sorry, thought you were *asking* if it can do boolean, then realised that you posted it :-)
well it's a pretty simple http server
m3ga: hehe ;)
oberke: you reuse the http server code from the humps
i had some leftover http code
you use fork?
* vincenz
str is not reentrant and i use it for searching
so unless i recode most of the stuff...
but don't threads need reentrant codetoo?
s/codetoo/code too
well yes :)
so it's buggy !!!
actually i was thinking of mutexing calls to str
but i'm gonna replace it with pcre anyway
* vincenz
meanwhile, while the load is low... it should work ;)
that's VERY iffy
why not use string?
well well
or do you need complexm atches?
seems to work...
in fact no
oberke: until two people make two calls at the as me time
i don't know where exactly it isn't reentrant
oberke: str stores it's last match somewhere
vincenz: yes but i don't care, i just want to know if it matches
vincenz: string ? i'm looking for regexes
well the user does
I fali to see why they didn't make the str return all the needed info
as a type t
is it "bad" to do it single threaded and use select?
would've solved the reentrancy proble
well i complained about that a long time ago and xavier said that it was "a thorn in his feet" or somesucj
Excedrin: no
Excedrin: in fact for many things it's quite good, solves you thread-headaches
exedrin: no but it's a pain in the ass
oberke: not really
I made a framework for that, quite cute
vincenz: well i need to be multithreaded any way
i wouldn't want one long search to stall other searches
oberke: right
but for muds, select is better
cause otherwise you need to mutex no the world
you do muds in caml ? :)
not yet
I was halfthinking it
but I thinking making a system from scratch
(especially a balanced system)
well why don't you do a decent mailclient ? mutt sucks imho
it's not appealing
there's some sml code to build threads and a scheduler using continuations, seems like that would solve the long running search problem
or simply make str reentrant :P
excedrin: well we don't have continuations yet do we ?
that too
don't continuations mess up the typing system?
vincenz: yes but that would break the api
wait, I thought ocaml did have continuations?
oberke: well...sometimes you gotta break eggs
call it something new and make str deprec
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vincenz: hmm well regex sound fine to me
they could also put a tree representation for regexes, so we don't have to use dirty strings for program-generated regexes
Concat(Star(String "shit"),Or(String "toto",String "bar")) etc.
why don't they add the ocaml-lib (extlib) to the std distro?
oberke: sounds like more of a hassle than anything
vincenz: could be useful
oberke: for what?
(just curious)
vincenz: of course we keep parsing from strings, it's just that you can get the syntax tree of a regex
mfurr has joined #ocaml
and do what with it?
or a regex from the syntax tree. i don't know, if you have to build a regex, you won't have to quote lots of stuff
* vincenz
thinks that
type a' option_special = None | One of a' | Some of a' list is useful
if you build a regex without quoting user-supplied strings, you'll run into trouble if there are special chars in the string
oh right
vincenz : well yep but make it [`None|`One of 'a|`Some of 'a list] coz' we still need 'a option :)
vincenz, they answered it somewhere.. They want the standard library to be just whats needed for the compiler. They also want to reserve the right to relicense the compiler as closed source.
Nutssh: ah I see
oberke: Yeah, though...I never got that ` thingy
nutssh: what ? closed source ??
it's something about an opentype
vincenz: well you can use the same ` contsructor more than once
type fruit = [`Apple|`Banana] and stuff = [`Apple|`Mouse];;
how does it know which to match?
well it doesn't, you get types like [> `Apple ] which means any type which contains `Apple
hmm hmm
basically you can expand
plus, you don't have to fully qualify these open types if they are defined in a module
ie instead of GMisc.Stuff.Tags.Bold you just type `Bold
what happens if you call a func with `Orange?
they are like symbols in scheme
vincenz : you can't ;)
sure you can
won't compile
or you get a match failure
type somethingelse = [`Apple | `Orange];
so basically, the plus side, open types, the down side some of it is moved to runtime
# let f = function `Orange -> true;;
val f : [ `Orange ] -> bool = <fun>
# f `Apple;;
This expression has type [> `Apple ] but is here used with type [ `Orange ]
with a possible exception
vincenz: no, its still completely statically typed
well no you don't get a match failure, it detects it
oberke, the copyright holder can release with any license they want, even more than one at a time. (For instance, mysql.)
mfurr: euhm
module 1: type applespears, functionapplepears
consder let f = function | `A -> true | `B -> false
module 2: type appleoranges
f `C is a type error
module3:callfunctionmodule1 with module2
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oberke: Try let f = function `Orange -> true | _ -> false;;
Then f will accept an open type.. Eg, f `Apple
mfurr: are you sure it's a solveable prob?
I mean, can what happens at runtime be completely analyzed at compiletime?
seems like a strong claim
vincenz: it's not what happens, it's just a finite representation thereof
the real downside is that if you have complicated open types, the type errors the compiler prints can be several pages long and quite incomprehensible
so what's the limitation?
if you have "let f = `Orange -> true | _ -> false"
and then type
f `Oragne, it won't pick up that its an error
I mean why not use these by default?
vincenz, with variant types [`A `B], it can identify if a match failure can happen by tracking which constructors a function can legitimately accept without a match failure (which, with 'match x with _ -> ...') could be all of them. And a conservative approximation of which constructors it may return. All statically at compile time.
to quote the manual: "After seeing the power of polymorphic variants, one may wonder why they were added to core language variants, rather than replacing them.
The answer is two fold. One first aspect is that while being pretty efficient, the lack of static type information allows for less optimizations, and makes polymorphic variants slightly heavier than core language ones. However noticeable differences would only appear on huge data structures."
thnx :)
* Nutssh
bows to mfurr.
classes + polymorphic recursive variant types give absolutely awful type errors !
i mean, it's totally insane and undebuggable.
* vincenz
learns a new sytnax
oberke: In those situations, I find manually adding the type declarations /very/ helpful
mfurr: well except that they tend to be quite big !!!
cut & paste :)
< method1: [> `Stuff of 'a | `Foo | `Bar of 'a ] as 'a > -> etc...
I've never used variant types in a program I've written.
The toplevel is useful in that respect
Nutssh, never used variant types? I believe you mean _polymorphic_ variant types.
mfurr: what good is the toplevel when you can't even load your code due to such a type error ?
load a part at a time?
mfurr: yep with lots of modules, you have to extract code by hand
I think we use different nomenclature. I distinguish between 'sum types' and 'variant types'.. Ocaml uses 'variant types' and 'polymorphic variant types'?
are polymorphic variant types oftne used?
vincenz: gtk/gtk2 relies heavily on them
Nutssh: yes. Sums are often called "variants"
(i mean lablgtk)
they are really useful when you need to build up data structures across modules
or any place you need subtyping on sums
can methods return polymorphic variant types?
(or get them as params?)
They're also something that is really easy to overuse and blow up in your face. :(
yes, they are just like any other type
mfurr: not sure, methods have more restrictions
method x = x
is not allowed unless you define the type of x
let o = object method get = `A end;;
val o : < get : [> `A ] > = <obj>
It is allowed. 'object method get x = x end'
It doesn't do what you think... See the oo section of the ocaml manual.
but euhm
for classes...
as long as it's nameless it's fine
You probably meant 'object method get : ('a. 'a -> 'a) = fun x -> x '
Section 3.11
ok here's a challenge : does anyone know of a way to get the pagesize of the system in ocaml ?
even a standard system command would do...
or digging in /proc for that matter
In classes, if you want universally quantified types for classes or methods, aka "FORALL_'a 'a -> 'a" which is what "'a -> 'a" expands to, you have to state the quantifications explicitly with either ['a] in the class, or ('a. ...) in the method.
* vincenz
can't find the section that exlpains why nameless classes can be polymorphic
oberke: write an C wrapper for getpagesize(2) ?
mfurr: well that's what i was trying to avoid precisely
['a] in the class creates a class thats universally quantified in a type 'a, ('b. ...) for a method that should be universally quantified on the types of one of its arguments.
oberke, what do you need it for?
oberke: then you probably won't be able to in a cross platform manner
nutssh: telling the rsz/vsz of the process
no it will run under debian linux
it's for ara to tell how much memory it uses (Gc.stats doesn't work under native) #memory
Nutssh: with that syntax .a...
I thought those weremeasured in kilobytes?
Nutssh: does it generate a new method for each type?
(kinda like templates in c++)
nutssh: no pages
Doh. :(
nutssh: 4k on i386, 8 or 16k on arm, etc...
vincenz: 'Creating a new method for each type' is an implementation issue in the compiler.
* vincenz
just curious
Nutssh: why do nameless objects not have that problem?
Read section 3 very closely. Its tricky.
I mean objects not inside a class
* vincenz
can't find the section :/
Ocaml reference manual.
vincenz: its because the universal quantifier is hoisted to the class level, so any unification will constrain any future usage
My guess is that type inference can handle unconstrained types in normal non-oo code by universally quantifying over them.. But in the more complicated OO tyep system, it can't reason that automatically.
thus, in the anonymous case, the quantifier is already at the outermost level
mfurr, good idea, but it doesn't work either. You have to explicitly tell it that a class is universally quantified over some type variable.
* vincenz
needs to read his new pierce books on types
is it possible to constrain modules not to use system-functions?
the problem is that even pervasives contains stuff to access files
(if one wanted to make a framework with drop-in dynlinkable modules)
I guess one could make a subset of Pervasives call Pervasives, but leave out io
and then limit access to only that module
mfurr: could you elaborate on that explanation?
* vincenz
goes to bed
feel free to answer post-sleep
my irc remains open
* vincenz
so Ocaml only allows (inferred) universal quantifiers at the outer most level...
so, as you point out: class foo = object method get x = x end;;
Some type variables are unbound in this type:
class foo : object method get : 'a -> 'a end
The method get has type 'a -> 'a where 'a is unbound
Ok, But why do named objects require it exlicitly but anonymous ones don't?
And in that the 'a is bound at the class level.
(I think) because the quantifiers are hoisted to the 'object' level in the anonymous case
thus when you try to bind an object to class, you need to specify the quantifier explicitly
Its the same reasoning as to why you must list the quantifiers in a record type as well
Oh, I see it.. Yes... class foo = object .... end The ''object .... end'' creates is of a paramaterized type, paramatarized by any open type variables in the definition. If you want to bind it to a name, that name must also be paramaterized. Like " type 'a option = None | Some of 'a "
i know there's a camlp4 module for it, but I miss local opens for modules a lot
what do you think ?
you can use local module binding to make things easier... let module M = LongerModulename in M.foo
yes i do that
but why can't we have that syntactic sugar ?
a trick would be open module X in stuff -> let module T = struct open X let z = stuff end in T.z ...
* mfurr
* oberke
hesitates between going to bed and getting up at 7 or not going to bed and getting up at 7
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hello folks, is this the ML forum?
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hm, where is everyone?
yep, there is people. there are some guys here that seem to know ml quite well.
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* avlondono
isn't active in this channel though
so I really don't know why am I answering ;-)
i need to write an function called alternating sum that takes a list of integer and find the sum
for example [a1,a2,a3,a4], the alternating sum is a1-a2+a3-a4
I would like to figure the answer on my own. can anyone give me some tips?
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crazy: mathmatical induction and reduce
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what's the proper way to turn a string into a list of chars
sml has an explode function
so far i found a way to do it using Stream
but is there a more direct way?
ask google about 'ocaml explode'
you are everywhere!
mrsolo - well, /whois suggests that you attend a couple of channels I don't plan on joining =)
i suspect as much, emacs users carry pitchfolks
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Hm.. Does anybody here know a bit about lablgtk?
Like.. The main loop takes over my entire program's execution.
I have another set of code that's supposed to be running in another thread.
But, for some reason the main loop even though it's in another thread locks up the entire program.
Do I have to specifically compile for pthreads or something?
jason_, ocaml doesn't use pthreads, but you do have to compile with threads.
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Nutssh: What if I want to use system threads though
The problem, I think, is the main gtk thread is a system thread.
There may be system threads, but they all block on a single lock around the heap. Multiple threads can't run ocaml code at the same time.
See -thread and the thread-related information in the manual.
So, I can't run any blocking code?
Or what?
In a thread I mean?
What I'm trying to do is make a GTK visual interface to an underlying socket-based program.
And, the program blocks on read and writes etc..
So, I want it to display text as it reads it into the GTK window.
You need to do -thread in the compile, and pay attention to locking issues. GTK calls can only be made from one thread.
Yeah, I'm doing the -thread thing.
I'm actually just running the two independantly at the moment.
So, they're both in the same .ml file, but two separate expressions, one being run in a Thread.
And, the GTK process just blocks off my socket reading process erradicly.
Like, some input will get through.
Mostly if I generate GTK events for some reason.
Like, if i push the button over and over again, I get thread time in the other thread.
I've gotta sleep though, I'll play with this more tommorow.
Thanks for your help :)
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