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Now you did it, Riastradh.
No, it was your silent presence, Smerdyakov.
Don't frame others for your faults.
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If you create a list of `#drawable' (which supports only 1 method: draw) how is the method dispatched on when you call draw on a item in the list ?
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WOuld it maybe be better to have a list of closures ?
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det: type drawable = { draw : unit -> unit };; drawable.draw ()
using classes just hides making those closures yourself.
What would be better would be using a module.
unless you have inheritance.
damn, don#t tell me. det just left the minute before I startedtyping.
gene9 has joined #ocaml
Anyone left alive?
* emu
keels over
lament has quit ["I AM NOT THE NEW DALAI LAMA"]
I'm working on some asynchronous IO functions. I'm trying to do write a function that will returns a value into which something will be read later when the input becomes available.
Something similar to the Lazy module.
I'm not sure what would be the best way to go about it though.
The user interface should look somewhat like this: let i = read_int input in let j = read_int input in let foo = { i = i; j = j; } in wait_for_input input (fun () -> store_foo foo)
read_int would just prepare to read an int but wouldn't block and wait_for_input would call the 2nd argument (a closure) when all the input has arived.
Noone any idea?
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docelic: awake?
I'm working on some asynchronous IO functions. I'm trying to do write a function that will returns a value into which something will be read later when the input becomes available. Something similar to the Lazy module.
I'm not sure what would be the best way to go about it though. The user interface should look somewhat like this: let i = read_int input in let j = read_int input in let foo = { i = i; j = j; } in wait_for_input input (fun () -> store_foo foo)
read_int would just prepare to read an int but wouldn't block and wait_for_input would call the 2nd argument (a closure) when all the input has arived.
I know 0 ocaml.. Im here because I plan to learn it one day ;-)
too bad.
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09:29 < mrvn> det: type drawable = { draw : unit -> unit };; drawable.draw ()
09:29 < mrvn> basically.
09:30 < mrvn> using classes just hides making those closures yourself.
09:30 < mrvn> What would be better would be using a module.
09:31 < mrvn> unless you have inheritance.
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I found a mailing list message that outlined the dispatch of methods in ocaml
it seems that it doesnt make any closures at all
but instead dispatched like ObjC
Which is?
det has quit ["ircII EPIC4-1.1.2 -- Are we there yet?"]
after reading this I came to the conclusion that I will hjust have a structure like you did called drawable with closures for all the functions that a drawable must implement
it also must check things like the right number of arguments at run-time apparently :/
Do you have inhertitance?
as in they all inherit from an abstract class (all support the same interface), yes
I need to have a hetergeneous list
so the closure thing or objects appear to be the only solution
but no drawable2 that inherits drawable but also some more functions?
You can make a list of objects or a list of closures.
yeah :)
I don#t think you can make a heterogene list with modules otherwise.
you cant :/
You might be able to make a functor though.
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but then the list would still be homo
But you would end up with a list of closures.
oh, really
sounds interesting
it would be nice if you could do something like
module type Sequence =
type 'a sequence
exception EmptyList
val empty: 'a sequence
val prepend: 'a sequence -> 'a -> 'a sequence
val car: 'a sequence -> 'a
val cdr: 'a sequence -> 'a sequence
and then have a list of `Sequences'
Thats what List is.
I mean be able to use Sequence in type declarations
so it could be a List, or anything else that supported that interface
Thats what functors do.
so, I can make a function that will create my closures for me
No, the functor takes the interface as argument.
functor I mean
but I still cant have a hetergenous list ?
No. but it would be homogene if all the signatures are equal.
I'm sorry, could you give a simple example as possible ?
type drawable = { draw : unit -> unit; };;
let button = { draw = fun () -> print_string "draw button\n"; };;
let icon = { draw = fun () -> print_string "draw icon\n"; };;
let l = [button; icon];;
List.iter (fun x -> x.draw ()) l;;
draw button
draw icon
- : unit = ()
oh, I thought you were saying I could do it with fucntors :)
If a drawable itself has some data and some functions itself then a functor is better.
that's what I dont understand, how to do it with functors
Is using a functor a different approach than closures, or is it just helpful way to produce them ?
I hope I didnt scare you away
This example gets long
ok :)
thanks very very much :)
I will wait patiently like a good boy now
type base_drawable = { draw : unit -> unit; };;
let button = { draw = fun () -> print_string "draw button\n"; };;
let icon = { draw = fun () -> print_string "draw icon\n"; };;
let l = [button; icon];;
List.iter (fun x -> x.draw ()) l;;
module type DRAWABLE_TYPE = sig val draw: unit -> unit end;;
type drawable = { draw : unit -> unit; barf : unit -> unit; };;
I assume this example starts with "module type .." ?
I understand now
now objects are completely useless to me
you are awsome mrvn
class virtual base_drawable = object
method virtual draw : unit
class button = object
inherit base_drawable
method draw = print_string "Draw button\n"
ofcourse, he's on #debian-devel ;)
class icon = object
inherit base_drawable
method draw = print_string "Draw icon\n"
let l = [((new button) :> base_drawable); ((new icon) :> base_drawable)];;
List.iter (fun x -> x#draw) l;;
I somewhat find that much easier.
I agree
that URL I posted
I cant that dispatch nastiness distubs me greatly
s/I cant//
the class example should just create the closures for you, or use a simple VFT
The dispatching just looks up the function in a virtual table.
yeah, but, doesnt take advantage of the fact that you know exactly what functions all objects int he list supports
the table shouldnt be sparse
and it shouldnt have to do run-time type-checking
I don't understand that part myself.
The number of arguments is static at compile time. Nothing further to check there.
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maybe Ill look at the assembly for the example you just gave with objects
And the sparseness of the table is caused by multiple inheritance and the like.
With functors you have the problem that you have to bind "that" to each function or pass it as argument all the time.
the sparseness of the table is because it is a hash table
Anything that uses "object(self)" is probably better as object.
Its a lot less code than rebuilding the inheritance with functors manually.
Can one write a function that takes two functions f and g and creates a new function that applies as many arguments as f takes to f and the result of that to g?
that doesnt seem type-safe
foo : ('a->'b) -> ('b->'c) -> 'a -> 'c
oh, right
The type should be fine but how do I write code for that?
let f x y = x + y;;
let g x = print_int x;;
let combine f g = fun ... -> g (f ...);;
But the ... depends on f
can teh function also take the number of arguments that f taks ?
If that helps.
i think you have to define combine1 ...combineN for f with N args
cDlm: Thats what I fear.
Maybe with polymorphic variants.
i tried to write a generic currify function once
is there no way to syntactily combine the two steps of createing the button module and then passing it to Drawable to get Drawable_Button, kind of like "This inherits Drawable" ?
det: You can make a button module that internally makes the Drawable_Button and other stuff.
Then you just call Button.make ()
I still say its much easier with objects
Button.drawable.make() ?
could thacould that be done ?
I hate IRC over modem :(
Only if you create a Button.drawable first.
Button.Drawable.make should be possible though.
i think
that way I could have all the different interfaces it supports right there
Smerdyakov has joined #ocaml
I will experiment
I kind of like that fact that virtual functions are distinctly different than regular ones
all functions in a class are virtual
r rather all methods are virtual
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yip yip :)
let f1 = function `A x -> x = 1 | `B -> true | `C -> false
let f2 = function `A x -> x = "a" | `B -> true
let f x = f1 x && f2 x;;
val f1 : [< `A of int | `B | `C] -> bool = <fun>
val f2 : [< `A of string | `B] -> bool = <fun>
val f : [< `A of string & int | `B] -> bool = <fun>
Can I do something similar to get
val f : [< `A of string || int | `B] -> bool = <fun>
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If I need to partially apply "draw" then the type has to be "val draw: blah -> unit -> unit" ?
What do you mean exactly?
Why would you "need" to partially apply a function?
I need a closure I can put in a list
that takes no arguments
You could always make a new anonymous function for that purpose.
why would any function be anonymous but to mask its true identity
which would be faster ?
perhaps it is going to commit some crime
I imagine partial application is faster
det, there's probably no significant difference, but I think it's nicer to give draw its obvious type.
good point
And remember that partial application requires allocating a new closure, too.
So there should be next to no difference.
I mean, not the cost of creating
the cost of calling
Why would it be different?
(in an obvious, large way)
you're right
it wouldnt be
When i make my own language, all function types will end in something like -> unit, just like how all lists and with Nil
to represent nothing
without attempting to represent nothing as "unit"
or otehr such hacks
unit is no hack.
unit is a simple enumeration type with only 1 Constructor.
where's void
well, think of the List type
0 constructors
List has 2 Contructors.
type 'a list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a
void cant exist without a function that takes 0 arguments
emu: every function returns a value. There is no void in ocaml.
mrvn, yes, Nil is a constructor that takes 0 arguments
let foo () = raise FooException;;
Also every function must take an argument, otherwise there is no point not evaulating it when its declared.
Brothert has joined #ocaml
there is a point
Without "let foo ()" you couldn't see whats a value and what is a function.
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I am very tired and hungry however
plenty of languages offer functions without arguments
I I will elaborate on my crazy language ideas tomorrow
I am sure I can convince you!
emu: not syntactically.
void foo () { }
(defun foo () (values))
will you be here ?
det: most of the time
emu: void foo() {} is a function that take any number of arguments :)
void foo (void) { }
void foo(void) {} would be 0 arguments.
void shouldnt be a type at all, rather there needs to be two types of functions, a ConsFun and a NilFUn
silly me, forgot my C
Lisp has the type NIL
of which, nothing is of it
In C you have a void argument to say it has no arguments, just like in ocaml.
in Ocaml, every function takes an argument
yes, that is wrong!
Only difference is that in ocaml the () argument is passed along I think.
you simulate no argument by using unit
() is the only value of unit type
emu, you simulate no arguments in C by using void
methods have no arguments.
But thats probably done via unit internally.
The difference between ocaml and C is that C doesn't create a void object/variable. Saves one register.
i'm sure ocaml is smart enough there
* det
fades into the background, continuations, ConsFun and NilFun, yuou will understand tomorrow, muahahaha
Could be that its optimized out in ocaml.
mrvn, I am sure it is
det: write me a callCC
all functions should be continuations, screw callCC, long live Cintinuation Passing Style
Is there a mechanism to lazify a function?
the result type of ERROR (which raises an error condition) is NIL
I am away sleeping and eating now
no result
det: Thats too much to type.
mrvn, that's where macros comee in!
must sleep
eat first
then sleep
cant eat in my sleep ..
emu: raise : exn -> 'a = <fun>
* det
is away: sleeping and eating
emu: _every_ function returns a value.
# exit;;
- : int -> 'a = <fun>
Even if it doesn't return :)
so you se
it doesn't make sense
what is 'a?
"Every function has a unique most general return type" is a better way of saying it.
why can't the type system understand that there is no return?
If it werent for the input_value anything that is "-> 'a" where 'a doesn't apear on the left side would be a no return.
emu: I wondered exactly that a few days ago.
Actually, for any function call, there is exactly one type the value of the application can have, if any.
There, that's the definitive statement. :-)
emu: How would you type a function that never returns a value but raises an exception sometimes?
what does it do otherwise?
emu: For a no return function one would like to clean up all local bindings. But if it throws an exception those bindings are maybe still reachable.
emu: loop or exit or whatever
how so? exception handlers are executed once the frame is exited in ocaml, no?
or does it do it in the current frame?
let rec loop = function
0 -> exit 0
| x -> try loop (x-1) with _ -> ();;
Is that tail recursive?
someone clever might notice that the union of some type 'a and the empty type is 'a =)
There are no expressions with type 'a in ML, I think. :P
mrvn: nope, the try makes it not tail-recursive
Yes and no...
But it could be cause its a no-return no-raise function.
You assign it 'a to start out, maybe, but type inference always restricts it.
So I think, in actual code, you won't find an expression that you can say has type 'a, or "any type."
Smerdyakov: any no-return function will be 'a
I guess that's the one way it could be.
But... eh...
It depends how you look at it.
Smerdyakov: and read_value, marshaling and Obj.magic stuff.
'a is really bound to a specific monotype inside the body of a non-terminating function.
It just doesn't matter what that monotype is.
So, looking at things this way and excluding funky libraries that play tricks using code written in other languages, I think what I've said holds.
I would like exceptions to be part of the type. But that would probably let the type explode and be unreadable.
If I have a type foo = { mutable x : int; mutable y : int; } can I pass the x to a function so that changes to it will refelct in the foo record?
type foo = { x : int ref; mutable y : int; };;
let foo = { x = ref 0; y = 0; };;
incr foo.x;;
Like that but I prefer mutable instead of ref.
ref uses an indirection and mutable not, right?
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Can I declare a polymorphic variant to be [> ] but not `X?
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let read `Int = ()
let read = function
`Float -> ()
| x -> read x;;
| x -> read x;;
This expression has type [> `Float] but is here used with type [ `Int]
(The last x is underlined)
Can I fix that somehow or do I need to "| `Int -> read `Int"?
Smerdyakov has quit ["away"]
hm i seem to remember having the same problem once
those polymorphic variant types sometimes behave kinda .. strange imho
read should be [ `Float; `Int ] and the x should be [> `Int ] because the `Float is already matched.
actually the x i think should bne [`Float ; `Int ] , i.e. the same type as it is matched againstz
oh, now I see the problem
its not a recursive definition
well of course that doesnt work
because x is of type [ `Float; `Int ]
But `Float is already handled.
the type checking on variant types doesnt work this way
Shouldn#t it see that its save to call the first read?
well i dont know if one COULD possibly write a type-checker that powerful (i.e. if it would be computable), but in any case, ocaml's is not
There should be a way to specify a polimorfic variant with exclusions.
exception Unbound
let read = function
`Int -> ()
| _ -> raise Unbound
let read = function
`Float -> ()
| x -> read x;;
val read : [> `Float | `Int] -> unit = <fun>
Can I limit that to [`Float | `Int] again without typing the full list?
whyd you want to? [> Float | `Int ] is a superset of [ `Float | `Int ]
To prevent some maniac to call "read `Bkfjhgkjhd"
let (read : [`Float | `Int]) = read;;
well you could define a name for the type
This expression has type [> `Float | `Int] -> unit but is here used with type
[ `Float | `Int]
you need to specify the complete type of read, n ot just the type of its return value
let (read : [`Float | `Int]->unit) = read;;
But I want to have a read for a rather large bunch of types and I would hate to type the full list there. Ugly if you extend it and forget one type.
<--- afk
simply define a name for your type ie
type foobar = [ `Float | `Int ]
<--- now REALLY afk
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Smerdyakov: If I have a type foo = { mutable x : int; mutable y : int; } can I pass the x to a function so that changes to it will refelct in the foo record?
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I don't know.
simply pass the whole record
or do a foo.x <- some_function foo.x
You can always pass it as functions to set and get it, also.
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there is something i don't understant i execut the ocaml prompt and :
let succ x = x + 1 ;;
Parse error: 'and' or 'in' expected (in [expr])
for exemple
he tell that there is an error in ;; ??
* Riastradh
doesn't understand that either.
and he didn't do that before
you typed some invisible characters there, perhaps?
i don't think so but :
you probably didnt properly terminate the preceding statement?
Objective Caml version 3.06
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.06
Heheh, olrion, I think you mean 'and it didn't do that before' -- in English, we don't put genders on things that don't actually have genders.
I've seen backspace do weird stuff on the interpreter sometimes
this what i have when i start ocaml
Riastradh: possible: english is not my native language
olrion, as I guessed.
vegai it is the copy/past
you write :)
you are right
voila c mieux
ah, native frenchman -- nobody writes french worse ;-D
i think that ocaml is very close to mathematic language
than C for exemple
If you like that, try Haskell.
ha i didn't try this one
i found ocaml not very (in the way that i try to do everything in fonctionnal)
but very intresting
how to start ocaml without Camlp4
* Riastradh
just runs 'ocaml' from the shell.
this should be easy but doesn't work
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