CoolPops: do you know exactly what kind of license has it got?
CoolPops: And, is it really tiling?
* alex-i
is reading docs on gwml now
alex-i: nope, never even downloaded it... just saw it before. I don't think it's tiling.
I use ratpoison. Have used (still do) Ion and Wmi as well... Ion=Lua extention, other two don't have one.
CoolPops: I think, I saw you on rp channel
alex-i: Ah, I thought your nick was familure.
I'm switching to Ion now
What do you normally use? RP?
But want something configurable with ocaml
I'm in the process of switching from rp to ion. I used to use rp for everything for the last 6 months or so.
alex-i: ok. You might give WMI a try also, although it still has a few bugs, but it's dialog handling is 1000% better than Ion.
rp is really great, but I needed something that ratpoison lacks: extension language
Well, it's under MIT style license afaik
alex-i: it would be nice, however, everything can be done at the command line via ratpoison -c ... you can use xbindkeys, and use ratpoison -c ... work around, but it may do what you want.
alex-i: I got a better idea, you can hack rp and add ocaml as the ext lang so we can all enjoy :)
As I get time.
I'm intrigued
You want to do it too?
I'm confused a bit. I have my simple app working with normal socket commands, but I am reading the Unix.establish_server .. I don't quite understand the function signature: val establish_server : (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) -> sockaddr -> unit ... the (...) is a function that takes in/out and returns unit, correct? then sockaddr is the socket to use bind on?
alex-i: I'm just learning ocaml as of about 4 hours ago and don't know anything about Xlib.
CoolPops: What about winter (on the winter break)
alex-i: I think I have enough fish to fry now. I'm lucky to get time to spend configuring my window manager :)
Good luck. :)
Anyone have an example use of Unix.establish_server?
kinners: right. However, in the above prg /tmp/ip.txt just get's blanked.
I have a socket base prg (just added to the web page above) that is working, just wanted to learn more and try to shrink the app some by using establish_server
works for me
kinners: interesting.
* CoolPops
is glad something he wrote works :)
in /tmp/ip.txt you have whatever you typed in your telnet session?
you're replacing the file. not appending I guess?
I used netcat
On my server (remote) I have a port open to listen. When I telnet to that port it writes my ip to a file and restarts the firewall, which reads that IP and opens the SSH port to that IP only. That's all this program does.
yes, but if telnet sends an extra empty line then the file will end up empty
kinners: your right, netcat worked.
kinners: now, the only problem I think I am running into with this method is getting the remote ip address, because I'm never given anything to retrieve that with :(
CoolPops: you don't need begin/end in that code, and the final dyn_server;; is redundant
you mean don't put let dyn_server = ... ?
CoolPops: I mean it doesn't do anything, it's like putting '10;;' there, the code after let dyn_server = ... is executed immediately, and once the server function exits dyn_server will be bound to the result
hm. I'm thinking now.
why is it executed?
because it does not take any vars and then matches?
* CoolPops
is coming from C, Python, PHP.
yes, it's just a straight binding like let x = 10;;, let dyn_server () = ... would be a function and is sugar for let dyn_server = fun () -> ...
So, do I need begin/end in let handle_request?
it has just 1 let ... in then a statement.
no, you don't need ';' at the end of expressions, only to seperate imperative statements
you *also* don't need ...
is what I meant :)
ok, but in handle_request, I'm also going to make a call to a yet to be defined function write_log ... therefore, I would need the begin/end?
and also the ;'s (in that func at least).
you wouldn't need begin/end in that case
kinners: can you tell me when I need begin/end?
Can you refresh that page and see what you think?
CoolPops: you need it when using if/else expressions sometimes
kinners: ok. that's something I will just have to read more on.
kinners: I have read only 2 chapters of a tutorial on ocaml thus far.
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CoolPops: the log will only end up 1 line long
kinners: yes, looking now at open_out_gen ...
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I don't understand why it has a list -> int -> string -> out_channel ... list = modes, int = ???, string = filename what's int for?
the permissions
0o600 for example
0o600 as in the letter O between a zero and six-hundred?
yes, O ctal
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kinners: thanks for the help you have been today.
CoolPops: the ocaml beginner faq has an example of begin/end usage
kinners: great, I'll read it.
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I'm having problems doing something like:
let log_file = "/tmp/dyn-%s.log";;
open_out (sprintf log-file buf) ...
should I be able to do something like that?
No implementations provided for the following modules:
Big_int referenced from /usr/lib/ocaml/3.08/numerix.cmxa(Numerix)
Nat referenced from /usr/lib/ocaml/3.08/numerix.cmxa(Numerix)
I don't have any cmxa for big_int
Big_int is in nums.cmxa
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karryall: thanks
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can someone tell me what I did wrong here
let fib n =
let a = (of_int 1) and b = (of_int 0) in
while n > 0 do
let n = decr n and c = b and b = a and a = (add b c);
I defined decr
let decr = function x -> x - 1;;
You have used invalid syntax for let.
Every let expression has an 'in exp' part.
Smerdyakov: ?
Smerdyakov: so just get rid of in?
You don't _have_ an 'in'. That's the _problem_.
so how should I fix it
First, you should understand that code is not interpreted as C++ inside a 'while.' ;)
Everything is still functional, except when you use the standard imperative features of OCaml.
'let' will never let you update the value of a variable.
Smerdyakov: how can I update the value
You can't.
This is the nice property of functional languages. Bindings are immutable.
I have yet to see why this is a nice property
it means I have to allocate a shitload of space
expecting it keeps around the old values
No. The language semantics say nothing about "allocation" or "memory."
Smerdyakov: I think logic
if I have to create a new variable for every run of while or for
assuming we aren't using reference counting, non of the old numbers will be freed
There are two ways I can try to show you why you're wrong.
First, do you understand what garbage collection is?
Then you understand that there is no problem with "keeping around old values" past the point where it interferes with performance?
the problem is this
creating a new gmp integer continuously will spend most of the time in alloc
not a good plan
Allocation is almost instant.
It requires maybe 3 instructions or so.
Smerdyakov: ok, you say that, now what about fibonacci number 200000
(this was the problem I had in haskell)
What about it?
Smerdyakov: there is a bit of overhead using gmp, there is no way to make this near as fast as the C implementation without being able to reuse variables
you're not going to compute fib 200000 without eating a lot of memory if you compute it recursively...
If so, it's an unfortunate artifact of interfacing with C code.
If you used an equivalent library implemented in ML, you would not have that problem.
pango, what? Tail recursive solutions only require about twice the memory needed to store the result.
Smerdyakov: which brings me back to the original tail recursive algo
let fib n =
let rec fib' n f0 f1 =
if n = 0 then f1
else fib' (n-1) f1 (add f0 f1)
Smerdyakov: then it's no longer computed "recursively", even if the syntax is still recursive... Sorry if I'm not using the right terms
the C version is so fast partly due to the ability to preallocate memory at compile time for gmp
pango, you're using terms that the FP community won't agree with.
Smerdyakov: yes, my bad ;)
pango, what you should really say to express that idea is "It's not implemented the way recursion is in C."
pango, which really has no importance to us here.
Smerdyakov: yet time is spend rewriting programs in tail-recursive form to avoid problems ;)
pango: Smerdyakov: tail-recursive optimization only seems to suboptimize the regular C version of iteration
dan2, you are confusing many issues here.
dan2, I don't know what you mean.
pango, you are confusing language semantics and implementation strategies.
1. Tail call optimization involves compiling tail calls in the same way that a C compiler will compile the jump back to the start of a loop. Note, however, that it relates _only_ to the _call_itself_.
s/compile the jump/generate code to jump/1
Smerdyakov: if some compilers can rewrite to the optimized form before compiling, then ok
pango, again, your original statement was about recursion inherently requiring large amounts of memory.
Smerdyakov: no
pango, I'm not arguing that writing tail recursive functions isn't important for performance.
Smerdyakov: it was about fibonacci only
pango, OK, then your statement was about "recursive implementations of a fibonacci number calculating algorithm"?
2. GMP is designed for C; it is a C library that was not designed with intensive thought given to operating nicely in OCaml. C allows for direct manipulation of memory, which can be used to optimize some things, but which is also inherently unsafe. Writing C code _equivalent_ to the OCaml code in the way GMP is used will produce similar timings, ignoring irrelevant factors.
Smerdyakov: does big_int provide boundless integers?
dan2, the nums library provides unbounded (except for what the OS/hardware impose) size integers.
Smerdyakov: in its naive recursion style f(x) = f(x-1) + f(x-2) instead of computing f(0), f(1) ... f(n) iteratively
3. The OCaml compiler is not integrated with GMP. It can't reasonably optimize it. You _can_ hand-optimize the C code, but, as you continue to do that, the code becomes worse & worse.
pango, OK. You didn't say that, and I don't think it was reasonable for us to assume it.
Smerdyakov: ok
hmm, Nums isn't as fast as GMP
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That's an issue with a fairly trivial optimization not being implemented by the compiler, I'd say.
# let fib n =
let rec fib' a b n =
if eq_big_int n zero_big_int then a
else fib' b (add_big_int a b) (pred_big_int n) in
it only took 8.5% of the time to calculate the fibonacci number
most time was spent in garbage collection; wonderful
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dan2, patch the compiler to re-use allocated objects. :)
Smerdyakov: you didn't believe me when I said allocation hurts
Allocation doesn't hurt, dan2.
It's the garbage collector that hurts, if it doesn't keep ephemeral objects in their own very young generation.
Really, at any given time, there are going to be only two bignums reachable during fib's control.
Alternatively, you could blame it on the compiler for not implementing region-based memory management, which would work very well in this kind of situation.
Another alternative would be to juse use SML -- MLton purports to have a very fast GMP binding, and its compiler is certainly very effective.
dan2: are you just running fibo benchmarks now?
C and ocaml?
Riastradh: hmm, I wonder if mlton has integrated gmp, as in, it automatically knows when to use it, not just explicetly
det: C, ocaml, haskell, python, perl ...
what does your ocaml look like?
dan2: MLton has gmp for the Intinf.t type
dan2: type int is just a plain ol' word
det: hmm
det: how would I transform my fibonacci recursive to use Intinf
use IntInf.{+,>} instead of {+,>}, etc
or even a type annotation since those are overloaded
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for instance:
val rec fib: IntInf.int -> IntInf.int =
fn 0 => 0
| 1 => 1
| n => fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
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is it possible to translate a procedural langage program into a functionnal langage one ? I think yes, but maybe I'm missing something, any idea ?
Yes. C compilers do this for you by converting to CPS. ;)
oh, they do ?
I thought it was converting to TSSA
Yes. CPS is a functional way of looking at the standard kind of control flow;.
hi all, is this the right place for newbie question, too ?
gpciceri, yes
(for last gnu compiler)
lambdawar, look at Richard Kelsey's PhD research.
lambdawar, they don't do it explicitly, but SSA and CPS are equivalent for most purposes.
Smerdyakov, yea, ok
He designed a generic compiler that accepted code in a universal intermediate language, essentially the CPS lambda calculus. There were front ends for various languages written, including Scheme, BASIC, Haskell, Pascal, & Pre-Scheme.
THX, anyone able to build annexlib 0.13.0 on macosx
I'd like to suggest that Kelsey's research presents little of interest, in terms of being new and insightful, though I haven't read it. :-) I'm going only from what I've heard on IRC.
Compilation by transformation seems to be an old idea.
CPS, SSA, & ANF are all essentially equivalent but for one major advantage on the part of CPS: it represents first-class continuations well, whereas ANF & SSA represent them very poorly.
Smerdyakov, it was innovative mostly in that it tied several interesting things together in a realistic & [somewhat] practical compiler: compilation by program transformation, the universal intermediate language, et cetera.
I bet Appel has done it better since. :P
Appel based much of his compiler work on Kelsey's, Smerdyakov.
So read Appel's and save yourself some time!
ive read appel
its really good
'modern compiler implem in ML'
Does Appel describe the transformation of generic imperative languages, such as Pascal, into a functional & universal intermediate language?
i want to translate raw binary programs to CPS, Im basing my analysis on a interprocedural dependance graph, and I use a visitor design pattern for each transformation of the code
do you see any flaw in that architecture ?
If I knew what your goal was I could perhaps answer that.
my first goal is to do higher order type recovery (I have coupled the dependance graph to a 'flow-pattern' matcher which can handle first order type as one of its parameters
but my goal is more of building a general analysis framework for binary code, for memory tracking and type analysis
I'm guessing Smerdyakov is sitting here chuckling or something of the sort.
Machine code is so simple that thinking of it as CPS won't help you much.
It's only if you lump instructions together that you'll save something.
coupling a 'stack' for each dependance subgraph where definitions of variables are stored is a good way that I use for linking the dataflow between 2 subgraphs, even in case of multiple prececessors flows)
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Riastradh, Smerdyakov already suggested me some readings about TAL and I must admit that TAL is definitely a big source of inspiration for me, but the difference between TAL and what I'm doing is that I work on raw binary code, compiled from the C++ language
lambdawar, are you aware of the huge amount of research done to date on verification of machine code?
(Yes, I mean machine code, not TAL.)
yea, last stuff Ive read was 'curry howard for machine code' from a guy in japan
ive read many papers about type systems for machine code, as well
Have you read about proof-carrying code?
Ive heard about it, but I havent directly read something about it. Its done in the compilation stage right ?
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I mean, from high level to low level proof caring code
Trusted validation is done on low-level code only.
Smerdyakov, what is a MUST READ for it ? ;)
what I'm doing atm is more like taking the binary code and transforming it into a intermediate form, I guess I should design this reversed intermediate form so that it can suit for the validation algorithlms you are referring to
Why do you want to transform it into an intermediate form?
With no assumptions about a compilation strategy, you only make your job harder.
In the PCC project I work in, we translate machine code into a simplified instruction set with equivalent semantics, but that's it.
A Syntactic Approach to Foundational Proof-Carrying Code Nadeem A. Hamid, Zhong Shao, Valery Trifonov, Stefan Monnier and Zhaozhong Ni Department of Computer Science, Yale University
That's our main competitor group. ;)
it seems good
Smerdyakov, ;) ok
I'll read about PCC more and come back
(as usual)
(with you)
Don't read that paper first.
Read one of the first ones, reachable from the URL I have.
ah, Im working on sparc64
this arch is not supported by your project it seems, so i'm -nearly- not reinventing the wheel ;P lol
thanks for all the links, I'm reading the html page atm
Which is my project?
the berkeley one, described on the url you pasted I guess
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That work was all done at CMU in the mid-90's.
There is no web site for our current project.
But you're right that we don't support SPARC now.
To add such support, all that's required is a translator for SPARC assembly to our reduced instruction set.
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det: fib 200000 is a 41798 digits number... over 10**41798 function calls is going to take some time, no matter the language. If computing fib(200000) terminates in any tested language, it must be optimizing the basic algorithm...
Why 10^41798 function calls?
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Smerdyakov: it needs 10^41798 calls to fib 0 or fib 1
Smerdyakov: then more
Smerdyakov, thanks again ;) ltr
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Smerdyakov: because they're the only constants, and their value is 1. they must have been used fib n times when computing fib n
pango, are you assuming the most naive implementation again?
Has that been anywhere near the topic of conversation any time recently? :P
Smerdyakov: so what ? :)
So you're not making any sense.
No one cares about that, since it's obviously a stupid implementation to use.
I was just wandering if the C implementation, that should stick to the implementation asked, could terminate in a reasonable amount of time... I doubt it
What C implementation?
Smerdyakov: the one dan2 was comparing other languages' implementations against
vincenz, you frisky hellcat, you.
I'm tried
tired even
drank too late yesterday
(too much)
drank a bit today, not much
but it makes me VERY tired, and somewhat euphoric
Interesting that you don't seem to be able to plan ahead and not drink too much!
I might be selectively compiling C++ to java
Smerdyakov: when the mood is right...
it wasn't too much, just right
but I had to wake up early to subscribe myself for chinese
(or is it inscribe?)
Anyways, I mailed to dsw and he even forwarded my letter to scott
It seems that scott will contain to maintain it (well not actively but..)
so...ti seems he has a few more years to go
I don't need active maintainance
but since I'm at the start of my phd, I don't want the basis I use to be dead when I arrive at the end of my phd
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Anyone use ocamlodbc ? I'm having a bit of troubles making it work. It installed ok, but now when I type: ocaml ocamlodbc.cma I get: The external function `itere_execDB_c' is not available
* vincenz
rereards the paste
pango: fib....is usually done iteratively
and that just results in 200000 calls
a, b = a+b, a
(use a temp if you want)
vincenz: I know... that's how I came up with the 41k digits result, mind you
vincenz: dan2 was using this to exercise memory allocation, not for the result
imho it's not a good way to excercise memory allocation
make that imo instead of imho
your allocation blocks are all the same size
vincenz: yet 95% of the time is spent in GC in his tests
of c ourse
oh yuo're testing GC, not allocation
vincenz: and I'm not sure blocks are all the same size, using big int
not much variance in any case
vincenz: ok, "memory management" then
what db lib would people recommend I use? I would like to primarly access mysql, but would like some abstraction to move to another db if necessary.
CoolPops: check the humps
vincenz: there are all sorts of them there, a few of which I can't compile, not certian if there is a favorite that I should work at or not.
* vincenz
has never done db
infact, the only one I could get to compile was ocaml-mysql.
then there is your answer
if you google for markus mottl ocaml
he has some libs, including postgress bindings
* vincenz
never quite got why there are so many libs to acccess dbs you'd think that (except for perky vendor-specific features) the interface is standardized
* vincenz
leaves, "time to go out, I hope this coffee kicks in"
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What is: Some [|Some "1"; Some "John doe"|] ? I thought it was a list, but List.hd does not work on it.
it's a array option
The type of that expression is 'string option array option'.
Robert: I just started learning ocaml last night and I started a "learning" project that I think is still over my head :)
normal Array.* function's doesn't work on option arrays?
It's an _array option_, not option array. Note the 'Some'.
type 'a option = Some of 'a | None
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is there a mirror for caml.inria.fr ? it seems to be non-functional.
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how is threading in ocaml
# row;;
- : string option array option = Some [|Some "1"; Some "Jeremy Cowgar"|]
How do I access an element of that array?
That's a silly question, since the elements of the array are known.
Do you understand that it is _not_ an array?
CoolPops, that _isn't_ an array.
Something with that type might also be None.
No, I don't understand that. I am looking for tutorials to help me understand this, but the ocaml.org site is down (at least the .fr part of it.)
It's pretty sad how Inria seems less able to keep a web site up than I am. :)
I have a few tutorials bookmarked, but I am unable to find this type of reference in them.
Can you tell me how to retrieve the "1" into it's own var?
CoolPops, do you understand what 'type 'a option = Some of 'a | None' means?
Riastradh: type a is any type of value, None is empty.
CoolPops, do you understand that that is literal ML syntax that introduces a new type?
Smerdyakov: no.
CoolPops, OK. So pick your favorite tutorial and find the place where this 'type' declaration is explained.
I have read about 5 chapters of a tutorial and thought I could do this project. I am about 85% done, just stuck.
Smerdyakov: I will do that.
Smerdyakov: knowing what to look for was the key for me.
CoolPops, it would be even better to acknowledge that you can't do the project.
CoolPops, pick a tutorial and read through it in order.
CoolPops, if you get to the point where 'type' is explained, then maybe you will be ready to try again.
The official tutorial in the manual is really short. This shouldn't be much of a setback.
Smerdyakov: I will read.
Is there a place I can download the manual other than inria.fr?
I don't know.
There is an ocaml-doc Debian package in apt.
So you can get it from many mirrors around the world, but it will be a pain if you aren't running Debian. :)
Smerdyakov: gentoo. no ocamldoc here, but I may be able to do a convert or something on the package file.
Careful! I said ocaml-doc! ocamldoc is the name of a documentation tool. :)
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