It's a model checker for C programs, written in OCaml.
It works really well. Uses theorem provers.
there goes another one of my ideas
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Can nayone point me to any kind of information on how functors are implemented in ocaml ?
or first hand knowledge? :)
Use the source, Luke!
that doesnt sound very fun
someone made me believe ocaml was all funa nd games
If OCaml is fun and games, reading OCaml source should be fun.
fun is only had on the torment of others!
xavier torments so we can have eternal life^W^Wfun
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so after some relunctance I am discovering ocaml is the coolest language ever
why is nobody using it ?
some people use it
i would use it more if it had a wicked python interface :)
there is pyocaml
pycaml you mean :)
maybe that doesnt qualify as wicked, i know nothign about it :)
that I guess
why bother with python when you have ocaml
it's more productive, i suppose :)
pycaml appears to only allow embedding
which is pretty sucky
maybe i do know something about pycaml
I vaguely remember it being both ways
python in ocaml or ocaml in python
they/he explicitly mention the embedding ablity but not extending
It is intended to allow users to build native ocaml libraries and use them from python, and alternately, in order to allow ocaml users to benefit from linkable libraries provided for python.
oh wait, your right
yeah i just saw that
but it seems mostly geared towards using ocaml within python
what makes you say that?
example #2 in "why is pycaml" seems to be the most enthusiastic :)
but me personally, I am learning to shun python and it's dynamicly typed evilness
static typing is good if you want higher performance code
otherwise, it's just more work
runtime errors are more work
i've never had a problem where staic typing woudln't helped
i mean
you've never hada value in python being passed around that was None and shouldnt have been
* teratorn
maybe being assigned to a value that None meant something else
oh yeah, that happened once.
it was trivial to fix
how is static typing more work when you have type inference ?
give an example :)
your stuck with one type
how can you pass interface-compatible objects around freely?
that was my main concern with ocaml
here was my solution
type showable = {
show: unit -> unit;
let create s show = {
show = fun () -> show s
let show s = s.show ()
type circle = {radius: float}
let create r = {radius=r}
let show c = Printf.printf "Circle, radius: %f" c.radius
let as_showable c = Showable.create c show
let c = Circle.create 10.0
let s = Circle.as_showable c
let _ = Showable.show s
and you don't see my point?
I agree there needs to be syntactic support for waht i just did
but it's not really complicated at all :)
hang on, let me try to understand that
i'm pretty new with ocaml
basicly I have a type "showable" that is a record of whatever functions are in the interface with the specific type partially applied out
eh well that's greek to me, but lets move on :)
note: I had to do fun () instead of partially applying the argument because ocaml is a strict language :)
let my try to whip up a python example
of the same thing
eh, why?
erm, nm then :p
was trying to explain
i'll figure it out, if i need to
think of it like this
so, how about python stdlib and 3rd party modules vs ocaml's? :)
lets say you have a function called draw
that takes an object to draw and a size
so you have all kinds of objects that support this draw interface
maybe to draw a circle is like this: let show size = Printf.printf "I'm drawing a size %d circle!" size
maybe to draw a circle is like this: let draw_circle size = Printf.printf "I'm drawing a size %d circle!" size
wron again :)
maybe to draw a circle is like this: let draw_circle circle size = Printf.printf "I'm drawing a size %d circle with a radius of %f" size circle.radius
ok ignore the last 2 lines
understand that ?
so far
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what did i miss?
maybe to draw a circle is like this: let draw_circle circle size = Printf.printf "I'm drawing a size %d circle with a radius of %f" size circle.radius
draw_circle would have type: fun circle -> int -> unit
understand that ?
well now we want to store a list of objects that support the "draw interface"
if we have a circle called some_circle and we do: let drawable = draw_circle some_circle
the value drawable has the type int -> unit
got me so far ?
* teratorn_
it is just applying the first argument of draw_circle, leaving the other argument unapplied
ah yes
right right, returning a curry?
its like
it's like: let drawable = fun size -> draw_circle some_circle size
behaves the same
but tha tis irrelevant
so now we have a function that only takes an int and draws the object :)
so we can store a list of these functions
instead of the actual objects
ok, so your assuming that you have control over all this code?
what do you mean by that ?
i mean, what if your using a third party module
you can still create the closures :)
what I did in the above example was create a record of the type of all the interfaces with the first argument applied out and used that as the abstract type
would i have to use this procedure, or something like it, every time i do a subclass and want to pass instances to functions that were designed for the original?
but ocaml does have its own class system
yeah it makes sense, mostly :)
that you could use instead
but im not a fan of it
here is an example from mrvn
class virtual base_drawable = object
method virtual draw : unit
class button = object
inherit base_drawable
method draw = print_string "Draw button\n"
class icon = object
inherit base_drawable
method draw = print_string "Draw icon\n"
let l = [((new button) :> base_drawable); ((new icon) :> base_drawable)];;
List.iter (fun x -> x#draw) l;;
hm, calculating a fibonacci is quite slow with the trivial function at least
teratorn, with the ocaml object system you can work very much like python or c++
teratorn, I dont even think you need to inherit from the base class for it to work
teratorn, sound like you would much prefer that
teratorn, the object system way opposed to closures that is
well i'm not sure what you mean, since python and c++ are two totally different beasts
det: yeah, probably
calculating fib 50 took 3m12s
I mean, the example above, it creates a list with 2 different objects that both support the draw method
vegai, is that slow compared to C you mean ?
det: I don't know, in fact
it seems weirdly slow for such a low figure
the computer shootout calculates fib 32 in 0.18 secs
erm, dougs computer language shootout
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let rec fib n = if n < 2 then 1 else fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)
0.034s here
using that
yes, I used match n with, which may be slower?
ok, sounds like an exponential problem to me ;)
indeedo, it just surprises me how fast it gets very costly
all you wise people knew this already, of course=)
I dont include myself among the wise
im still in the curious phase :)
I should eat
teratorn_, oh, and you can omit the ;;s from the end of the lines in that example, he typed it in the toplevel :)
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\o/ caml roxor !!
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