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hcarty i finally found my mistake : i didn't protect access to caml_local_roots, which is a global pointer
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I'd like to do something in the spirit of haskell's read
it's straightforward to do in caml4p, right?
blitz-challenge: what's the shortest way to rotate an array? a lá rot13, but for any offset; same for list
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so I needed concurrency and found an ethread package with Thread; then folks pointed out ocaml can't have threads yet due to sequential GC. What gives?
I somehow assumed that MSFT derived F# from OCaml source :V
There is a strange fetishism of books among a big subset of developers.
There's plenty of good stuff online for free, folks.
Smerdyakov: some of us code on typewriters :V
kerris7: folks tell me F# has real threads, so at least that is a serious advantage over ocaml right now
Kerris7, was there any real content to that statement?
I managed to rewrite my forking program, but is was a pain, and much debugging
er, coding on typewriters, Smerdyakov?
Smerdyakov: bibliophiles love books; if they happen to be developers, it doubles
Kerris7, yes. I'm trying to understand if that was a metaphorical explanation of why you want to buy books.
alexyk: except for the fact that it's Windows-only if you want performance --- last I heard, F# on mono was still slow
oh, I don't really have a good reason for why I like buying books
the flourishment of O'Reilly and APress and Manning proves programmers love books
you need to read them away from computer to learn properly
printing hundreds of pages is tedious, managing printouts is hard
also, a printed book is a fixed checkpoint, git tag "milestone"
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it's a common reference point to all describing a language
alexyk, this is obviously not true of all programmers.
Smerdyakov: of course, it is a generalization; but any Barnes and Noble comp section proves they sell
vixey: have you found a solution ?
alexyk, so I pointed out a strange fetishism of books by many programmers, and you're basically just saying you agree that it exists.
Smerdyakov: you definition of strange is a strange one in turn, as usually strange is in minority, and subjectively I assess that book-loving programmers are in the majority
alexyk, I want to tentatively hypothesize an inverse correlation between book-fetishism and effectiveness as a programmer.
alexyk, the great thing about buying a book is that you can pretend you're working while you read it.
Smerdyakov: I'm not interested in being a programmer, I deal with research and teh real question is can you be a good researcher who programs his needs; researchers read books; and they're not the best programmers.
I think researchers in engineering read many more peer-reviewed papers than books.
That's where mos of the good stuff is, especially once you've been in your field for a few years.
Whether people can read books at work is a great criteria for how research and learning-friendly a company is; look around a potential workplace -- if people read books, take it. If everybody is glued to the screen, and feels like reading a book looks like "slacking," don't go there
I didn't mean "pretend you're working" in the sense of convincing anyone but yourself.
Smerdyakov: well I order Springer books often, and papers are not enough to have an effect of a good book on a topic like Markov models; and you can get MIT press books which are collections of the best papers
Markov models are, I think, a good example of something that anyone who's been working in machine learning for 5 years will already have a good understanding of.
Koordin, wow. Where did you get this weird style?
Koordin, haven't you seen [if] expressions?
Smerdyakov: there're advances in fact, but generally you're right in the sense that if you are a machine learning researcher for years, you generally know it; yet you can get a whole HMM book with cutting-edge stuff you might not know
Smerdyakov: sure i have, but the code would be even uglier with if's
Koordin, I disagree.
the number of parenthesis would be tremendous
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Koordin, also, you have many extraneous parentheses. I think any parenthesis in any of your [when] conditions can be removed.
for each line i should add a set of parentheses
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No, you could translate this into [if] expressions with no parentheses, period.
Actually, I can strengthen my earlier statement: every single parenthesis can be removed, even from your current code.
with no parentheses but with begin/end
need to go before it's dark, see you guys later
No, you need no [begin..end].
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And that's just the trivial syntactic stuff.
It's very easy to write a higher-order function that generalizes that pattern you are demonstrating.
If you don't see how to do that, then you need more practice with functional programming; some kind of textbook might be in order.
yes i think i'll write a function that takes f1 fn as parameters
Smerdyakov: in my actual code, if i don't write the parentheses, how can the interpreter know that " | _ when (b22) && (not b21) -> -1 " is for the second pattern matching and not for the first one ?
the parser*
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That's just the definition of the OCaml language. The grammar is not ambiguous.
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ok i'll write the function you told me about
Koordin, why not put predicatesList as the last parameter?
i don't have any objection, but why is it better to do so ?
Koordin, not bad. I don't like to indent after [let]s like that, and you mention the boolean variables in an inconsistent order in the different tests.
I'm just supposing that you would partially apply g, h1 or h2 more often
Koordin, a bigger suggestion would be to use a local function definition, to avoid repeating parameters in recursive calls.
vixey: no the function is for comparing h1 and h2 so i won't call partially the function on h1 and h2
Smerdyakov: what is the problem in repeating parameters in recursive calls ?
the indention after the let is made by emacs (and i like it :))
and the order is consistent (1 - h1 wins ; 2 - h2 wins ; 3 - we don't know yet but g will tell us ; 4 - we really don't know yet)
Koordin, when someone reads someone else's code, he tries to understand why each choice of function-call parameter is correct. Thus, the fewer parameters passed, the easier to understand.
Koordin, let me try again to say what I meant about order: in the first test, [b1] comes before [b2]; in the other tests, the order is swapped.
ski_: thanks, this is clearer with a match
(you'll note i changed argument order slightly)
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yes, as vixey was suggesting
I would also suggest to make a type that says Less Equal or Greater, instead of using -1 0 and 1
simply because I do not read '1' as "Greater"
(it meant "greater" ?!)
* ski_
didn't actually read the variable names
oh yeah I am using the wrong case here
i wanted to do something like Pervasives.compare
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is it possible to trace every function with a single command ?
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anybody programmed a lot both in ocaml and erlang? is it easy to transition to erlang (when concurrency it needed)?
...and can you interop?
alexyk al ot with ocaml yes, but never erlang sorry
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alexyk: interop, one of the funnest questions
olegfink: well erlang looks weird to complete newbies, but almost like a just a little weird uncle to ocaml
though I have no idea about erlang, I more need ocaml<->haskell as all my friends speak haskell and it's a pain to rewrite the code every time we need to build something
olegfink: it's like Russian and Ukrraininan, the closer you are, the more confused and ambivalent you are about each other; needing to establish your udentity by delineating differences with the clone :)
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yeah, noone of us wants to use the other language though everyone knows both to at least some extent
you're right, it's the same zealotry I suppose
alexyk tyii gavario pa russkiy ? ;)
olegfink: did you see prelude.ml? you can force the Haskellkranians to use that
uhm, no, only heard from you. any url (google doesn't seem to serve well for this)?
I wonder if it is theoretically possible to mix threads from different languages having some basic runtime (like, erlang and jocaml)
olegfink: BTW, was meaning to delve into jocaml over chanukkahxmas; does it do threads for real, and SMP too?
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I have never reall touched jocaml, but from what I understood it does concurrent things as well as distributed, so I guess the answer is yes.
i saw some guy mention some guy heard jocaml can't do smp
olegfink: same guy referring to the same other guy! :) but i don't "totally understand why" at all
at least everyone refers to non concurrent gc, but I have a vague understanding of how this is related
please please help me
at least the indirectly referenced guy suggests using processes communicating via channels, and for me it seems like the way it was always done
paul424: mcompare is in module referenced by Key, so you should explicitly qualify it as Key.mcompare
oh me so dumb
olegfink: that stinks so much, I'm reading Joe Armstrong today :)
yep, I should look into erlang at some point
pity it's all VM and each character is 2 ints, i.e. 8 to 16 BYTES
in a string
wow, they beat UTF-32
so bye-bye text processing or numerics
and you're left with Ruby :)
for interwebz
well I am getting Windows Vista to dual-boot on my MacBook and do F# threads... like Dr. Faustus
I have some mental defect which has the effect of making me unable to understand any dynamic language out there
olegfink: I did them all and am back to typed ones
but most time is spent coercing types, so I wonder if this purism is in fact a cult too
in fact i just like compiling things :)
sure it's a cult, but among more popular ones
by the way, isn't f# supposed to run under mono?
olegfink: mono suckz, threads are slow reportedly; it's slow for sure
I need concurrency for real research, not theory; a 12 hour compute vs 6 hours is a real difference
well, it is; what I didn't know is that microsoft's impementation was any faster.
olegfink: mfp mentioned mono being slow earlier today, I only used sequential and it looks slowosh
olegfink: I now have a theory while ocmal is better: compiled languages force one to save a script into a file, and with python/ruby it's easy to end up with scripts which worked only with a state in an interpreter; you have to save before you compile.
compiling is a stage inducing thinking and source control
when stuff compiles you can go to bed too :)
and leave running/debugging it till tomorrow
well, half the beginner questions on this channel are related to problems arising people tending to debug things in the toplevel
olegfink: I wish there'd be a command in toplevel, "drop state"
s/arising/& because of/
instead of exit/restart it
so you could ask, "did you reload your toplevel from scratch"?
alexyk: uhm, ^D<up><enter> isn't much more work than some command
olegfink: true, but you feel homeless for a second :)
I think ghci can re-read every file previously :loaded, don't know about state though.
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<alexyk> anybody programmed a lot both in ocaml and erlang? is it easy to transition to erlang (when concurrency it needed)? -> using Erlang is pointless if you want parallelism for speed
(and btw. OCaml threads *do* concurrency, it's parallelism that is lacking)
* mfp
scanning the logs
mfp: right, I mean "real" concurrency; meaning "at the same physical time"... are you sure you can't get true speedup on say 32 cores? 512?
<olegfink> at least the indirectly referenced guy suggests using processes communicating via channels, and for me it seems like the way it was always done -> JoCaml adds to that asynchronous channels (that can be remote or local) + join patterns to control that. Iow. JoCaml doesn't add anything to OCaml regarding parallelism (you still need processes), but it makes concurrency/parallelism easier to handle thanks to the join calculus.
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I know you beat the crap out of all erlangs with wide-finder though :)
Erlang will give you a speedup, but it's so slow to begin with
mfp: aha, makes sense
mfp: well parsing apache logs is better done with compiled regexps for sure, the question is, is there a class of problems where erlang *will* be faster? like some webserver?
what Erlang would do better is handling thousands of connections
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but each request would be served slower than OCaml would do
(assuming each req is processed serially)
mfp: essentially routing sms's, what it was made for
thousands of *simultaneous* connections
the one thing AFAIK Erlang is *really* bad at is string processing
mfp: so there's no progress for binary strings like in haskell?
there are binary strings, but they're a PITA
ugly syntax
and I don't know if there's usual stuff like regexes over them
* alexyk
wants to find reasons to love erlang still :)
* mfp
* alexyk
bbl too
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bbl three
how hard would it be to implement Haskell's Read using caml4p?
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man, I wish deriving was extendable
then I could derive Read !
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how to specify that a class uses the exceptions
grr as usual I left with my own program pitfalls
Yoric[DT]: I mean how to say that some method might rise some exception
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mpeter: could you help me ? how to say that some method in class might rise some exception ?
paul424_: you don't have to do anything.
Exceptions are not part of the type in OCaml.
yeap found at last that
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Yoric[DT]: how do you implement the ADS : abstract data structures , you allow to be some mutable functional structure within class and then you order methods to operate on them, yes ?
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Sorry, I really don't understand your question.
I have the feeling that you're just starting OCaml and that you're starting it on the wrong foot, too.
Typically, in OCaml, for abstract data types, you don't use classes at all.
well the thing I have the assigment, and I have to do it in some way.
No I have little knowledge on functional languages, althought the idea of classes in ocaml seems to be a bit dimmy for me