I've been asked to write a theorem prover in sml
I think ill do it in ocaml
Hashtbl takes a comparator?
like, umm, how would I create this hashtbl?
let my_hash = Hashtbl.create <expected size of hashtbl>
how will it know what key to take?
and how to compare those keys?
It will infer the type as soon as you use the hash. And it uses structural equality iirc. (And cheats a bit to be able to create the hash on any object.)
what about comparison?
What do you mean?
Map is probably O(log n) while Hash should be O(1)
unless you have a HashMap :)
erm, yeah, how does it know what hash function to use?
palomer, as I said. It cheats. Using a C hash function. :)
It probably just takes the bit pattern of the key as big integer % hash size.
so two objects which are structurally equal have the same hash code?
heck, what do I care, I'm using ints
Given that you can only put one type of object into a hash those would be identical.
palomer, the hash only determines what list to store the item in.
Check the docs for exact details on collission handling (add shadows the previous, replace removes the previous but raises and exeption if no previous was found, etc)
buggs has quit [Read error: 232 (Connection reset by peer)]
do external val's in a .mli file have to be a c function?
just need c calling conventions.
can you specify an external function that is just an ocaml function in a different file?
That wouldn't be external.
async, why would you want to do that?
well i have 2 files and i want to write one interface for both of those files
and i'd like to avoid creating another .ml which just does mapping
I don't think that's possible, and I also don't see why it would be an issue.
What's wrong with two separate interfaces?
because the two .ml files call functions from each other (they're mutually inclusive)
That's rather unorthodox. SML doesn't even allow that.
neither does ocaml
which is why i need to make a big container file
No, OCaml does, or some readily available extension does.
Smerdyakov: it gives a linker error
shawn_ has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
mrvn, I know there is a version of OCaml available with a recursive module system.
Smerdyakov: or you could just make a container interface
which combines both interfaces into one larger interface, and each file uses that big interface