I'm trying to type a block with exceptions: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/336842/. The problem is, I can catch Not_found and Invalid_argument in two places, and report them i the same way. I created two exceptions and re-raise them, catching in the last with. I get an error that the handler returns unit, not string; but that's intended. Is it trying to type the first raise, which is after a let expecting string? How shoul
restructure it?
Here's the exceptions: exception NotFound of string;; exception RandomInt of string * int
in (try e with pat -> f), the types of e and f must be the same
so it all depends on what the types of jumpBack and addEdge are
ah ok, it was missing parentehses around jumpBack ... (x^y)
so try ... with doesn't bind syntactically, it's raising/catching through scopes, right?
I have absolutely no idea what you mean
we can have: begin try e end with ... try e begin with ... end, etc.?
looks like begin .. end doesn't affect it
no, that is ill formed. begin/end are like (/), and (try e) with ... is ill formed. You want (try e with ...)
how do I compile mli for an ml?
ocamlc -c foo.mli
should I compile mli before ml? and then where ml is used, should I include both?
You should compile a .mli before its corresponding .ml. You don't have to include anything. The files a.mli and a.ml together define the signature and code for module A.
I use opt, and it complains there's no cmi
thelema: that's rather easy to implement (even w/o any C code, by using a hack like in bigstring.ml & some unsafe blit), all you have to do is a memcpy
have to memcpy because bigstring has to be off heap?
(* untested *) let blit_string_to_ba s ba = let s' = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.repr ba) 1) : string) in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1; do String.unsafe_set s' i (String.unsafe_get s i); done
yes, you cannot set the bigstring's data pointer to the string since it could be moved by the GC
OTOH you could have a string outside the heap, which would make it safe
well, for the moment assume an ocaml string, since I want this to be easy to use from ocaml.
but in the end you have to track (de)allocation manually, which you don't have to if you memcpy and let the GC release the bigstring's mem in the finalizer
your s' is backwards
or not... hmm, this blits a string into an existing ba...
but then again, why do you want to go from string to bigarray?
I guess I can fold the ba construction in
I want word access to a string
for the above-linked string search algorithm
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I want word access to a string for the above-linked string search algorithm
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thelema: need a C/C++ implementation then? copying would defeat the purpose
mfp: one is provided.
it can work on the string directly then
kaustuv: Splay trees look good - any chance of getting a testsuite that both it and regular map pass?
as long as it doesn't release the runtime lock
mfp: in the end, I think that's a better solution than writing it in ocaml
kaustuv: was about to ask how splay trees were supposed to work on immutable structures when I saw [Obj] ;)
thelema: it's not for batteries, is it? btw, what's batteries' policy regarding C stubs?
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mfp: no official policy at the moment. I'm preferring to avoid them when possible, but I'm sure I'll find some good use of a stub that's irresistable
that C code better be pretty portable, though
At the moment, batteries is being auto-tested on linux, armel and win2k
it'd be nice to get some additional buildbots, and to know whether that linux is 32 or 64 b it
but if it auto-builds on all the currently working platforms, it's probably not so bad
mfp: does that help?
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thelema: will keep in mind when I find interesting stubs
mfp: the first stub successfully included will likely be the hardest
camlzip comes to mind... also raises the external dep issue
yes, maybe first something without external deps
(especially my own code needs reviewing)
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ugh, I think I'll try to write some BatOptParse example --- never used it, and reading the .mli demands a fair amount of patience
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mfp: thank you
mfp, thelema: yes, Obj. However, it's only a pointer update and contention does not break the search tree invariant.
Problem is I could have done it with refs or mutable fields also, except for the annoying covariance annotation on map types
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kaustuv: no problem. I just want to make sure it's compatible with other maps
It should be indistinguishable from ordinary (non-polymorphic) maps except it has different performance characteristics (statically optimal amortized time vs. worst case time)
yup, that's what I want to verify (and get some tests on Map at the same time)
I think testsuite/test_pmap can be adapted to test for BatMap.Make/BatSplay.Map
or in generaly any functor (Ord:BatInterfaces.OrderedType) -> BatMap.S with type key = Ord.t
I wonder if both testsuite/ and qtest/ are worth keeping
this kind of test might be the reason to keep testsuite/
I think you will have a lot of difficulty in moving stuff like testsuite/test_file etc. to inline tests
because of all the auxiliary functions
anyhow, dinner time
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why 1111947858 is an Invalid_argument to Random.int?
on a 64 bit platform
apparently Random.int takes an int but can handle a subset of it?
correct. I do wonder why that is. there is no value that indicates the maximum, either, so you need to with 1 lsl 30 - 1
I don't think it would _break_ any program just to accept the full (positive) range of integers
might be to make sure you know the limitation, "Return 30 random bits in a nonnegative integer."
alexyk: Random.int only ranges over 31-bit ints (so it's compatible across platforms)
thelema: this is very sneaky and unfortunate. So what do I do to use any regular int on 64-bit platform? Convert to int64 and call Random.int64?
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how do I convert an int to int64?
and does the literal look different?
Random.int must throw a better exception
Yes, it should
and be better documented
currently, it'll throw Invalid_argument both for 0 and a large int
I had to re-raise with my own RandomInt(int) to see what's wrong
Is there a way to pass around a type constructor as a parameter? e.g. List.map (Arg.Set_float) some_list
_habnabit: List.map (fun x -> Arg.Set_float x) some_list
thelema, yes, that's what I have now and it's totes ugly
there's nothing prettier - move along
thelema, ... that's why I asked; no need to be rude
sorry, there was a smile with that that didn't come through
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c'è qualche italiano ?
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aaaaa: unlikely, this is an english channel. maybe in #ocaml-fr
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don't know if anyone there actually speaks italian
might want to try english here
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adrien: ocaml know the language?
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aaaaa: I'm sorry, I didn't understand
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