Smerdyakov: the problem is, that these Somes and Nones everywhere don't look very nice and maybe there's a better way to do it.
well, I guess I could fold_left it, but besides this, no idea.
I'm kind of confused. Does this code type-check?
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Smerdyakov: no, it doesn't. You need to use the version that is commented out.
I tried writing another, nicer version but didn't get very far.
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Isn't there a minimal value of the domain you're maximizing over, such that you can just start [acc] at that value?
mfp: great - should I start thinking about another release?
Smerdyakov: no, I don't think so. While I could construct some dummy entry like ({typ=CD; name="foo"; preis=0}, 0) which would be minimal, nobody would expect to get this as a result if the list is empty.
Leonidas: how about checking for an empty list and then priming your maxlist_tail with a value, similar to List.reduce
Leonidas, I definitely agree with the idea of using [fold_left].
Leonidas, you can also encapsulate the bothersome part in a higher-order function, such that you never need to write a functions that deals with both [option]s and your custom datatype.
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mfp: I like your changes to the build system - I'm still learning the OMake style of doing things, and produce very clunky omakefiles
thelema: the point is, I don't exactly know what the assignment really wants. I suppose a both solutions (optionals, empty checks) would be just fine.
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Leonidas: make a solution that assumes an initial value, and a more general function that handles the [] case.
the more general function should call the initial value one to do most of the work
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thelema: but won't the matcher complain, that I don't handle the [] case?
Leonidas: you will handle the empty list case in your general function, and handle the end-of-list [] in your specific function
thelema: I'm seriously amazed how this got reduced down to a single match and a single fold :)
I don't see a way to make it better.
thelema: thank you :)
you're welcome.
impressive :D
This is just how it's supposed to be.
and I thought my previous solution was 'ok'. I need to label that one 'awful' now.
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thelema: there are 3 other candidate extensions (4, if you include pa_batteries): pa_comprehension, pa_openin, pa_where --- what should I do about them?
I'm trying to figure out if the right thing to do with [syntax-exts] is to fold it into [aaa]
we're not going to have separate releases for aaa with extensions and aaa without...
I don't see any reason not to merge it into aaa --- the extensions are self-contained & completely optional
did I get it right? AAA is becoming the kind-of successor to batteries?
Leonidas: yes.
mfp: so how will people choose what to compile / install? I still don't get quite how omake deals with missing dependencies
thelema: there are no missing deps
although that doesn't seem a big problem for syntax extensions...
nice to see that batteries won't die. Python has taught me the value of an useful stdlib :)
is it possible to specify the CC for use with ocamlbuild?
thelema: pa_strings depends on estring, which is included in that branch
mfp: yes, I saw the dependency included. Do we install our dependencies separately, or internal to aaa?
(I might enable auto-detection of estring someday; FTTB it just builds and installs it)
thelema: I included estring because it's not packaged anywhere AFAIK (not in Debian/GODI)
I'd say that whether to include or not is largely determined by the availability of the dep in packaged form
another factor being the size
for example, my next target is ocaml-fileutils
e.g., wouldn't consider including camomile
I agree that including camomile is... better avoided
fileutils is in Debian and GODI, so it's OK as an external dep
I assume it's also available in Fedora
it is
so it's an external dependency, but not like camomile, because camomile is required
you want to make it optional?
I think
I want to provide it if it's not already present, I think.
what are you planning anyway? some sort of wrapper?
maybe I'm thinking of just absorbing the code.
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so, include it in the source tree & build only if needed / otherwise use the installed one?
similarly camlzip
(which we've dropped as a prereq because I have no idea how to specify the different package names to omake)
case in point: hashtbls, sets or maps don't get pretty-printed in the toplevel..
hmm, the toplevel keeps a linked list of printers and checks if the type of the printer is more general than the type of the value...
a simple linear search
the problem is that you need to call the pretty printing function from your formatting function
and it's unclear how to do that..
toplevel/genprintval.ml L129 - find_printer <- could rewrite this
would require something more than Ctype.moregeneral
and would require some infrastructure for nesting printers
like the current batteries printing infrastructure - List.print takes a printer for the contained type
hmm.. so if you have type 'a foo, your pretty printing would get an additional function and be of signature Format.formatter -> 'a foo -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> unit ?
or some other order of arguments, but yes.
yup, we'd need to rewrite this infrastructure so that lists aren't handled specially
as it is, the printers installed by default are for int, float, char, string, int32, nativeint, int64
and everything else is special-cased
I wonder how this would help pretty-printing for example Sets
because that'd be awesome! ;)
maybe it'd be sufficient to special-case <abstr> to check for a function in the defining module Foo.to_string
hmm, has it always been reversed: - : Enum.t int = <abstr>
I expected [int Enum.t]
- : int list = [42]
- : ('_a, '_b) Hashtbl.t = <abstr>
# 3 --^ 8 |> List.of_enum;;
- : list int = [3; 4; 5; 6; 7]
maybe it's the camlp4o
likely that
stupid camlp4...
hmm, I am using Topfind.standard_syntax(), why am I getting revised types...
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mfp: is there a reason to use "aaa.pa_comprehension.syntax" instead of just "aaa.pa_comprehension"?
.syntax is a convention other extensions seem to follow
well, can we have a [aaa.syntax] that loads all the child syntaxes?
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hmmm /usr/bin/install: cannot overwrite directory `/usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.11.1/aaa' with non-directory
didn't I remove that from the OMakefile?
yes, it's from an older install
what about an ocaml script that does exec ocaml -I <path to aaa>
so that you can do ocamlfind aaa/ocaml
why not just recommend people copy our ocamlinit to ~/.ocamlinit?
s/an ocaml script/a shell script/
* thelema
is about to document that
no, actually, a shell script named "ocaml"
yes, I get your idea. why is ocamlinit not better?
they might not want to always use aaa?
of course they always want to use aaa - it's just better.
you don't to use it when it conflicts with a module of yours
say you have a .cmo that uses extlib's IO and haven't recompiled against AAA
then you need to put an empty .ocamlinit in the current directory
~/.ocamlinit is only used if there's no ./.ocamlinit
or use -init bogus ok
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* thelema
moves src/syntax/estrings to lib/estrings
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I'm trying to figure out a good way to package extensions of camlzip to use IO.
I want to have an extended camlzip in libs/camlzip
but if camlzip is already installed, I only need to compile and install the extensions for aaa
and if it's not already installed - I guess I need to keep the extensions separate
I still don't know how to do an optional dependency
* thelema
reads up on "if" in omake
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hmm, pa_comprehension's OMakefile refers to pa_strings a bunch
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and what happened to the all: target in batteries/OMakefile
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thelema: each subdir defines its all: target when appropriate