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hmm, can I mix named arguments and as patterns? I want to do something like "((ind,cen,rad) as ~sphere)" as a function's argument
but I am getting syntax errors
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when in doubt, check the documentation: file:///usr/share/doc/ocaml-doc/ocaml.html/manual015.html#parameter (the doc on web doesn't appear to have anchors)
in short: let foo ~a:(b, c) = b + c
flux: thanks!
interesting syntax, I'm surprise it doesn't cause strange conflicts with type annotation
it is all clear from the page ;)
(infact I didn't know the syntax either..)
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Anyone know how to get netsys in ubuntu
libocamlnet-dev doesn't seem to include it
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download and install libocamlnet-2.2?
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Are Bigarrays imune from being moved by the GC? i.e. can I take a pointer to the data part of a Bigarray.Array1.t in C and use that across GC calls?
mrvn: yes
And custom blocks?
things custom block point to, certainly
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But the block itself will move?
it can
and will
So putting a struct dlist { struct dlist *prev, next; ... } with prev pointing to itself would be bad.
+in there
if that's what you malloced on your own it'll be safe
malc_: More like v = caml_alloc_custom(&dlist_ops, sizeof(struct dlist), 0, 1);
mrvn, what's that output code you're showing? Caml bytecode?
ocamlopt -c -dcmm output
it's boxed
class foo = object val mutable i = 0 end
let _ = let foo = new foo in Gc.print_stat stdout;;
only arrays and records of floats + strings + bigarrays are unboxed in ocaml
mutable has live_words: 93268, without live_words: 93295.
That didn't quite work out.
let _ = let foo = new foo in Gc.compact; Gc.print_stat stdout;;
That gives me 93228 vs 93220
Does that mean "val mutable i" uses up 8 more word (64 bytes) than "val i" in a class?
mrvn, what are your reasons for choosing OCaml over SML if constant factor differences in space usage matter to you?
I like ocaml
And who is to say SML would do things differently?
Does SML even have classes?
MLton is one of the best optimizing compilers for any language.
No, SML doesn't have classes, but the representation issues here have more to do with records than class-specific anything.
OCaml has no optimizing compiler.
I don't think you can optimize the pointer away anyway.
It would change the semantic.
MLton does, because it can use whole-program analysis to determine when the program semantics will stay the same.
ocamlopt doesn't even do _local_ program analysis.
Say you have a more complex case and you have a mutable list there. If anything else in the program gets a reference to that list and it gets changed in-place instead of changing the pointer then you change the other reference too.
And you are arguing that that program can't be compiled to keep the list value inline in objects?
Anyone know of bindings for libaio? The Linux async I/O interface.
Smerdyakov: yes.
Smerdyakov: unless the foo#get copies the list
If you make val mutable l to be an abstract type then you get truely impossible.
But 'get' would be returning the value of the list, not an address of that value.
No matter how you represent the class.
Where the value is probably going to be a word-sized pointer; either NULL for nil or a pointer to a two-element record for cons.
Smerdyakov: inlined it would be two elements that are either NULL or next+data.
That's not how I think about list inlining.
The case of ints is very different. There is a "base" representation of ints, and we add an extra box around it.
Or for int32, for instance.
... but not in MLton.
I'm talking about ocamlopt, jlouis.
So inlined int would be just the taged value but a boxed int a pointer to it.
In SML, there are no mutable fields, so these things are represented with refs.
But for list you have a pointer to the tupple and boxed list would be a pointer to a pointer to the tupple?
The kind of inlining for a list that I described would occur in such an SML situation with MLton.
I don't think lists are ever boxed.
What is the difference between list and list ref?
You mean the difference between what they look like after ocamlopt gets through with them?
Are both just a pointer to the block?
Smerdyakov: yes, the bit patterns
No, list ref is a pointer to a pointer; list is a pointer.
And val list and val mutable list?
Whereas, in MLton, list ref will end up as just a pointer in most situations, thanks to whole-program analysis.
I don't think adding the 'mutable' keyword changes anything about compilation strategy in OCaml.
Sort of like C 'const' in that respect
But reversed
So you would say there is a definite difference between val list = ref [] and val mutable list = [] then?
The ref having that extra indirection.
Yes. You can pass the ref from the first case around as a first-class value. Not so about the field in the second case.
Thanks. That answeres my question. :)
Why are you using classes?
syntactical suggar
Smerdyakov: Any idea to the initial question about classes:
# class ['a] foo p = object val parent = p end;;
class ['a] foo : 'b -> object val parent : 'b end
# let rec myfoo = new foo myfoo;;
This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'
Any idea how to implement this so that the root points to itself and all other classes to its parents?
Ew. ;-)
Bets I come up with so far is: class ['a] foo p = object val parent = (p:'a option) method get_parent = match parent with None -> raise Not_found | Some p -> p end
Which I believe is wastefull of memory.
If you need an usage case then think of a filesystem. Every directory has . and ..
type dir = { parent : dir }
let rec root = { parent = root }
With records the whole thing is trivial.
Sorry, I generally ignore OCaml's facilities for recursive definition of non-function values.
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is anyone here somewhat versed in labltk?
Smerdyakov: ok. other question.
mrvn, meaning you are about to ask another, or that I've missed another you've already asked?
libaio has a function "int io_submit(io_context_t ctx, long nr, struct iocb *ios[]);". I wonder how I should interface that with ocaml.
I also don't have any experience interfacing C and OCaml. It's sooo much nicer in SML. ;-)
I can pass an "iocb_t array", malloc the '*ios[]', copy the pointers, call io_submit, and free the ios.
But an iocb_t array wants to be initialized fully. I can't fill it up as I go along.
Or I could pass an iocb_t list. That is easy to build as one goes along.
But List.length isn't so cheap.
just store the length besides the list if that is a real concern to you. You are currently prematurely optimizing quite a heck of a lot
Smerdyakov: interfacing C is nicer in SML? i already thought it was nice in ocaml
Mr_Awesome, MLton uses native C types, for instance. No marshalling.
jlouis: I'm too lazy to write List.length in C. :) Seed isn't the main concern (yet).
i really need to try out sml
Smerdyakov: how does the GC detect ints then?
mrvn, the compiler outputs tables with that information.
mrvn, complete description of the types in tables
Doesn't that waste a lot of space?
Doesn't boxing waste a lot of space?
The tag bit on ints waste little
But int32 is boxed.
nah, I have a 64bit cpu. int is big enough. :)
so a 32bit integer fits in a 8-byte 64-bit pointer?
int is 63 bits. No need for int32.t
but well, it is not wasted in MLton. You only have one table per possible object type
I know what you mean but I just found little use for Int32.t.
mrvn, also look at polymorphic functions that should work with all of ints, floats, and aggregate structures.
jlouis: does that mean all ints are allocated in one heap, all int lists in another, all float list in yet another?
mrvn, no. But you know *exactly* what an object looks like in the GC of MLton.
So you know what fields are pointers and thus you also know the type of the referred objects. A search along the pointers always knows the object type due to the table lookup
This compilation strategy is really only feasible in a whole-program-compiler though
Say you have type s = { a:int; b:int list; } let x = { a=1; b=[1;2;3];} let y = x.b
In OCaml, it is impossible because we do not generally know the layout of a type defined in another module
I get that the GC can know that x is of type s, but where does it get y from?
mrvn, from the same type containing the type of x.
er, from the same TABLE.
what Smerdyakov said ;)
And in memory y is a pointer to the TABLE and a pointer to x.b?
Then how do you know the TABLE to use?
There is only one table.
There is a single table for s.
It is indexed by program location and register/stack slot.
And that says what?
Each entry tells you everything the GC needs to know about handling the value.
SO you have "register/stack slot -> type", say 2 words for each variable?
Shouldn't need more than one word.
Pointer to a type descriptor.
then how does it know which entry in the TABLE to use?
Probably just a few bits, actually, representing a small enumeration like {int, float, pointer}.
Please stop capitalizing table.
sorry, you started that.
It's a common convention for indicating emphasis in text.
I'm saying you need a few bits for the "value" part of the "key-value pairs" the table stores.
You probably don't need any more, because there is an easy function for hashing a register/stack slot to a unique int.
All value addresses are word aligned so you might have enough bits left over in the key. Ok, so one word per binding.
Which would be exactly what ocaml has.
All you really need is the set of pointer-typed live registers.
Which can be much smaller than any structure proportional to all live temporaries.
And I'm not talking about tagging; I'm talking about boxing for purposes of demonstrating the benefit.
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As you get with every array of records in OCaml, for instance.
And then when you follow pointers in a Block you already know what type they have. Ahh, now I see how that can work.
it is a whole-program-complier so it can't by definition
That is a show stopper for me then.
actually, the basic idea of MLton is to do W-P-C. And that makes a *lot* of the compilation strategies much easier in an ML-like language
I suspect you will see MLton killing the competition for large project where inter-module optimizations begins to pay off big time
It is nice for the final product but wastes developement time.
how so? You can always do the initial development in, say SML/NJ, or another SML system with separate compilation
is it that compatible?
Quite close. I tend to just run mlton -stop tc and have it stop after TypeChecking and elaboration
This done on the MLton sources themselves (130k lines) takes about 10-15 secs on my machine. I can live with that.
jlouis: That url you pasted doesn't say anything about a global table.
indirectly it does. You only need to know where in an object the pointers are. Each object has a headerword with 19 index bits for indexing into an array (this array is the table) for satisfying the requirement
jlouis: which saves you from tagging pointers and non pointers. But that is still a box.
jlouis: I guess on 64bit cpus you have 64bit header and respectively can have bigger objects.
mrvn, I have not looked into Matthews 64-bit branch yet (it is not completely merged yet)
another show stopper.
An array length word is a twos-complemenet 32 bit Int.int storing the
array length, and hence always has a top bit of zero.
^^^ So ints are tagged as well.
Or does it refer to the sign bit?
sign bit
negative array lengths are not that useful after all.
unsigned int could be.
not on a 32bit arch, I'd say.
jlouis: you can allocate 3.99GB in a 32bit process with a 64bit amd64 kernel.
2-3.5GB with a 32bit kernel.
But it is probably less restrcitive than ocaml arrays and strings.
What is the limit for strings in 32bit? 16MB?
Strings are arrays to the GC, so I guess it is 2Gb
(dunno about Ocaml though)
Big arrays are not limited in size, unlike Caml arrays (float array are limited to 2097151 elements on a 32-bit platform, other array types to 4194303 elements).
It is much less.
With 4 byte per word that is 16MB indeed.
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anyone here using (or having used) ocamlfuse?
Another day, another problem solved.
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