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does ocaml have any kind of lazy list or generator?
ah, /me sees the Lazy module
there are streams and you can do things with the Lazy module
i recently learned about generators in python, and since then i've been using them a lot in my python code. now i'm writing some OCaml and there's a bit of code that would be nicely expressed using generators
basically i want to iterate over the lines of a file efficiently
there's an extension to the stdlib being worked on that has support for that sort of style
as long as i'm wishing, any word on Unicode/UTF-8 support?
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some of the xml parsers have utf8 support so maybe
it doesn't seem like quite what i want though
ah, yeah, it stack overflows :)
ah, it looks like I really want to use Streams
i missed your earlier reference to that
looks like i would have to do all my own bookkeeping to implement a line stream
programming in ocaml is weird. sometimes it feels really high level, like when i'm writing these functions to manipulate sets using the Set module. other times it feels really low level, like when I have to manually resize arrays
let make_option f = try Some (f ()) with _ -> None;;
let readlines s = make_option (fun () -> input_line s);;
but how can i iterate over that functionally?
let process_stream f = function Some line -> ignore (f line) | None -> ();;
something like that
or not
let rec process_stream f s = match (readlines s) with Some line -> f line; process_stream f s | None -> ();;
right, that's basically a while loop
i think
i need to return a value
that should be called process_channel actually
ok, got it
let rec stream_of_lines f =
let curcount = ref 0 in
let cursize = ref 64 in
let curlines = ref (Array.make !cursize "") in
Er, parentheses should be around !(obj[12]#get_cv), but you get the idea.
The last expression evaluates to [1;0].
I understand the concept and how it would work with a ref [0]. But not with the "a" in my example.
It's just better style to use 'val,' I guess.
OH! I see what you're asking.
The problem is that I have some temporary values that I need during the creaion of a class. If I make them values they waste memory. Does ocaml free them when i use let?
I dunno.
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If I have 2 classes that depend on each other do I realy have to stick them in two files and make *.mli files?
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can't you just put them both in one file?
Then the first clss won't know about the second class and fail.
# class foo = object method foo = new bar end;;
Unbound class bar
There's no 'and' in class declarations?
not that I see
class foo =
method make_bar = new bar
and bar =
method make_foo = new foo
<Riastradh> for me.
ahh, without the class before bar.
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How do i get __FILE__ and __LINE__ in ocaml?
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Smerdyakov: How do i get __FILE__ and __LINE__ in ocaml?
Ouch. I bet you use that p3 thinger.
If there is a way at all :)
you mean p4?
You probablt confused it with the bar from Charmed.
I hate try match [] with _::_ -> () with Match_error (a,b,c) -> raise (My_exception (a,b,c));
And you can't even put that into a function cause then the line number would be wrong.
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is the *. and * difference there to make people give information to the type inferencing or is there some other practical reason to avoid polymorphic operators?
It's probably difficult to make the compiler generate efficient code for when they're called.
hmm, comparasion operators are polymorphic.
# let ( *: ) x y = x :: y;;
val ( *: ) : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
hey there i defined a polymorphic operator
it has nothing to do with operators
an operator can have all of the same types any other variable can
* is for int, *. for float.
so what?
How else should ocaml know which of those to infer?
thats why you cant have overloading
but what does that have to do with operators?
:: for example is a polymorphic built-in operator .......
that's some relatively uninteresting answers.
because :: operates on abstract types.
well it seems you dont even know exactly what polymorphism is is the problem
well thats what (parametric) polymorphism IS? 8)
* and *. operate on a specific type.
apparently you two seem to confuse polymorphism with overloading
ask noss if he does. I don#t.
apparently C++ is your other language.
whose? mine? i loathe c++ like no other language
Not even like Perl?
i dont know enough perl to be able to really hate it :)
can perl even be considered a language?
well if cobol can then so can perl
take that as you will
Actually, I just wrote some pretty clean Perl code -- but it must be because I was using functional stuff like closures and anonymous functions for the most part.
Riastradh: Perl still sucks ;)
mellum, yeah, it does -- I'm not disagreeïng -- but at least it has a couple of -slightly redeeming features.
Probably one for each gross of mind-boggling misfeatures.
Er, I count two redeeming features -- anonymous functions and closures.
(you could have closures without anonymous functions -- local functions)
Huh? Nearly any languages has that.
Name some other mainstream languages that have anonymous functions -and- closures.
well, maybe not nearly any, but at least 50%
hm i could list lots of languages thatz dont
Riastradh: I was not talking about *mainstream* languages.
mellum, well, I was, so THERE!
Riastradh: Okay, you win. Here's a cookie.
* Riastradh
Well, I'll go to bed now... bye
Riastradh: name one ascii character that doesn't have a special meaning in per when preceeded by $.
$<on char long var> doesn#t count as special.
~, maybe?
nah, thats used.
No, that's used, too.
$a, $b even is used.
How about (?
Hmm, () and {} are probably not special. Ok.
what is the order of the size of an ocaml hello world native binary?
order of the size?
or more interesting, does it have a costly startup time like most garbage collected languages seem to have?
not that I've noticed, but I'm an ocaml newb ;)
mrvn@dual:~% time ./foo
Hallo World!
./foo 0.01s user 0.00s system 146% cpu 0.007 total
Hallo World!
./foo_in_c 0.01s user 0.00s system 358% cpu 0.003 total
~ half as fast as c
mrvn@dual:~% ocamlopt -o foo
mrvn@dual:~% time ./foo
Hallo World!
./foo 0.00s user 0.01s system 267% cpu 0.004 total
compiled ocaml is just as fast as c
Nice system times though.
how do uncaught exceptions make the program die? there is an example of a standalone fibonacci program in the introduction. they parse with int_of_string and never demonstrate a run with errornous input.
Any exception is thrown upwards till a execption handler matches it and the default handler outputs those messages and dies.
* Zadeh
has wondered why it's called int_of_string ...wth?
It generates an in out of a string.
why not string_to_int?
The normal functions are all x_of_y.
watch out, you'll get the answer that you can do "let string_to_int = int_of_string;;"
Only in modules you have bla_to_module and bla_of_module
or rather Module.to_bla and Module.of_bla.
the naming with an _ seems kinda weird too ;)
Array.of_list or Array.to_list
Zadeh: What else woul you use?
mrvn: I dunno. Just something that stood out to me while reading a tutorial
upper case is used for constructors.
intOfString might look like a constructor then.