val set : vecteur -> int -> F2.carrier -> unit
(ive removed some functions, so that this is not 50 lines long
ok, It what I think : when you do a v.lounger it mean that v is a record type. It donest seem to be the case Here
to call a function, you should do :
F2Lin.longueur v not v.longeur
ok, i give it a try
it's working, thx a lot for the hints
by the way, what you have given is the module definition. THe type definition is only the "type vecteur = F2Lin.vecteur" line
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i want to create an array containing lists from " 0 0 0 0" to "1 1 1 1" (so thats a 16 items array) .. how can i do this?
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you have to count in binarys
i know, but what's the best way to do that?
frankly, it look like homework, And I don't like to awser to something which look like homework...
(but you have to learn to add one, and then you can count)
i'm trying to implement CRC's in ocaml
it is not already done somewhere ?
well that's homework... but doing it in ocaml is not homework
i could have done this in 1 hour in C... but i want to learn ocaml
then my anser is still : " you have to learn to add one, and then you can coun"
(with the t for count)
(best to learn by trying)
so i'll reformulate my question to get the answer i want: would u use imperative or recursive style in order to do this?
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Probably recursive, but I do everything recursivly
another question : is it possible to do grapical things with camel? for example, is there a xlib or a SDL for ocaml?
there is ocamlsdl, lablgtk labtk, lablgl, xlib and some others...
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if i write "let table = Array.make 2^8 0 in", will i be able to put any kind of things in this aray? or just integers?
just integers
how do i tell the kind of things i want to put in the array?
by giving one at construction time
for example i've defined a type rep = { foo.... }, and want an array of rep.. do i write let table= Array.make n rep ?
you have to give a object of type rep to Array.make
so " let r:rep in let table=Array.make n r in" ?
well, for example
(you don't have to explictly give the type of are if it is already known)
(stupid program that automaticly trasform "r" into are
oh ok
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whats wrong with this : "let r: rep in let table = Array.make 50 r in table.1.age=1 table.1.size=2 " ?
oh, well. You have to have an something of type rep. There is nothing there. YOu just say r is of type rep, but you didn't give any value, there have to be one
plus it is table.(1), the ( ) are mandatory
i feel like i'm misunderstanding the whole langage :(
well. It s not so easy.
By the way, are you french ?
is my english so awfull?:)
non, mais je viens de faire un whois et je me suis dis, nerim, tiens ça me dis qqc
je vois:)
bah ton whois me dit kkc aussi :)
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btw, j'ai décidé de me mettre a ocaml, et j'espere que ca va etre payant dans qulques mois parcke pour le moment, c'est pas évident
l'ider, pour un tableu, c'est qu'il doit être initialisé.
bah let r: rep in, ca dit que r est de type r
et table=array.make 50 r in ca dit que table est un tableau contenant 50 elements du type de r, donc de type rep ... non?
ça ne dis pas ce que vaut r, il faut lui donner une valeur a ce r
hum ok
Il n'y a pas de valeur non initialisé en caml
donc r.foo = 0 par ex?
non, plutot let r = { foo = 0; bar = 0; kux="tre"}
(j'ai oublier le in)
a quoi il sert le in au fait? je vois pas de cas ou on le met pas...
en fait je suis en maitrise d'info, et le dess que je veux faire l'an prochain est plein de camel, donc il faut que j'aprenne:)
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thedark: on a pas besoin du in pour definir des valeur de toplevel (c'est a dire les valeur qui peuvent êrte utilisé de l'exterieur du module courant (entre autre))
par défaut les variables sans in sont globales donc?
__DL__: can u have a quick look at my code, i cant understand my mistakes ...
foo n t = match t with
|0 -> []
|t -> if n => 2^t then [1]::foo (n - 2^t) (t - 1) else [0@::foo n (t-1)
^ est la concaténation de strings
pas ce que tu veux je pense ...
mais tout le monde parle francais ici? (en effet, je veux la puissance)
** est l'exponentiation mais c'est pour les flottants
2. ** 3. donne 8.
ok:) merci
mais là tu peux faire un shift
1 lsl t ;;
et pour le reste?
pour => je pense que tu voulais dire >=
ensuite pour les ::
à gauche il faut mettre un élément
à droite le reste de la liste
donc là ça pas parce que tu mets des listes à droite et à gauche
bah non j'en mets qu'a gauche la non?
ben justement, faut pas
enfin ça depends
tu veux quoi comme résultat un "int list" ou in "int list list"
1 lsl t c pareil que 2^t ? ya pas une histoire d'effet de bord (0 lsl t, 2 lsl t ...) ?
jveux une liste d'entiers
alors c'est 0 :: (foo truc bidule)
je pense que le pb, c'est qu'il afut mettre 1::(foo ...) et non [1]::(foo ...)
ok merci:)
je vous laisse a+
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how do i create an array of n ints initalized to 0 ?
Array.make n 0
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can someone explain me what carrier is ? i have a function val set : vecteur -> int -> F2.carrier -> unit
and i cant figure out how to use it :( set v 0 1 will say 1 is not of type F2.carrier
I've no idea. What is this library you use ?
its definition (of the library) starts with type carrier = int ..
it would sound like F2.carrier is an abstract type.. are you sure the "= int" is in the interface, and not just the implementation?
its just in the implementation
the interface just says "type carrier"
ok, then you can't constuct it straight, but need to use some function provided by the interface to construct one
ok:) i c:) thx
set is "val set : vecteur -> int -> F2.carrier -> unit" and when i do " set v 1 F2.zero" it says set has too many args .. ideas?
you have a semicolon in the end of the line?
no . do i need one?
i cant figure out where , are needed and where they arent..
that is "set v 1 F2.zero;".. if you have some expression after it, then yes
ok:) thx
but yeah.. i agree the syntax is a bit of a pain in the ass, but you get used to it after a while
this ; (or something else) causes other problems :
| t -> if n >= 1 lsl t then set v t F2.one;
binary_from_int (n - (1 lsl t)) (t-1)
else set v t F2.zero;
binary_from_int n (t-1) ;;
this will return me a syntax error on the "else"
put the expression sequences in brackets.. that is, if ... then (.....) else (....)
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okay, it works:) thx
what can causes Exception: Invalid argument "Array.set" ? does it mean i'm trying to access the array out of bound, or that i'm trying to put something of the wrong type in it?
it is an out of bound acces.
tape safety tell us that you can't put something of the wrong type in it, so there is no exception for this
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thats i've thought, but i cant understand why my access is out of bound :(
can i flood u a bit with french stuff, maybe my error will sound obvious to you ...
go ahead
let v:F2Lin.vecteur = vecteur_of_ints (Array.make t 0) in
set v (t+1) F2.one
* vecteur_of_ints prend un tableau OCaml d'entiers et renvoie un
* vecteur dont les éléments sont les images modulo 2 de ces entiers
* ints_of_vecteur prend un vecteur d'éléments de F2 et renvoie un
* tableau OCaml de ces éléments vus comme entiers
val vecteur_of_ints : int array -> vecteur
* set v i value modifie le vecteur v en place en remplaçant
* l'élément d'indice i par la valeur value donnée en paramètre
* Les indices commencent à 0.
val set : vecteur -> int -> F2.carrier -> unit
the first 2 lines are what i'm doing, the other ones are the function definitions ... with t instead of t+1 i've the same bug
an array of length t has indexes from 0 to t-1
i see ...
so, if you try to access index t, of t + 1, you'll be out of bounds
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whats wrong with this,ocaml tells me the "p" on the last line is used with type F2Lin.vecteur instead of type int
let poids v:F2Lin.vecteur = let p = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to F2Lin.longueur v do if (F2Lin.get v i) = F2.one then p:=!p+1 done;
you explicitly declared the return value type of poids as F2Lin.vecteur
and then return an int ref
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i suppose what you WANTED to do was explicitly declare the type of the argument v as F2Lin.vecteur
therefore you should make that say
let poids (v : F2Lin.vecteur) = etc
so i just miss the ( ) for the argument ?
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another problem looking similar : let aux_distancemin g:F2lin.matrice a b = tells me unbound type constructor F2Lin.matrice .. what have i done wrong ?
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i think the module you want to refer to is called F2Lin
not F2lin
now with let aux_distancemin g:F2Lin.matrice a b = i've got an unbound type constructor b (a and b are intended to be ints)
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use parenthesis...
yep i've figured it out..
but still i cant understand why :(
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because when you don't enclose it in parentheses, it thinks the type specification returns to the return type of the function
refers that is
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how to access record fields in another module that you haven't opened?
i always forget this, please help :(
ah that easy!
thanks Riastradh
* exa
bows gracefully
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do i have to specify the name of the module of a type if this type has been defined in the current file?
so can u explain this :
type code_correcteur = | lot of things here |
let code (u:F2Lin.vecteur) (C:code_correcteur) = mult_vect_mat u C.generatrice
i get a unbound constructor C message
because C.generatrice
what's the "." ?
No, because of (C:code_correcteur), if 'type code_correcteur = | ... |' doesn't contain C in the ...
more funny things follows
This expression has type code_correcteur but is here used with type
That (C:code_correcteur) tries to match C as a constructor for code_correcteur.
I'm just as confused as you are on that one.
Riastradh: it works perectly with 'c' insted of 'C'
Yes, because C looks like a constructor to OCaml.
oh ok, i didnt know that.. what about my "
This expression has type code_correcteur but is here used with type code_correcteur
I haven't the faintest idea.
i'm a little piqued :(
Why are you using type annotations in the function definition?
Why don't you put them in the module's interface?
i shouldnt?
Generally they're put in the module's interface.
ok. it works fine without it
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i have a recursive function doing accesses to an array, and i dont know how to return this array. ideas?
Um, put the array at the place where the function returns.
do u want to have a look at my function?
let rec binary_from_int n t =
let v:F2Lin.vecteur = vecteur_of_ints (Array.make t 0) in
match t with
1 -> if n = 1 then set v 0 F2.one else set v 0 F2.zero;
| t -> if n >= 1 lsl t then (set v (t-1) F2.one;
binary_from_int (n - (1 lsl t)) (t-1))
else (set v (t-1) F2.zero;
binary_from_int n (t-1)) ;;
right now it has type unit.. and i want it to return an array of hint
Remove one semicolon from the last line.
Er, I think you may have to surround the 'match' with parentheses.
Then put the last semicolon outside of them, and, on another line, put the array.
wont work
Show me it now as you have made my modifications.
says the huge thing (match....) is not a function
let rec binary_from_int n t =
let v:F2Lin.vecteur = vecteur_of_ints (Array.make t 0) in
( match t with
1 -> if n = 1 then set v 0 F2.one else set v 0 F2.zero;
| t -> if n >= 1 lsl t then (set v (t-1) F2.one;
binary_from_int (n - (1 lsl t)) (t-1))
else (set v (t-1) F2.zero;
binary_from_int n (t-1)))
v ;;
Put a semicolon after the last parenthesis after the 'match'.
still not working.. i will need an auxiliary function i see
i meant i think:)
There is no reason you should need one.
Paste your code again.
sometimes it returns a unit
and sometimes it returns an array
let rec binary_from_int n t =
let v:F2Lin.vecteur = vecteur_of_ints (Array.make t 0) in
( match t with
1 -> if n = 1 then set v 0 F2.one else set v 0 F2.zero;
| t -> if n >= 1 lsl t then (set v (t-1) F2.one;
binary_from_int (n - (1 lsl t)) (t-1))
else (set v (t-1) F2.zero;
binary_from_int n (t-1)));
v ;;
i need to put the recursivity thing into another function
No, you don't.
This expression has type F2Lin.vecteur but is here used with type unit
Have you declared it in a signature?
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whi should have
again, look at what it returns
unit at the line 5
and an array at the last line
Perhaps the reader is somewhat indentation-sensitive -- try indenting 'v;;' with two spaces.
Oh, wait.
Duh, no, you're using it in the wrong context.
It -does- return an F2Lin.vecteur.
But all the calls to binary_from_int allocate new vectors, and those vectors are thrown away.
on the last line yes
but not on the fifth line
on the 4th i mean
1 -> if n = 1 then set v 0 F2.one else set v 0 F2.zero;
That function doesn't look like it will work anyways.
The result of every single call to binary_to_int is thrown away.
i mean yes
but the recursive call modifies the result v with the set call...
i think this function would work... with an axuilary one.. thats what i'm gonna do:)
No, it won't, because binary_to_int always makes a new vector.
thats why i need an auxiliary function
Why, though?
A simple 'for' loop will suffice -- that's why they included 'for'.
not a bad idea:)
my goal is to generate all the combinations betwwen "000000000" and "1111111111"... or to count in binary in other words.. ideas,
Why can't you count in base 10?
because i want to generate things from "0000000" to "1111111"
its for implementing a CRC module
OK, so write a function that increments or decrements a binary number.
s/ or decrements//1
well i'm trying to do it with ony imperative style now, hold on
It can be done imperatively.
...if you represent binary numbers as arrays.
thats what i'm doing
But you're making it far more complicated than necessary.
To increment, find the first bit from the right that's 0, set it to 1, and set all the bits before it to 0.
i know that
Since you're counting binary numbers, what more do you need to do?
i need to stock them somewhere
'Stock them' somewhere?
at the end of all my stuff, i want an array containing at the indice i the binary representation of i
and the binary representation of i is an array of 0 and 1
OK, that's not hard.
well it's hard for me, as i dont know the ocaml langage:(
Um, maybe you should learn it before trying to write this thing.
i'm learning it by trying to write it
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but i'm a little confused with the mix of imperative and functional features
Why aren't you learning with something a bit simpler?
thedark: you don't _have_ to mix them
well i'm trying to do the whole thing with imperative code now
with mutable datastructures (arrays), it's probably better to stay with imperative code
I would advise you use the functional parts while learning.
code is more readable and easier to understand
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i've just done my stuff the imperative way, but ocaml says i've an error, can someone have a quick look at my function?
Riastradh: can i paste u my function, i dont know why it wont compile :(
If it's not too long.
about 15 lines
Paste it in five-line chunks, with a gap of a couple seconds in between each chunk.
let table_representants c =
let rep:representant = {rep= vecteur_of_ints (Array.make (longueur c) 0);poidsmin=0 }in
let table= Array.make (1 lsl (longueur c)) rep in
let temp = (vecteur_of_ints(Array.make (longueur c) 0)) in
let j = ref 0;
for i = 1 to (1 lsl (longueur c)) do
while (get temp j)=F2.one do
set temp j F2.zero;
set temp j F2.one;
table.(i).rep = temp;
table.(i).poids = poids (temp )
ocaml says i have a syntax error on the last ;;
What's the 'let j = ref 0;' about?
i use it to read the temp vector
for adding 1 to a binary number, i have to find the first 0, and to turn it to 1 (and then to turn those before to 0) ... i'm using j for that
No, no, why is there a semicolon there and not an ' in' instead?
well i think/home i've get it to work
I continue to really suggest you use functional code, not imperative code, too.
well i think it depends on the thing u want to do
...and if you're learning OCaml, it is generally better to focus upon the functional bits.
well i've already focused on it a lot, so i'm trying to use a few imperative things now
how can i get a random float between 0 and 1 ?
Use the Random module, Luke!
well i thought Rand.float 1 was what i needed, but apparently not:-
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