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<Oksana> Fast connectivity sounds like the trickiest thing. If motherboard is designed with plug-in cellular modem in mind, then how to ensure that motherboard doesn't become the bottleneck limiting the connectivity between different modules?
<Oksana> But, if motherboard is cheap enough (memory on MicroSD card, instead of soldered-on chip; and so on), then motherboard itself could be upgraded in the future?
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<sixwheeledbeast> soldered on will always be faster or do you mean storage?
<drathir_tor> Oksana: memory at sdcard that somehow not feels too fast...
<sixwheeledbeast> a bit like with desktops motherboard/ram/processor are often generational, they'd normally be upgraded together.
<sixwheeledbeast> I know embedded is a little different but that's what consumers would expect
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