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i can't get about to setting breakpoints in ocamldebug - i keep getting "can't find any event" even though I've tried it on pattern matchings, function calls etc.
i've compiled and linked my bytecode with -g
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Hmm. Is there any dirty trick to find out in Ocaml whether some value is a C NULL pointer?
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write a compare function?
but how?
without using C, I mean
And then?
It would probably work if I store a null pointer smoewhere to compare against
Or maybe (Obj.magic x) + 0 = 0
but maybe Ocaml optimizes that away :)
Oh well, I'll just do it in C.
That wouldn't have the int tag.
mrvn: it should get ored in after a +
does it or does it subtract 1 after the + because it was in there twice?
(Obj.set_tag x Obj.int_tag) = 0
Hm, probably the latter
Are your C types boxed?
Then why not decalre an C.null object and use the normal Persvasive.compare?
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mrvn: that would probably do.
cleanest way
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shit, my ocaml program segfaults.
mrvn: stack overflow?
I guess that isn't caught as native code.
it isn't, that would be quite expensive
well, one could install a segfault handler and check it from there
mellum: via handler, yes. checking function calls would be insane.
(Referring to the segfault-on-stack-overflow.)
let rec insert_bucket = function
Empty -> ()
| Cons(key, data, rest) ->
insert_bucket rest; (* preserve original order of elements *)
let nidx = (hashfun key) mod nsize in
ndata.(nidx) <- Cons(key, data, ndata.(nidx)) in
I think it's acceptable to assume users won't hash more than a few elements into the same bucket. So I wouldn't consider it a bug
Demitar: stacks automaticaly grow on use just like memory. If it can't grow you get a segfault.
mellum: yes. But if the parser doesn't terminate and adds "" "" that is what you get.
mrvn, I understand why it makes sense from a kernel perspective, but from the application perspective it's very odd behaviour indeed.
mrvn: parse'em out?
mellum: you can't just say "I assune so.... I'll let it slide"
A sensible thing would be to send another signal than SEGV. But signal numbers are precious
Demitar: It is a bit hard to notice the reason for the segfault as user. It would be much better if ocaml had a segfault handler that checks for stack overflow.
vincenz: ??
17:07 < mellum> I think it's acceptable to assume users won't hash more than a
few elements into the same bucket. So I wouldn't consider it a
vincenz: hashes grow with the number of elements total. Getting a few thousand hash collisions means a very poor key distribution.
vincenz: And making it tail recursive just for that case is slower.
(unless you hack)
oh, I misinterpreted his statement
I thought he said it was ok to let it crash then
Well, it crashes with a stack overflow.
* vincenz
I know I know, disregard me :=
mrvn: export OCAMLRUNPARAM='l=10M' ?
pango: native code.
mrvn: filter out the ""
mrvn: should work too
there's something strange
pango: hardly. The stack is limited by the OS.
on a simple test it crashes with "Fatal error: exception Stack_overflow"
in native mode
not a segv
smimou: arch?
% cat toto.ml
let rec f () = f (); 0
let _ = f ()
mrvn: all I know is that it helps some compilations with ocamlc.opt... and ocamlc.opt is a native app, right ?
zsh: segmentation fault ./foo
Not on amd64.
pango: no, ocamlc.opt is the native code version of the to bytecode compiler.
mrvn: that's what I'm saying
cat: let rec f() = f(); 0\nlet _ = f(): No such file or directory
pango: But I'm compiling to native code.
mrvn: it prevents ocamlc.opt from crashing
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Configuring for a x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ...
Wow! A 64 bit architecture!
Cannot detect system stack overflow.
I'm reading the configure output.
Wow! They have only been around since like 1992!
That Wow came from configure ?!?
Now I get your rofl
I thought you were being sarcarstic and I didn't see the humor
smimou: You have 3.08.2?
well I checked from the cvs
oh it's not in 3.08.1
smimou: Seems to be fixed in cvs then.
I wonder why it doesn't work for more linuxes.
mrvn: nobody implemented it, I guess
It's not like every time you throw an i386 box oit of the window, you hit a MIPS Linux Ocaml developer.
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Thank god, there would be none left by now.
What's the bonus of an amd64bit?
32 extra bit. Gives you a nice alcohol level.
no seriously
why go for a 64bit?
(Bit == Bitburger, german beer)
I have one, cheaper than a pentium. And then why not use it?
It is nice to have 63 bit ints instead of 31.
* vincenz
is going to buy a laptop,
and strings/arrays > 16MB.
but 64bit is most likely not a good idea...
that's it?
8 tag bits, 24 bits for the size of a string
yes. severe limit on 32bit.
If you need more on 32bit you have to use a BigArray of char or something.
but an amd64bit is most likely not a good choice for a laptop, right?
They seem fine although I would expect them to be quite warm. But is a P4 any cooler?
Several people on #debian-amd64 have one.
doesn't it kill batterylife?
* vincenz
is considering a centrino
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I have a getopt.ml here that requires "--foo=arg" for long options. Does anyone know one that can also do "--foo arg"?
mrvn: I think there's one in extlib
mellum: no debian package?
mrvn: libextlib-ocaml-dev - extended standard library for OCaml
stupid name.
Which reminds me, the dynarray from extlib segfaulted for me, abnd I never got around to tracking it
oh well.
Why don't they put extlib in the std-ocaml-distro?
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The extlib/optParse.cmi is younger than the mli. That realy sucks.
bad timestamps?
touch em both
Makes the debian package quite useless to users.
mrvn, file a bug report against the debian package.
vincenz, the whole stdlib complete-or-not has been argued back and forth on caml-list already, read the archive.
Alright, thnx
Demitar: already done
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OptParse in extlib seems to be somehow broken. I have a value_option and the coercion function gets called but the value always remains the default.
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doh, the partial evaluation killed it.
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Bures sur Yvette?
* Submarine
regarde le hostnam de mattam
c koi "bures"?
Bures-sur-Yvette est un village au sud-ouest de Paris
principalement connu pour l'IHES, et pour être une banlieue où vivent plein d'universitaires
Ah, je pensais que burer etait un verb et qu'yvette etait une college
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What is the best way to create a 3-dimenional array of a simple type such as an int? (Actually, I really only need a bit...)
that is, an array of a sixe d x d x d
and I need each cell to be a boolean value
Create a 'bool array array array'. (And let the type be your guide.)
the logical nested Array.make doesn't work because it shares the int
doesn't work with bools either
# let x = Array.make 3 (Array.make 3 true);;
val x : bool array array = [|[|true; true; true|]; [|true; true; true|]; [|true; true; true|]|]