Is there a way I can statically store values in a list?
using a function
not very.
like let x = [~~~function~~~]
not very what?
oh, you want a literal list, like [2;3;4;5]?
use semicolons to separate elements, [] at beginning and end
well like I want to call the function create_winit(data)
[|1;2;3|] is an array
and I want what is returned in that to be stored into something that I can access
*returned by that
let ret = create_winit [1;2;3;4]
but create_winit(anddata) creates a list of floats
and when I do let ret = create_winit of that, it doesn't stay in the ret list
nm it does
ok here is my problem
how can I pass data to ret externally
like I want to do
let ret trainData= create_winit(trainData)
but when I do that, it doesn't store the values in ret
and if I do
let ret = create_winit(trainData)
correct - that makes a function
ok, how can I pass in trainData without making a function?
let f x = x + 3
let x = 2 in let y = x + 1 in ...
am I close with this?
let ret = create_winit(x)
let x = trainData in
nope, opposite order.
that gives me a syntax error?
If you already have trainData as a value, just do [let ret = create_winit trainData in ...]
you mean like this?
let x = trainData in
let ret = create_winit x in;;
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If you're going to use ;;, don't use in
which should I be using?
let ret = create_winit trainData;;
you should be using in.
but then I have to pass trainData to ret
? you're passing trainData to create_winit in order to create ret
yea but if you do that then it is an unbound value
you don't have trainData?
I do
im confused
ok, so for all of the functions I have had so far
I have had to pass in trainData
bind whatever you have to train_data
traindata is a matrix
let trainData = [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]];;
let winit = create_winit trainData;;
ok im trying
ok i figured I would try to make a function to do this
let creation (trainData) =
let x = create_winit(trainData)
but that doesn't work
thelema: You should () your tuples. Makes it more readable.
the reason I am trying not to bind anything to trainData is because trainData is going to be different in different situations
sc30317: then you need to leafe it as argument to functions
leave even
mrvn, I don't understand what you are saying
heres the issue
I am given train data
You can't have it as argument and bind it outside a function
ok, then what should I do?
sc30317: If it is bound before your function then just use it. If it is given later then you must pass it as argument
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mrvn, im still confused
If you want your code for work for different matrixes then you need to always pass the matrix as argument.
yes, I understand that
and I am passing it as an argument
from a separate .ocaml file
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And every matrix needs a differet vector to multiply with
and I am creating that vector
with create_winit
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so where is the problem?
the problem is
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since I pass in the matrix from a separate ocaml file
I can't bind that matrix to anything in my program
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sc30317: You need to specify the module the matrix comes from. Every file creates a module by the same name as the file but with upper case first char.
e.g. Anddata.anddata
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is there a way I can generalize that more?
such as
I am going to have anddata, ordata, etc
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The name is strictly decided by the filename and the name the data is bound to in that file.
so how can I handle multiple different lists?
by passing them in
my_function Myfile.mydata
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I know
xavierbot, help
but Myfile.mydata is just going to change when I do anddata, ordata, etc
* rwmjones
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sc30317: and you have to change the call to match every time.
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xavierbot, help
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mrvn: where's my tuples?
thelema: match [],[] -> ...
mrvn: ah. odd - I find it quite readable without ()
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just like I don't [match (foo,bar) with ...], but [match foo,bar with...]
So you only somtimes () your tuples or never?
when I need to, for precedence
(which is most of the time)
which is why most people always use (). That way tuples look the same all the time and they can't forget to () them when needed.
If I'm matching a single value, I'll usually use () in patterns: [match pair with (2,3) -> ...], but for a tuple constructed within the match expression, somehow it's different
I'm just using the tuple construction as match shortcut, and there's no real tuple involved
thelema: irelevant
thelema, that function that we created earlier
sc30317: you could have a base case that throws away the last values
xavierbot, help
hello rwmjones, I am xavierbot 0.8, an OCaml toplevel
expr ;; evaluate expr in toplevel and print result
help help message
restart restart the toplevel
sleep go to sleep
mrvn: ;; can catch errors as well.
wake wake me up from sleep
xavierbot, ;;
fo ;;
thelema, how would I go about doing that?
thelema: only moves the point where the error is reported.
sc30317: [_] matches a list with one element in it (ignoring what the element is)
mrvn: useful when you miss an [in], and the error is reported 2 toplevel phrases away
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thelema, what?
sc30317: [] matches the empty list, [x] matches a list with one element, [x;y] matches a two element list, h::t matches a list with a head and a tail, etc.
sc30317: if you use _ instead of a variable name, the value won't be bound anywhere
thelema, but wouldn't I want the value to be bound?
sc30317: only if you want to
which is what's going on with the last part of the match - we're matching _ to catch everything else, and raise an error.
sc30317: If you bind it to x and then never use it you get a warning that x is not used.
oh ok
.oO(except in tuples fo some reason)
so I should actually put an x and a y in those []'s?
in those [_], if you need the value
im still confused
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sc30317: if you want the value of the single element in a 1-element list, use [x]. Since in this case you don't need that value, use [_]
Then ask different questions. To "im still confused" we can only repeat what we said and that won't help you one bit.
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ok thelema
and mrvn
even when I do the [_], it tells me that they are different sized lists
do you want to remove the last element off both lists, or just one?
for example,
I am given a 4x4 and a 3x1 matrix
i have to multiply a 3x4 and the 3x1 to make a 4x1
why not just add 0.0 to the 3x1?
mrvn, what?
you mean make the last element 0.0?
Extend the 3x1 matrix with 0.0 to make a 4x1
Or rather the vector as it is a float list only.
yea I could do that
but I don't know how to do that
oh mrvn
I cant do that
because I have to multiply the [4x3] x [3x1] to get the [4x1]
do you see what I mean?
Then there is nothing to ignore.
except I am given a 4x4
and I need to make it into a 4x3
then write a function that removes the last element from a vector and apply that to every row.
yea, how would I do that
that is my question
An empty list gives an error, a one element list gives an empty list, a list with head and tail gives a list with the head and the tail with the last element removed.
Now put that into ocaml syntax
ok let me try h/o
for the empty list: if trainData = [] then failwith "Empty List"
use pattern matching
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mrvn, I can't figure it out
let remove_last = function [] -> failwith "Empty List" ...
let rec even
what is supposed to go into function []
each row vector of your matrix
remove_last takes a row vector and returns a row vector one shorter.
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so you have the "empty list" case, now write the other two.
ok im trying
this language is extremely frustrating
I could write this program in C in like 5 minutes
It's definitely a different way to think about things.
You haveto stop think C and think more mathematical.
go ahead and write it the C way. let rec remove_last x = if x = [] then failwith "Empty list" else if List.length x = 1 then [] else ...
thats what Im not good at ;P
You'll find more and more easier ways to write the same thing.
thelema: *shiver*
am I able to call another function in that function?
never mind, don't need to
sc30317: sure, but you only need to call the function itself
mrvn: I know, but he'll find easier ways with experience. If he gives up now in frustration, he'll never learn.
let rec remove_last x =
if x = [] then failwith "Empty list"
else if List.length x = 1 then []
else if List.length x = (List.length(List.hd x)) then failwith "SUCCESS"
?? List.length (List.hd x) doesn't make sense.
sc30317: List.hd x is a float. It has no length.
unless x is a list of lists...
x is a list of lists
no what
let's try removing the last element of one sublist - one row
remove_last should be 'a list -> 'a list
we can use that to remove the last element off every row.\
sc30317: First build a simple function (remove last element from list). then use that function to build a larger one (remove last element from every row).
ok let me try that
I don't know how to remove something from a list?
create a list without that last element.
sc30317: you actually can't. You need to build a new list that is one shorter.
for example [1.0] goes to []
[2.0;1.0] goes to [2.0]
im not sure how to do that
sc30317: recursively.
Ok, we'll do this inefficiently. List.rev reverses a list.
sc30317: You handle the empty list and the one element list. Then every longer list you do recursively by removing the last element from the tail and then reattaching the head.
can you remove the last element using List.rev?
thelema: hehe, good idea.
how would you do so?
can you remove the first element off a list?
sc30317: When you reverse a list what is the equivalent to removing the last element then?
removing the head
And how do you do that?
I am assuming you make a new list
What does List.tail do?
and then you start at the first element?
List.tail prints the tail
of the list
not quite. It's a function that returns the tail. What's the tail of a list?
the last element within the list
no, everything but the first
oh ok
so you reverse the list
get the tail
then reverse it again?
yup, that'll remove the last element from a list.
sc30317: So how does that look when you put it together?
something like this?
let remove_last x =
let reversed = rev(x)
let minus_one = tl(x)
let forward = rev(minus_one)
you are missing "in"s
ok h/o let me try again
and a return value
let remove_last x =
let reversed = List.rev(x) in
let minus_one = List.tl(reversed) in
let forward = List.rev(minus_one) in
return forward
or in short form: let remove_last x = List.rev (List.tl (List.rev x))
there's no "return" command
whats s/return//
remove the return
where do you add that in?
you don't have to say to return something - the last value in your function is automatically returned.
s/foo/bar is a syntax used in sed that does a search&replace. foo is replaced by bar.
how about that! it works
sc30317: great. Now the next step. Applying that to the Matrix.
now I have to do this recursively
Ok, now we have to remove the last off each row - let remove_lasts matrix = List.map remove_last matrix
thelema: spoiler. :)
sc30317: don't do it recursively - just use List.map to apply the function to every row.
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mrvn: yes, but it's quite easier this way.
yes, that works!
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now more work to do
sc30317: What does your 4x4 matrix represent? A camera direction and position?
an input vector and a vector class
now how can I store that value into its own matrix?
let x = remove_lasts matrix ?
That's the idea.
yes. But you never store values. you just bind names to them
that gives me an unbound value?
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sc30317: you need the matrix first
mrvn, I give the matrix
you give the matrix how?
I read something about an external file
yea its an external file
so when I enter ocaml
I #use"mydoc.caml";;
and then I
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sc30317: every file declrares a module. you need to use the module name to access the values of a different module.
mrvn: not if he's doing #use
sc30317: you have to define your data first before you can use it.
how do I define it?
sc30317: reverse the use lines
if anddata.caml defines a matrix called 'matrix', you can refer to that in mydoc.caml and it'll work
(if you use the correct order)
the alternative is to use a big function and wrap everything that needs your input matrix inside one function, and call that function after you've loaded anddata
thelema, I think thats probably what I have to do
hold on, let me see if this is what you mean
sc30317: what is wrong with using anddata first?
that is what is done
but it might be ordata, it might be xordata, etc
then you have to change the function call acordingly. There is no way ocaml can magically know what matrix to use.
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In ordata, if he defines his input matrix 'ordata', he can call [process ordata] to run whatever processing needs to be done on ordata.
what did you guys like to see code in? codedump?
if the numbers are of the same sign (positive and negative) as the last row in the original matrix, you are done
if not
sc30317: why don't you split the test data into matrix and result verctor?
then you add up the numbers that are incorrect
mrvn, how would I go about doing that?
e.g. type testdata = matrix * vector
let testdata = (((1,2),(3,4)), (5,6))
because I don't have that option
mrvn, the testData is given to me in a separate ocaml file
then as first step convert it to something useable.
I agree :D
I wouldn't even use lists for the vector and matrix.
what would you use?
I am given a List
and im not sure that I am allowed to use matrices
I am only allowed to use the functional features of ocaml
is a matrix a functional feature?
matrix would be something you define
so that means its not a functional feature?
well then I can't use it
no, it does not mean that
oh ok
well then I can use matrices
but I have something that works, so why change it?
Because when you have a larger project a function multiply : matrix -> vector -> vector looks better than multiply : float list list -> float list -> float list
You get nicer error messages too
nice error messages are better
but is it worth changing it in this instance?
since I already have everything setup with lists?
sc30317: the matrix type can still be a float list list
I'm familiar with the work on avoiding array bounds checks through a module that generates unique types...
ah, I've seen this one too - base10 encoding the dimension with phantom types. It's about as ugly.
thelema: quite ugly to do butthe only way to o it for any dimension. You can do it nicer if you just want 2/3/4 dimensions.
s/to o/to do/
the extra parameter to combine is priceless.
oops, n/m. misread
what is the difference between combine and map2?
combine is a map2 with different argument order.
I don't get the map2 implementation in that mail though. That should just call combine
ok, not much.
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And combine should use unsafe_get
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mrvn, I have a question
I want to store the value of this function
let x inData = multiply_test(remove_lasts inData, create_winit inData)
how would I do so?
it returns a matrix
let t = x inData
you don't store data, you just bind it to a name
it says that inData is unbounded
because I have to compare the values of that output matrix
to something else
sc30317: That is like in C foo(bar); when bar is not declared
yea I understand that
but how do you declare bar when it is from an external source
then why do you keep doing it?
that is what I am asking
because in my file if I let t = x anddata
it works finen
sc30317: since you are using the interactive toplevel there is no external source
but it may be ordata, xorgada
if it is ordata then you need to write ordata. If it is xorgada then you need to write xorgada
but I can't just write that in my code
because it changes each time
you see what I mean?
I think i have an idea, ill get back
There just is no solution to "magically do the right thing on your own"
could I do this?
let function(trainData, lr, maxiterations, winit) =
let t = x trainData
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if you correctthe syntax errors
what is incorrect?
the ;;
then how does the let t = x trainData know that it is inside the "function"
it just is
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well that gives me a syntax error
in sublets you need to use in
so like this?
Hey, I compiled ocaml on my server but didn't (can't) install it, can I compile an ocaml source from within the ocaml directory that it successfully compiled in?
let sde3(trainData, lr, maxiterations, winit) =
let t = x trainData in
gives me an error
in must be followed by an expression
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OK configure appears to accept a custom directory you can install to.
Can I do ./configure ~/public_html/ocaml ?
do you mean ./configure --prefix=~/public_html/ocaml ?
Doh, yeah.
I meant to say -bindir but that is better.
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Anyone know about checksum functions? Say I have a chunk of memory that contains a checksum. Is there a checksum so that if I set mem.checksum <- 0 then (checksum mem) gives x and if I set mem.checksum <- x then (checksum mem) gives 0?
Something better than xor?
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nm, CRC does what I want
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I've changed the Digest module to include a more lowlevel interface to the md5 digest code and added stubs to the md5.c but when I compile ocaml now I get: Error: Error while linking boot/stdlib.cma(Digest):
The external function `caml_md5_update_string' is not available
The symbol is included in libcamrun.a: % nm byterun/libcamlrun.a | grep caml_md5_update_string
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0000000000000a32 T caml_md5_update_string
I don't get why it doesn't find the function. I declared them the same way as the old md5 function.
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mrvn: maybe bigarray isn't linked against md5.o (or something along that), you probably have to change the build system too
(I guess Bigarray would depend on Digest otherwise)
ok, saw the messages on the mailing-list ;-)
Camarade_Tux: I did run into the reverse in my first patch. I wanted Digest to support Bigarray directly. But digest is stdlib and bigarray is otherlibs.
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How expensive is enter_blocking_section() and leave_blocking_section()? Is it worth using them for a C stub that will take a while to complete but doesn't actually block?
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mrvn: it sets some variables and does pthread_mutex_lock/unlock + pthread_cond_signal
mfp: Do you think it is worth it when computing the md5sum of 4k? 64k? 1M?
dunno, would have to benchmark POSIX locks
it's probably going to be very system-dependent
Do you have an example of putting a pointer to a C struct into a custom block? I think I'm doing something trivial wrong.
The Data_custom_val is the address of the pointer, so **
note that this is equivalent to a struct with 1 element, though
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so I'd do it as in my example since it's safer and allows to add further fields if needed later
Would you define a struct for that?
such as the int finalized; field to avoid double-release of the C struct
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why not
There will never be more fields. The pointer is just an indirection so that the GC does not move the MD5 context around while it computes it without lock.
And afaik the caml_md5_context_finalize() will never be called twice.
if the context cannot be finalized manually, that will hold indeed
in my ex, I allow manual release and have the finalizer as a safety net
In caml_md5_final I specifically make a copy of the context that gets MD5Final'ed. Which it different from freeing the context, it just ends its usefullness.
I could track if caml_md5_final was used on a context or not and check that in the other functions. But is that worth it?
It is too bad ocaml has no notion of a function being destructive to its argument.
you mean linear types or something else?
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By appyig a value to a function the type of the value itself is modified.
I'm not sure that is a feature that is missed a lot..
after all, ocaml is behaving under the pretense of being a functional language ;)
Yeah. It is something that only makes sense in imperative context.
you can simulate it to some extent
with phantom types
But take the "Digest.final : Digest.context -> Digest.t" as example. By finaling the md5 computation the context is used up.
and a val destructive : ([`Destructive] * 'a) value -> 'a
Should be something like Digest.final : (`Open -> `Closed) Digest.context -> Digest.t
mfp: How do you prevent destructive being used twice on a value?
mrvn, how would use use it?
mrvn: it can't :-|
in any case, linear or unique typing is something that attempts to solve that
Clean uses those to represent the real world (instead of Monads)
flux: In linear type it would be final : `Open context -> (`Closed context, t) or just -> t as a `Closed context should be unusable.
flux: I would love to have phantom types for a class and have methods modify the phantom type the object has.
E.g. I have a object that represents on disk data. obj#dirty marks the data is needing to be written to disk. And any function that modifies the data should only be allowed to work on a `Dirty class.
mrvn, I wonder how it would work.. modify_phantom_type foo -- would that mean the type of 'foo' changes?
I don't think type systems like to do that a lot
branching for example would be broken in that case in a way that it hasn't been broken before
unfortunately there's no way to prevent older references from escaping (especially in OCaml, with refs)
With non objects you would write let foo = modify_phantom_type foo in
if true then modify_phantom_type foo (* what is the type of foo now? *)
mrvn: if you discard the old binding, you could do that with functional objects
(add 'else ()' if that isn't clear enough example)
BUT you need some discipline (let foo = xxx foo)
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flux: type error since the then and else paths return different types basically.
can't prevent let old = foo in let foo = destructive_update foo in ... use old (* bad *)
mfp: true. Or it would be impossible hard to catch all those cases.
maybe some trivial camlp4
would do
famous last words ;)
mfp: Not so trivial for the if true then modify_type foo
That would have to be transformed to let foo = if true then modify_type foo in
And it still won't work for objects as a method of a class can not return a different type of the class.
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# class ['a] foo = object(self) method make_unit = ((Obj.magic self) : unit foo) end;;
class ['a] foo : object constraint 'a = unit method make_unit : 'a foo end
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the pb is that it doesn't work with inheritance (no parameterized 'self)
but it could be done externally, with a ('phantom * 'a) value type
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mfp: it doesn't work at all, period. As soon as you have a method that returns a certain type for the 'a it becomes constraint
mrvn: the idea is NOT to use ['a]
but an external phantom type
(needs more camlp4)
external to the class you mean? That would work.
I don't get why the typesystems doesn't allow methods to return diffrent 'a foo objects though.
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Now everything seems to work great:
./foo 1 7.28s user 0.01s system 100% cpu 7.291 total
./foo 2 8.75s user 0.02s system 196% cpu 4.474 total
./foo 3 9.76s user 0.03s system 298% cpu 3.285 total
./foo 4 10.69s user 0.04s system 371% cpu 2.891 total
Not totaly linear increase of cpu usage with threads but near enough.
The increase in time is odd though. Does Mutex.lock do a busy wait till the mutex can be locked?
or the leave_blocking_section()?
Grrr, I still get random segfaults.
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thelema, hmm, some BatString functions like split say that they throw Invalid_string, but that exception doesn't seem to be in the interface..
infact, the function seems to raise Not_found anyway :) (which is better IMO)
ah, mistaken docs.
I removed the Invalid_string exception because I thought it was dumb. I guess I didn't fix the docs.
documentation fixes being checked in now
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cool, I got my first 8500-line error message from ocaml
What says line #5436 ?
wasted it already
bummer :)
but it was basically the signature of the ocamlgraph module
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