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If I resize the minor heap to exactly 1/2 the L2 cache on this dual core system then I get peak performance. Any smaller and it's slower, and it's not any faster with a larger minor heap. Any conjectures as to why this might be the case?
Moreover, can I generalize this to L2 size / #cores for other systems, such as the intel i7?
that should depend on what you're actually doing
I'm mainly parsing and type-checking very large source files written in a Pascal-like syntax.
Profiling shows that mark/sweep_slice() is the dominant operation
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sounds like the gc is very busy. too small and the allocators always get stuck waiting for it, and too large and either the gc stalls or the app does, either one causing about the same amount of pain. kind of makes sense
kaustuv: is your program written to make use of both cores ?
bluestorm: no, it's single threaded
in that case i'm not sure you should take #cores into account
I was figuring some sort of underlying NUMA architecture
err, drop "architecture"
well I don't know, we should really try with other computers
doesn't sound like #cores to me. it sounds like the gc is doing about half the work :)
slightly under 60% of the work, in fact
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Sets are lazy, right? I'm new to ocaml, and trying to learn lazy data structures by reading the source for the set module.
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jdavis: no Set aren't lazy
Streams are lazy but are probably a bad example as they're also destructive (really not functional)
except Stream, there are afaik no lazy structure in OCaml stdlib
but it's very easy to create one yourself
bluestorm: I did an experiment a while back, where I made a big set (~400MB), and then I (in the interactive shell), I did let newset = Set.add "foo" oldset
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besides, lazyness is not used that often in OCaml, so if you're trying to know OCaml better there are other ideas that may be better choices
well adding into a set is very fast
bluestorm: and it didn't seem to take any more memory than before, which made me think it was lazy
if it's the set in the stdlib, it wasn't
bluestorm: but didn't I make two sets? I could still count the cardinality of both oldset and newset
oh yeah
sets are shared
What does that mean?
as lists and pretty much anything persistent
let list = [1; 2; 3; ...; n]
let alist = a :: list
let b = b :: list
list's elements aren't copied twice
(read "let blist = ..", sorry)
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alist and blist both point to the same list
so their tails are shared
similarly, let clist = c :: list won't allocate any memory
well, it will allocate a list cell (two pointers basically), but not the whole list
bluestorm: how is that done? Is it purely done by the compiler, or is it some trick in implementing?
in OCaml, most values are passed by references
bluestorm: so how did they define sets in a way that the compiler knew to share?
i probably haven't understood your ofrmer compiler/implementation question
you, the data structure implementer, control the sharing
but it comes in a natural way when writing reasonable algorithms
Ok, can you show me how they accomplished that in the stdlib sets module?
they used an algebraic data type
you can read the code if you want, it's probably a bit complicated by set balancing invariants
but do you know how to add a key to a binary search tree ?
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it's pretty short actually, about 300 lines, so I think I could probably understand it with a little effort.
well if you want
but you could use a simpler example
What do you have in mind?
jdavis: do you know the definition of a search tree ? Write the insertion function yourself and I'll show you where the sharing takes place if you don't see it
(the definition of a binary search tree in OCaml could be for example : type 'a tree = Leaf | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree )
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I'm still working this out
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(wich the invariant that for all keys a in the left children of the node with key n, a <= n, and similarly n <= b for right children keys)
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ok, I feel like I'm copying the set definition somewhat, but basically something like: let add x t = match t with Empty -> Node (Empty, x, Empty) | Node(l, m, r) -> let c = compare x m in if c > 0 then add x r else if c < 0 then add x l
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I don't really write much ocaml (yet), so please excuse the obvious syntax errors, etc.
you should really use a pastebin next time :)
Thanks. I didn't want to make you wait as I fiddled with it too much.
- you forgot the last "else" case : if .. then .. is equivalent to if .. then .. else (), so types unit, so your function won't type correctly
and most importantly, your function doesn't return the tree but only the bottom leaf turned into a node
Do I want to return unit or raise an exception there?
Oh, yeah, that would help ;)
well you don't handle the "= 0" case
either don't add anything (no duplicates in my tree) or add it arbitrarly in one of the branches (say the left one)
if you had written hm
if foo <= 0 then .. else if foo > 0 then ...
then you should either remove the "> 0" condition (tautological) or add an "else assert false"
(assert false types 'a and is the idiomatic way to say "never happens if I didn't screw up", though it generally asks for an explanatory comment)
(in that case I think removing the redundant condition is the best choice)
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ok. What is a good way to return the tree itself in this situation?
Also, I see the set implementation uses the "function" keyword, why is that?
function is a syntaxic detail, "fun patt -> expr" allows only one pattern, while function allows for different cases
(first thought, not sure if it's correct yet)
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looks good
ok, so now I have two questions: why does the set implementation need to use a lambda-like "function", while I did not? and: where does the sharing happen?
"function" is mostly a syntaxic improvement and is not "need"
you could have rewritten your own code
let rec add x = function Empty -> ... | Node(...) -> ...
(you never use the "t" variable except for matching)
bluestorm: oh, I see.
the sharing happens in the second case
when you write
Node(l, m, add x r)
"l" references the left branch of the (sub)tree
wich is not copied
Oh, now I see.
so when you insert an element, you allocate one new node per iteration
thus you new O(tree depth) new memory
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all the rest is shared with the precedent tree
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in the Set case, tree is balanced so it's actually O(log n)
ok, interesting.
To step back for a minute, is there a normally-accepted way people do stuff like this in an imperative language? it seems like it would be very hard to share parts of trees in C.
Not impossible, but difficult to do in a general way.
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oh you could do that with a C tree
the problem is that
when your nodes are shared, mutation is shared too
yeah, that's what I mean, you update one and you update all of them, because it's by reference
OCaml does the same
except it encourages immutables values
wich you can't mutate so there isn't any problem
of course if your tree keys are references instead of immutable values, you will have problems if you mutate one of the trees
The reason I did that test a while ago was because I though that would be difficult to do in C: create one set, create another set just like it but with an extra element, and still have the original set, but don't copy the whole thing.
I'm not sure that's very difficult to do in C
(well of course algebraic datatypes and pattern matching make it much easier to formulate such algorithms)
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The only way I could think to do it would be to have different snapshots of the tree, and tag different points in the tree so that when, e.g. counting, you would only count the elements for your particular snapshot of the tree.
(in C)
that's more or less what OCaml does
Oh, ok.
you can think of "t" and "add key t" as two views of the "same tree"
two snapshots
except that t informations makes that, when iterating on it, you don't see "add key t" keys
and reversely
(i mean : keys wich are not shared)
I see.
that state of affairs is natural in OCaml and of course we prefer to view it as two trees by themselves, with some parts shared
there is a nice quizz about that
Yeah, I like it because, conceptually, they are two distinct immutable values, but you get the benefit of sharing and pass-by-reference.
jdavis: write a function complete : int -> unit tree, that creates a complete tree of height n in times O(n)
I think one of the main reasons why people don't do that in C is that C doesn't have GC - nor the developers have the mindset for making use of one
sharing any kind of stuff is difficult; of course, you could use reference counting, which in addition to not being very efficient, brings other issues
(complete tree : all nodes except for the bottom ones have two non-leaf children)
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(bottom nodes : nodes of depth height(tree))
bluestorm: f x = Node(f (x - 1), f (x - 1))
bluestorm: f x = if x > 0 then Node( f (x-1), f (x-1) ) else ();;
bluestorm: f x = if x > 0 then Node( f (x-1), x, f (x-1) ) else ();;
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bluestorm: am I on the right track?
flux: Yeah, I think you're right about C. Most of the time it's just easier to try to make ever-fancier mutable data structures to enable the sharing you want, rather than compose simpler generic data structures.
else Leaf
but that isn't O(n)
you create 2^n leaves, so that's O(2^n)
have I specified that I take n for the _height_ of the tree ?
bluestorm: yeah, you said the height of the tree. I was thinking it might share the f (x-1) tree on both sides, rather than compute it twice.
(the challenge of creating a 2^n tree in O(n) times makes the question interesting)
jdavis: well you have to do that yourself
(Ocaml doesn't memoize anything, and I don't know of any language doing that)
bluestorm: oh, so something like: f x = if x > 0 then let y = f (x-1) in Node( y, x, y ) else Leaf;;
yes, that's the correct answer
bluestorm: oh, cool!
bluestorm: is it just too hard for the compiler to guess what to memoize?
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you could say so
eg. the function could have side effects
indeed. even haskell doesn't so it by default, although as a pure functional language it would have the possibility to do it.
there are some obscure (?) cases that can cause big memory leaks with automatic memoization
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for example think of a program that produces the list of pi digits
Oh, I see.
then you use some variation of the rabit-and-hare-algorithm (I don't know if it's applicaple ;)) to find a loop in it
actually, that's not a great example :)
..I bet the one given to me was better..
in any case you may find yourself holding a lot of data
I suppose it would be possible to discard some of that data. on which criteria, is an interesting question.
Are there subsets of the problem that are easier, like in my solution, where f (x-1) appears twice in the same function?
I suppose it's also easy for the programmer to see that, though ;)
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Also, is there a reason that, in a hybrid language like ocaml, they don't allow you to tag a function as having side effects, so that the compiler knows what rearrangements are safe?
jdavis: you have to know that the ocaml compiler generally doesn't optimize code
jdavis, and if accidentally a function is marked pure but it isn't?
OCaml programs have good performance because of a very efficient GC and good data representation choices
but other than that it does not try to be clever and mostly compiles the code as you write it
jdavis, if you are thinking that the compiler can give errors for that case, then how about the case of a function that is pure but for example implements memoization via impure means (a hash table)
so, it's not that simple
don't expect dubious wonders from a "sufficiently clever compiler"
now now, the glasgow haskell compiler is indeed quite clever
if you want memoization, you can also write the memoization layer yourself, it's probably a good exercise
Oh, I see. Interesting.
although it can be too easy to inadvertently make a mis-step and disable some cool optimization
write memo : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) that takes any one-parameter function, supposing it's functional, and returns a memoized version
flux: I have the impression that the haskeller in the street (not the uber-ghc-gurus) have a hard time having reliable and predictible performance with their haskell code
but the GHC works is indeed very interesting
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flux: yeah, little changes that disable optimizations are tricky. That's the same trouble people get into writing SQL queries :)
(and their recent switch to a strict core language is quite revealing)
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bluestorm: what do you mean by a strict core language?
bluestorm: I thought laziness was next to godliness (or something ... :)
bluestorm: I tried googling "haskell strict core language" and didn't come up with anything. I know about strict evaluation versus lazy, but I don't know exactly what you mean when you say their core language is strict.
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most compiler have a desugared-decomplexified implementation of their frontend language
GHC has a Core language, wich is Haskell reduced to core concepts (no types classes etc.), on wich it applies most of it's optimisation
(stream fusion etc.)
there was a recent paper from SPJ about a new Core language for GHC, with a strict evaluation semantic, that would allow for a finer-grained representation of calling conventions and such
I think that it's always possible to make a strict, imperative program with the optimal implementation. But some languages make it much easier to get performance close to the optimal solution without so much work.
(don't take it as an attack againt Haskell : I quite appreciate Haskell as a language, I'm just not convinced that lazyness-by-default is the good choice, and apparently SPJ isn't either (famous quote "the next haskell will be pure and strict"); I also think that you made the right choice trying to learn OCaml first : learning the new Haskell concept later is facilited by knowing OCaml, and Ocaml is interesting in it's own and easier to learn for the i
mperative newcomer)
I can't quite explain it, but I've certainly been drawn more to ocaml. I write stuff, and I feel confident that if it compiles, it will probably work.
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Thanks bluestorm and flux, this has been enlightening.
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I'm getting an error from ocaml that doesn't seem to be happening for the obvious reason: