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* vincenz
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Hello. Can you recommend a wiki in ocaml?
pflanze, what are you asking exactly?
I'm looking for a wiki which is written in OCaml.
if it's good enough for basic usage: some formatting, version handling.
Check the humps. (There is one, just want to make sure you learn how to find caml software. :)
Did the english version of "Developing Applications With Objective Caml" ever come out.
I think the silence says: "Noone awake has more clue than you do." :)
So, who would be awake?
* Riastradh
what's the name of the thing that not permits runtime errors
over.. ?
over-pedantic? :D
I never thought it needed a name.
mmh, i don't remember
how is referred to usually? how is it called
On the theoretical note: Nothing can even not permit runtime errors.
Two kinds of things need no names. Things so ridiculous you'd never consider having. Things so paramount you'd never consider omitting. Your thing is in the latter category.
ok ok.
maybe "perfection" :D
goodnight :)
So is Ocaml not very good with native "types" or is there something I'm missing?
What do you mean by 'good with native "types?"'
Data types usually used from C and it's ilk. Shorts, unsigned ints, etc...
Erlang has some candygrammer to handle particular integer types. I was looking for the same in Caml.
erlang only has candygrammar to read the ints in
nothing that should be too hard with int32's and readbyte
Thanks :) I'll look into that.
if you want performance
and are sure that your numbers are limited to 31 signed ints
use plain ints
Those are the only unboxed types in Ocaml, right?
Those and float arrays. :)
Oh, okay. I just want to learn Ocaml and my learning application is going to be a dependency tool.
what sort of dependencies?
Between different components in a development environment. It's a weird proprietary system where all the components are in a main config file.
They're represented by different records that are just basically C-structs with record delimiter structures.
who in here had questions about CIL?
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It's a Printf implementation in SML, with no special compiler support.
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is OCAML an easy way to learn to program? (personal details: I've been sitting on my ass infront of this computer all my life, but i can't program, i'm a bit intimidated by computer code and not completely sure I would understand if i tried, I know windows like i know nothing else, and I haven't programmed unless you wanna call MMF-- which is a game making, half-programming kinda kit-- programming. This I excelled at, but C scares me.) I was
thinking about Visual Basic even though it is dread-slow, it might be a good learning platform, but if you think OCAML is a better choice, please tell?
ocaml is functional which might be hard to get into for non mathematicians.
Weeeeeeee, as a first language python might be a good choice.
Something imperative is probably easier to understand as first language.
hmm. imperative, what does that mean? (english is not my native language)
i'll look into python :)
Weeeeeeee: Ever read instructions for something? They are imperative: 1. do this, 2. do that, 3. do these.
i think i understand
Most people have a hard time accepting functions as values and functions that take other functions as argument and return other functions.
In ocaml you get that all the time.
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mrvn: I agree with you, but I'm not convinced that a functional language is a bad choice for a first language.
For a first functional language ocaml certainly is a great choice. Can we agree on that?
In France, some college classes teach OCaml as first language.
Granted, they are for people doing mostly math studies.
Well, when I was trying to learn OCaml I got too confused and had to learn Scheme first.
They teach scheme here first.
here they tend to teach C++ first, which seems like a good way to make people hate programming.
neale: well, that is about the worst possible choice
so you cannot derive much from that experience :)
The could teach cobol.
or perl
Well, I learned BASIC first :)
I think Pascal would be a good first imperative language, scheme good for functional.
I had to teach Octave (as a first language) to some students
pascal is very strict on structure
A specific programming language should not be the focus of a beginning computer science course.
That would confuse the poor souls even more
Instead, a paradigmactically (!) flexible programming language should simply be used uniformly throughout the course.
(I'm not sure exactly what that (!) signifies, but that was a mouthful of a word, even to type. Does anyone have any better suggestions?)
The course should rather focus on many areas of computer science and not dwell on the language itself.
A language with a simple syntax and simple & flexible semantics, therefore, is a better choice for an introductory computer science course.
there you go with scheme. only 6 pages specs.
<Riastradh>, R5RS is a _little_ longer than that, but yes, it is my opinion that Scheme is almost ideal for introductory computer science courses, provided a competent Schemer for a professor.
even 25 pages or 50 or what the full thing is is still very small.
It's about 50 pages.
I still prefer ocaml :)
well I'd have to agree that Scheme is a good choice for teaching concepts without having to teach a lot of language syntax and gotchas
however, given the tendency in the western US to teach C++ first, Pascal might better prepare students for their classes :)
pascal is realy realy useless
TeX was written in pascal, IIRC :)
With c++ people at least learn some C
mrvn: that argument is why C++ is taught in CS 101
But why c++? Why not c?
because C++ is what everyone wants you to write these days
(so goes the argument)
and if you learn C++, you learn C for free (so goes the argument)
everyone wants java, at least thats what they told us
maybe it's because I'm so close to microsoft :)
Then you would learn c#
yes, that could be. Maybe things have changed since I was last in school.
All the things that make C better than C like inheritance, virtual functions and operator overloading are all a bit to complex for CS 101. Better to first learn the basics and keep the syntax minimal.
C++ better than C
no argument there
Java would be okay.
java sucks big time.
Also people learn java in enough other curses.
yeah, but at least it doesn't make you do memory management
if I were teaching the class I'd start with scheme, and the next year students would learn ML
Better to teach them to do so first. They never learn it later.
but I guess that's why I'm in industry.
mrvn: I've taught kids C before, and I can tell you that kids who have trouble understanding that you can say "x = x + 1" are not going to have an easy time understanding memory management.
Anoth major point for scheme is that probably noone in the curse has prior knowledge of it. With C, java or Pascal you have a significant fraction already knowing it and getting bored.
neale: you say x++
I'll try that next time.
If you realy must forget about free(). CS 101 progs are so small they never need to free memory.
so I think we're in agreement about scheme
It is quite useless but a good simple start.
apart from the functional aspect
haha, I bet we could go on about that for the rest of the day ;)
I remember getting my tutor quite confused with mixing multiple fold functions together.
We had some exercise where people wrote like 2 screens full of code with several functions and you could roll it all into folds.
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I always say a good scheme programm needs to end in at least 15 )s. :)
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mrvn: actually in the scheme course I'm TAing at rice, for some reason a couple students knew scheme before...
does someone have some good functions for easy debugging output which you can enable and disable
similar to some primitive C preprocessor debugging macros
#define DBG 1
#define DEBUG(args...) \
do { \
if(DBG) printf("DEBUG %s", args); \
} while(0)
make a function that takes a string
like print_string
with format args capability I forgot to mention =)
do you use format args in ocaml?
i just always "so and so ... "^(string_of_int 32)
I think printf is quite comfortable
why not define "debug_int", "debug_string", "debug_etc"
im not sure how to do it...and btw, why a do/while for the c version?
shuttlecock: so you can put ; after it
I use that idiom all the time to implement poor-man's exceptions
Printf.printf has such a strange type
passed = 0;
do {
if (stuff()) { break; }
if (other()) { break; }
passed = 1;
} while (0);
Well I would prefer a function which acts completely like printf but only if the 'debugging state' is set to true
oracle1: are you using a preprocessor?
hey...are most people who use functional languages programming languages research people? it seems that most people who like functional are in the PLT research group and i find that i seem to be the only person i know who likes ocaml but is more interested in other areas of CS...
I use ocaml as a C substitute
I'm sort of a language geek, but I'm definitely a professional applications programmer.
however, so far I've only been able to use ocaml for free software I write in my spare time.
hah let me try
i see -- i've only ever seen one job opening that wanted ocaml programmers, and it was thru the PL guy here who works on metaocaml
oracle1: I use smthg like this usually
let print_debug = ref false
let debug fmt = Printf.kprintf (if !print_debug then prerr_endline else ignore) fmt
oh! ignore. that's what I was looking for