Zadeh has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
it complains on line 11
inside the function
ah, you can't have functions with more than one param?
how would I solve that then?
(I mean, how do I make a nameless function that accepts two params without resorting to 'function a -> function b')
got it, it's 'fun'
how do I type a function?
vincez: let f x: int->int = succ
aha, thnx
what if I have
let f x = function
vincenz: but there is rarely a reason to do that
| ..y...stuff.. ->
mellum; why? I think if I restrict my types it clarifies the usage
If the program is that complicated, you usually create an .mli file that contains function signatures
Also, types can sometimes get pretty verbose
ah, i see
Hm, the best I have in my program is val edge_fold : (Graph.graph -> int -> int -> bool) -> ('a -> Branch.obj -> 'a) -> 'a -> Graph.graph -> 'a :-)
what's it do?
like a list fold but for graphs?
I'm trying to study this compiler book on my own
I'm at chapter 1
straightline interpreter :)
It's actually not that complicated, it's like list.fold, only it takes an additional filter, and iterates over edges of a graph
I followed the course last year, but it was in based on a C book, and we didn't get much practice. So I ordered the same book but the ML version and I'm trying to do it all now :)
how do I get the last element of a list?
You don't, since that is an expensive operation :)
I have to
I've got a list of expressions
each has to be executed and I want the value from the last
but since the other ones might have sideeffects..
perhaps a list.fold_right
Sounds like a job for fold.
fold_left or right?
Uh, I always confuse those two...
yeah, me too
I want the head to be executed first
easy to test
just use a ref
List.fold_left (fun r v-> r:=v;r) a [1; 2; 3];;
List.fold_right (fun v r-> r:=v;r) [1; 2; 3] a;;
fold_left gives me a {contents = 3}
fold_right gives me a {contents = 1}
almost done with my first interpreter
I'll put it on nopaste if you want to see it
What does it interpret?
this custom code that they use as an example
it's just chapter 1
an intro
but I want to do everything in this book
* Vincenz
is at page 11 of 520
You got a lot of time? :)
I work
but not this week anymore
vacation until sunday
could you help me with a fold statement?
as output I want a pair (int, list)
where the list is a lookuptable (don't worry about the construction of that)
Kinners has joined #ocaml
as input I have a list of expressions
and I have the function
interpExp : expression -> list -> (int, list)
where this list is a lookuptable too
ah, I might have it :)
List.fold_right (fun v r-> r:=v;r) [1; 2; 3] a;;
let (n2, l2) = List.fold_left (fun (n1, l1) e -> interpExp e l) (0, l) l
of course...I finish programming and I have errors
Wahoo, it works :)
want me to paste it online?
Vincenz: Well, then just quickly write an optimizing C++ compiler, and it is enough for today ;)