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hey anyone around?
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can anyone tell me the error in my code
let i = 1 in
let f = 2.3 and
let a = (float_of_int i) +. f
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BigJ: if you have 'and' you don't need let
and you are missing an 'in'
k let me try that again
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what are you tryign to accomplish?
define i to be 1 and f to be 2.5 and then do float_of_int on i, add the 2 floats then store the result in a variable and print it
let a = let i = 1 and f = 2.3 in float i +. f in Printf.printf "%d\n" a
a calls itself?
sorry nm
or let i = 1 and f = 2.3 in let a = float i +. f in ...
i get confused between using in let or and
i'm not sure the difference
let this = that and bongo = mango
lets you define 2 variables in 1 let
can you define more than 2
sure, more and's
why do you need a seperate in let for a?
because you can't refrence values you bind in an and
they don't exist yet
let x = y and z = x + 1 in z
x doesn't exist yet, so you have to do another let
ahh because z is part of the function x?
there is no function x there
variable declaration
z references x, z is not part of x
it is inside the same scope
x is in z's scope, not the other way around
i just find it really confusing about how local variables work because I am used to writing a "method" or function and defining a variable inside that scope
in say C or java
C or Java have no real comparison I believe
ya that's the hard part nothing to really compare it to
it's not that complex of an idea though. let a = b and c = d in a + c
a and c do not exist until the 'in'
so c cannot reference a before it exists
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so let a = b and c = a + d in a + c wouldn't work, a doesn't exist when c is being bound
k I'll have to think it over and do some more reading. thanks for the info
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BigJ : also consider
let a = a + b and b = a * b in ..a..b..
let a = b and b = a in ..a..b..
(both those assume you already have an `a' and a `b' in scope)
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Is it possible to make records that share parameters? for example, I can't seem to create a point2d after defining point3d: type point2d = {x:float; y:float} type point3d = {x:float; y:float;z:float} ;;
share parameter names, i mean
even if you annotate which type you want explicitly ?
sorry, how do I do that? (I'm very new)
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let o = { x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z = 3.0 } : point3d
module Point2D = struct type t = {x : float .. } end
also, with objects that is possible
let a ={x = 3.0; y=4.0}:point2d;; gives me syntax error
it's wrong
the syntax would be ({ .. } :point2d), but it won't work anyway
clank: it's not possible with structure
there's a patch that would actually allow that, but it's for 3.00 and I suppose we'll never see in the mainline ocaml
too much C++ kills C++, pissed of writing C++ all day long.
okay; I suppose something like this calls for objects/inheritance anyways
clank: what about just writing them differently and have a function that convert them to 3d/2d ?
clank, if you're dealing with lots of points, it may be more efficient to go with records
I'd more likely manipulate them via make_point, translate, rotate, etc functions
tab: I'm just trying to get a grip on the typing system, i'm not actually writing a real program yet :-P
exactly because of the record fields name collisions problems
is name collision between type variants a problem as well?
like type t1 = A|B type t2 = A|C;;
one alternative in that situation is to use polymorphic variants
if you write let foo = A
how can the compiler decide which A you're dealing with
(but that's an advanced topic with its own problems, mainly with compiler error messages)
Alpounet: it seems to use the most recently defined type...
in the toplevel
right ?
in any case, for a short demo, this works: type t1 = [ `A | `B ] type t2 = [ `A | `C ] let f () = `A
IIRC, the compiler would raise an error.
in general I simply avoid using name constructor names
it can actually help the readability too, to prefix constructors with a short related tag, especially if you have other concepts that need to use similarly named constructors
and anyway, A, B, C and so on are bad names :-)
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anyone got a readable intro to functional reactive programming of GUIs, pref. one that includes real code and doesn't spend pages talking about "signals" ?
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$ host mirror.ocamlcore.org
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rwmjones: ovh problem
rwmjones: seems to be back online
rwmjones: it also cuts my kimsufi connection
exactly at the same time
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all: OVH (datacenter for ocamlcore.org) seems to have some network problems, don't know how long it will last
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cduce is driving me mad
rwmjones: what is the problem
gildor, I'm trying to get that perl code translated into cduce -- see caml-list
into ocamlduce rather
rwmjones: what happens if you just Obj.magic it to whatever type you need?
(Don't tell anyone I suggested this.)
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it'll almost certainly crash
so it's not a phantom type issue then?
what is the difference between using match ... with and giving something that looks like a type and omitting match ... with?
rwmjones: look at the example on page 7 of ftp://ftp.di.ens.fr/pub/users/castagna/padl05.ps.gz that uses transform ... with instead of match ... with
OCamlDuce actually has more of a set system than a type system
Well, it's a type system with union, intersection and sets.
s/sets/singleton sets/
would one actually use ocamlduce in the real world? sticking to an ocaml dist just for XML processing seems horrifying
But without functions.
(i.e. no functions in these sets)
rwmjones: gotcha, Gerd has an xpath evaluator on top of xpath, too bad concrete syntax is still missing
It seems that unless I want to go mad with x-type expressions, I have to re-ify the schema of the XML document as XML types.
thelema: how do I import Printf to the interpreter?
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the REPL? it's already accessable
is orbitz a bot?
Not that I know of.
rwmjones: orbitz just has less lag than you. and doesn't sleep.
crap, thelema's onto me
I have a confession to make
i'ma ctually...
from the future!
* thelema
is from the past
In this future, Ocaml is the only language anyone writes code in.
orbitz: no billandtedding the channel.
thelema: i'm here to collect you
* thelema
hopes ocaml of the future is much better than ocaml now.
* Yoric[DT]
hopes in the future, everyone writes code in OPA but the few people who don't write code in OPA write code in a much improved OCaml.
Just to make everyone happy :)
Yoric[DT]: anything we can see on OPA? (OPA is your project right?)
Not quite yet / Yes.
Yoric[DT]: but i'm from the future, so clearly I've alrady seen OPA. no harm in showing me :)
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Just know that it's shaping up nicely, I'm happy with what we're doing but the code still needs much cleanup and testing before we can release 1.0 .
What is OPA?
(besides an ingredient in some form of chemical weapon...)
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kaustuv: A language Yoric[DT] is working on at his new place of employment
hcarty: I inferred as much, but I am curious what it is. MLState's web-site does not explain much about exactly what they do.
hey guys where can I find some networking code written in OCaml?
ocamlnet project
ok, so that is the library that is used for networking in OCaml?
it is a library
'Networking' can mean lots of different things. Do you want low level socket API stuff, high level protocols, or do you want CGI/specialized web servers?
kaustuv: basic stuff for now, I think socket level will do
ocaml has support in the Unix module for that, right?
so, some tiny examples of how to do it are available somewhere?
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kaustuv: It sounds like the language is similar to OCaml, but with a more advanced type system.
mldonkey/unison for some definition of "tiny examples" :D
kaustuv: I'm not a CS person, so I don't know the details of what would make up a "more advanced type system" :-)
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hcarty: I think the 'P' in the acronym and Yoric's background suggests that it might be more than just a type system. Possibly involves process/pi-calculus in some way
Well, the P in the calculus is completely unrelated.
But, yes, my background suggests well :)
It's a programming language designed for web programming.
The core is functional + concurrent.
* Camarade_Tux
wonders where Smerdyakov is :P
Were you present for Adam's DEFUN demo/tutorial/advertisement?
We even went for dinner afterwards with Adam and a few others :)
(and yes, we're both aware that we have common objectives for our respective languages)
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Anyway, no more details until we have a release.
Which should be soonish.
On these words, by everyone.
On these words, bye everyone.
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what is wrong with this statement?
let direction (x,y) =
let b = print_string ("hello") ;;
the construct is "let X = ... in"
let b = ...;; would be useless, you're getting the result of print_string, storing it but you would never be able to doa nything with that
I am trying to create a function float * float -> string. so for the float * float part it has to be a tuple?
you could have float -> float -> string
yes but that is different to float * float -> string is it not?
let direction x y = Printf.printf "%s ; %s\n" x y
BigJ2: it is
the first one is a pair and the second one is 2 seperate expressions?
BigJ2: why do you need x and y ? why not just one value?
BigJ2: print_stringis string -> unit, so you are not returning a string here even if you get rid of the inner "let .. ="
* Camarade_Tux
will just pretend he used sprintf instead of printf :D
because I am creating a program that takes a "x" and "y" co-ordinate
Camarade_Tux: :-)
the requirement is that the function be in the form float * float -> string
tuple then
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i am just confused because when I plugged let direction (x,y) = print_string "hello" it returned unit
into the interpreter that is
it's as hcarty told you: print_string writes to the terminal, it doesn't return a string
ahh i see
you would use one of : (^), String.concat, Printf.sprintf
BigJ2: For issues like this, try typing each part individually in to the toplevel to see the types
BigJ2: That can be a huge help in tracking down type issues
ya that's how I managed to figure out how to use a tuple
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my_list.(i) is same as (List.nth my_list i) ?
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lists don't have direct acces syntax
well List.nth does give me the n-th element of my_list doesn't it ?
what do you mean by direct access syntax? like arrays do?
but my_list.(i) is invalid
it only works on arrays
oh :/
* albacker
it has no sense for lists, since elements aren't contiguous in memory
Alpounet: works on whatever Array.get happens to manipulate (see above)
but it wasn't the point I was talkin' about :-p
ok a stupid question.. what's wrong here
let rev my_list =
let list2 = ref [] in
for i=0 to (List.length my_list) do
list2 := (List.nth my_list i) :: list2
in rev [1;2;3;4];;
i wrote it to reverse this list.
i'm just exercising.. i could have done this recursively but i want to see the loop version first.
your rev returns a list ref
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if i change list2 with !list2 it still doesnt work
exception, failure nth :/
first time i encounter smth like this..
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rev returns unit, I think
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0 to length - 1
albacker: your loop goes one too long
yep, thankyou
you should put a "!list2" after "done;"
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yes :)
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ok recursive one now..
rec. should ead less memory then the loop-one i think since we're dealing with lists?
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doing List.nth we should go til the i-eme element of the list, and that in a loop.. thats too much for big lists.. right?
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albacker: Perhaps not less memory, but less time.
yes, it's a lot of work scanning to the last element of a list
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how would I do multiple if statements?
let direction (x,y) =
let a = "direction (" ^ (string_of_float x) ^ "," ^ (string_of_float y) ^ ")" in
if x = 0.0 && y = 0.0 then print_string (a ^ " = no direction\n") else() in
if x = 0.0 && y < 0.0 then print_string (a ^ " = south \n") else () ;;
but the enxt if int he else
which is all an else if is
i woul write that with a function though
put the next if in the else?
let direction = function (x, y) when x = 0.0 && y = 0.0 -> Pritnf ...
BigJ2: that is what you wan to do right?
btw, comparing floats for equality is almost always a bad idea
i would be better to use pattern matching?
i would
ya I plan to, i just don't know how to implement it
hrm in ooking at yoru code again, I wouldn't use function like i did, since youw ant teh 'a' there. let direction v = let a = Pritnf.sprintf .... in match v with (x, y) when .... -> ... | (x, y) when ... -> ...
let dir = function (0., y) when y > 0. -> "north" | (0.,y) -> "south" | (x,0.) when x > 0. -> "east" | (x,0.) -> "west" | _ -> "not a cardinal direction"
thelema why do you have function (0., y) instead of function (x,y)
what direction is 2,3?
north east
okay, add [ | (x,y) when x > 0 && y > 0 -> "northeast" ]
thelema: ohh, how about doing each x and y speratly and composing!
match (sign x, sign y) with ...
BigJ2: let x = 0.0 and y = 0.1 in match (x, y) with (0., y) -> "mmmbop" | _ -> "fail" what happens?
i suppose it should print north
what should?
my example has no "north" in it
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orbitz: are u asking me what would be returned by your expression?
do you see why thelema had (0., y) isntead of (x , y)?
so that it only handles the y co-ordinates?
it matches the x with 0.
match (x, y) with (0., y) means that to enter the (0., y) case, (x,y) must be of the form (0., y), that is x must be equal to 0.
(for y, we don't care)
so whenever it matches x to 0 it then just checks the y value?
in the sepcific example Alpounet just gave it does nto check y at all
BigJ2: can you describe pattern matching to me? (don't worry about how correct you are, just want to see how you understand it then we can correct any place you misunderstand)
it'd be clearer to put another letter instead of y
match (x, y) with (0., idontcareaboutthisvalue)
_ !
(yeah, let's go slowly IMO)
i think a different examle all together might be helpful to BigJ2 to understand pattern matching
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so you are putting the x value to match to 0 and then providing the conditions for when it is either greater or less than zero it is either east or west?
I would like to request testers for the latest PLplot Subversion revision, now with Super OCaml Gtk+ Powers (tm)
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hcarty, what's new ?
The requirements are: CMake 2.6.0 or later, OCaml 3.x (tested with 3.10.x and 3.11.x, should work with earlier) and lablgtk2 + Cairo-OCaml if you want the GUI goodness.
Alpounet: The new bits are a more OCaml-like and high-level set of plotting interfaces and the ability to provide your own Cairo surface to plot on, and with that embed plots in lablgtk apps.
hcarty, you just want people to check if things compile & run well ?
Alpounet: Yes, if you have time.
let me install the missing stuffs and I'll do that.
damn, cairo-ocaml isn't packaged on my distro :(
Ah, that happens if you close the window rather than pressing enter or right-clicking on the plot.
but you (& others, I guess ?) did a very good job
The "closing the xcairo window crashes the plot/application" is a bug that is on the TODO list... I'm not very familiar with the internals of X.
I'm taking a look at the examples' OCaml code
Thanks. PLplot has been around for a while, at least 1992. I provided the OCaml portion (bindings, examples, etc) and have contributed other pieces to the core of the library.
The examples are not the most idiomatic OCaml. They are converted directly from the C examples, so they have a very C-like flavor.
xplot01.ml and xgtk_interface.ml should be a bit better
it provides the given features directly in OCaml
And it plays nicely with the toplevel, which is handy.
indeed !
Thank you again for the testing. I'm happy to hear that it works somewhere other than on my system :-)
we should now ask the guy who worked on the OCaml profiling tool to take plplot-ocaml as its main plotting library :D
I may do that, though I don't know if they'd want to add the dependency :-)
they'll have to make a choice
At some point when I'm feeling adventurous I'll try to add a GODI package for PLplot.
nice plots or little dependencies :-p
wow, good luck
Yes, the GODI package will likely not be for a while:-)
it'd be worth a GODI packaging sprint just for it
All the OCaml prerequisites are there in GODI now, thankfully.
but again, awesome work !
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Thank you! I think I'll post it to the list soon for a general request for testing and comments on the API.
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is there any tutorial somewhere ? or "just" the documentation ?
Just the documentation and examples for now.
I have the start of a simple tutorial in the documentation
ok good
people may like that
just a little introductory material
Yes, I want to the latest documentation and the ocamldoc reference online before I post to the list.
what is the best way to "unpack" a list or array? I can do ``let (a,b,c) = foo;;`` if foo is a tuple, but that's neither possible with lists nor with arrays
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derdon: You'll get a warning, but you can do the same thing - "let [a;b;c] = some_list"
or "let [|a;b;c|] = some_array"
derdon: It's an unsafe match though because you don't account for differently-sized arrays or lists.
derdon: So the compiler will warn about it.
derdon, consider the whole array, indepently of its size
derdon: "let (a, b, c) = match l with | [a;b;c] -> (a, b, c) | _ -> failwith "Bad array!""
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^^^^ that should be "Bad list!" I suppose.
or, if you're really really sure the list will have a size of 3, and that the program hasn't any sense if not, then do like hcarty tells you
but Array.iter, Array.map & friends are ... your friends :)
I just use an assertion to make sure that the array has a length of 3 ... (not very good, I know)
okay, then hcarty's way is fine
Alpounet: Out of curiosity - are running a 32 or 64bit kernel?
I used to run a Debian 64... heh
Ok, thanks
I'm on 64bit. I wouldn't expect any trouble from that, but it's nice to know that there really isn't any.
Alpounet: (not that you have to read it! Just in case you have an interest in the library beyond testing :-))
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hcarty, this is a bit late for tonight, but I should play a bit with it. It could be fun actually, for my articles/college reports/etc
thanks !
bookmarked :)
Alpounet: You're quite welcome, and thank you as well. You got mention in the commit message with the spelling error fixes :-)
heh, thanks ;)
Alpounet: http://plplot.sf.net is the one to track long-term. I'm hoping to find a way to include the ocamldoc-generated documentation in the general PLplot documentation build process.
myst, or use a function like : let flip f x y = f y x ;; then currying <= x becomes : flip (<=) x
hcarty, good luck, doesn't look like an easy task !
* Alpounet
really misses mlbot
Alpounet: Indeed - who was working on that?
I remember rwmjones had xavierbot
Alpounet: Ah, of course :-)
My apologies!
Alpounet, thanks for the tip.
but mlbot's code and binaries died altogether with my HD
Oh no - that's quite unfortunate.
and I admit I'm kinda reluctant to put my nose again in these OCaml compiler modules (something like 25 were needed, IIRC, when building mlbot, and given in a precise order...)
bringing xavierbot back looks easier :-p
anyway, it's late here, gotta go.
Good night
Thanks again for the testing
Good night and cheers hcarty
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orbitz: are you still around?
BigJ2: Someone else may be able to help if you have a question
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hcarty: I think I figured out pattern matching but I can't figure out how to print the return value I am guessing I need to store it in a variable?