i don't see a way to access instance attributes directly, is it possible?
I don't think so.
It's probably pretty easy to write a camlp4 extension to the 'object' syntax -- 'val foo [= bar] with getter baz and setter quux' or something.
yum custom syntax =)
i think ill just use getters and setters :(
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anyone know what's wrong with this:
let rec get_stdin_lines lst =
let line =
input_line stdin
get_stdin_lines line :: lst
Syntax error
OK, first of all, what's the 'done' there for?
hmm, dunno :)
Get rid of it.
stupid mistake, i was thinking loops instead of recursion
Then, the 'with' there pattern matches, it doesn't just evaluate the expression thereafter if an exception is raised.
I think you want:
let rec get_stdin_lines lst =
let line =
input_line stdin
get_stdin_lines line :: lst
End_of_file -> lst;;
arg i was thinking it would catch all exceptions
which isn't good, anyway
let me see
This expression has type string but is here used with type 'a list
any idea man? i'm confused
What gives you that exception?
those 8 lines
What line is underlined?
none of them :(
Kinners has joined #ocaml
Oh, duh.
You forgot to parenthesize (line :: lst).
oh heh
ya know i was wondering if that was needed before i wrote this, so i tryed it in the interpreter
let foo x = x;;
# foo 1 :: [2];;
- : int list = [1; 2]
so i though all was well :)
sweet it works
now i gotta reverse the silly thing =)
btw, is this a sane/good way to do what it's doing?
it seems hackish to me :/
Generally the accumulator function is local to the real function.
let get_stdin_lines () =
let rec loop accum =
loop (input_line stdin :: accum)
End_of_file -> List.rev accum
in loop []
ah that is nice
If you don't care about stack overflows, but you did care about the overhead of reversing lists, you could do:
If you cared about both tail-recursiveness and no reversing overhead, you could use a CPS version:
let get_stdin_lines () =
let rec loop k =
let line = input_line stdin in
loop (fun tail -> line :: tail)
End_of_file -> k []
in loop (fun x -> x);;
great, i'm gonna save all those for future reference :)
just run it all through my clipboard filter to remove your handle :)
If OCaml eliminates the overhead of closure creation, then the CPS version will probably be fastest.
It both is tail-recursive and has no overhead of reversing at the end.
what does CPS stand for btw?
Continuation-Passing Style.
It's also not too different from the non-tail-recursive function.
Instead of having an accumulator argument, you have an accumulator -continuation- or accumulator -function-.
i see
Er, whoops.
The call to 'loop' should be: loop (fun tail -> k (line :: tail))
When it gets to the end, k is called with the initial tail -- [].
(fun tail -> k (line :: tail)) calls the previous continuation (which is the same thing) with the last line consed onto []; that continuation calls the even previous continuation with a new tail, and so on and so forth, until it gets to the first continuation, with which 'loop' was first called -- the identity function -- which returns the accumulated list of lines.
The calls to loop are always in tail positions, so they get tail-call eliminated; likewise with calls to k.
a tad more complicated that sys.stdin.readlines() ;)
Read what I said again carefully -- you'll see it's actually quite simple.
yeah i will read it until i fully understand
i'm completely unused to any functional programming style
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type bar = {f:'a.'a -> int}
what does that mean ?
It means that f can take any type of argument but must return an int.
You can do:
let my_bar = { f = fun _ -> 5 };;
and then:
my_bar.f "foo";; my_bar.f 52;;
and it will still work.
that seems rather pointless :/
For some things, it is.
why not just store 52 :)
or a function that takes unit
not 52
Well, it's useful for some things.
how about this ..
See the first section of the OCaml Manual -- specifically, the section on the object system, and polymorphic methods.
is it possible to have a record of 'a and a a bunch of functions that take 'a as the first argument but the rest of the types are knwn ?
specificly I am trying to create a vtable without having to constantly create closures
Why don't you want closures?
well, let's say I want a list, but send it to a function that takes a geneeric sequence type (a record of closures), then every cons requires create a bunch of closures
i was wondering if it was possible to have a type like {object: 'a; first: 'a -> int; rest 'a -> 'a; cons: int 'a -> 'a}
well, all the methods would be in a seperate structure, so it wouldnt need to be created more than once
so, you could do something like value.methods.first value.object
I dont think I am explaining very clearly
I thought that first type I pasted might be similar
what does the '." mean in it ?
rhil_zzz is now known as rhil
scared you away :)
foxster has joined #ocaml
maybe this will help illustrate
I would like to do something like this:
type foo {size: int}
let foo_idrawable = {
fun draw f -> Printf.printf "draw a size %d foo" f.size
fun erase f -> Printf.printf "erase a size %d foo" f.size
let drawable_object = {value={size=5}; methods=ifoo}
ifoo should be foo_idrawable
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how do you index a string in ocaml ?
ahh, thanks
how could I create a string of elements 1 on from a string without copying
like car of a list
or is that not possible without copying
that doesn't make sense
the C equivalent would be like this, "char *s = "hello"; s2 = s + 1;" then s2 would be "ello"
char *s2 = s + 1, that is
i don't think you can do that, but i'm no expert
oh, ok
how can I check if a string is empty ?
String.length str = 0
assuming that's the proper idiom, as i said, i'm quite new
i wish all types could be evalutated as a boolean
then you could just do if str
nahh, that's wrong :)
what's wrong?
types other than true or false being booleans :)
blah, it's totally useful :)
0, "", etc
i use it all the time in other langs
yeah empty sequences too
of course the wouldn't _be_ booleans
they would simply be evaluatable as truth values
what's wrong with if List.empty(l)
assuming List.empty existed
nothing, it's just extra typing.
2 seconds for clarity ?
believe me, it's totally clear the other way
it can't mean anything else. any non-empty value is true
well, then there is the incompatibility with type inference :)
let blah l = if l then print_string "TRUE" else print_string "FALSE"
what is l ?
'a of course :)
becuase then you are overloading if
which ocaml can't do
well i wasn't considering implementation limitations :)
of which i hardly know anything
but i don't think this capability would break the language semantics
the relational operators are overloaded
"1" > ""
[1] > []
I guess you could do it
but the way ocaml overloads > is also wrong
how so?
if you truely wanted to overload if, something like a haskell type class would work
you lost me :)
class Boolean a where
well, I wont go there :)
ignoe I said that
I'm just crazy
that's all
i'm none too sane myself
I suppose the future generics support is all that you'd need
i wish ocaml was python, only crazy-fast, with neato constraints capablity, and insano concurrency
nahh, ocaml would be cooler than python if it only had first class modules
i'm not gonna start :)
what does python have that ocaml doesnt ?
better data structures, dynamic binding, class/type unification, everythings an object let me see :)
sane syntax
but granted
i don't know ocaml very well yet
better data structures ?
yeah check out the list methods, for example
very flexible
ocaml's data structures aren't too shaby though
oh, so you are talking about the standard library, not the language itselfg
oh i forgot, the stdlib is huge and very stable
nah, the stdlib is seperate from what i was talking about
it's amazing how much stuff you can do out-of-the-box
you mean dynamic binding like (python code here) "klass.method(1)" ?
nah like:
x = 1
def foo(bar):
return x+bar
x = 2
global variables are evil? :)
basically you use references if you want stuff like that
sure they are
I see absolutely no usefullness in that
(I am new to ocaml as well)
in ocaml you use references, but in python, names are always references
no usefulness in what, exactly?
it's a stupid example, of course
refrences are just a record with a single mutable field, I believe
anyway, it's not like your really gonna really understand a language w/o using it extensively :)
no matter what i could tell you
i though it was stupid i couldn't source one python file from another when i first started learning it
but then you learn about the module system, and it makes sense
i want to learn ocaml for those (rare) occasions when i need that compiled speed, or low-level bit-bashing etc
basically as a better C :)
# type 'a reference = {mutable value: 'a};;
type 'a reference = { mutable value : 'a; }
# let x = {value=1};;
val x : int reference = {value = 1}
# let foo bar = x.value + bar;;
val foo : int -> int = <fun>
# foo 3;;
- : int = 4
# x.value <- 2;;
- : unit = ()
# foo 3;;
- : int = 5
a better way to assign a reference is x := value
and get it's value w/ !x
and with python it's not like you are changing x's pointer, you are modifying a dictionary
yeah, I've never used references in ocaml
the syntax is probally nicer than what i did :)
but hmm
sure, anytime you bind a name, you are modifying a namespace dictionary
be it globals() or hte __dict__ attribute of a class instance
it's very consistent how it's done, and it makes introspection easy
like if you want to serialize an arbitrary instance, you can just grab it's __dict__ and you just serialize that state
then you can create a new instance with that state an unserialization time
but i'm not sure what you mean by "not like you are changing x's pointer"
the ocaml way changes the actual bits where x is stored
i think so
number types aren't mutable in python
if i say
x = 1
x = 2
yes, 1 get's garbage collected, not change
2 is a new integer instance, 1 is subject to being garbage collected assuming no other references
which is very useful, actually
especially when you are dealing with an extensive OO language
so you return self.state from a method call
you can be assured that noone is going to go changing your self.state
ocaml mutable is only introduceed by declaring a record field or object value mutable
ah yes, that's right
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damn where the heck are "fun tail" statements talked about in the doco?
there are no statements in ocaml
only expressions
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Whats a fun tail statement?
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i don't know, exaclty
is there any way to take a pair, and apply it to a function as two arguments?
anyone awake yet?
anyone _still_ awake? :)
fun f g (a,b) -> g a b
that's not really what i meant
say i have let foo x y z = x+y+z;;
and a = (2,3);;
foo 1 a = 6
f (foo 1) a
let f g (a,b) = g a b
tuples are allways just one argument. You have to split them manually.
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say ive got a list of like 50 words
Words being...?
and i need to check thousands of other words if they match any of the 50
Whoa. What could anyone want with so many words?
Machine words?
english words :)
how would yall implement a fast binary search algorithm?
Are thoes other thousands of words going to be in a list?
I'd use a Map implemented with a balanced binary search tree.
I think OCaml includes a functor for making such a module.
Why not use a hash table?
Small number of words to check
Or, better yet, a trie?
I guess a trie would be best. :)
But hash tables would probably have worse performance, depending on average word length.
does a hashtbl check sequencially? i kindof gathered taht from the fact that new values always overshadow old ones
teratorn, what does that mean?
"check sequentially"
from beginning to end, instead of a binary search?
so what's a trie?
It uses neither -- it hashes values and looks them up based on that.
yeah im curious what the lookup method is
if it keeps the hashes sorted, or anything
You don't know what a hash table is, teratorn?
That's what it sounds like.
So read any of the millions of introductions to them :P
i know exactly what it _is_
It doesn't need to -- hash the value, find the remainder of the size of the vector containing the buckets divided by the hash, and then does a sequential search through the buckets -- but the buckets are small, so you don't lose any efficiency from that sequential search.
but i don't know how ocaml implements it
I think you can trust that OCaml does nothing unusual.
And no one uses any kind of sorting with hash tables.
Sorting a hash table is a complete waste of time.
* teratorn
looks up trie
teratorn, I would use the built-in binary tree map, personally. Tries wouldn't save you much, probably, if anything.
i'll check them both out
It's a tree of characters, each node of which has a boolean -- true if the characters up to that node make a string contained in that trie, false if otherwise.
You could also run your 50 words through gperf :)
a perfect hash function generator
would be a fun project to make it output Ocaml code
Probably a trivial project..
Well, one would of course try to improve it while at it :)
for example, the length of the string is costly in C, but cheap in Ocaml
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god the docs are hard to find anything in
or incomplete..
What are you looking for?
what's a functor?
Read the chapter on modules in the first section.
cDlm_ is now known as cDlm
man, too many new concepts in too short an amount of time :(
anyone know if the o'reilly books english translation is coming out any time soon?
in print, that is
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is there any way to have hash tables being compared in some meaningful manner ?
so that a = b if they have the same contents and if a > b, a=c, b=d then c > d
Why would you want to do that?
so that i have order on terms
now this order depends on hash internals, and that's wrong
foxster has joined #ocaml
type iexpr = Num of int | Add of (iexpr,int) Hashtbl.t | Div of iexpr * iexpr | ...
i'm using (iexpr,int) Hashtbl.t so that associativity and commutativity are represented
now i need to compare if 2 terms are identical or sort them in consistent manner
Term is type iexpr?
Oh, I see.
What does Add mean?
linear combination
Why aren't you using a list of pairs for it?
If you always enumerate the elements in order and never do special lookups, then a list is better.
i do lot of trnasforms on terms, and hash tables are nicer for that
let merge x x' =
let h = Hashtbl.copy x
in let _ = Hashtbl.iter (fun xpr cnt -> let cnt' = (cnt + get h xpr) in if cnt' = 0 then Hashtbl.remove h xpr else Hashtbl.replace h xpr cnt') x'
in h
let imperative_merge h g =
let _ = Hashtbl.iter (fun xpr cnt -> let cnt' = (cnt + get h xpr) in if cnt' = 0 then Hashtbl.remove h xpr else Hashtbl.replace h xpr cnt') g
in ()
let imperative_factor_merge h g factor =
let _ = Hashtbl.iter (fun xpr cnt -> let cnt' = (factor * cnt + get h xpr) in if cnt' = 0 then Hashtbl.remove h xpr else Hashtbl.replace h xpr cnt') g
in ()
and whole files of things like that
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impressing team
is there a general irc channel for icfp2003 and has anybody seen an erlang team?
mvm, do you mean the conference or the contest?