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<sc30317> Is there a way I can statically store values in a list?
<sc30317> using a function
<thelema> not very.
<sc30317> like let x = [~~~function~~~]
<sc30317> not very what?
<thelema> oh, you want a literal list, like [2;3;4;5]?
<sc30317> yea
<thelema> use semicolons to separate elements, [] at beginning and end
<sc30317> well like I want to call the function create_winit(data)
<thelema> [|1;2;3|] is an array
<sc30317> and I want what is returned in that to be stored into something that I can access
<sc30317> *returned by that
<thelema> let ret = create_winit [1;2;3;4]
<sc30317> but create_winit(anddata) creates a list of floats
<sc30317> and when I do let ret = create_winit of that, it doesn't stay in the ret list
<sc30317> nm it does
<sc30317> ok here is my problem
<sc30317> how can I pass data to ret externally
<sc30317> like I want to do
<sc30317> let ret trainData= create_winit(trainData)
<sc30317> but when I do that, it doesn't store the values in ret
<sc30317> and if I do
<sc30317> let ret = create_winit(trainData)
<thelema> correct - that makes a function
<sc30317> ok, how can I pass in trainData without making a function?
<thelema> let f x = x + 3
<thelema> let x = 2 in let y = x + 1 in ...
<sc30317> am I close with this?
<sc30317> let ret = create_winit(x)
<sc30317> let x = trainData in
<thelema> nope, opposite order.
<sc30317> that gives me a syntax error?
<thelema> If you already have trainData as a value, just do [let ret = create_winit trainData in ...]
<sc30317> you mean like this?
<sc30317> let x = trainData in
<sc30317> let ret = create_winit x in;;
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<thelema> If you're going to use ;;, don't use in
<sc30317> which should I be using?
<thelema> let ret = create_winit trainData;;
<thelema> you should be using in.
<sc30317> but then I have to pass trainData to ret
<thelema> ? you're passing trainData to create_winit in order to create ret
<sc30317> yea but if you do that then it is an unbound value
<thelema> you don't have trainData?
<sc30317> I do
<sc30317> im confused
<sc30317> ok, so for all of the functions I have had so far
<sc30317> I have had to pass in trainData
<thelema> bind whatever you have to train_data
<sc30317> traindata is a matrix
<thelema> let trainData = [[1;2;3];[4;5;6];[7;8;9]];;
<thelema> let winit = create_winit trainData;;
<sc30317> ok im trying
<sc30317> ok i figured I would try to make a function to do this
<sc30317> let creation (trainData) =
<sc30317> let x = create_winit(trainData)
<sc30317> ;;
<sc30317> but that doesn't work
<mrvn> thelema: You should () your tuples. Makes it more readable.
<sc30317> the reason I am trying not to bind anything to trainData is because trainData is going to be different in different situations
<mrvn> sc30317: then you need to leafe it as argument to functions
<mrvn> leave even
<sc30317> mrvn, I don't understand what you are saying
<sc30317> heres the issue
<sc30317> I am given train data
<mrvn> You can't have it as argument and bind it outside a function
<sc30317> ok, then what should I do?
<mrvn> sc30317: If it is bound before your function then just use it. If it is given later then you must pass it as argument
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<rwmjones> hmm
<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
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<sc30317> mrvn, im still confused
<mrvn> If you want your code for work for different matrixes then you need to always pass the matrix as argument.
<sc30317> yes, I understand that
<sc30317> and I am passing it as an argument
<sc30317> from a separate .ocaml file
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<mrvn> And every matrix needs a differet vector to multiply with
<sc30317> and I am creating that vector
<sc30317> with create_winit
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<mrvn> so where is the problem?
<sc30317> the problem is
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<sc30317> since I pass in the matrix from a separate ocaml file
<sc30317> I can't bind that matrix to anything in my program
rwmjones is now known as xavierbot
<mrvn> sc30317: You need to specify the module the matrix comes from. Every file creates a module by the same name as the file but with upper case first char.
<mrvn> e.g. Anddata.anddata
<sc30317> ok
xavierbot is now known as rwmjones
<sc30317> is there a way I can generalize that more?
<sc30317> such as
<sc30317> I am going to have anddata, ordata, etc
<mrvn> no
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<mrvn> The name is strictly decided by the filename and the name the data is bound to in that file.
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> so how can I handle multiple different lists?
<mrvn> by passing them in
<sc30317> how?
<mrvn> my_function Myfile.mydata
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<sc30317> I know
<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
<sc30317> but Myfile.mydata is just going to change when I do anddata, ordata, etc
* rwmjones grumbles
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<mrvn> sc30317: and you have to change the call to match every time.
<sc30317> ok
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<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
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<thelema> mrvn: where's my tuples?
<mrvn> thelema: match [],[] -> ...
<thelema> mrvn: ah. odd - I find it quite readable without ()
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<thelema> just like I don't [match (foo,bar) with ...], but [match foo,bar with...]
<mrvn> So you only somtimes () your tuples or never?
<thelema> when I need to, for precedence
<thelema> (which is most of the time)
<mrvn> which is why most people always use (). That way tuples look the same all the time and they can't forget to () them when needed.
<thelema> If I'm matching a single value, I'll usually use () in patterns: [match pair with (2,3) -> ...], but for a tuple constructed within the match expression, somehow it's different
<thelema> I'm just using the tuple construction as match shortcut, and there's no real tuple involved
<mrvn> thelema: irelevant
<sc30317> thelema, that function that we created earlier
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<sc30317> (* this will be inner.caml *)
<sc30317> let rec inner = function [],[] -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists"
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<mrvn> sc30317: again with the 0.0
<sc30317> how can I get it so that it multiplies all the columns in the matrix except for the last one
<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
<xavierbot> hello rwmjones, I am xavierbot 0.8, an OCaml toplevel
<xavierbot> expr ;; evaluate expr in toplevel and print result
<xavierbot> help help message
<xavierbot> restart restart the toplevel
<xavierbot> sleep go to sleep
<xavierbot> wake wake me up from sleep
<mrvn> sc30317: why not the last one?
<thelema> rwmjones: yay!
<rwmjones> eventually ..
<sc30317> because that is what I have to do
<thelema> sc30317: function [x],[y] -> 0.0 | ...
<thelema> just change the base case
<sc30317> thelema, thanks
<mrvn> sc30317: mathematically that makes no sense
<sc30317> I know
<sc30317> tell that to the guy im working for :)
<mrvn> sc30317: you should define a proper type for your data
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<sc30317> so I if I wanted it to multiply by everything but the last I would do
<sc30317> let rec inner = function [4.0],[3.0] -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists"
<mrvn> no
<thelema> not 4.0 and 3.0
<thelema> unless those will always be the last values
<sc30317> they wont
<rwmjones> let rec inner = function [4.0],[3.0] -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists" ;;
<xavierbot> val inner : float list * float list -> float = <fun>
<mrvn> function ([],[]) | ([_],[_]) -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists" ;;
<xavierbot> - : float list * float list -> float = <fun>
<sc30317> rwmjones, what are you saying?
<thelema> sc30317: he's just testing xavierbot, I think
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> thanks thelema
<rwmjones> uh huh
<mrvn> or function ([],[]) -> failwith "Missing auxilirary data" | | ([_],[_]) -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists" ;;
<xavierbot> Characters 1-3:
<xavierbot> or function ([],[]) -> failwith "Missing auxilirary data" | | ([_],[_]) -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists" ;;
<xavierbot> ^^
<xavierbot> Error: Parse error: illegal begin of top_phrase
<mrvn> Please do make xavierbot only respond if the line starts with something special.
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<thelema> I suggest "let "
<mrvn> let me say this: it sucks
<rwmjones> mrvn ... "he" responds if the line ends with ;;
<xavierbot> Characters 1-5:
<xavierbot> mrvn ... "he" responds if the line ends with ;;
<xavierbot> ^^^^
<xavierbot> Error: Parse error: [str_item] or ";;" expected (in [top_phrase])
<rwmjones> hmm
<rwmjones> xavierbot, shut up
<xavierbot> xavierbot goes to sleep (do 'xavierbot wake' to wake)
<thelema> lol
<mrvn> ahh.
<sc30317> guys, im sorry if im such a bother
<sc30317> but I am really still extremely confused
<rwmjones> sc30317, it's ok, don't worry :-)
<sc30317> thanks rbancroft
<sc30317> thanks rwmjones
<rwmjones> foo ;;
<thelema> pattern matching is powerful - you can match a list with a single element, and use that as the base case
<infoe> why not: # (* code *)
<sc30317> thelema, so for that pattern matching if I wanted to omit the last column, what did you say I would do?
<sc30317> *not for the pattern matching
<sc30317> for the inner function
<mrvn> sc30317: FYI, using ;; in files can only lead to errors. Best to simply not use it
<mrvn> function ([],[]) -> failwith "Missing auxilirary data" | | ([_],[_]) -> 0.0 | i::is,w::ws -> i*.w +. inner (is,ws) | _ -> failwith "different length lists"
<mrvn> -|
<thelema> sc30317: you could have a base case that throws away the last values
<rwmjones> xavierbot, help
<xavierbot> hello rwmjones, I am xavierbot 0.8, an OCaml toplevel
<xavierbot> expr ;; evaluate expr in toplevel and print result
<xavierbot> help help message
<xavierbot> restart restart the toplevel
<xavierbot> sleep go to sleep
<thelema> mrvn: ;; can catch errors as well.
<xavierbot> wake wake me up from sleep
<rwmjones> ooops
<rwmjones> xavierbot, ;;
<rwmjones> fo ;;
<sc30317> thelema, how would I go about doing that?
<mrvn> thelema: only moves the point where the error is reported.
<thelema> sc30317: [_] matches a list with one element in it (ignoring what the element is)
<thelema> mrvn: useful when you miss an [in], and the error is reported 2 toplevel phrases away
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<sc30317> thelema, what?
<thelema> sc30317: [] matches the empty list, [x] matches a list with one element, [x;y] matches a two element list, h::t matches a list with a head and a tail, etc.
<thelema> sc30317: if you use _ instead of a variable name, the value won't be bound anywhere
<sc30317> thelema, but wouldn't I want the value to be bound?
<mrvn> sc30317: only if you want to
<thelema> which is what's going on with the last part of the match - we're matching _ to catch everything else, and raise an error.
<mrvn> sc30317: If you bind it to x and then never use it you get a warning that x is not used.
<sc30317> oh ok
<mrvn> .oO(except in tuples fo some reason)
<sc30317> so I should actually put an x and a y in those []'s?
<mrvn> in those [_], if you need the value
<sc30317> im still confused
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<thelema> sc30317: if you want the value of the single element in a 1-element list, use [x]. Since in this case you don't need that value, use [_]
<mrvn> Then ask different questions. To "im still confused" we can only repeat what we said and that won't help you one bit.
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<sc30317> ok thelema
<sc30317> and mrvn
<sc30317> even when I do the [_], it tells me that they are different sized lists
<thelema> do you want to remove the last element off both lists, or just one?
<thelema> s/remove/ignore/
<sc30317> for example,
<sc30317> I am given a 4x4 and a 3x1 matrix
<sc30317> i have to multiply a 3x4 and the 3x1 to make a 4x1
<sc30317> *1x4
<sc30317> restart
<mrvn> why not just add 0.0 to the 3x1?
<sc30317> mrvn, what?
<sc30317> you mean make the last element 0.0?
<mrvn> Extend the 3x1 matrix with 0.0 to make a 4x1
<mrvn> Or rather the vector as it is a float list only.
<sc30317> yea I could do that
<sc30317> but I don't know how to do that
<sc30317> oh mrvn
<sc30317> I cant do that
<sc30317> because I have to multiply the [4x3] x [3x1] to get the [4x1]
<sc30317> do you see what I mean?
<mrvn> Then there is nothing to ignore.
<sc30317> except I am given a 4x4
<sc30317> and I need to make it into a 4x3
<mrvn> then write a function that removes the last element from a vector and apply that to every row.
<sc30317> yea, how would I do that
<sc30317> that is my question
<mrvn> An empty list gives an error, a one element list gives an empty list, a list with head and tail gives a list with the head and the tail with the last element removed.
<mrvn> Now put that into ocaml syntax
<sc30317> ok let me try h/o
<sc30317> for the empty list: if trainData = [] then failwith "Empty List"
<mrvn> use pattern matching
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<sc30317> mrvn, I can't figure it out
<mrvn> let remove_last = function [] -> failwith "Empty List" ...
<mrvn> let rec even
<sc30317> what is supposed to go into function []
<mrvn> each row vector of your matrix
<mrvn> remove_last takes a row vector and returns a row vector one shorter.
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<mrvn> so you have the "empty list" case, now write the other two.
<sc30317> ok im trying
<sc30317> this language is extremely frustrating
<sc30317> I could write this program in C in like 5 minutes
<thelema> It's definitely a different way to think about things.
<mrvn> You haveto stop think C and think more mathematical.
<thelema> go ahead and write it the C way. let rec remove_last x = if x = [] then failwith "Empty list" else if List.length x = 1 then [] else ...
<sc30317> thats what Im not good at ;P
<thelema> You'll find more and more easier ways to write the same thing.
<mrvn> thelema: *shiver*
<sc30317> am I able to call another function in that function?
<sc30317> never mind, don't need to
<mrvn> sc30317: sure, but you only need to call the function itself
<thelema> mrvn: I know, but he'll find easier ways with experience. If he gives up now in frustration, he'll never learn.
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> let rec remove_last x =
<sc30317> if x = [] then failwith "Empty list"
<sc30317> else if List.length x = 1 then []
<sc30317> else if List.length x = (List.length(List.hd x)) then failwith "SUCCESS"
<sc30317> ;;
<thelema> ?? List.length (List.hd x) doesn't make sense.
<mrvn> sc30317: List.hd x is a float. It has no length.
<thelema> unless x is a list of lists...
<sc30317> x is a list of lists
<mrvn> no.
<sc30317> no what
<thelema> let's try removing the last element of one sublist - one row
<mrvn> remove_last should be 'a list -> 'a list
<thelema> we can use that to remove the last element off every row.\
<sc30317> ok
<mrvn> sc30317: First build a simple function (remove last element from list). then use that function to build a larger one (remove last element from every row).
<sc30317> ok let me try that
<sc30317> I don't know how to remove something from a list?
<thelema> create a list without that last element.
<mrvn> sc30317: you actually can't. You need to build a new list that is one shorter.
<thelema> for example [1.0] goes to []
<thelema> [2.0;1.0] goes to [2.0]
<sc30317> yea
<sc30317> im not sure how to do that
<mrvn> sc30317: recursively.
<thelema> Ok, we'll do this inefficiently. List.rev reverses a list.
<mrvn> sc30317: You handle the empty list and the one element list. Then every longer list you do recursively by removing the last element from the tail and then reattaching the head.
<thelema> can you remove the last element using List.rev?
<mrvn> thelema: hehe, good idea.
<sc30317> how would you do so?
<thelema> can you remove the first element off a list?
<mrvn> sc30317: When you reverse a list what is the equivalent to removing the last element then?
<sc30317> removing the head
<mrvn> And how do you do that?
<sc30317> I am assuming you make a new list
<thelema> What does List.tail do?
<sc30317> and then you start at the first element?
<sc30317> List.tail prints the tail
<sc30317> of the list
<thelema> not quite. It's a function that returns the tail. What's the tail of a list?
<sc30317> the last element within the list
<mrvn> no, everything but the first
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> so you reverse the list
<sc30317> get the tail
<sc30317> then reverse it again?
<mrvn> yep
<sc30317> ok
<thelema> yup, that'll remove the last element from a list.
<mrvn> sc30317: So how does that look when you put it together?
<sc30317> something like this?
<sc30317> let remove_last x =
<sc30317> let reversed = rev(x)
<sc30317> let minus_one = tl(x)
<sc30317> let forward = rev(minus_one)
<sc30317> ;;
<mrvn> you are missing "in"s
<sc30317> ok h/o let me try again
<mrvn> and a return value
<sc30317> let remove_last x =
<sc30317> let reversed = List.rev(x) in
<sc30317> let minus_one = in
<sc30317> let forward = List.rev(minus_one) in
<sc30317> return forward
<sc30317> ;;
<mrvn> or in short form: let remove_last x = List.rev ( (List.rev x))
<mrvn> s/return//
<thelema> there's no "return" command
<sc30317> whats s/return//
<mrvn> remove the return
<sc30317> where do you add that in?
<thelema> you don't have to say to return something - the last value in your function is automatically returned.
<mrvn> s/foo/bar is a syntax used in sed that does a search&replace. foo is replaced by bar.
<sc30317> how about that! it works
<mrvn> sc30317: great. Now the next step. Applying that to the Matrix.
<sc30317> now I have to do this recursively
<thelema> Ok, now we have to remove the last off each row - let remove_lasts matrix = remove_last matrix
<mrvn> thelema: spoiler. :)
<thelema> sc30317: don't do it recursively - just use to apply the function to every row.
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<thelema> mrvn: yes, but it's quite easier this way.
<sc30317> yes, that works!
<sc30317> :D
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<sc30317> now more work to do
<sc30317> hahaa
<mrvn> sc30317: What does your 4x4 matrix represent? A camera direction and position?
<sc30317> an input vector and a vector class
<sc30317> now how can I store that value into its own matrix?
<sc30317> let x = remove_lasts matrix ?
<thelema> That's the idea.
<mrvn> yes. But you never store values. you just bind names to them
<sc30317> that gives me an unbound value?
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<mrvn> sc30317: you need the matrix first
<sc30317> mrvn, I give the matrix
<thelema> you give the matrix how?
<thelema> I read something about an external file
<sc30317> yea its an external file
<sc30317> so when I enter ocaml
<sc30317> I #use"mydoc.caml";;
<sc30317> and then I
<sc30317> #use"anddata.caml";;
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<mrvn> sc30317: every file declrares a module. you need to use the module name to access the values of a different module.
<thelema> mrvn: not if he's doing #use
<thelema> sc30317: you have to define your data first before you can use it.
<sc30317> how do I define it?
<mrvn> sc30317: reverse the use lines
<thelema> if anddata.caml defines a matrix called 'matrix', you can refer to that in mydoc.caml and it'll work
<thelema> (if you use the correct order)
<thelema> the alternative is to use a big function and wrap everything that needs your input matrix inside one function, and call that function after you've loaded anddata
<sc30317> thelema, I think thats probably what I have to do
<sc30317> hold on, let me see if this is what you mean
<mrvn> sc30317: what is wrong with using anddata first?
<sc30317> nothing
<sc30317> that is what is done
<sc30317> but it might be ordata, it might be xordata, etc
<mrvn> then you have to change the function call acordingly. There is no way ocaml can magically know what matrix to use.
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<thelema> In ordata, if he defines his input matrix 'ordata', he can call [process ordata] to run whatever processing needs to be done on ordata.
<sc30317> what did you guys like to see code in? codedump?
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<sc30317> thelema, and mrvn
<sc30317> there is the code I have currently
<mrvn> sc30317: let get_rand () = (Random-float 1.0) -. 0.5
<sc30317> mrvn, why would I do that?
<mrvn> because it is a 1/3 to type
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> but that doesn't account for negative numbers
<mrvn> And you are still using C style for functions. There ar not (..) in function calls in ocaml.
<sc30317> where do you mean?
<mrvn> let nth (trainData) n
<mrvn> (head_length(trainData))
<sc30317> my code works the way it is though....
<mrvn> The () are allowed because you can wrap any expression in () if you like. It just isn't done usualy.
<sc30317> oh ok
<mrvn> f x is the same a f ((((((((X))))))))
<sc30317> I will take them out
<thelema> sc30317: you're just not doing things the ocaml way.
<sc30317> thelema, I will start to try and do things the ocaml way
<thelema> sc30317: you'll learn how things are usually done.
<sc30317> thelema, ok
<mrvn> sc30317: Also when you do have (..) I would always put a space before it, as in multiply_test (ms,v)
<mrvn> get_rand ()
<sc30317> ok
<mrvn> get_rand() looks like a C function that gets no arguments. But it is a function that gets one argument of type unit.
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> so now; what I have to do next is do a multiply_test of remove_lasts matrix and create_winit trainData
<sc30317> when I do that I get a 4x1 matrix (which I have now)
<mrvn> First you need to use "in" instead of all the ";;" as you are declaring subfunctions.
<sc30317> mrvn, I will change that now
<mrvn> And then you need to put some expression at the end that does something
* mrvn would remove the whole_shabang
<sc30317> ok I will remove that
<sc30317> changing them all to in's instead of having the ;; gives me syntax errors out the ying yang
<sc30317> but I removed the whole_shabang
<thelema> sc30317: paste what you have without ;;'s
<mrvn> Another cosmeticall thing: Don't use traindata. Use a name that says something about the type. e.g. let nth list n = List.nth list n
<mrvn> (or just open List)
<sc30317> thelema, h/o im getting it
<sc30317> that gives me a syntax error on line 5
<sc30317> for get_neg_rand
<sc30317> which is my first "function" using the in instead of ;;
<mrvn> sc30317: let _ = Random.self_init()
<thelema> umm, you changed = to in
<sc30317> yea
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<sc30317> thats what you said to do
<mrvn> sc30317: no
<sc30317> I thought?
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<thelema> nope, = stays =
<thelema> ";;" can become "in"
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> h/o let me fix that
<mrvn> let whole_shabang traindata = let _ = Random.self_init () in let get_neg_rand () = Random.float (-0.5) in ...
<mrvn> or without the whole_shabang and without the in
<thelema> also, you probably want () as argument to the rand functions, so they give different answers each time they're called.
<sc30317> ok ill do that right now
<sc30317> yea I get a syntax error on line 56 when I do that
<mrvn> sc30317: no "in" without the whole_shabang
<sc30317> ok, but should I have the whole scabang?
<sc30317> or should I leave the whole_shabang?
<mrvn> I wouldn't. makes no sense
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> then I wont
<sc30317> so what should I put instead of the in?
<sc30317> nothing?
<mrvn> nothing
<sc30317> can I leave the get_rand as a function?
<sc30317> because of the if statement?
<sc30317> because it doesn't work if I remove it
<mrvn> if you want more than one random number then you must
<mrvn> and remove the extra ;
<sc30317> so the random function should be like this?
<sc30317> *not function, call
<sc30317> let get_rand() =
<sc30317> let x = 2 in
<sc30317> if x = 1 then get_neg_rand() else get_pos_rand()
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<mrvn> plus extra spaces
<mrvn> or just let get_rand () = (Random.float 1.0) -. 0.5
<sc30317> is that going to generate me negative numbers as well?
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<mrvn> It generates a random float between 0 and 1 and shifts is 0.5 into the negative.
<thelema> yes, half of the time, random.float will pick a number less than 0.5, which will become negative when you subtract 0.5
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> when I use what you just gave me, the program Errors with
<sc30317> Error: This expression is not a function; it cannot be applied
<sc30317> but if I enter that into just the ocaml prompt, it works
<thelema> typo?
<mrvn> missing ";;" since you use "use"
<mrvn> It tries to apply "Printf.printf" to "0.5" otherwise
<sc30317> ok here ill show you
<sc30317> this is what errors
<mrvn> sc30317: You should decide if you want to use the interactive syntax with ;; or write a complete program
<thelema> since there's no let on the printf line, you need ";;" or "in" between
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> so it should be like this?
<sc30317> let get_rand = (Random.float 1.0) -. 0.5 in
<mrvn> no
<mrvn> Unless you want the get_rand only to be defined for the Printf.printf
<thelema> there's a difference between the two - once you use 'in's, you need to keep chaining them to keep the scope going.
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> I want the get_rand to be defined for more then the printf.printf
<sc30317> so what should I do?
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<thelema> option 1: use ;; at the end of Line 4
<thelema> option 2: use in at the end of line 4, and use let _ = Printf ... in
<thelema> (and a lot more ins)
<sc30317> well then I probably want to use ;; at the end of line 4, right?
<thelema> option 3: use nothing at the end of line 4 (no ;; or in) and use let _ = Printf...
<sc30317> thelema, if I add ;; at the end of line 4, it says that the expression is not a function
<sc30317> excuse me
<sc30317> it says that for line 33 instead
<sc30317> for the create_winit trainData
<thelema> you're missing the () when defining get_rand
<sc30317> got it
<sc30317> I figured it out right as you were saying it
<sc30317> mrvn, thats what I have (more or less) after formattting
<sc30317> you guys have been doing this a while, I can telll
<thelema> not long enough. Only since 2001.
<sc30317> yikes!
<sc30317> ok, I have one last function to implement, but this one is a doozy
<mrvn> 1996 or so.
<sc30317> here it is
<sc30317> I am just going to use LASTFUNCTION for the name
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<sc30317> so LASTFUNCTION(testData, lr, iterations, create_winit(testData));;
<sc30317> the LASTFUNCTION takes testData and remove_lasts matrix
<sc30317> then it multiplies it by a create_winit(testData)
<mrvn> sc30317: you can also annotate types to make the types look nicer and be safer:
<mrvn> and again with the Cstyle.
<sc30317> if the numbers are of the same sign (positive and negative) as the last row in the original matrix, you are done
<sc30317> if not
<mrvn> sc30317: why don't you split the test data into matrix and result verctor?
<sc30317> then you add up the numbers that are incorrect
<sc30317> mrvn, how would I go about doing that?
<mrvn> e.g. type testdata = matrix * vector
<mrvn> let testdata = (((1,2),(3,4)), (5,6))
<sc30317> because I don't have that option
<sc30317> mrvn, the testData is given to me in a separate ocaml file
<mrvn> then as first step convert it to something useable.
<sc30317> yes
<sc30317> I agree :D
<mrvn> I wouldn't even use lists for the vector and matrix.
<sc30317> no?
<sc30317> what would you use?
<mrvn> array
<sc30317> I am given a List
<sc30317> and im not sure that I am allowed to use matrices
<sc30317> I am only allowed to use the functional features of ocaml
<sc30317> is a matrix a functional feature?
<mrvn> matrix would be something you define
<sc30317> so that means its not a functional feature?
<mrvn> No.
<sc30317> well then I can't use it
<mrvn> no, it does not mean that
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> well then I can use matrices
<sc30317> but I have something that works, so why change it?
<mrvn> Because when you have a larger project a function multiply : matrix -> vector -> vector looks better than multiply : float list list -> float list -> float list
<sc30317> true
<mrvn> You get nicer error messages too
<sc30317> haha
<sc30317> nice error messages are better
<sc30317> but is it worth changing it in this instance?
<sc30317> since I already have everything setup with lists?
<mrvn> sc30317: the matrix type can still be a float list list
<sc30317> so what would I need to change?
<mrvn> see my paste
<sc30317> ok that will do!
<mrvn> In a larger project you would write an mli file.
<sc30317> I cant do it with the matrixes as you have stated
<sc30317> I need to be able to use create_winit(anddata)
<sc30317> as I do in my version
<mrvn> then leave that function
<mrvn> or let create_winit matrix = random_vector (num_columns matrix)
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> should I add the let create_winit matrix = random_vector (num_columns matrix) at the end?
<sc30317> I am really trying to understand why I would use matrices in this situation
<sc30317> because you obviously have more experience then me
<sc30317> but I am just wondering why
<mrvn> sc30317: in my paste it just gives nicer types and error messages
<mrvn> doesn
<mrvn> 't actualy change anything
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> do you mind if I use mine?
<sc30317> I actually understand what is going on in mine
<mrvn> your choice
<sc30317> ok lets go with mine
<sc30317> its just easier for me to understand
<mrvn> sc30317: Doing it right you would also include the dimension of the vector and matrix into the type.
<mrvn> sc30317: That way the compiler could already proove that they are the right dimensions when you multiply them.
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> so there is some utility to using the matrix way
<mrvn> becomes way more complicated to specify it that way though.
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> mrvn, how did you make create_winit(inData) work?
<mrvn> I didn't do anything.
<sc30317> oh ok
<sc30317> alright
<sc30317> can you help me with the last function?
<mrvn> just write it
<sc30317> ok
<sc30317> ill try to write it
<sc30317> ill talk in a little bit about it
<thelema> mrvn: number-parameterized types? in ocaml?
<mrvn> thelema: yep.
<thelema> I'm familiar with the work on avoiding array bounds checks through a module that generates unique types...
<thelema> ah, I've seen this one too - base10 encoding the dimension with phantom types. It's about as ugly.
<mrvn> thelema: quite ugly to do butthe only way to o it for any dimension. You can do it nicer if you just want 2/3/4 dimensions.
<mrvn> s/to o/to do/
<thelema> the extra parameter to combine is priceless.
<thelema> oops, n/m. misread
<thelema> what is the difference between combine and map2?
<mrvn> combine is a map2 with different argument order.
<mrvn> I don't get the map2 implementation in that mail though. That should just call combine
<thelema> ok, not much.
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<mrvn> And combine should use unsafe_get
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<sc30317> mrvn, I have a question
<sc30317> I want to store the value of this function
<sc30317> let x inData = multiply_test(remove_lasts inData, create_winit inData)
<sc30317> how would I do so?
<sc30317> it returns a matrix
<mrvn> let t = x inData
<sc30317> ok
<mrvn> you don't store data, you just bind it to a name
<sc30317> it says that inData is unbounded
<sc30317> because I have to compare the values of that output matrix
<sc30317> to something else
<mrvn> sc30317: That is like in C foo(bar); when bar is not declared
<sc30317> yea I understand that
<sc30317> but how do you declare bar when it is from an external source
<mrvn> then why do you keep doing it?
<sc30317> that is what I am asking
<sc30317> because in my file if I let t = x anddata
<sc30317> it works finen
<mrvn> sc30317: since you are using the interactive toplevel there is no external source
<sc30317> but it may be ordata, xorgada
<mrvn> if it is ordata then you need to write ordata. If it is xorgada then you need to write xorgada
<sc30317> but I can't just write that in my code
<sc30317> because it changes each time
<sc30317> you see what I mean?
<sc30317> I think i have an idea, ill get back
<mrvn> There just is no solution to "magically do the right thing on your own"
<sc30317> unfortunately
<sc30317> could I do this?
<sc30317> let function(trainData, lr, maxiterations, winit) =
<sc30317> let t = x trainData
<sc30317> ;;
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<mrvn> if you correctthe syntax errors
<sc30317> what is incorrect?
<mrvn> the ;;
<sc30317> then how does the let t = x trainData know that it is inside the "function"
<mrvn> it just is
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<sc30317> well that gives me a syntax error
<mrvn> in sublets you need to use in
<sc30317> so like this?
<joshcryer> Hey, I compiled ocaml on my server but didn't (can't) install it, can I compile an ocaml source from within the ocaml directory that it successfully compiled in?
<sc30317> let sde3(trainData, lr, maxiterations, winit) =
<sc30317> let t = x trainData in
<sc30317> gives me an error
<mrvn> in must be followed by an expression
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<joshcryer> OK configure appears to accept a custom directory you can install to.
<joshcryer> Can I do ./configure ~/public_html/ocaml ?
<mrvn> do you mean ./configure --prefix=~/public_html/ocaml ?
<joshcryer> Doh, yeah.
<joshcryer> I meant to say -bindir but that is better.
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<mrvn> Anyone know about checksum functions? Say I have a chunk of memory that contains a checksum. Is there a checksum so that if I set mem.checksum <- 0 then (checksum mem) gives x and if I set mem.checksum <- x then (checksum mem) gives 0?
<mrvn> Something better than xor?
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<mrvn> nm, CRC does what I want
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<mrvn> I've changed the Digest module to include a more lowlevel interface to the md5 digest code and added stubs to the md5.c but when I compile ocaml now I get: Error: Error while linking boot/stdlib.cma(Digest):
<mrvn> The external function `caml_md5_update_string' is not available
<mrvn> Full patch in
<mrvn> The symbol is included in libcamrun.a: % nm byterun/libcamlrun.a | grep caml_md5_update_string
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<mrvn> 0000000000000a32 T caml_md5_update_string
<mrvn> I don't get why it doesn't find the function. I declared them the same way as the old md5 function.
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<Camarade_Tux> mrvn: maybe bigarray isn't linked against md5.o (or something along that), you probably have to change the build system too
<Camarade_Tux> (I guess Bigarray would depend on Digest otherwise)
<Camarade_Tux> ok, saw the messages on the mailing-list ;-)
<mrvn> Camarade_Tux: I did run into the reverse in my first patch. I wanted Digest to support Bigarray directly. But digest is stdlib and bigarray is otherlibs.
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<mrvn> How expensive is enter_blocking_section() and leave_blocking_section()? Is it worth using them for a C stub that will take a while to complete but doesn't actually block?
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<mfp> mrvn: it sets some variables and does pthread_mutex_lock/unlock + pthread_cond_signal
<mrvn> mfp: Do you think it is worth it when computing the md5sum of 4k? 64k? 1M?
<mfp> dunno, would have to benchmark POSIX locks
<mfp> it's probably going to be very system-dependent
<mrvn> Do you have an example of putting a pointer to a C struct into a custom block? I think I'm doing something trivial wrong.
* mfp looks for some
<mfp> 1s
<mrvn> Thats not a pointer but the whole struct.
<mfp> well, if you only want 1 pointer you need a struct with 1 element ;-)
<mrvn> Does that look right?
<mfp> let me see
<mfp> struct MD5Context **ctx = (struct MD5Context *)Data_custom_val(context);
<mfp> shouldn't it be struct MD5Context **ctx = &(struct MD5Context *)Data_custom_val(context); ?
<mrvn> struct MD5Context **ctx = (struct MD5Context**)Data_custom_val(context); actually
<mfp> yes
<mrvn> The Data_custom_val is the address of the pointer, so **
<mfp> note that this is equivalent to a struct with 1 element, though
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<mfp> so I'd do it as in my example since it's safer and allows to add further fields if needed later
<mrvn> Would you define a struct for that?
<mfp> such as the int finalized; field to avoid double-release of the C struct
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<mfp> why not
<mrvn> There will never be more fields. The pointer is just an indirection so that the GC does not move the MD5 context around while it computes it without lock.
<mrvn> And afaik the caml_md5_context_finalize() will never be called twice.
<mfp> if the context cannot be finalized manually, that will hold indeed
<mfp> in my ex, I allow manual release and have the finalizer as a safety net
<mrvn> In caml_md5_final I specifically make a copy of the context that gets MD5Final'ed. Which it different from freeing the context, it just ends its usefullness.
<mrvn> I could track if caml_md5_final was used on a context or not and check that in the other functions. But is that worth it?
<mrvn> It is too bad ocaml has no notion of a function being destructive to its argument.
<flux> you mean linear types or something else?
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<mrvn> By appyig a value to a function the type of the value itself is modified.
<flux> I'm not sure that is a feature that is missed a lot..
<flux> after all, ocaml is behaving under the pretense of being a functional language ;)
<mrvn> Yeah. It is something that only makes sense in imperative context.
<mfp> you can simulate it to some extent
<mfp> with phantom types
<mrvn> But take the " : Digest.context -> Digest.t" as example. By finaling the md5 computation the context is used up.
<mfp> and a val destructive : ([`Destructive] * 'a) value -> 'a
<mrvn> Should be something like : (`Open -> `Closed) Digest.context -> Digest.t
<mrvn> mfp: How do you prevent destructive being used twice on a value?
<flux> mrvn, how would use use it?
<mfp> mrvn: it can't :-|
<flux> in any case, linear or unique typing is something that attempts to solve that
<flux> Clean uses those to represent the real world (instead of Monads)
<mrvn> flux: In linear type it would be final : `Open context -> (`Closed context, t) or just -> t as a `Closed context should be unusable.
<mrvn> flux: I would love to have phantom types for a class and have methods modify the phantom type the object has.
<mrvn> E.g. I have a object that represents on disk data. obj#dirty marks the data is needing to be written to disk. And any function that modifies the data should only be allowed to work on a `Dirty class.
<flux> mrvn, I wonder how it would work.. modify_phantom_type foo -- would that mean the type of 'foo' changes?
<mrvn> yep.
<flux> I don't think type systems like to do that a lot
<flux> branching for example would be broken in that case in a way that it hasn't been broken before
<mfp> unfortunately there's no way to prevent older references from escaping (especially in OCaml, with refs)
<mrvn> With non objects you would write let foo = modify_phantom_type foo in
<flux> if true then modify_phantom_type foo (* what is the type of foo now? *)
<mfp> mrvn: if you discard the old binding, you could do that with functional objects
<flux> (add 'else ()' if that isn't clear enough example)
<mfp> BUT you need some discipline (let foo = xxx foo)
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<mrvn> flux: type error since the then and else paths return different types basically.
<mfp> can't prevent let old = foo in let foo = destructive_update foo in ... use old (* bad *)
<mrvn> mfp: true. Or it would be impossible hard to catch all those cases.
<mfp> hmm
<mfp> maybe some trivial camlp4
<mfp> would do
<flux> famous last words ;)
<mrvn> mfp: Not so trivial for the if true then modify_type foo
<mrvn> That would have to be transformed to let foo = if true then modify_type foo in
<mrvn> And it still won't work for objects as a method of a class can not return a different type of the class.
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<mrvn> # class ['a] foo = object(self) method make_unit = ((Obj.magic self) : unit foo) end;;
<mrvn> class ['a] foo : object constraint 'a = unit method make_unit : 'a foo end
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<mfp> the pb is that it doesn't work with inheritance (no parameterized 'self)
<mfp> but it could be done externally, with a ('phantom * 'a) value type
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<mrvn> mfp: it doesn't work at all, period. As soon as you have a method that returns a certain type for the 'a it becomes constraint
<mfp> mrvn: the idea is NOT to use ['a]
<mfp> but an external phantom type
<mfp> (needs more camlp4)
<mrvn> external to the class you mean? That would work.
<mfp> yes
<mrvn> I don't get why the typesystems doesn't allow methods to return diffrent 'a foo objects though.
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<mrvn> Now everything seems to work great:
<mrvn> ./foo 1 7.28s user 0.01s system 100% cpu 7.291 total
<mrvn> ./foo 2 8.75s user 0.02s system 196% cpu 4.474 total
<mrvn> ./foo 3 9.76s user 0.03s system 298% cpu 3.285 total
<mrvn> ./foo 4 10.69s user 0.04s system 371% cpu 2.891 total
<mrvn> Not totaly linear increase of cpu usage with threads but near enough.
<mrvn> The increase in time is odd though. Does Mutex.lock do a busy wait till the mutex can be locked?
<mrvn> or the leave_blocking_section()?
<mrvn> Grrr, I still get random segfaults.
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<flux> thelema, hmm, some BatString functions like split say that they throw Invalid_string, but that exception doesn't seem to be in the interface..
<flux> infact, the function seems to raise Not_found anyway :) (which is better IMO)
<thelema> ah, mistaken docs.
<thelema> I removed the Invalid_string exception because I thought it was dumb. I guess I didn't fix the docs.
<thelema> documentation fixes being checked in now
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<flux> cool, I got my first 8500-line error message from ocaml
<schme> What says line #5436 ?
<flux> wasted it already
<schme> bummer :)
<flux> but it was basically the signature of the ocamlgraph module
<schme> ehehehe.
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<derdon> rwmjones: hello
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