the usage of 'a 'b and 'c would be only when printing the type and reading it..
another way to cheat would be to use freshocaml
yes, may be it would be more clean
__DL__: in fact, i have this types: type typ = Bool |Int | Star of typ*typ | Arrow of typ*ty | Var of string
and no a,b,c's...
is the problem with unifying a->b->c and b->c->a or ?
it is
can unify inductive or "weirdly" recursive types
you mean your unification function does not work for these types then ?
But at least, I raise an exception when not unifiable
mattam: yes, that's what i meant. sorry if i wasn't clear enough
(gosh i lag... 797seconds to sync with this channel)
well, you have not given us a lot of information, but the idea (as I see it) is that unifying should be some recursive function that give not only the type, but the unification that have been done
well... unify (arrow(Var a, Bool)) (Arrow (Int,Var b)) shuold return [(Var a, Int);(Var b, Bool)] (which it does with such a simple test)
what does it does on unify (Var a) (Var b) ?
[(Var a, Var b)]
well, I don't see where is the probleme then...
unification (Fleche (Var"a",Var"b")) (Fleche (Int,Var"b"));; gives (typ * typ) list = [(Var "a", Int); (Var "b", Var "b")]
That is a problem... (fleche means "Arrow" but whatever)
stupid me
__DL__: ok, unify ((a->b)->c)*a ((b->c)->a)*Int returns a=b, b=c, c=a, a=Int if i remove the Not_unifiable exception check, ot raises the exception. *Now* that is not a normal behaviour
Bon, ben je vais te laisser a tes probleme d'unification, moi demain, je vais topologicet complet, mais tot... bonne nuit et bon courage...