So does anyone know anything about Ocaml Lex and Yak?
idiotequa: ask your question
Well I guess people are familiar
I'm new to this room so I was wanting to get a general sense of the knowledge of Ocaml
since I'm a beginner to this as well as functional programming
idiotequa: if you need an example of ocamllex/ocamlyacc use, i have one -> http://freehackers.org/~tnagy/eqchem-0.5.0.tar.bz2 (look in the subdirectory, there is a parser for chemical equations)
idiotequa: there's a tutorial available for both ocamllex and ocamlyacc
Okay thanks guys
google them
Yeah I have a program to do for homework and it involves changing up the Calculator program they have on the site
I have you create a "validity test" and put in boolean functions
have to *
idiotequa: when you have some work to do, just do it
oh I know
I'm not asking anyone to code anything for me
sorry if it came across that way
idiotequa: Boolean functions in a calculator? You mean pseudoboolean?
I'm just wondering how the boolean functions interact with arithmetic expressions.
If they're pseudoboolean (0-1 valued), it makes sense.
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1 + f(3)
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Could simplify to 1 + true (doesn't make sense) or 1 + 1 (does).
I'm just splitting semantic hairs.
I think so
it's like...
P v Q -> -Q -> P
returns true
Oh, so a validity test.
... like you wrote above.
But how does this interact with the "Calculator"?
(P -> Q) & Q -> P
returns false
yeah a test
ropositions may contain the constants 0 and
1 (representing false and true), parentheses for grouping, single
uppercase letters as variables, and the following operators, listed
from lowest to highest precedence
ops are things like ==, ->, v, &, -p
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hmm.. I think it could be useful, if patterns were first-class citizens. is there a language that does this? something like let matcher p v w = match v with \p x when x = w -> true else false in matcher (Str _) (Str "Hello") "Hello" would work then..
heya flux__
i don't really understand what you mean
you mean to have programmable match?
like to send the match context as a variable?
you can do that using a function
yes, but it's less convenient
a function that defines just the match and then use that with currying, or i'm wrong?
hmm, you can't define just the match
the thing is that i'm not exactly sure what you mean :)
but remember that you need type inference to work, so any addition to the language but support type inference
i'm not sure if first class patterns would support type inference
well, you could have functions like let str_of s = match s with Str x -> Some x | _ -> None let int_of s = match s with Int x -> Some x | _ -> None
flux__: I've heard compiling 'match'es is non trivial, as it does important test optimizations, so separate cases may lose some of then 'identity' in generated code
flux__: btw, the question was asked in beginners list, found that yesterday
fun timing
flux__: (not something recent; I was doing a search on tail recursivity, and found that)
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..and after those functions you could do let matcher f v w = match f v with Some x when x = w -> true | _ -> false, but passing and using multiple patterns that way becomes inconvenient, because you can't use 'match'
couldn't find theorical knowledge on the tail rec topic, but still interesting informations
like, tail recursive version of functions may be something like 15% slower than "naive" implementation on small cases
I suppose most of these tricks could be achieved with camlp4, but with extra syntax
with an inversion of trends "around 2^12 recursive function calls"
where tail rec version then can get much faster (and eventually non tail rec simply fails, obviously)
so converting to tail rec "for the sake of optimization" shouldn't be done blindly
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pango_: I don't see that. Why would tail recursion ever be slower?
Smerdyakov: because it's much much shorter
and easier to read
Not even close.
printf "%d is %s!" x y;
print [d x, " is ", y, "!"]
Okay, now make the integer zero-filled to 3 digits.
print [d0 3 x, " is ", y, "!"]
No, this is just reinventing the wheel. Printf is just fine.
Printf is less desirable, because the arguments are separated from the descriptions of how to print them.
AND it needs special support from the language.
I still prefer it. Probably a matter of taste.
Oh, and it can easily be i18n'd, while yours cannot.
What is that?
mellum, if you refer to retrieving format strings from a database, I don't think so
Yeah. In OCaml, formats must be known at compile time.
there could be a function like format_of_string_with_template "%d%s%d" (find_string "FOO") which would solve that, but I'm not sure it would be any better than just using lists :)
Smerdyakov: Oh, right. That would thwart this.
Oh well, I don't care about i18n anyway :)
Format strings are essentially functions in a special programming language. Serializing and deserializing them is no easier/harder than doing the same for arbitrary lists in the style I gave.
(although I prefer printf too: less ",",","-stuff)
flux__, easy to solve with macros.
also I think I actually LIKE the values are elsewhere :)
hm, is there a language extension that would provide a similar mechanism, usable with your own stuff?
It's trivial to compile printf into it.
I suppose so, but I haven't done any camlp4-stuff :)
actually, if you scroll a few pages back, I have a related problem..
Sorry, I must go now.
I found the gettext-bindings for ocaml
the first function is:
let format_of_string x =
Obj.magic x
I suppose it might have a proof somewhere that it doesn't do anything wrong.. even though I somehow doubt it
actually, it could very well have that proof
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I search people who uses vim for editing ocaml, I need an easy way to test my ocaml code in vim, to view debug, and to test line per line if it's possible, but don't find many documentation about that
I'm usually using a toplevel in another term with big #load "bli.cmo"
I did some of the interactive stuff with a lisp toplevel though
but it was complex to set up and not really practical
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How can I get the current directory as an absolute path, in a portable way?
I am asking because Filename.current_dir_name is "the conventional name for the current directory (e.g. . in Unix)", and that is not enough for me. I need the abolute path of the current directory.
nattfodd: hmm ok, and about editing project and have a debugger ? you use the makeprg variable or something else ?
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romildo: Unix.getcwd () ?
pango: Is it portable? My program is supposed to run at least on both Linux and Windows.
nattfodd: sorry for my bad english.. (you don't speek french?), I only want to compile my file for ocaml, but for now I use :!ocaml < % , I think you know a better way so I ask it
seto: yes, I am french too, but this is an english chan...
seto: ocaml is the toplevel interpreter
seto: ah, I always make a Makefile
and ocamlc
seto: ocamlc and ocamlopt are the bytecode and native compilers, respectively
nattfodd: I think it's the good way, do you have a short makefile for little plroject (like one file :D) .. I go search on the web if not
btw $(OCAMLFLAGS) is used twice, I guess the second should be $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS)
pango: I need the absolute name of a file for use with GtkFileChooser (from lablgtk). I have just a relative name. So I need the current directory name to build its absolute name. glib has g_get_current_dir and g_build_filename. But it seems that they have not been considered in lablgtk. Any comments?
seto: out of curiosity, are you a student somewhere?
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nattfodd: hmm, yeah, in m1 in poitiers.. are you a teacher in my university ;D ?
heh no :)
I'm in m2 in paris
student too .. well
but I heard that the new l3 at the ens lyon were all using vim, so I wanted to check :)
in my university .. only emacs, and some java ide .. so I am alone
try to convert people
it usually works pretty well, especially as (g)vim is so much better looking than emacs
Yeah, you'll be much more productive with a slick looking editor
yeah.. but it's difficult, for now, in my 4 university years, I convert 20 people to use linux, and 5 to use debian.. but nobody follow me in vim
mellum: not to use, but it's a good argument to make people at least try