and credit were it's due |> |< were seen on Don Syme's ch9 video and stolen from there
I like this notation too
Dear to unixish plummers
not my day apparently
dockapp support for icewm eh? neat
and in ocaml too, can you imagine?
* mbishop
checks the source
I like :D
i share the sentiment
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How do I destroy a dialog without destroying the parent in lablgtk2?
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Can someone help me with the Unix module? I can't seem to get execvp to take any arguments
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how are you calling it
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Hello, World!
ha!, it works!
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mbishop, are you aware how the system call execvp works?
not really
mbishop, you are supposed to pass the program name as the first (number 0) argument
which can be easy to miss
oh you mean the string array needs to include the program name as well?
Ah, that explains it
thanks :)
execvp("program", [| "some name - doesn't need to be the real one"; "arg1" |])
that's what you see as the process' name in the ps list
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hi it sometimes happen that ocaml toplevel complains like : blabla has type t but it is here used with type t. With the same t ! What is it trying to tell me ?
zygomatik quick guess: the t's lives in different modules?
jlouis, nope same module
then we need to see code I guess
ok i'll try to extract the pieces from it
or is there a way I can copy and paste it somewhere without annoying everybody (it's 150 lines long)
ok I have an idea i'll post it on a file server
well hum I cooked the file to post it but then I'm unable to reproduce the weirdness I was talking about :)
it all works fine
but good
But as far as I remember it's not the first time this weird error happens. Am I alone in the world :( ?
anyway thanks jlouis
While I'm here i have another question why this let stat = Graphics.wait_next_event [ Graphics.Button_down ] in
let x1,y1 = stat.mouse_x,stat.mouse_y
doesnt work
More precisely
it complains that mouse_x are not fields of stat
but recognizes them when I open the Graphics module
i dont understand
<zygomatik> But as far as I remember it's not the first time this weird error happens. Am I alone in the world :( ?
where would you go to check that ?
it's in the FAQs
if you "redefine" a type, the old one is shadowed
and for your second question, field names are in their respective module namespaces, like other definitions
ok thank you pango
so if you don't open the Graphics module, you need to write stat.Graphics.mouse_x, stat.Graphics.mouse_y
I see
weird but true ;)
yes a little weird
but i understand
could you give me the link for the FAQ because i can only find the one of caml-light
yes they describe exactly what i did : reload many times the same file
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nice, I converted synchronous network handling to asynchronous (separate thread splitting incoming messages either to responses or spotaneous queues), and it worked the first time it compiled!
although I cannot totally give the credit to ocaml (its static typing doesn't cover thread synchronization etc), it still has a big part in it ;)
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What would you use for sockets? Unix module?
Will it be portable? Or should I use rather ocamlnet?
Use SML instead, where the standard library has a much nicer socket interface. ;)
Hey, but I'm writting it to learn ocaml.;)
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So I'll go with Unix.*
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Smerdyakov, this interface is not so bad; I haven't seen open_connection and friends.
vorago, I consider it horrible, because it uses the generic type 'file_descr' for sockets.
Hm. I see this rather normal; But it might be a negative for strongly-typed langage.
Yes, it's horrible because ML type systems let you do much better.
Smerdyakov, what is file_descr? An int?
jlouis, abstract
ah, the UNIX approach was used I see
Almost. UNIX exposes file descriptors as ints, in my experience.
But the same for sockets, files, fifos, ...
I see your point.
vorago, see the SML type system for a use of phantom types to prevent mix-ups between which sockets are used for listening and which for active connections.
Er, see the SML Standard Basis, that is.
Maybe someday; Today i'm trying to learn a bit more ocaml.
I've written already one program: gtk fractal generator. If somebody is willing to take a look and comment i would be grateful. (-;
Before ocaml I started with SML; but gave it up. Ocaml seems nicer for me. Maybe it's just ocamlopt.
Or imperative+functional+objective combo.
What about 'ocamlopt' is 'nicer'?
Native code compilation is nice.
All the major SML compilers produce native code.
And the best (MLton) produces significantly more efficient native code than OCaml does.
Smerdyakov, I am not sure I agree too much with that. Ocamls native compiler tend to produce extremely effective code
Ok - i've misunderstood you. Thought SML is SmallTalk.
jlouis, this is trivial to see looking at any large project that uses abstraction and modularity. No local optimizer can touch whole-program.
Smerdyakov, on the other hand, we know that for any substantially big program there will be a small area taking up all of the computation. This is rarely cross-module
jlouis, it is in my experience, using many higher-order functions from the Basis and elsewhere.
there are some advantages to whole-program compilation which ocaml cannot gain. But this is only one stone out of many.
I'm not aware of any other "stone" where OCaml has an advantage over SML.
vorago, SML is Standard ML, which is one of the major ML dialects
I've checked already; But thanks. ;)
Smerdyakov: Object extension ? :-°
bluestorm, we were talking about compilation techniques.
hum, doesn't ocaml do a clever modular compilation thing ?
I don
I don
I don't understand what you mean.
For each .ml there's once called ocamlopt.
So it CAN'T optimize ,,whole-program''.
Smerdyakov: you do not have to compile the modules that didn't change
bluestorm, maybe I should also make it clear that I'm talking about efficiency of the resulting binaries, not the compilation process.
but this is a "compilation technique", altought not efficiency-oriented
oh it is efficiency-oriented
Then feel free to pretend I said "efficiency of resulting binaries" instead of "compilation techniques."
Also, of course, SML has separate compilation, too.
Like every other language with a compiler in existence. ;)
but you can't have both separate and whole-program compilation, can you ?
You can have implementations of both for the same language, which is SML's situation.
MLton only does whole-program compilation
SML/NJ can do separate compilation. As can MLKit if I remember correctly
btw i recently failed to compile SML/NJ
but it's another story ^^
I've never had problems compiling SML/NJ.
The choice of whole-program compilation gives you certain advantages later on. It more or less guides a number of choices later on in the compilation phase
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What's the easiest way to fill the string array if parsing input to give to Unix.execvp?
it's often easier to build a string list, then use Array.of_list
ahh, yeah I was figuring that, I'll use String.split and split at spaces I suppose
Also, are compiler warnings normal with lablgtk?
-w y will silence (most of) them
Ah nice, thanks
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Uhm; Lame question; Can function return invariant type? If so how?
I have a function that returns pair - two channels, but might fail with error and return string description...
Should I rather use exception for this task?
let func () = try `Ok (Unix.pipe ()) with exn -> `Exn exn
Don't use polymorphic variants for such junk!
vorago, what is your going to do in the case of the error? If it is just passing it on further up the call-stack, then there is no reason not to raise an exception on it.
smerdyakov, why not?
hm, if two of my topmost functions in gprof are mark_slice and sweep_slice, it is gc that's consuming the time, right?
any helpful suggestions what to do about it?-) maybe I could use mutable records instead of tuples to reduce memory allocation
flux-: those are functions of the gc, yes
flux-, exactly. You need to lower the memory pressure. Can you do allocation profiling in OCaml?
I'm wondering though why that happens - maybe I have a genuine bug there too, but my program doesn't appear to increase its resident size very much from the number before the stalling begins
seems like MLton fares much better in that respect...
it even produces nice dot-call-graphs for you, heh
actually, there were two bugs, it wasn't only the gc which had work to do.. but I don't still understand why the rest of the work didn't appear in gprof
I'm back; reading.
jlouis, well; I'm making a connection. If everything is all right - I must store somewhere in module them for further use.
jlouis, uhm; I must store two 'pipes'. If there's an error -- I would like to print a message and quit or retry.
However action depends on main program and not this module.
Ok, i can do this with exception; Is there a method of returning variant without using polymorphic methods as Smerdyakov says?
Of course.
type 'a lalala = Good of 'a | Exception of exn
Hm. (-;
Why "(-;"?
It's a smiley, not ocaml syntax. ;-)
Now I just create function, and return exception or anything at all.
But why did you choose to apply it to that line?
Couse i find it tricky. And, personally would never work out the use of 'a here.
I was trying with: type stream = Error of string | Channels of in_channel * out_channel;;
I would call that very basic OCaml.
So it would be worthwhile getting to the point where you don't find it tricky.
I'm writting my second program.
And I'm actually trying to reach that level.
Could you tell me why my version woudn't work? Ocaml inferred my func as returning that pair; And when I'm trying to return a string it finds an error.
I don't know how to force returned type.
Can I use String to split a string by spaces, or should I just use Str?
vorago, let me guess. You tried to return a string without using the Error constructor.
suggestions for improvements to the code are wanted :)
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ocaml{c,opt} doesn't report "unused identifier" warnings for identifiers that start with a _
so you can also remove warnings using let _label = GMisc.label ~text:msg ~packing:diag#vbox#add () in ... etc
thanks for that :)
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regexp " +" works just fine
you get a (caught) exception with List.hd when the input field is left empty
any better way to handle that?
you could match the list against the usual [] and h :: q
and report some error in [] case
that exception is uncaught over here
anyway yeah, good idea
you could report more detailed unix errors:
| Unix_error (e,f,p) ->
cmd_error (Printf.sprintf "%s(%s): %s" f p (error_message e))
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to match cmd only if there is a head/tail
match pinput with
| [] -> cmd_error "No command entered."
| cmd :: _ -> (* code as before *)
ahhh right, thank you
this is great, learning a lot :)
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mbishop: as you start linking more modules, you may find ocamlfind convenient: ocamlfind ocamlopt -package lablgtk2,unix,str -linkpkg gtkInit.cmx orun.ml -o orun
might just be easier for me to use an if heh
mbishop: pattern matching is usually shorter, in my opinion more readable, and the compiler gives you warnings if you forget cases
if input#text = "" then
cmd_error "No input."
seems shorter to me heh
if your command line parsing gets smarter (trim spaces before/after command,...) testing whether the input string is empty won't be exactly the same thing
match input#text with
| "" -> cmd_error "No input."
| _ ->
seems to work too
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in fact, I should check before pinput shouldn't I?
what for, if that case is already handled correctly it's no longer a special case
I think I should check input befor trying to split it
I doubt Str.split on an empty string is a heavy cpu task ;)
(btw I was wrong, Str.split already handles delimiters at the beginning and end of string)
wrong about what?
your current version already handles correctly commands made only of spaces, for example
and would react correctly... Something testing input#text against "" doesn't catch
personally I'm against adding code to handle special cases that don't exist; It's just another occasion to add bugs
well I changed it to the pattern match you suggested anyway
Anything else you suggest? (I don't care too much about specific unix_error cases, at least not right now)
not really... looks fine as-is. Maybe some lablgtk2 guru will have other suggestions, validate command with return key, etc.
Ah, that is something I wanted to do heh, have enter run the command...I thought I might need to focus the button or something, so enter presses Run
* mbishop
anyway, thanks for all the help :D
pango: for that ocamlfind suggestion from earlier, why do I still have to link gtkInit, but not the others?
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IIRC, gtkInit is not part of default lablgtk2; it's just a small additional module that provides a default main loop, or something
that makes sense
it's not required if you write your own
Is anyone still working on wxOcaml?
(* Does the initialization for toplevels *)
let locale = GtkMain.Main.init ()
that's roughly what gtkInit is all about :)
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I just installed ocaml and glcaml
I triedf the example off wrikipedia but it doesnt work
does anyonee have a really minimal example for glcaml?