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KrispyKringle: in regard to our conversation the other day, pypy outputs C, LLVM bytecode, javascript, python source, or pyrex source
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kmag: No shit. Interesting. Wish they had more on the webpage for lazy people like me. ;)
that's what they said
Why? :P
my guess is AJAX
so you can write stuff in python and have it run on a browser?
there are some AJAX libraries for a few languages
a friend was showing me AJAX for Ruby on Rails the other day
it's pretty cool
Wait, so you write the backend in ruby and the frontend in Javascript? Or in Ruby that's translated into JavaScript?
There's some server-side Ruby that gets translated into JavaScript
and sent to the browser
creepy buzzwords.
Ruby certainly is an odd critter
Ruby's OK. I much prefer Python.
I'm still giving Ruby a chance
I've known Python for a long time, and am just learning Ruby now
I didn't give it much of a chance, I admit.
I wrote a small program in it.
It's nice enough, but I'm not a big OO freak.
it would be nice if Python had something like Ruby's method_missing method
What's that?
It runs if someone calls a missing method? :P
method_missing gets called if you call a method that's not defined for that particular object
Oh. Eh, you could write a wrapper that did that, but I guess that's not really what you want.
Well, two ways:
You could write a wrapper you use to call callables that runs some .__missing_method__() function instead if the called function doesn't exist.
Or, you could construct a single object that would run a method for *any* method called if it doesn't have a name.
The latter would be close to what you want.
using .__getattr
Er, .__getattr__
Actually, I think that does *exactly* what you want.
yes, I've seen some interesting presentations
overriding __new__ and __getattr__, you can do some crazy stuff in Python
One of the things I really like about Python is how transparent it all is.
but the nice thing about missing_method is that in the common case, you skip the crazy stuff
Everything is implemented *in python*.
Ther's no magic.
It does make things a bit more cluttered sometimes.
But I just used a really nice wrapper for the Flickr API that's incredibly short because it doesn't have to impelemnt each API call.
Instead, it uses __getattr__, and you just do object.flickr_api_callMethod() and it automatically calls the flickr.api.callMethod() you gave it in the Flickr REST API.
Very short, very sweet.
Although it means you can't use dir() to see what's in the API. I wonder if it'd be possible to populate that somehow (you can get all the available methods from flickr using reflection, I think).
I've seen something silimar for AIM's TOC protocol in Python
it didn't know all of the commands a priori
but when a message came in, it looked for a specially named method
Right. Same idea here but in reverse.
Since these are always one-way calls.
pypy doesn't implement your standard compiler
instead it traces execution of real Python code
and compiles the flow graphs to the target language
That's pretty neat.
yea, but I don't know how they get untouched methods to compile
or branches that are never taken
Well, you can't decide what gets called in a static flow analysis. They must just take both paths all the time.
from their description, it wasn't static flow analysis, though
on #pypy it sounded like they'd run some python for a time, and then decide to dump the flow graphs they'd traced out to the target language
the cheif advantage being that they could use python to dynamically generate python and execute it
kind of like a preprocessor
But like you said, they can't just arbitrarily run it. They have to make it take every possible path.
sounds like it would be easy to have a very buggy build
Changes in code change the coverage of unit tests all the time
but they need 100% coverage
Yeah, that doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me.
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nice, partially evaluating printf now works now as one would expect (3.09)
Oooh. Nice.
instead of just working the first invocation?
hmm, omlet.vim isn't highlighting the functor keyword.
not my fault, I didn't make the syntax highlighting, only the indentation
it doesn't indent it right either. ;)
that's my fault :D
I know I've lots of bugs to fix, but I'm very busy :(
mail-bomb me if you really need something (except speed)
Haha. It's okay. It works fast enough
hmm, odd: "syntax/omlet.vim:133:syn region ocamlMPRestr2 start="\sfunctor"
it is mentioned in the syntax highlighting file, but somehow not used. O.o
I was just after talking to myself, asking "When would I ever use a higher-order functor?", when all the sudden I need one in a program I'm writing. :P
Not that I talk to myself. often...
I wonder if there are any really successful scientists/mathematicians/engineers who don't talk to themselves.
Hah, that is like asking if there are any sane ones. :)
That depends on if you are talking about insanity as a disease or as a different and valid way of thinking.
I won't agree that all of the people in the class I named are sick.
Not sick, certainly.
Anyone that succeeds in something is essentially abnormal, and sadly abnormalities are often treated as sickness.
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hi :)
does anyone speak french?
c'est quoi la difference entre un let machin=truc in
et un let machin = ref truc
gg: tu peux plus changer machin si ya pas le ref
(entre une declaration et une reference koa)
pense au premier comme à une définition, inchangeable
un let tt seul equivaut a une constante?
et le second a une variable?
(en c++ et autre)
gg: pas tt a fait, si tu définis une structure qui contient des champs mutables
haha, I think I understand what you're saying
par exemple let s = "bla" in s.[0] <- 'B' ; s
gg: dans le noyau "fonctionnel pur" ton idée est bonne
ms certains objets peuvent etre modifiés
escuse je suis debutant en ocaml :/
s pointe toujours vers la meme chaine (sinon faut un ref)
jcomprend pas tout lol
mais la chaine derriere s peut etre modifiée (pas pur)
gg: pas de pb
en tt cas merci pour ton aide :p
c'est quoi alors la difference constante c++/let ocaml?
je suis pas calé en C++..
ms pe bien que c pareil apres tout :)
c++ ou autres
une constante en c++
disons que par rapport au C, le let est pas équivalent au #define
c'est une variable kon peut pas changer
par contre le mot clé const est pe bien le meme genre de truc..
#define c une directive pour le preprocesseur
anybody knows how similar/different are the C++ 'const' keyword and the caml let..in definition ?
'let' is pretty much like C++'s const or C's enum
the latter is restricted to integers, though
which stinks, btw
gg: bon t'as du comprendre, il confirme :)
mauke << thx :)
vodka-goo << merci :)
bitteschoen :-)
hmm, C's definitions are more like 'let rec', actually
let rec makes the identifier visible in its own definition
e.g. let rec ones = 1 :: ones (* infinite list *)
interesting the infinite list...
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So anyone here have tips on database access? I really don't care what database I use (as long as it's free), but rather how good the interface is. I need relatively high performance persistent storage, essentially, and the moduels I've tried either don't compile on OSX or have crappy interfaces.
which modules did you try ?
modules like mysql access should compile without many problems
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Schmurtz: I couldn't get the ocaml-mysql one to compile, actually.
Well, I couldn't get it to link. Then I managed to get it to link, but it can't find the C routines at runtime or something. I'm not real familiar with C module usee in OCaml.
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I'll try to compile it…
Schmurtz: Yeah, let me know if you get it working. :)
I had to replace the OCamlMakefile with the more recent version.
And that got it to compile, but not work.
I'm swtill debating using Python for this project, though. 'Cause I'm behind, and I code Python a bit faster than I code OCaml ;)
But I'm glad to hae that wpart working, at least.
I've never used python, so I won't help you to make a choice
I can only say that ocaml is bytecode-compiled and may natively-compiled
Python's a great language. But I fear that if I use it, I may have to optimize a few fmodules later in C.
And I fear about dynamic typing, since I somethimes result in more unsafe programs (runtime errors rather than compile time).
Yeah, that's one of the draws to OCaml, for me.
if performance is important, ocaml may be a good choice
Performance is only going to be an isue in one place, I think.
For which I can use C, but I'd rather not.
Decisions, decisions. ;)-
Anyweay, I have to get going. thanks so much for the help.
I owe you. ;)
there's too many languages
* dylan
is using m4 to write C code to link in with ocaml...
thinks about a single syntax to do C-like programs, interpreted ones...
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Schmurtz: there are some interpreted C variants
Schmurtz: I think one is called "Interactive C"
Schmurtz: MIT's 6.270 robot competition used to use interpreted C, but now the boards are fast enough to handle Java
ESR a dit : (In this wise shalt thou travel the Way of the Camel.)
the problem is that it's not widely used
and maybe many compatibility problems
in fact, my though was purely idealitic ;)
do you know
about the 'revised syntax' ?
Schmurtz: You should still learn Python ;)
I don't need it actually
so I'll wait
bluestorm, what is it ?
KrispyKringle, I know what are main python features, if in a futur projet I found python is a good choice, I'll learn it
Schmurtz: Yeah. My main complaint is that dynamic typing seems to result in more errors. Or maybe that's just me being stupid.
* Schmurtz
thinks he has some problems with english tenses...
But I feel it to be less safe than OCaml.
And OCaml is undoubtedly faster, when done with opt.
another ocaml syntax
introduced in Camlp4 manual
have to go and eat
* bluestorm
is away: eating
KrispyKringle, it's compiled to native code, so the overhead compared to C is only due to ocaml architecture (garbage collector, many checks, no efficient floating operations...)
KrispyKringle: you're not stupid, I strongly believe that dynamic typing leads to more error too ;)
vodka-goo: What I'm unclear on is what dynamic typing buys you versus polymorphism and typeclasses. In other words, I can't figure out what you can do with the former that you couldn't do with the latter.
So what I want is a language that hast he latter instead of the former.
it's a nightmare to use python/perl/ruby after ocaml. although the syntax is nice, it's always terribly annoying to get runtime errors for typos or forbidden arguments (especially when you're learning a new API).
Or instead of typelcasses, "everything is an object" types (like in Python) with casting methods (e.g. foo.__str__() in Python).
dynamic typing check *everything* at compile time
Does that make sense?
KrispyKringle: perfectly
Schmurtz: No, but I mean in terms of flexibility.
no, it's the contrary...
there are things you won't get with static checks, but I believe/hope it's not so much
I feel that polymorphism gives you most of the way, and typeclasses or casting methods allows you to dynamically cast things as you need.
But only in ways that make sense.
and dynamic typing check what append on execution
But for example:
in Python, "map" calls are essentially untyped.
so you can do map ('a -> 'b) -> 'a
When you should only be able to do it on 'a lists.
if you don't try every situation, you may have resulting type errors
With polymorphism, we get the same flexibility with proper safety. And with typeclasses, we get the ability to convert things to types that make sense at runtime.
one difficult thing to get with static checks is overloading and implicit casts also
vodka-goo: That's why I'm advocating the use of typeclasses to do that.
E.g. the "show" typeclass in Haskell.
vodka-goo, caml don't have implicit cast
ada too
I know
"show" is equivalent to Python's .__str__() method (which returns a string representation o fthat object).
vodka-goo, I hope you know ;)
I'm just wondering how useful it is
So if you have something like that, you can do implicit casting at runtime, but it's still typesafe (since you only implement .__str__() or "show" for things where it makes sense)/.
it's a mean to disallow starting to use implicit cast
KrispyKringle: are you talking about structural subtyping for objects ?
if you start, and go further, you get C++ implicit type cast
vodka-goo: I think so, but I'm not entirely sure I kno wwhat that means ;)
which is awful
KrispyKringle: ok, we just have different vocabularies/backgrounds ;)
in some C++ program you have absolutely no idea of what assumption do the compiler
you're probably right
it's very hard to understand => bugs
overloading is nice sometimes
So that's an issue.
but if you don't use it to much
* vodka-goo
searches for an example ... I actually never use overloading cause always use OCaml :)
In my scheme, you may be able to find multiple typings that would work.
How do you know which one to use (or whih one the compiler is using)?
With implicit casting.
it would be nice if a printf-like construct could be written in ocaml..
for instance it's bad to create automatic conversion between to realy different types
KrispyKringle: there is a most general type (that's what ocaml does) (if you're still talking about struct subtyping)
flux__: Check out Printf.
The module.
(maybe even without using strings; the one I saw for sml seemed alright)
vodka-goo: Right.
krispykringle, I think it still comes down to that the compiler makes magic, no?
with format4 types and all
flux__: Printf? I don't know how OCaml does it.
I'm not an OCaml guru. ;)
in ocaml printf, the first argument must be a constant
this constant defines what are the following arguments
(it's not a precise description)
another nice thing to have (but even more ugly for typing) is ruby-style mixins
I never got into mixins.
Just not overly appealing to me.
there was a proposal for mixins in ocaml but I don't know how it is, how it's linked..
what are mixins ?
ruby mixins more look like some kind of meta programming
Schmurtz: don't know exactly.. something between objects and modules
a kind of preprocessor run at runtime ?
I only know in ruby, where it is something quite ugly with a silly soft semantics
AFAIK: Mixins are inheritence of methods but not data.
Sort of like "include" in an ocaml module.
Mixins can also be though as creating an anonymous intermediate class and inheriting from that.
it also allow ruby guys (with some more ugly magic) to automatically create getter and setter methods for some attribute
No, that's different.
it's mostly about the additionnal ugly magic, you're right. the point is that it looks nice to have.
it's simply because everything in ruby is runtime, you can define new methods on an object any time you want.
ugly seems quite a matter of perspective. I kind of find it elegant. :)
hmm.. (after reading about mixins) how do mixins differ from c++ and (multiple) inheritance?
flux__: No data inheritence.
dylan, what happens to the attributes then? this is different from simply not having attributes in the parent class?
ruby does not have attributes. ;)
but for object data (@foo), it stays in the object that includes in the mixin.
"ixins can be thought of at a simplistic level as importing the methods of another class into your subclass."
"It creates an empty anonymous class, imports everything into that class, and then chains the new class into your SI ISA path. In other words, if you say:
er, ".
where it = ruby.
* dylan
talks too much.
dylan: elegant but uncontrollable
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vodka-goo: I am anarchistic programmer. :)
one has too chose..
I like perl, too :)
but sometimes, not
there are some times for poetry, and some times for safer things
The odd thing is, I never experience problems from runtime types. It'd expect otherwise.
dylan: do you think "dynamic" languages are popular because of dynamic typing or because of the ease of use ?
frankly, those mixin, introspection stuff are not so important
perl is like C : you may create good programs, with few bugs
Not, not quite.
but if you use every features of the language, your code is unreadable
dylan: give me an intuitionnistic proof ;)
When there are bugs, they don't shoot me in the foot.
that was the though of the day
(I'm afraid that was a bit obscure... I was just telling that Yes was a not a very informative answer to my question)
vodka-goo: I was saying yes to bother things you proposed. :)
to both.
* vodka-goo
like static typing these days, wants to put static typing into those sexy scripting languages
My favorite idion in OO languages is thing.send("action_" + action, *args).
I... don't know that this could be done in a statically typed language.
in C++, call to object members are statically typed ?
the only thing which create bugs is cast to subclass without check
* dylan
likes both static and dynamic typing. But then he doesn't usually not like things. :)
I'd like to have both in the same language, though.
and dynaml seems a little hairy to use for now.
Schmurtz: the bad point with C++ is that it has no inference
yes, but it has templates
or memory management...
for memory management I totaly agree ;)
did anybody try smalltalk ?
I think smalltalk is nice, except for the syntax.
maybe I should take a look to the way it handles objects
pretty much like ruby, right?
Or $insert_dynamic_oo_language
I like the parameter naming of smalltalk
That part I like.
you dont have a dosomething(a,b,c,d,e)
things like ^ for return and | | for declaring vars makes me confused.
but a dosomethingwithA:a andB:b ...
That's something I like about Objective C too.
it's easier to understood the program
ok, in fact I only know objective-c
never see smalltallk code
I wonder if you could have a static type system, with dynamic objects?
The main thing I miss in ocaml's OO is being able to invoke arbitrary methods from a string, and being able to catch method calls to non-existant methods.
there would be no point in having a static check then :)
dylan, like objective-c
dylan: these kind of things are possible using black magic I believe
it's strongly dynamic for member calls
Well, the static check is for the types (int, string, Hashtbl.t), but not for the objects.
but the type system would be no use against such things
True, and you'd have to wrap the types somehow. It'd put a hole in the type checking.
oo.magic_call : <..> -> string -> 'a
on the other hand it doesn't look uglier than obj.magic :)
what I end up doing is lots of (string, string list -> unit) Hashtbl.t things.
the obj.magic function should never be used
Except in queue.ml? :)
Schmurtz: one shall never say never
dylan: exactly
it's just a way to create hacks
then I implemented inheritence...
the good thing about it is that it breaks the type system in a "moderated" way only
dylan, it may not be used in queue.ml
Schmurtz: sometimes it's really better with Obj.magic
it's just to simplify the code
which is a nice sense of "better"
and perhaps improve its performance
vodka-goo, I agree
but one have to have a good reason to use it
(must is even better...)
I've seen Obj.magic used to "implement" abstract types in another module... :)
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* dylan
thinks this is the nicest channel he's been on in freenode. :)
do you know camlp4 ?
The lack of flaming is quite refreshing...
bluestorm: in general or the revised syntax?
i mean
camlp4 in general
i tried to read the manual
but it is a little difficult to really understand
only from the manual
I tried to read the manual too. Didn't get very far.
(my english is not good enough)
do you know
if i could use the quotation system
to do some odd web template system using ocaml ?
That is what I'd like to find out how to use.
i was looking for something to do it
caml_template not good enough?
dunno caml_template
gonna look for it first
"Your search - caml_template - did not match any documents. "