karryall: yeah, but i need something very efficient here, i'm hoping for an in-line comparison :)
"Str" you mean String?
no he means Str, the regular expressions module
it's not in the stdlib?
no, you have to specify str.cma at link time
i see
still, compiling regexes doesn't seem to efficient :(
Does that build a state automat or a search with rollback?
teratorn: Is your substring a lot shorter than your big string?
mrvn: very much so
ideally i just want a simple byte-by-byte comparrison
and this operation could very well be the bottleneck of my application
You can preprocess your search string noting how many chars you have to rollback on the search string when a char mismatches and then do a linear search once through the big string.
i'm not following :(
example: search "abab":
teratorn: just pick an implementation somewhere, there are zillions of them
If you find an 'a' but then an 'a' you advance the big string by one but not the search string. So you check if the next char is a 'b'
... or just try the one-line solution using Str and make sure it _is_ the bottleneck of your application
The regexp thing above probably does exactly that but way less typing.
yeah i'm trying to optimize last
but the reason i'm rewriting this in ocaml is for the speed
If you need it any faster you might have to use C and read the string in a register at a time instead of char wise.
Fully optimized build and schedule assembler code specifically for the search string at hand :)
i think ocaml will be fast enough
or rather, fast enough will be as fast as that :)
You might get a speedup of 2 or something with handmade C code.
But your probably just looking for O(n) instead of O(n*m) speed [n = string length, m = search string length]
Are you searching many different (or same) strings in the big string?
Cause if you search for more than one string you should use a suffix tree instead.
i'm filtering profanity from email messages
for each word i identify in the "big string", i run a binary search against my array of bad words
That realy sounds like a job for a suffixtrie and a 'word' tree
you could use a trie
Do you know suffixtries?
never heard of it
You build a tree where each suffix of a string exists as a patch in the tree.
if i find a match i do an in-line blit with star characters
abcd =>
/ \
/| | \
a b c d
b c d
c d
* teratorn
copies into something with fixed-width font =)
If you then need to find the substring bc you can just go down the b node and then the c node along the tree.
With longer and repetitive texts all the repeatet words start with the same path. You can find them all in one go.
So if you are looking for "fuck" you start at the root and go down to f, u, c, k and you have all places where fuck stands.
Alternatively you could one huge regexp for your complete dictionary of bad words and search for that.
* teratorn
I'm guessing your dictionary doesn't change often. You could build an optimised regexp once and marshal that to disk.
no not much
i have it all in program code as a literal array, the only thing i do with is Array.sort compare bad_words_array
so i'm not too worried about startup costs
Thinking about it I would probably build mayself a automat that goes trough a string and stops at the first word thats in the dictionary.
I say: build a trie with the bad words and then iterate over the text and test each word of the text to see if it appears in the bad words set
i guess i should learn about trie's
the only thing i was wondering about right now was how to test a substring against another string without doing String.sub to get at it
teratorn: how strickt is that word thing?
do you want to block "fuck" in "motherFUCKer"?
or doesn't that count?
nah i just have motherfucker in the dict
and one phase where i copy the string, lowercase and substitute common l33tspeak type characters for their letter representations
i run the comparions against that string and make changes back to the original
Ever heard of a dictionary tree?
You start with a root and label the edges in the tree each with one char. Each path forms a word of the dictionary.
rhil is now known as rhil|brb
Worst case its O(|dictionary|) but usually much smaller.
With that you can search for all words of the dictionary ad once.
You see how?
(btw, that's what I meant when I said "a trie")
yeah i see how that works
cool stuff
So you start at the begining and look that word up. If its in the tree and the next char in the text is a ' ' you found a bad word.
If its not in the tree or if the next char is not ' ' read on to the next word.
s/' '/white space/
yeah i've got a whole list of "word breaks"
html crap etc :(
karryall: tries are usually somewhat special. Like compressed or without leafes or something.
this is pretty cool, now that i think about it
If ram is of concern you can compress the dictionary tree somewhat.
mrvn: I use then uncompressed but maybe I was wrong in calling these "tries"
Instead of storing allways one char on each edge you can store a string if there is no branching.
usually i could eliminate a word after the first 2 or 3 letters
isntead of eliminating after the first 1 or 2 chars, for each comaprrison in the binary search
teratorn: A tree is definitly the right way.
That gives you a O(n) algorithm after setup phase. You only ever look at each char once.
right get the char, see if the path in the dict tree can continue
rhil|brb is now known as rhil
well thanks mrvn and karryall
* teratorn
Try replacing all whitespaces by ' ' when you remove 1337 talk and the like. Maybe thats quicker.
Smerdyakov has quit ["reboot because computer is dodgy"]
freakin tuareg-mode indentation
is it know to be bugged or what?
ictp contest was hardcore
teratorn, what's wrong with it?
it's not matching up if's and else's right when they are nested
i don't think..
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damn this sucks. if you have several nested if's and only one trailing else, it's ambiguous which if-block the else goes with
has anyone had this problem?
Problem in what sense? As a user of a programming language with this syntax?
It's not a very big problem.. just use parentheses :P
having a bunch of else () kinda sucks
`/o but it was only fantasy `/o
`/o the wall was too high / as you can see `/o
`/o no matter how he tried / he could not break free `/o
`/o and the worms ate into his brain `/o
Well, pretty much every language has this "problem." (I put it in quotes because people don't really agree on what the "right" grouping is.)
Well, excluding languages like Lisp, where you'll need the parens anyway :D
well python doesn't have this problem :) i guess i've been sheltered from languages that do :)
teratorn, eh? You use indentation in Python, right?
So it's even WORSE than in OCaml.
no :)
You must indicate grouping for EVERY if..then..else. It NEVER guesses.
the indentation level tells which if block it corresponds to
Yes, so you have to do what you are complaining about doing in OCaml...
eh? no
the only way i can do it in ocaml (i think) is to close each if with an else, even if it's only else ()
That's absurd.
i'm pretty new so i could be missing something
You don't need to do anything but add parentheses around existing expressions to resolve ambiguities.
oh ok
see i told you i'm new to ocaml
i should have thought of that, i've only been used to using it to resolv ambiguities in function parameters
Function arguments are just expressions -- like if expressions.
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with input_line channel, there's no way to know if the last line had a newline or now :/
s/or now/ or not
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silly input
"i'll read that many characters unless there aren't any more to read, or unless i just don't feel like it"
ok, so long as it reads more than 0, then i just keep going... :/
* teratorn
bitches and moans
well it came out ok <sniff>
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teratorn: "if a then if b then (if c then d else e)" is allways done this way and thats what tuareg indents.
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yeah that works
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i have a program that filters data off of stdin to stdout, the best way for me to process this data is by line. so i want to use input_line stdin...
input_line strips the newline, so i do not know if the last line had a newline or not, and this is very important to my program
if i could detect if the stdin channel had a newline before the eof i could do it
or if i could read everthing off stdin into a single string
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teratorn: just read a string and split it into lins manually.
or use streams or the parser generator.
yeah i thought about doing it mysql, but i didn't feel like implementing my own line buffering
you could use the buffer class
yeah i could
Buffer.add_channel kind of sucks though, since it apparently won't do a partial read
alright screw it, ill just "input stdin" and keep adding to the buffer till EOF, then take the whole string back out of the buffer and use that
probably won't be too slow
teratorn: I have a IO modules that can read asynchronously from Unix.file_descriptor that uses buffering.
rhil is now known as rhil|zzz
well i don't need async, and this is working ok, but thanks
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the contest is over
so did ocaml have a team, how many teams submitted something
etc... etc...
* Riastradh
was on the #scheme team.
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* Riastradh
curses loudly at ocaml.org
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Riastradh: yeah i hate people that don't have domain.tld resolve to www.domain.tld
Er, no, it's that it wasn't resolving for me at all.
oh heh
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it would be real cool to have a slice notation for strings
so the compiler could optimize out operations that could be perfomed in-line on the substring, instead of always creating a new string with String.sub
yer confusing syntax w/semantics
not even semantics
the compiler can do the same with String.sub
well hmm
i guess so
how do yall profile your apps?
i noticed the -p flag
is gprof usable for doing a live profile?
not live, you get a profile dump iirc
but is there a way to profile with live input?