing list thread this week
<yomimono> and keep driving discussion thhere
<mort___> (here, sorry late, IRC issues)
<thomasga1> yomimono: it's easy, just do what you want
<yomimono> any other points/suggestions/bad advice before we move on to solo5?
<hannes> I mentioned it earlier here
<hannes> I still don't understand this multiple versions of an interface in mirage-types (and am too stupid to follow last meetings discussions), but wanted to actually try out what it means to update an interface in mirage-types
<hannes> nevertheless I was deferred by writing some signing code till next week...
<yomimono> having just gone through this process for mirage-tcpip (a couple of times!), would it be useful if I just wrote up what this is like?
<thomasga1> I think the role of the release manager is to decide on something about that after discussing with people who have an opinions
<thomasga1> yes, writing or discussing in person/by email with the people seems a good idea
<mort___> yomimono: i think it would be useful, yes
<noddy> i think the question hannes is posing is rather, why have parallel version, not how to upgrade. but that discussion already happened.
<noddy> (and i dozed over it :) )
<thomasga1> noddy: I am still unclear what is the best approach, but I am happy to defer it to people who care/have time to think about it.
<dbuenzli> What was the result ? Personally it seems dubious to me that you want to version interfaces at the language level.
<hannes> noddy: did that discussion happen? the result still looks uncertain to me
<GemmaG> Added to agenda as a resolution appeared unclear…
<dbuenzli> You are bringing the version problem in the language. This should be left to package managers.
<noddy> dbuenzli: hannes: exactly, the answer escapes me too. but apparently the question was asked.
<yomimono> I think a lot of our discussion about where to surface this versioning and dependency information has centered around how painful it is to do certain operations
<hannes> dbuenzli: exactly my point.
<dbuenzli> Well I already made that point at least a year ago...
<yomimono> thanks talex5
<noddy> anyone mind doing tl;dr of the summary? why language-level versions, again?
<talex5> Because once you have several implementations of an interface, and you have to change everything at once, it becomes nearly impossible to make progress.
<noddy> so instead you ossify the entire api history and carry it forever, and constantly walk the minefied of which-exact-version-of-the-api these libs i need implement?
<yomimono> I think this is why folks think it's useful to figure out exactly how bad the experience really is by doing it
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<yomimono> I've been through this a few times -- a bunch of the custom network code I wrote a while ago is now unusable because of mirage-types changes, for example
<hannes> but will multiple language-level versions help there at all?
<yomimono> but I don't think it's worth discounting the entire approach for that reason - there are many explanations for why software doesn't get updated
<hannes> yomimono: it is certainly usable with a mirage-types from that time..
<talex5> Well, the V1_of_V2 functor is never going to change, so you could carry it forever. But just having the last two would help a lot.
<dbuenzli> What needs to be understood is how much of this pain is actually due to the way Mirage's interfaces are themselves organized.
<dbuenzli> Maybe be a bit less functory...
<yomimono> A lot of this pain also comes from our lack of ability to specify version constraints in `config.ml` IMO
<thomasga1> I am not sure this issue will be resolved during that meeting, but it clearly need to be resolved
<noddy> linux kernel has a contract that kernel apis never, ever, ever change. they are only extended. as a consequence, binaries from upper paleolithic work, kernel-wise.
<noddy> however, linux kernel mimicks a well-understood api mode, something posix-like. mirage can change violently.
<dbuenzli> And so cruft was created
<noddy> the greater the change, the more cruft.
<noddy> so that is the tradeoff.
<thomasga1> can I suggest that some people gather and write some code, and we see how it works? :-)
<talex5> noddy: Linux has a bigger problem: clients don't specify which version they want. So changes have to be compatible.
<noddy> fair point, yeah
<thomasga1> (under the benevolent supervision of our new release manager)
<mort___> thomasga1: +1
<yomimono> hannes has already put himself on the hook for this; I've said I'll write some words
<dbuenzli> I think it would be useful to e.g. try to turn the tcp/ip stack to the way ocaml-tls was designed, i.e. independent from mirage
<thomasga1> I am afraid that a rewrite of the tcpip-stack is Mirage 10 instead
<yomimono> This ties into the larger point of modules defining their own module types, I think
* hannes hides in HOL4
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<talex5> tcp and tls both only have one implementation, so they're the simple case.
<dbuenzli> Well there are turns to be taken at the right moment.
<yomimono> tcp itself, yes, but there are modules within tcp with >1 implementation
<yomimono> like the static arp module I sneakily tried to get into master
<hannes> (there's https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pes20/HuginnTCP/ around the corner...)
<noddy> talex5: but this is exactly the point. if you have foo-a and foo-b, and only foo-a moves to v.PI and boo-b is at v.E, how does that help?
<mort___> yomimono: i think the lack of version constraints in config.ml is probably an important part of it — the gap between source (`config.ml`), tool-generated source (outputs of `mirage`) and compile/link behaviour (opam constraints and dynamic update when the `make` happens) seems to cause problems afaics
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<dbuenzli> mort do you suggest the problem is maybe too much meta-programming crap ?
* noddy wishes irc had the `edit` function
<mort___> dbuenzli: too much — or not enough? ;)
<hannes> ...every problem can be solved by adding a layer of abstraction... oh dear
<mort___> i think that the toolchain we have is still evolving
<dbuenzli> It may even be wrong.
<mort___> i think that the suggestion that (aiui, noted above) hannes and yomimono give this a go and see what actually happens is a good one
<djs55> I think the mirage tool executing opam is a bit odd (and prevents opam calling mirage calling opam and deadlocking)
<yomimono> So let's try and make a more right thing :)
<noddy> djs55: wee need universe hierarchies
<yomimono> possibly the right thing to do is have each mirage unikernel distribute its own opam file with depopts
<mort___> dbuenzli: i think that for you to convince me it's wrong, first you'd have to convince me what right is
<hannes> djs55: mirage calling opam is for sure (and being discussed over) a bad idea for several things.. (which needs some clever solution, but IMHO that does not include a V42)
<mort___> djs55: yes; given the `make depends` target, why does it do that?
<dbuenzli> I think that djs55 is quite pertinent I find it strange that you have to fiddle with opam.
<dbuenzli> mort: that's not the way things work.
<hannes> ..and off to the train station
<reynir> \o
<mort___> yomimono: i think that having each unikernel distribute some deployment metadata in a well understood format would be entirely sensible
<dbuenzli> otherwise we can never make criticisms before having solved the problem.
<yomimono> I agree with djs55, and maybe now that we have functoria it's a good time to think of a more intelligent second thing to do with the mirage tool
<mort___> dbuenzli: not asking for solution, asking what "right" would look like. equivalently: to tell me something is wrong suggests you have a well specified problem…
<yomimono> dbuenzli, mort: take it DM please
<yomimono> er, to DM
<noddy> dungeon master?
<yomimono> yes
<mort___> (sorry)
* thomasga1 roles a dice
<yomimono> I don't know whose thac0 is what
* noddy jumps around with a sword
<noddy> mine is -1
* mort___ has several swords. discussion for a different time…
<thomasga1> well, having a better way to handle opam/mirage interactions is clearly a good idea
<yomimono> so I think most folks agree that we have a lot of, um, opportunity in california business speak
<thomasga1> it was a good hack at the time :p
<noddy> all: question: do you seriously think it will be possible to maintain V_N_of_V_succ_N functors?
<noddy> if so, then it might be a workable.. compromise? attempt?
<yomimono> noddy: I don't know what that means?
<dbuenzli> Ugh
<noddy> instead of the platform implementing all the historic api versions, having small shims to downgrade
<yomimono> Oof, I think I don't want to write them
<noddy> hence, hacking around version incompats is as easy as slapping the downgrade shim onto the current version
<talex5> I plan to try this with mirage-net-xen, but currently busy with DataKit.
<noddy> if _not_, then lang-lev versions are completely wrong -- imho
<noddy> if yes, then it could word because cruft is isolated.
<noddy> </dungeon master>
<yomimono> I think that proposal has a big problem once you really do want to remove something. (And it also increases demands on the developers of libraries.)
<mort___> noddy: i doubt it. but i'm also not sure that simply specifying exact versions at the language level is great either as no-one ever gets upgraded then. (but perhaps that's not a bad thing?) but that's why trying it out is required.
<noddy> why don't we try moving fast, breaking things, instead?
<dbuenzli> +1
<noddy> it's easer to start ossifying, than to stop
<mort___> because so very many things break, all at once, and then someone's on the hook to fix them all
<noddy> wait
<mort___> we're not deploying a single app usually, we're "deploying" a large ecosystem of libraries
<noddy> waitwaitwait
* yomimono waits
<noddy> but if you write V_succ_N, DON'T IMPLEMENT IT, then things continue working??
<noddy> (rather, move the implementation to succ_N and leave N just in types)
<mort___> not sure i understand what that means?
<thomasga1> noddy: the sequence of events is: 1/ I update mirage-types to make a API breaking change 2/ I need to update all the implementation of that signature 3/ I need to change the mirage tool to be sure that we pull the right versions of signature/implementations.
<yomimono> I think I'd need to see an example of this to form an opinion
<noddy> i mean, what's the difference? the underlying code is evolving. leaving the versioned api hanging around doesn't really solve the issue of including all that code in a single, working unikernel?
<thomasga1> the step between 2/ and 3/ can be veryyyy big and tedious.
<thomasga1> which usually we don't do 1/ to not start the cycle.
<djs55> and that's because we can't have version constraints as yomonino mentioned I think
<thomasga1> I don't like putting version constraints in the module names at all. But I don't like not being able to move at all worst.
<yomimono> which is because of the way we express the dependencies in mirage as djs55 mentioned
<mort___> noddy: i think: underlying code is released as different version of component library; opam constraints are used to pull that in. but all the other tools have no visibility of that (per thomasga1 comment)
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<thomasga1> (would be nice to be able to edit IRC sentences)
<noddy> i'm imagining stacking two, let's say, FLOWs together.
<noddy> the upper one was ported to V7
<noddy> the lower one is stuck at V3
<noddy> the upper one is a FLOW->FLOW functor
<thomasga1> yes that sucks.
<noddy> wat do
<noddy> n^2?
<mort___> all: i know this is important but i'm not sure it'll be solved right here and now, and there are several other agenda items to cover — perhaps this could be taken to (eg) the list, or an issue? (full editing capabilities available!)
<thomasga1> next!
* yomimono pounds gavel
<thomasga1> (I need to run soon)
<yomimono> next up is solo5 which I bet mato and djwillia are super pumped to tell us about
<yomimono> and ricarkol :)
<yomimono> and anyone else I missed :P
<mato> Ok, solo5. Good progress over the last couple of weeks. Mirage/Solo5 now has a (simplistic but working) scheduler.
<yomimono> is there a best repo to watch for folks who want to keep up with what's happening there?
<mato> I have made a tracking issue to cover the steps to an initial release/upstreaming, you can follow at: https://github.com/djwillia/solo5/issues/36
<mato> yomimono: djwillia/solo5, I try to concentrate the issues there. But that tracking issue is your best bet for now, I'll keep updating it as I go along.
<yomimono> mato: great, thanks!
<mato> The other repos are djwillia/{mirage-platform,mirage,...}
<mato> gemma (seems to have left) was asking about timing for publishing a blog post (co-authored with djwillia) about porting mirage to solo5
<yomimono> gemma had to run but she'll get the notes here, so any answer would be appreciated I think :)
<yomimono> the agenda notes this might be co-timed with the hackathon, so maybe it's a good time for me to paste an update from her on that?
<mato> i think we should have a formal initial release of Mirage/Solo5 in place before we publish any blogs
<mato> otherwise users have no "version" to target
<yomimono> fair enough!
<mato> my eta for that is to have things as ready for merging as possible the week before the hackathon
<mato> and then ideally thrash out the merge to upstream while dan and myself are in cambridge
<yomimono> that sounds like an excellent plan to me
<mato> okay, let's go with that then. djwillia?
<djwillia> mato: yes, sounds good to me, looking forward to it and followup on slack to help with items
<mato> ack
<djwillia> mato: thanks for putting together that list
<yomimono> there's also a note here about "sync up with OPAM 2.0 items" - not sure what needs discussion here?
<djwillia> mato: and all the awesome work you've been doing!
<yomimono> +1!
<mato> yomimono: as "release manager" i'll be asking you for opinions on how/where the solo5 bits should be merged, once we're closer to that point
<yomimono> I deserve that
<mato> :-)
<mato> ok, done with solo5 if no one has any questions i think.
<yomimono> next up - thomasga1, 4.03 flambda testing?
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<thomasga1> none
<yomimono> I saw that hannes has been adding 4.03 tests to some repositories; we could start doing that more generally
<thomasga1> I have tried to use the new lto branch (to do dead-code elimination in native mode) but it didn't compile
<yomimono> aw :(
<yomimono> I want that branch.
<thomasga1> Pierre pushed a patch so I should try it again, I'll try to do that at one point
<yomimono> Cool. If anyone else gets time first, do send a mail to the list :)
<thomasga1> `opam switch 4.04.0+forced_lto`
<yomimono> it would make a great followon to hannes's posts about where the bytes in unikernels come from
<thomasga1> (it's in the main repo)
<mort___> thomasga1: i just tried typing that and build failed too
<thomasga1> you might need to `opam update`, Pierre's patch was merged recently
<mort___> failure looks like some shell nonsense, possibly because i don't already have the switch directory in place
<yomimono> OK, sounds like that's probably all for flambda, save some hackery that we can save for lateer
<yomimono> people are probably curious about the hackathon so I'll paste Gemma's update:
<yomimono> BEGIN QUOTE:
<yomimono> Current planned venue is Darwin College, Cambridge. Looking at spreading it over 2 days (Thurs 14th and Fri 15th July). I’ll take it to the mailing list, but if anyone is travelling far to get to Cambridge and will require a night/a few nights accommodation please let me know so I can look into rooms. Met a few people at the FP meetup in London last night who are also interested, so we might have some new people.
<yomimono> END QUOTE
<yomimono> also, GET HYPE
<dbuenzli> HYPE is HYPED
* mattg is HYPED
<yomimono> YEAAAAAAAAH
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<yomimono> we have also at the end of the agenda an "outreachy" header, but no items under it!
<wiredsister> haha
<yomimono> outreachy is pretty great!
<wiredsister> yay outreachy
<mort___> has wiredsister's fine blog post been mentioned enough yet?
<yomimono> no! thank you for pointing that out!
<wiredsister> yes, I did a blog thing about syslog.
* mort___ bows politely
<wiredsister> general question about something I'm thinking on:
<wiredsister> so an issue was posted asking for a "killer example" of syslog
<wiredsister> which might be something for me to work towards
<yomimono> (here's the blog post, if anyone missed it: http://www.gina.codes/ocaml/2016/06/06/syslog-a-tale-of-specifications.html )
<wiredsister> thanks yomimono :)
<Drup> hum, it's not on the ocaml planet.
<mort___> (wiredsister: pls could you point at the issue?)
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<wiredsister> yeah, one second
<mort___> (ta)
<wiredsister> so, this was for a canopy example
<wiredsister> which I'm not sure would be the best example, but it's not a bad idea
<wiredsister> so a question for me would be, what would be a great blog post + example using syslog? I was thinking maybe something involving docker for hype value and practicality.
<wiredsister> like, "How to make a syslog unikernel drunk and blindfolded!"
<wiredsister> something catchy for the kids.
<yomimono> something cool with types and structured messages and js visualizations maybe? kids love GUIs
<mort___> hm. not sure i understand (i rarely do). i think i interpret that issue as: could we have a webserver that posted apache-style log entries via syslog
<yomimono> or like "replicate this $6000 SIEM in one easy step"
<wiredsister> ooh great thomasga1
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<dbuenzli> Need to get some work done. Bye.
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<mato> wiredsister: I'd go for something like start X unikernels, all logging happily to a syslogd unikernel
<wiredsister> yeah, an integrated example would be best
<wiredsister> okay, cool. I'm going to paste this convo to this issue and keep the discussion going there.
<mato> wiredsister: for the hackathon i'd also like to have unikernel-runner (my run unikernels as docker containers glue) working with solo5, so could then help you to "dockerize" the example.
<mato> wiredsister: please ping me in the issue (@mato) so i get notifications, thx
<wiredsister> sounds like a fun time
<wiredsister> will do
<wiredsister> thanks mato
<mato> i have to run
<wiredsister> was outreachy mentioned because of new applicants yomimono?
<mato> see you all later
<wiredsister> I don't know when the next round starts applying
<yomimono> hm, I don't think it's for a bit yet.
<wiredsister> okay
<yomimono> later mato, thanks for coming :)
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<yomimono> "The next round of Outreachy internships will have an application deadline on October 17, 2016, and internship dates from December 6, 2016 to March 6, 2017. "
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<yomimono> so we're a ways out - tell your friends!
<engil> unpurecamelbot: commit done
<unpurecamelbot> done
<engil> unpurecamelbot: bye
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<yomimono> thanks engil :)
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<thomasga1> thanks, bye all
<noddy> we need a dance bot for the ending credits
<reynir> So hackathon will be 2 days?
<yomimono> assuming it's possible to get the venue for them.
<reynir> \o/
<yomimono> :D
<reynir> I took a week off work to go to england that week - the way I see it, more hackathon the better
<mattg> something for hannes - i made some progress on https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/442 at the weekend, and it is a couple of copyright notices away from being a PR
<mattg> finally...
<yomimono> ah, excellent!
<yomimono> another test case for updating mirage-types, and a rather large one too
<yomimono> everybody seems to like clocks.
<mattg> yes, next step is to use the right clock in all the things
<yomimono> let us know if there's any way folks can help out :)
<wiredsister> I have to sign off. Ping me always for grunt work/ help.
<wiredsister> bye nice camels
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<mattg> I'm sure there well be plenty yomimono
<yomimono> I'm off to enjoy the English summer in a brief moment of dryness! thanks again all.
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