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i have a question about structural equality in ocaml. is there an expert around here?
(i'm not :p)
mqtt: just ask
anyway, that's my question: i'm building graphs, and i have a certain operation on these graphs. I want to find the fixpoint of this operation, so i have to compare two graphs, which are complex structures with records, list etc...
that's what I wrote:
let rec find_fixpoint graph = let new_graph = iteration graph in if graph = new_graph then graph else find_fixpoint new_graph
(sorry for the NL...) Is that ok? will the comparison be ok?
seems correct
if graph is an algebric data type, = will compare it recursively
my question was something like: if I write graph = new_graph, will both graph be compared right?
i guess it will
what do you mean by algebric
without any mutables?
as long as it has no abstract types that should work I think
do you know any good reference on this on the web? i couldn't find any
you may want to read the = code source
it's C :-°
(asmrun/compare.c -> caml_equal)
but when if your data structure is nice
(i mean, when caml has the whole representation : no abstract things, nothing coming from C, etc...)
= should work fine
what do you mean exactly by nice? it's not: i have structs with mutable fields...
Obj.t, custom or abstract types would be not nice.
Obj.t would probably work too.
mutable fields should work
is type t = A | B of int an abstract type for you?
it's an algebric datatype
(type foo = Foo of bar * baz | Bar...)
mqtt: abstract type would be "type foo"
Only way I can think of to break = is to use C.
so you should be save.
suppose my iteration function DOES modify the graph 'in place' (by modifying the mutable fields with :=), i suppose this won't work anymore right?
the let new_graph = iteration graph will be the same as graph?
mqtt: the = should be atomic
ahh, no that won't work.
hehe, ok so... i have to confess, that's what i do :)
new_graph and graph will be physical the same and always compare.
clone it
mutable variables in a recursive data structure is dirty
right. how mrvn ?
couldn't you do without mutable fields ?
Oehm, there is something about that in the ocaml handbook. I would rather not and avoid the mutables.
mqtt: suppose your datastruct is
bluestorm, i know, but it's my only way to do it...
type dirty_tree = Empty | Tree of (tree ref) * (tree ref)
what you could do is to create a function that would give you a "frozen", unmutable value of your tree
type nice_tree = Empty | Tree of tree * tree
type nice_tree = NEmpty | NTree of tree * tree
(constructor conflict isn't nice :p)
let froze = function Empty -> NEmpty | Tree (a, b) -> NTree (froze !a, froze !b)
froze : dirty_tree -> nice_tree
and you fixpoint would be
(hmm, let's name it freeze, not froze :-°)
you're right... maybe i should change the whole data structure...
let fixpoint f dirty = let old_nice = freeze dirty in f dirty; if old_nice = freeze dirty then dirty else fixpoint f dirty
but i think the best solution would be to have a functional data structure
i've always found this mix of functionnal and imperative aspects very confusing about caml...
maybe you should try a purely functionnal language as haskell
after that, you would be happy to be able to use imperative aspects in ocaml ^^
mqtt: Then don't use mutables.
I think I never used a ref in a recursive type.
bluestorm: how do you type the little o (grade) symbol?
° ?
i used to program in haskell, but i'm working with the guys who wrote caml, so i don't have any choice anymore :)
Only mutable in records like type point = { mutable x : int; mutable y : int }
on my keymap it's ^ + 0
have you never used type 'a tree = 'a * 'a tree array ?
bluestorm: cool, thanks :)
I used a tree with Map.t once.
hmm, no that's a zero
not exactly a ° but your ⁰ is really cool too ^^
bluestorm: array is kind of ugly to resize when the tree grows. I usualy just use 'a tree list
sometimes you don't need to resize it
Plus initializing the array is ugly.
i'm using it for a dictionnary tree : each node has 26 children
Array.init is cool :-°
mrvn, bluestorm thx a lot, i'll try to change the data structure and i'll tell you if it worked.
bluestorm: The problem is that you need a dummy leaf in every arrray slot.
that's a little memory cost, but using a association list for example would come at a time cost
(i think if you stress the dictionnary a lot, even Map could have a real overhead)
Map uses a balanced tree, or not?
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it does
err... one more time... if i have say type graph = { id:int; mutable succ:graph list}, and if i eval g1 = g2, what will be compared exactly: the succ list, or the addresses of them? will it compare the two graphs correctly or not?
you never have to think about addresses when doing ocaml
The contents. == is physical (address).
# "" = "";;
- : bool = true
# "" == "";;
- : bool = false
mqtt: it will compare them correctly
actually "correctly" depends on what you want
hm, weird.
I somtimes whish a = b would do a == b || a = b
but if the two succ are the same list (they have the same element) it will say they're equal
If you have alrge trees that are mostly identical then = is rather slow.
let ( = ) a b = a == b || a = b
yeah, did that too.
Does it work bluestorm ?
why not ?
yes, it does
let rec a = 1::a;;
a = a;; hangs
hm, because it seems strange to redefine "="
let ( = ) a b = a == b || a = b;;
a = a;; return true
mh, ok
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bluestorm: Right. I had a self recursive datatype somewhere when I first wanted the smarter (=).
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I don't exactly get what you're doing, but considering C++ code typedef void(Base::*memfun)(); .. void do_something(Base& a_obj, memfun func) { (a_obj.*func)(); } then yes, closure would be the one
flux: any ideas for the url?
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mrvn, you don't want to bind a value to a certain table, to allow changing the table associated with a value?
No. The table is bound to the type. All instances of one type get the same table.
And all different kinds of types must have an identical table layout to be joined into a Virt.
mrvn, a separate closure per each method would be too much?
They would be bound to the object so you have one table of closures per object. Not a shared one for all instances.
I don't really know.. I'm guessing.. a couple dozen bytes?-o
could be a lot compared to the actual data
otoh, maybe it's just a function pointer and a value pointer
must be at least tag, function pointer and arguments.
So in this case 3 words. But is it more?
you could maybe measure it. or look at the produced assembler.
"A closure representing a functional value. The first word is a pointer to a piece of code, the remaining words are value containing the environment."
from Interfacing with C: 18.2.2 Blocks
atleast it optimizes one pointer away
flux: Problem with your ocde is that "Virt.make" creates a big table for every instance. Think how it looks if you have more than just "print", say 10 functions.
let make this tbl = fun () -> { print = tbl.print this }
let print v = (v ()).print
let make this tbl = fun () -> { print = fun () -> tbl.print this }
let print v = (v ()).print ()
That looks better.
That should only have a small closure with "TAG fn this" per instance and then create the table of closures on demand.
I think as class it will still be one word smaller.
actually i think "one" and "two" are a bit confusing names
I've changed them to "a" and "b", it's good idea.
And less english also.
about lists : maybe you could show List.fold_left, it's a funny one
We've been talking even about this one. It's in the TODO list. ;d
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actually i think introducing it at the same time as map wouldn't be satisfying because
to code the same think as fold_left with a simple recursive function
you really need pattern matching
of course you can do without (if list = [] then 0 else List.hd + sum List.tl), but it's ugly ^^
It's. I've started writing variant types and matching before lists, but then i found i need tuples.
So I've moved it under lists and tuples.
There's a list matching example in that chapter.
yes, add_to_list
(wich is List.map ((+) 5), actually)
It ends with a few more advanced examples (even with sample of polymorphic variants; If you can think of a better, short, and example which would just interest reader without involving much of the text. ;D)
by the way
your big example with Scanf and a data record is.. strange
It's just the way i found it working.
i'm not sure the need of a record is clear here (let solve (a, b, c) or let solve a b c would actually be nicer, because 4.0 *. f.a *. f.c is heavier than 4. *. a *. b)
with "let solve a b c" you could write match Scanf.scanf "%f %f %f" solve with ... :p
but even with your data record
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i don't think having them mutable is a good idea
True; I can read data into a record, and then just pass the a,b,c data into function.
Or calling the function right away.
the mutability is a little strange here because it is basically not needed, and then you use it as a global variable
wich isn't nice
i think your data type is too "unsorted" (without any orientation) to benefit from a record
a record whose name are meaningless should be a tuple
Yes, but tuples aren't mutable (are they?) I'd just need to rewrite it to use tuples.
(it can be done. This record really is unnecessary)
And if you only need to change one field you can say let n = { old with b = 1; };;
mrvn: that won't help us to find a useful mutable record ^^
hum vorago
you could use mutable records to do C-like linked lists
type buf = { data : string; start_offset : int; end_offset : int; }
and then you define functions to add to the end of the buffer or read from the start.
if youre audience is familiar with C, they might like type 'a ugly_list = { content : 'a; next : mutable 'a ugly_list option }
They should be familiar with C. (I'm referencing it sometimes in the text)
hm, actually my list type doesn't have a []
that's a problem ^^
call it NIL
It should be variant with NIL and the list... ;)
Then it can be a recursive variant all along...
yes but if i end up with a sum datatype, the record goes away
type expr = Int of int | Sum of expr * expr | Prod of expr * expr
where do you need a record?
We need it, just to show it to people.
i was looking for a record example :p
The ocaml handbook uses Point. { x = 1; y = 2 }
a geometric example.
I like my buffer example though. That is actualy quite usefull in RL.
Ok, thanks. I'll fix it somehow. for now -> shower+bed.
I'll read it if you add something more. ;d
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bluestorm, i've retyped that example a bit, but left mutable record.
Data is read in another function now which returns a tuple of a,b,c.
How ever it can be easily stripped... i wonder if it wouldn't be better to do it like this: