because if your trivial case is in the "else", it may be too far from the original condition, and thus be forgotten
furthermore, introducing recursivity with fib is a strange idea
because this naive fibonacci implementation is terrible
why not use factorial instead ?
And don't use let rec foo x = if x ...
let rec fix = function 0 -> 0 | 1 -> 1 | x -> fix (x - 1) + fib (x - 2)
hm mrvn, maybe he didn't want to teach pattern matching at this point
That mirrors the mathematical definition used for fib.
if (n <= 1) is reasonably clear
(and it handles the "negative n" case :-°)
Maybe. I can't read the text, just code.
so do i ^^
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I would have expected an example of let rec fac x = if x <= 1 then 1 else x * fac (x-1)
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let func a = a, "tekst";;
maybe you should use (a, "tekst") first time
bluestorm_: as example for recursion
they may find it easier to read
mrvn: i agree, fac seems a better example than fib
Ahh, I agree with bluestorm_. Write tuples as (a, b). I still always do that for better readability.
And add an example of fold_left
i personally use "let a, b = ..." instead of "let (a, b) = ..."
bluestorm_: too confusing to people used to int a, b = 1, c, d = 5;
And I'm totaly missing type list = NIL | CONS of int * list
followed by how you implement map and fold_left and then 'a list
i agree
assuming you're speaking to a general audience, i think the "functional programming" point of view should be emphasized
And let a = fun(ction), match x with ...
by introducing pattern matching sooner in the document, and doing more recursive things
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(working on list with map and fold_* are good brainwork for that)
A good example for fold_left could be: # List.fold_left (+) 0 [1;2;3];;
hm mrvn, but with this example, how will you explain the difference with fold_right ?
Start off with List.fold_left (fun x acc -> x + acc) 0 [1;2;3] and then this shorter version
bluestorm_: that you only see if you implement the two and explain tail recusion
maybe there are easy applications where fold_right and fold_left give really different results
That can be hard to understand and I would do that later. Beginers don't tend to have such big examles that fold_right fails.
bluestorm_, i've got it.
yes, tail recursion isn't easy for a recursion beginner
mrvn, I was thinking of introducting matching later (it's in the last chapter, bot in written yet)
I think matching is one of the major features for ocaml. The alternatives type makes it so powerfull.
I'll add factorial example.
It's good idea.
Probably next to fib, and then add some description after example.
For fib you could show how one can transform the code to be tail recursive.
Ok, I'll add () around tuples with a comment where it can be omitted.
about fib
it may be interesting to show a better implementation
let fib x = let rec loop acc prev y = if y >= x then acc else loop (acc+prev) acc (y+1) in loop 1 1 1
Shw how you write a function by first writing a helper and then call that.
As for type list = NIL | CONS of int * list I wanted to introduce variants in prelast chapter. Maybe it's wiser to do this earlier.
vorago: It is the 4th thing the official manual teaches you.
I've got introduction a bit expanded. It goes like this: meeting with ocaml, how types are inferred, functions and general use of "let", tuples and arrays, records and references, how iterations are done, bigger ocaml example and variants.
I'll copy this talk somewhere and use it to slighthly rewrite this.
functions as values/parameter/arguments is missing
you could explain curryfication too
let add = fun a -> fun b -> a + b;;
People not familiar with functional languages won't know that you can just pass around fucntions like you would ints in C.
There's a comment for that, but I see no example.
let inc = add 1
vorago: it's useful to understand partial application
List.map (( + ) 2) [1; 2; 3];;
and oppsoe that to let inc x = add 1 x
There's a "addfive" example.
let add a b = a+b;;
let addfive = add 5;;
And do you have code that plays tic-tac-toe yet?
With quite big comment.
Which reminds me. I always wanted to rewrite my self learning tic-tac-toe programm in ocaml.
Hm. (-;
I will move variants higher.
It's good idea.
Generally - I've got lot's of thing to do after this talk. Thanks.
It'd cool if I found somebody who speaks polish and knows OCaml. The problem is - there're few of us.
You can make good examples with let color = GREEN | YELLOW | BLACK (simple enum), then add FOO of x, then lists, trees and such.
Do you have a chapter on the module system and on classes?
I guess I be correcting this text forever. Wouldn't you split this text into two subpages?
I want to write about OO code in OCaml, and module system, but not yet.
Good look and have fun.
I'll at least write that there's sth like this with link too some more documentation.
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and don't forget exceptions
There's a single exception in the last/bigger example.
With comment that it uses matching to handle them...
I need to place this matching+variants earlier.
Okay; Thanks mrvn and thanks bluestorm_.
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hello. is anyone here proficient with labltk programming?