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type t = { f : 'a. int -> 'a } (* What's wrong with this field? *)
nothing, for example { f = function x -> List.hd []} has type t
Oh, wait, no, not that.
What's the meaning of 'a.?
let make : (int -> 'a) -> t = fun f -> { f = f }
mellum, it's a polymorphic field -- instead of t having the type parametre 'a, f has the type parametre 'a, and therefore you can have two ts of the same type such that f has a different type between them.
OCaml complains about that make function -- 'This value has type int -> 'a which is less general than 'b. int -> 'b'
'a. int -> 'a means for all 'a, int -> 'a, and int -> 'a means for one 'a, int -> 'a, so the type of f is less general
Yes, and how do I fix it?
type a t = { f: a * int -> a } ?
better ?
why don't you use type 'a t = { f: int -> 'a }?
' is not good
that . wasn't * ?
type a t = { f: int -> a }
ok, i don't know any ocaml ;)
type 'a t = { f : 'a -> int }type 'a t = { f : 'a -> int } seems to work
type 'a t = { f : 'a -> int }
once ;)
yeah! :)
Then I can't put it in things like exceptions, pnou.
why not?
Exceptions can't take type parametres.
both work
type t = { f : 'a . int -> 'a};;
type 'a t = { f : int -> 'a};;
then using your func definition
I get an exception from both
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type 'a t = { f : int -> 'a }
let make : (int -> 'a) -> 'a t = fun f -> { f = f }
...works for me.
Or did you mean pnou's function in the 'f' field didn't work?
no they both work
I didn't say "didn't work"
so I'm curious why the distinction is importan
exception Foo of 'a t
This won't work, because 'a is undefined.
exception 'a Foo of 'a t
andt he second one will ?
This won't work, because exceptions can't take type parametres.
* Vincenz
but type t = { f : 'a . int -> 'a};;
that will work cause the type is not parametrizable
so what I wonder is, why is this allowed?
type t = { f : 'a. int -> 'a }
after all it does take a parameter
is perfectly valid.
And, indeed, then:
exception Foo of t
But 'make' does not.
but, why did they allow this?
and not the other
'The other?'
why did they allow an exception of a type who contains a parameter and not a parametrizable type?
It is useful in certain circumstances, such as that which I just described.
but, hmm
this is so useful that you can't do what you want :)
I know there was an explicit reason not to allow parametrizable types in eceptions
so I wonder why this -is- allowed
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ocaml keeps thinking that this general function accepts only exp and not other stuff
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mind if I paste?
it's 9 lines
Go ahead.
and print_list f s (ll: 'a list) = match ll with
| [] -> ()
| [e] -> f e
| e::l -> f e; print_string s; print_list l
it's to print lists of various things
the f can be passed in to print specific items
now I use it once to print an exp list
and later to print a (symbol*exp*pos) list
This expression has type (symbol * exp * pos) list but is here used with type
exp list
Put it in its own file.
it's defined in a long list of
BTW, the [e] case is redundant, since [e] == e :: []
let rec print_xxx
and print_xyz
and ...
and print_list
mellum, no, because print_string shouldn't be called in the case of e :: [], but since that matches e :: l, print_string will be printed.
I guess because of line 83 it tries to prematurely bind the list that is passed in to an exp list
I don't see why though, the calling of a function shouldn't restrict it's type, should it?
apparently with recursive declarations it tries to bind it
let rec plop = plap print_int 1; plap print_string "a"
and plap f x = f x;;
plap print_string "a": This expression has type string -> unit but is here used with type int -> unit
even if you specificy it should take ('a -> unit) and 'a
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docelic|away is now known as docelic
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I'd like to combine a bunch of components in separate files with each their own modules -- say the whole thing is called Lib, and there's a subcomponent A -- I want to be able to reference values in A with: Lib.A.value
How should I go about doing this?
yopu could type in Lib.ml
module A = A
Reference to undefined global `A'
of course A would have to be defined in A.ml
otherwise you do
module A = struct ....end
inside the Lib.ml file
A.ml contains ordinary OCaml expressions, not a 'module' definition.
you have to call it a.ml
the first letter gets capitalized
and the module stuff is implicit
but it has to be a.ml
not A.ml
The subcomponents' filenames are all of the format 'Subcompname.ml[i]' and I can reference them stuff as Subcompname.foo in each subcomponent file.
maybe because your makefile says subcompname.ml[i] and you're running windows?
I'm neither using make nor using Windoze.
I meant, when you compile
you type
ocamlc -c subcompname.ml[i]
No, I'm using 'ocamlc -c Foo.ml Foo.mli'.
then I don't know, sorry
What about details?
but foo.ml is more standard
than Foo.ml
It shouldn't matter.
it does
I'm using qualified names in each of the subcomponents and it works fine.
it will look for a file called foo.cmi / foo.cma as a compiled object when you reference a module called Foo
Foo.bar references the value bar defined in Foo.ml.
the file must be named foo.ml
for it to find references to a member called bar in that file
Foo.bar references the value bar defined in foo.ml ;)
Er, but my filesystem is case insensitive anyways, so it won't matter anyways.
it works that way even on windows, where the file system is case insensitive
How is that possible?
windows preserves the case of the filename, it just doesn't use it to distinguish files
that's the problem I had
Windows is irrelevant; I'm not using it.
I had compile SomeModule.ml
and it couldn't find the module SomeModule
now that I compile it as someModule.ml
it works
and I work on windows
it is VERY important how you tell the compiler to compile it
windoze is irrelevant
that's weird
Yes, because I'm -not using it-.
it's used less often than bsd or solaris, and is faaaar from linux
no it's not irrelevant
that's why in linux the filenames have to be lowercase firstlettered
by serious people that is
How is it relevant to my problem?
and on operating systems that ignore case
you should compile it as firstletterlowercased
OK, fine, I will, but tell me: how the bloody hell is Windows relevant to my problem?
because it demonstrates that even on a case-insenstive FS you should compile files as foo.ml rather than as Foo.ml
it demonstrates that case insensitive filesystems are braindead
* Vincenz
lus, it worked perfectly fine before I tried to combine all the modules in one big module.
on my system only lowercase default.ida is redirected to microsoft.com
maybe i should tweat regexs in apache
ocamlc -c Foo.mli Foo.ml; ocamlc -c Bar.mli Bar.ml # in Bar.ml, Foo.baz is referenced, and it worked perfectly fine.
yeah, but it can't hurt if you rename all files to lower case letter first
It can't hurt but it should also make no difference.
maybe, maybe not :)
just $ rename 's/A-Z/a-z/g' *
how do I replace all \n's in to \\n's in a string?
and \t's with \\t's
it's for a printing function
I guess a forloop?
there was something like String.escape
not remember it clearly
thnx :)
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My printfunction works correctly
it prints out an AST exactly like it's made, so I can save it into a file and reload it
you're still at parsing phase ?
I went out
that time was spent on that printing function
you could use it better on installing linux and there you have ocamldebug for free ;)
it's handy
generates ocamlcode in the printout to create the AST
does ocaml have universal print function ?
maybe it already does
No, but you can cheat and use the Printf.printf garbage.
Riastradh: how ?
R-ing TFM helps.
sure ;)
i don't have slighties clue how have they implemented printf and how do it know that "%d\n" needs int etc
printf is by camlp4??
I think so.
I doubt it can tho
Can what?
print any structure
doesn't part of it get lost at compilation?
it generates printing function during compilation
just need to know how to access them
(printf "%d\n") is generated function
"printf" is better treated as keyword ;)
that's a bit complex and i don't understand it well
tfm also doesn't say much
actually thats not true printf is just a normal function
whats special is "%d\n"
which is NOT a string
but a format specifier
which already contains the type information
i.e. in the %d
at least thats how I understood it
if you look at tfm
et fmt = (Obj.magic fmt : string) in
"%a" expects a ('b -> unit) and 'b
wtf is that ?
so I wonder where it gets the printing functions from
Obj.magic seems to be the guilty one
that's camlp4?
no, that's not camlp4
where do you see Obj?
camlp4 is even more evil than that
in definition of fprintf
oh found it:)
so, which manual explains that ?
# let x : (int->unit, out_channel, unit) format = "%d";;
val x : (int -> unit, out_channel, unit) format = <abstr>
taw: where do you see the reference to Obj.t?
ocamlbrowser - printf
don't say you don't have ocamlbrowser either ;)
of course I do
I was looking throug tfm
I see no Obj.t
what version do you have?
type t
it's TopLoop.print_value
it just says that here
I know
but I don't see Obj.t in Printf
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hey huys
how to use all these to print expressions ?
in UserInterface.ml, i have the class user_interface. in GraphicalUserInterface.ml, i have the class graphical_user_interface. i want to inherit user_interface, so i have "inherit UserInterface.user_interface foo", but when i compile GraphicalUserInterface.ml, it says that UserInterface.user_interface is unbound
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oh. since the source files were named with an initial capital letter, so were the .cmi files, so ocaml couldn't find them
(it automatically lowercases the first letter in module names)
* Riastradh
's problem still persists.
i read faqs and fms but still no info about that
how to print arbitrary value
i get an array out of bounds exception, how do i know the context of the faulty call?
taw: you don't have an arbitrary value
you know the type of every value you have
that's why it should be easy
but is not
there should be some function
printme 'a -> unit
or string_of_any 'a -> string
that wouldn't even hurt much if i had to use it like printme ( expr : typename)
then whats bad about doing print_typename expr ?
because type may be something like int array or float tree
then you do e.g. print_array string_of_int [| 1; 2; 3 |] or something like it?
there is somethinf like print_array ?
i can't see such thing anywhere
taw, Array.iter print_string array
no, that's no good
no but you could easily define it :)
it should do things like [ ; ] etc.
and then there are many constructed types
toplevel already knows how to print them
let string_of_array soe x = "[|" ^ String.concat (List.map soe (List.of_array x)) ";" ^ "|]"
why should i make printing functions every time when they already exist
yeah something like that should be in the standard library
maybe a few lines of perl would be enough
like ./gen_printme "int array tree"
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taw: string_of_list elem_to_string_fn delim list is better IMHO
printme would be the best
ruby has it, why can't ocaml have it too ;)
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lack of overloading i think
imperative overloading that is
doesn't matter
we can find that out at compile time
no way to write print for int's and strings
it's a failure of the type system if I understood it correctly
it should be implemented the same way as toplevel does it
toplevel use a hack IIRC
so ?
that's good
we can use the same hack too
with installed printers
it would be wonderful for debugging
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it may be slow and whatnot
printf is your friend
but debugging ocaml stuff would immediately begome way more useful
no !
printf can't print even lists
let alone anything comparable to what toplevel can
this is still the most annoying thing in ocaml
computer systems generally consist of theoretycally sound base and a couple of hacks that make it 10x more useful
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how would this look like with ocamlopt instead of ocamlc: ocamlc -o deepwood -I +sdl bigarray.cma sdl.cma foo.ml
i tried ocamlopt -o deepwood -I +sdl bigarray.cmx sdl.cmx foo.ml, but i don't get the implementations from sdl