bluestorm_, binary int32? What else would it be?
you could read a textual representation of an int
Oh that's what you meant... yeah it's a binary int32.
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salierix, read four bytes (characters) and produce the final value from those bytes
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rwmjones, the library looks very nice; also nice that you've bothered to write the web page which seems to give a very nice overview of its capabilities
rwmjones: do you know what XenSource is using ocaml for ?
bluestorm_, all their proprietary enterprise stack is apparently written in it
XenEnterprise is the name
rwmjones, are the licencing conditions still under consideration? not finding a copying- or licence-file..
for libunbin?
it's basically LGPL, except for standalone programs which are GPL -- standard Red Hat licenses for everything
plain LGPL is problematic for ocaml program, which doesn't have shared libraries - essentially renders LGPL into GPL
(hence the often-found exception when people LGPL ocaml libraries)
sorry I meant LGPL with the linking exception
I'll change the web page to state this later (on a call at the moment)
no horry, I don't think I'll really have any use for that now, but perhaps I will at some day :)
no hurry, even
also, perhaps a link to the cil web page would be nice, apparently it does a lot of the magic
I don't think there is much other cil-based C-interoperability-software for ocaml?
hm, apparently there is a Cil around with a META-file - in redhat, I suppose?
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do you know if it possible to have a gaussian random distribution (easily if possible ?)
it's a pain in the neck to get it into a reasonable shape for an RPM, because it hard-codes a (stupid) directory structure all over the place
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tristram: ocaml-gsl may have something you can use
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Is it possible to grow an array?
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but if you get Array seeds from the garden shop?
rwmjones: libunbin looks very useful. Thanks for putting it out.
salierix, no, but extlib has a hairy implementation of a growable array
salierix, called DynArray - it's hairy because it uses Obj.magic IIRC
salierix: from what I see, I assume it's floating point arithmetics.
OCaml is not very good at that...
Why doesn't the ocaml interpreter seem to have any history to recall previously entered expressions?
you can use an external tool for that
i use rlwrap
but ledit does the job too
rlwrap is perhaps the nicer one; I used to use ledit..
although it doesn't actually answer the requestion: I suppose because external tools handle the case so nicely that it hasn't been a priority :)
i think the main explanation is that GNU readline raise licensing issues
but anyway flux is right
having an external tool for that is nice
flexible and simple, no code bloat
gnu readline isn't the only option, there is a bsd-licensed competitor; I don't recall its name
s/competitor/alternative/ :)
* Yoric[DT]
uses rlwrap.
The rlwrap gentoo package is masked for some reason :\
I use rlwrap with some other tools also.. like gnuplot.
rlwrap is nice
flux: doesn't gnuplot have a native history handling ?
it does, but its command line editor sucks otherwise
Why didn't I hear about rlwrap until now... pretty cool.
alias ocaml='rlwrap ocaml' might be a good idea
you might want to add a flag for saving the history too, it's pretty useful
Anyway, to grow an array couldn't I just call Array.append?
yes you could
but that would'nt modify your first array in-place
that's not "growing" : there is a higher overhead
Do you mean the elements are copied?
Really, if you want growable arrays, use Extlib.
the question is : are those array in an important part of your code ?
if you use them 3 times during initialisation, you could even use association list or whatever
I'm trying to implement the cult of the bound variable um from the 2006 icfp contest.
Hm, actually I could probably use a list...
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uh.. I just wrote a function produce_consume (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> (('b -> 'a option) -> 'c) -> 'c, and it's bloody ugly
btw, who can guess what it does, based on name and types?-)
* Yoric[DT]
notices that 'b is ignored.
that's actually a good point!
it can be ()
but maybe it's a bug :)
yes, had a function with parameter where a unit was to be expected; obviously unit worked too
the purpose of the function is to glue to higher order functions together - yes, it's side-effectful
that is something I've been intending to do, but my results have not been very satisfying
I've had the same approach though: select, project, join
however, expressing joins wasn't very nice. and it didn't have static properties the compiler would be able to check - on the other hand, that allows even more dynamic queries
but being able to compose the queries is definitely a very interesting thing for me, because I have tons of hand-written sql-expressions; many would be simplified if they could use other queries as part of them
(it doesn't have any camlp4, which would also be nice)
that document does give me a few more ideas, though..
however, his use of polymorphic variant seems very useful to retain typing information
I don't think it's that strange it's similar, it stems from the theory.. however, I haven't read the theory that much, perhaps I should :)
if you had blogged this just a few days ago, i'd have said "looks very interesting" :-'
(sometimes i think 'we' (= the others) could do something like a planet)
I think my approach may be a bit more pragmatic than his, though.. but he hasn't revealed everything, so it's difficult to say
I'm thinking all the troublesome queries that don't directly map into a simple cross join etc
also, my system doesn't construct working queries for all situations, so perhaps there is a reason for not attempting to implement everything sql can do :)
actually what could really simplify my code would be to grab that idea of renaming columns, that has been a real problem for me
when I'm joining two tables, I still refer to the original names in the select. so if I then again join that with something else, I still need to refer to the original names
and finally if I join something with a table that's already in the query, I'm in deep trouble
not to mention the queries can become quite hideous: SELECT * FROM (SELECT site, name FROM site) AS i4g(i4g_0, i4g_1) WHERE (i4g.i4g_0) IN (SELECT i6j.i6j_2 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT client, name FROM client) AS i1g(i1g_0, i1g_1) LEFT JOIN (SELECT host, ip, site, client FROM host) AS i3g(i3g_0, i3g_1, i3g_2, i3g_3) ON ((i1g.i1g_0) = (i3g.i3g_3))) AS i6j(i6j_0, i6j_1, i6j_2, i6j_3, i6j_4, i6j_5)) - it's not very smart..
Anyone here know anything about CPU architecture?
is #øcaml the place to ask about cpu architecture ?
Not really, I'm just curious about something.
about what?
I'm curious why CPU designers keep adding more cache to the chips instead of on-die addressable memory.
I've thought that's because lots of memory takes lots of space, and it is advisable to keep distances short when you are running at 3GHz - and when you don't want to have a very large cpu
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also I think the on-die memory is somehow different from your regular system memory. but perhaps someone else knows the specifics, or perhaps some website explains these things.
and I'm not off to sleep, happy research :)
Yeah, there is probably some reason for it.
uh, s/not/now/, quite a change in meaning..
i haven't considered it before
but when you're running at 3Ghz
you actually have to do really small circuits
to avoid problems with the "slow" speed of light :)
The most disappointing aspect of computers right now is that system memory is so slow.
In comparison to the CPU.
That and winchester hard drive are still exist.
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if i make two record types with overlapping names, ocaml gets angry when it tries to type them on its own
is there a way to explicitly type them and shut the compiler up?
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thermoplyae: afaik, you cannot
you have to avoid overlapping names
modules could be helpful
lame, but modules are a reasonable solution. thanks