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In case anyone wakes up here is my problem: I have different types of blocks on disk that all have a common header. So I though I would create a header class and have type1, type2, type3, ... all inherit header. Class header has a virtual methods get_magic and add_to_buffer and method to_buffer. Now here is the problem: Each typeX can be created fresch with initial values or from a buffer. I would like to have 2 constructors in some way.
I also have type2a and type2b that inherit type2 and same for type3.
My (not realy working) solution so far is: type args = Create of int64 * int64 * int64 | Buffer of Aio.buffer * string class virtual header args = let (parent, block_id, generation) = match args with ...
which breaks down when inheriting.
parametrical polymorphism isn't sufficien in your case ?
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how do you mean?
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Alpounet: Do you mean a 'a header type?
That might work. Would be somewhat upside down to how objects inherit.
The 'a would then have to be { from_buffer : Aio.buffer -> 'b; into_buffer : 'b -> Aio.buffer -> unit; ... }
'b ?
The internal representation of typeX
Header.from_buffer and Header.to_buffer then is easy.
that's what made me think about a 'a header type
But what about Header.make to create a fresh one in memory?
how to choose it, you mean ?
Hmm, make : 'a -> 'b -> 'a t could work.
sounds logical at least.
I need a Type1.make : arg1 -> arg2 -> Type1.t Header
Maybe a functor is better though.
Building the { from_buffer ... } record is basically what the functor does automatically.
In C++ one would just write class Foo { Foo(int x, int y); Foo(Buffer buf); ...}
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Alpounet: One drawback of this will be that I need to use Type1.fn (Header.get_actual obj) instead of obj#Type1.fn
Worse for functions that alter the objects: let new_obj = obj Type1.fn. Although that doesn't seem too bad.
Some people prefer this way, others don't...
You can play with references, if really needed.
I'm trying to keep this functional.
I would do so too, heh.
Not sure though if it really makes sense in the end.
I have concurrent operations on a big tree. So when one thread blocks it will have to start fresh from the root of the tree the next time it runs because another thread might alter the tree and create a completly new root.
With an imperative tree I could store parent pointers in the nodes and go up and down the tree at will as long as no two threads alter the same node.
I wonder what will be cheaper. Going down the tree again and again or complicated locking.
Such operations are much better handled by imperative structures, AFAIK.
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binary trees work quite nicely in functional style.
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hi, where can i find in order to create random big_ints ?
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i can't find the function random_big_int
abtok: should be in Batteries' tree
oops, that doesn't include any random stuff, you need rwmjones'
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what is that ?
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it seems rwmjones wrote an for extlib which included a function to generate random big_ints
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OCaml Batteries Included ( inherits extlib and also has got an, which however lacks such functionality
so is there a solution ?
hi.. is there a way to evaluate expressions in the contest of a given module? e.g. instead of using MyModule.func 1 to have something like with MyModule do func 1?
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abtok: hopefully rwmjones will come back, and there's a chance he still has got that function around
ok ; i think i'll just write my own function that creates a random string then convert it to num
generating random ints and operating with them should be faster
blAckEn3d: open MyModule
mfp: i wante something more.. local.. something with limited scope
there's also the open_in extension (included in Batteries) which provides scoped open as in open MyModule in func 1
mfp: who can i operate on them without string_of_int them ?
abtok: generate random ints with Random, use big_int_of_int, multiply & add them
yes ok
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(you'd normally just shift left, but it's seemingly missing in Big_int)
multiply by 2^32 the last result ?
by big_int_of_int32 0x7000000l I think
(on x86)
why not 2^32 ?
actually, both x86 and x86-64
because Random returns a 31-bit int, 0 - 0x3FFFFFF
so 2^31 then ?
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<abtok> bound returns a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and bound (exclu‐
sive). bound must be greater than 0 and less than 2^{30.
so i just multiply by 2^30 in fact
2 ^ 30 = 0x40000000
and how can i know how many times do i have to do the shift and add since i can't calculate the log of a Num (big_int) ?
you can convert it to a float and compute its log
hm sorry, i just have to String.length the string_of_num
or keep dividing the bound by 2^30
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Alpounet: I've ended up combining class types and a functor.
it seems to be a good solution
Having explicit constructors in classes would have been way easier.
Alpounet: does it not upset you that the rich description of HLVM was written by jdh in his subscription-only "OCaml Journal" ?
I discovered that recently and got quite frustrated, I'm not sure i'd like to contribute to HLVM unless he makes his documentation freely available
The docs aren't in the source too?
Hmm ? They are in the sources too, indeed.
execute ./ and you'll have a "docs" folder, with ocamldoc generated documentation of hlvm itself, it's type system, etc.
The Ocaml Journal article looks like a high-level design discussion rather than an ocamldoc-generated thing
but perhaps it's in the comments somewhere, I should check that
(I slightly doubt it though)
By the way, it seems clear to me that you'll never write an OCaml line for the HLVM project, but it is your choice.
Moreover, I'll contribute to HLVM because it is an interesting project (for me, at least), and that I'd like to create mine on top of it, that's all.
bluestorm, the OCaml Journal article may be a high-level design discussion, but you can still learn how to use HLVM without it, quite easily (considering your OCaml experience)
sucks though if thatisn't public and archived.
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Alpounet: I'd prefer everything pertinent to contribute to this project was freely available and not entangled in jdh commercial expectations
Iirc, that's how jdh makes a living, though.
So, while it bugs me, I can understand his point.
I prefer people making a living around functional programming stuffs rather than writing trivial Java applications/web services or anything of that kind ...
I don't mind that, and he stated clearly that he hopes to use HLVM for (proprietary) commercial applications
he could still make the design description of an open-source project public, imho
That wouldn't be a bad thing, yes.
tomaw: dann musst du es halt mit [cs ]fdisk selber machen
class virtual foo = object end type 'a t = 'a constraint 'a = #foo class bar = object(self : _ t) end
indeed, fails with my 3.11.1 also
match ... with Tobject ... -> ... | _ -> assert false
but it somehow rejects (self : unit)
for having Thread module functions in our programs, we just have to link against threads.cma right ?
Alpounet: and compile with -thread
or just ocamlfind ocamlc -package threads
so what would be the right way to compile a with Num ?
nums.cma iirc
i have to copy it in my folder ?
Hah, Thread.kill not implemented ?
Invalid_argument("Thread.kill: not implemented")
looks like a joke
alpounet, what would you use it for?
abtok: ocamlfind ocamlopt -package num -c ocamlfind ocamlopt -package -num -o program foo bar baz -linkpkg
such operations are commonly viewed as being very hazardous
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flux, to kill a thread if it takes too much time to finish
abtok: or just prepend num.cmxa to the list of modules when linking
(here, it doesn't matter if it doesn't finish)
why two commands ?
alpounet, is it changing global variables or why does it need to be a thread?
It doesn't change global variables. It justs execute some code, and I want this thread to be killed if it takes too much time.
you can likely use a process for that
abtok: for separate compilation --- if you only have 1 module you can compile & link in one step
killing processes is implemented ? :-p
so either ocamlfind ocamlopt -package num -o foo -linkpkg or ocamlopt -o foo nums.cmxa
Unix.signal ?
alpounet, killing a thread doing anything 'theadworthy' is generally a bad idea. such as, what happens if it's holding a mutex at the time of kill..
It doesn't.
resources held by processes on the other get released when they are killed
the former makes it easy to use other libs (just do -package a,b,c)
ok thanks
Do I have to look at Extlib/Batteries or such libs for getting thread killing in my ocaml code ? :/
well, you could try using vmthreads
if you compile natively
or use a process :)
Heh :-)
Unix module processes, right ?
Alpounet: imho processes are nicer than threads here
Taking a mutex should generate a abstract value that can eigther be release manually or released by the GC through finalize_*. Then killing a thread would (eventually) free the mutex.
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it doesn't handle the case where the child doesn't terminate properly
but that's simple, just add Unix.kill before returning with None
Quite interesting... Thanks !
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(fixed the .ml)
(didn't try it, though)
How can I run Caml light?
"camllight" ?
Is it already installed on your system ?
If it is, see bluestorm's answer.
bluestorm, I am using Debian, there doesn't seem to be a caml light package
chahibi: do you really need to use caml light instead of OCaml ?
the answer is probably "No"
if it isn't, see the INRIA website for the packages
isn't the only reason to use caml light that you need to use it at school?
bluestorm, Is "type word == char list;;" correct in camllight?
i suppose
bluestorm, I see in many references the use of == in synonym types
In caml light, yes
bluestorm, that is why I thought it only works in caml light
(I just checked and it's correct)
use "type word = char list" and you've got working OCaml code
flux: imho, the only reason to use caml light is when you have to _teach_ it at school :-'
bluestorm, well, I think for each such individual there are dozens of others who need to use it to pass courses :)
bluestorm, I do not understand why caml light isn't distributed within debian
chahibi: probably because it's old software wich isn't maintained anymore
flux: students can use OCaml, the teacher would hardly notice
doesn't count as real "need"
bluestorm, so ocaml is sufficiently backward compatible then?
I'm thinking a scenario where students are tasked with an application to develope and they pass the source for verification
I can't pretend I know all the places were Caml Light is still used for teaching
Why doesn't the "ocaml" interpreter allow to skip through the characters?
but if you're thinking of French Classes Préparatoires, they don't do such things
I don't know any place, but that's the way it works at our uni's c++ courses :)
(I mean, ask students to develop real application and try to _compile_ the source code later)
(I suppose any teacher asking that would be sufficiently motivated and ahead of his time to compile using ocaml instead of caml light)
Usualy you have to demonstrate and explain the code. So you just start ocaml instead of camllight and demonstrate.
chahibi: You can use rlwrap or ledit to gain line editing with the ocaml toplevel
or xemacs
Hadaka, thanks
hcarty, , thanks
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Excuse my newbie'ish question here, but is there a function which turns a string into a list of its comprising characters? I can't seem to be able to find such a function in the String module.
no, they don't exist but logically they should.
lazy man's solution: let explode str = Array.to_list (Array.init (String.length str) (fun i -> str.[i]))
(I've picked the idea from some of you guys ;))
but batteries will make it better :)
flux: hehe.
Okay, thanks for your suggestions.
Would be nice if string and char array where the same.
Or does anything speak against that?
yeah, actually I wonder why they aren't
but atleast they really aren't, because Obj.magic segfaults on me :)
char array is an array of values (32/64) bit) each containing a char. 4 times the space.
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mrvn: I don't think so. That's the way it is done in Haskell. There, a string "blah" is merely syntactic sugar for a list of characters.
well, that explains it then. special casing data structures makes interoperability with C more difficult.
flux: float/double arrays are already special
xian, which is really nice and elegant. too bad sometimes one also wants effiency :/.
xian: list of chars is bad. A string has random access in ocaml.
A char list would also use 8/16 times the space.
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How can I access the nth element of a tuple?
You have to do it by yourself, using pattern matching
chahibi: tuples have a constant size; see fst and snd in Pervasives.
chahibi, do note that arrays are a very different thing compared to a tuple
doing such a thing might be possible with camlp4, but that would be metaprogramming.
chahibi: if you have records with a lot of specific fields, you should consider using a record
(they are basically tuple with named fields)
I have "type something = Leaf of int*char ;; let b = Leaf (1,'a') ;;"
and val first_element : 'a * 'b -> 'a = <fun>
how can I access the first element of b? first_element reports a type problem
let first_element node = match node with Leaf (a, b) -> a
Error: This expression has type something but is here used with type 'a * 'b
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otherwise written as: let first_element = function Leaf (a, _) -> a
thanks flux
chahibi: is "Leaf" the only constructor of that type ?
if it is not, you should generally not use such a partial function
bluestorm, no, I didn't want to detail
well, if it is a sum type you should do a pattern-matching when you need something, and not in a generic function
it allows you to handle the failure cases (when the value you're considering is _not_ a Leaf) at use place
(that's not a hard rule, but it generally leads to nicer code)
What is a sum type? (or perhaps you mean product type, tuple)
type ('a, 'b) foo = Bar of 'a | Baz of 'b
that's what I call a "sum type", as the inhabitants of the type are (more or less rigourosly) in the disjoint union of the "Bar" and the "Baz" parts
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is there a way to work around ocamlbuild thinking its a circular build when your has an "Open Gmain" in it?
Gmain having a Main module inside it
ping ertai?
iirc, it's a bug in ocamldep
"Recursion is the goto of functional programming" haha
Alpounet: that's not completely false
yep, the "haha" was because I found it funny :-)
genericplayer, you use Main.something in code?
maybe "module NotMain = Gmain.Main" will do?
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does anyone know what a working ocamlbuild incantation is for a lablgtk2 app off the top of their head?
Batteries just passed the 1900 downloads mark.
-libs lablgtk2 -cflags -I,+lablgtk2 -lflags -I,+lablgtk2 (like for any other "external" library)
Cheers !
We'll organize a party for 2000 (or 2009) downloads !
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oh there we go, it's -libs lablgtk but everything else is lablgtk2
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Hello! I would like to write a function that returns the value of the nth element of a list, for example: fun(3,[4;7;8;9;6;7]) = 8 can someone help me?
hardcoding: see [List.nth]
what, it really exists? lol
is it complicated if I want to write it myself olegfink ?
you can check its source; and no, you can express it by a simple recursion.
it's a three-liner
maybe a lit bit more /me's brain is damaged by the lack of sleep
haskell-like pattern matching in function definition would make it a bit shorter, but yeah indeed it's very simple.
hardcoding: it's generally a bad idea to access list elements by indexing, because it's slow and usually denotes a design flaw
bluestorm: iirc it's quite usual to use it together with [iterate] in haskell?
bluestorm, are you the one I sometimes talk to on sdz? olegfink I see that the profile of the nth function is 'a list -> int -> 'a isn't there a way to write it such as a,list -> int ?
"a,list -> int"?
yeah olegfink I mean a int* (int list) -> int
'a * 'a list -> 'a is more general than int * int list -> int, and it's the exact same code
ahem, int * 'a list -> 'a
your code should not depend on the list element's type, hence the 'a
olegfink: Haskeller sometimes do bad things to keep the feeling that everything is a one-liner
same thing .... I just wonder why List.nth is written as 'a list -> int -> 'a ...
hardcoding: using tuples for arguments makes your functions uncurriable without buying you anything.
hardcoding: that's currying, standard way to use arguments in Caml
let f x y = ... instead of let f (x, y) = ...
I see thanks
hardcoding: let nth_prime = List.nth [2;3;5;7;11;13;17;19;23]
With tuples you couldn't do that and would have to spell out all the arguments.
Can someone help me find the source code of List.nth?