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<|\n> hello, the are final or it may change in future for now?
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<wpwrak> |\n: nothing is ever final ;-) but there are no major changes planned (i see a couple of details that don't look quite right, to be checked with joerg). is there anything specific you're interested in ?
<|\n> wpwrak, subjectively question arised because of screen resolution =)
<wpwrak> ahycka: by the way, regarding component placement: there are a number of components that need to be at a precise location (for mechanical compatibility, switches, certain contacts, etc.). what's the best way to pass this information to you ?
<Wizzup> |\n: screen res is constant/fixed
<|\n> thanks Wizzup wpwrak
<wpwrak> ahycka: maybe there's one question before this :) have you been able to extract usable footprints from the design files ? (and do you actually plan to use these ? i guess altium comes with a big library of its own, which may be more convenient than importing "foreign" stuff)
<wpwrak> yes, we reuse the entire screen and slider assembly of n900. so we can't change the screen resolution or size. (which is admittedly a pity)
<Wizzup> |\n: odd, the res never bothered me though
<|\n> i'm planning to buy a phone with cozy screen enough for reading docs Wizzup
<|\n> regarding the rest looks fine to me, i like the fact it has physical qwerty, maybe there could be more ram but platform ideally compensates it subjectively
<pigeons> reading on the n900 is pretty god. no matter the resolution though, for reading nothing beats physical large size
<|\n> disagreed ^ cuz ppi
<|\n> do i get it right also that 480 eur is not the final price?
<wpwrak> the estimated price is about EUR 990 + taxes. here is a cost estimate from last year:
<|\n> thanks wpwrak
<|\n> market needs such things because the main concept doesn't suck
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<wpwrak> does anyone know if the twl5031 is documented anywhere, or if it has a tps##### equivalent name ? (like twl5030b == TPS65950)
<wpwrak> according to google, it doesn't even exist :(
<wpwrak> (as a chip i mean. there are things that talk about it, like the linux driver)
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<Arch-TK> Maybe someone wrote a driver for a nonexistent chip??!?!
<Arch-TK> I am writing the firmware for a keyboard... for a MK20DX256 thing... this is certainly the most fun I've had in a while.
<DocScrutinizer05> the damn thing is in N9
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: are you aware of any documentation for it ? i'm just trying to end a paragraph properly, not having it end with what's basically a shrug :)
<DocScrutinizer05> so I bet any linux drivers are written by nokia
<DocScrutinizer05> and all I found was a cheesy "diffs between twl4030 and 4031"
<wpwrak> ah yes, i rememeber that. didn't tell us about mystery ACI.
<wpwrak> ah well, the verbal shrug it is then :)
<DocScrutinizer05> /_hidden/docs/hw/tps65951_elec_mech.pdf
<DocScrutinizer05> aka SWCS053E
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: ^^^
<DocScrutinizer05> proper 150+ pages
<wpwrak> alas, no mention of ACI there either
<DocScrutinizer05> ACI?
<DocScrutinizer05> ECI?
<wpwrak> ACI is the thing nokia's twl5031 kernel driver uses to do ECI
<DocScrutinizer05> duh
<wpwrak> indeed :)
<DocScrutinizer05> why "alas"? maybe it's as simpler as "the driver bitbangs it all"
<DocScrutinizer05> which is btw what I suggested to do in N900, since dunno 2010?
<DocScrutinizer05> even a supposed 400kHz(??) could get bitbanged when it's a direct CPU GPIO
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<wpwrak> (bitbang) yes, but the protocol is unknown, and it seems that nobody bothered to reverse-engineer it
<DocScrutinizer05> err the protocol is "public"
<DocScrutinizer05> there's that master thesis done by a Nokia doctorand?
<wpwrak> where he explains how he used an attiny to implement the secret protocol, and examined the i2c signal integrity, yes :)
<DocScrutinizer05> but honestly why do we care?
<DocScrutinizer05> nonsense, there must be exact timing and down to the attiny code
<DocScrutinizer05> iirc
<wpwrak> there is a lot about i2c, including very detailed timing diagrams. and hardly a word about ECI. quite a feat, to write a thesis on something without actually revealing much about it ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> what I found is
<wpwrak> yes, this is a driver for an unknown controller chip :)
<wpwrak> apparently not even that ACI, whatever it is. there are many hints about ECI, none of which leading anywhere
<wpwrak> the best so far seems to be Pali's, which ends in a dead (= inaccessible) repo. but i suspect that even there nothing tangible could be found
<Pali> dead repo?
<wpwrak> anyway, i looked at this because i wanted to know how fast ECI signals are, for GPIO classification. so i'll just declare them as "fast" for now. that solves my worries :).
<Pali> which is dead?
<wpwrak> Pali: you said the code that's the next step is in a repo that vanished with gitorious
<Pali> ohmd
<Pali> but gitorious has archived all repos
<Pali> and I think merlin1991 has backup of it too
<Pali> ha, backup looks like to be also on github
<wpwrak> ah, there seem to be mirrors. so i misunderstood you. let's see if there is anything worth finding ...
<wpwrak> kewl, thanks !
<DocScrutinizer05> nokia-av.ko anyway is highly relevant for us
<wpwrak> Pali: this particular breadcrumb leads to things like ohm_plugin_get_param(plugin, "jack-match") (in
<wpwrak> still some links unknown to me there
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