I implemented levensthein-based typo detection in the OCaml type-checker, and I just called levenstein on each identifier in the environment (works well enough for not needing anything more clever so far)
it's for an utility called filecheck which I stole from LLVM... it's best demonstrated by an example
it's a nice library, but as you've said, a little overkill here :)
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hello, can i find help here for exam problems?
how can I check if in a bin tree the value of a parent is bigger that the values of childer?
osho0000: what kind of binary tree? any one, or a specific (balanced? binary search?) tree?
mcclurmc1 is now known as mcclurmc
oh, and do you mean of that the parent is larger than one child, both children, every descendant?
it would help if you gave a small code example with your datatype
both children..
type tree = Nill | Node of tree * int * tree;;
testcocoon has joined #ocaml
normal tree :)
well, you can use pattern matching:
i can show what i try..
(the type of tree is important because you might have values at you leaves, for instance)
something like this should get you started: "match t with Node(Node(_, child1, _), parent, Node(_, child2, _) -> if ... then ... else ... | _ -> ..."
i used a pattern matching tree -> bool, but i dont know how to compare a node od the tree with it subtree..
you can nest patterns in pattern-matching
then in the if ..., use the variables child1, child2 and parent
(poorly named, obviously, sorry)
hm.. i try this but from here don't know how to go on
let rec check tree = match tree with Nill -> true |Node(Nill,n,Nill) -> true |Node(c1,n,c2) -> check l && check d |Node(l,v,d) -> false;;
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well, you first two patterns look good
the last two are redundant (so the last one will never match)
the but in the third i really don't know..
you need to replace your third pattern by the one I gave you
that is to say, you need to pattern-match on "a node the children of which are also nodes"
not "a node the children of which could be anything"
ok I will try now
(and then, ocaml will warn you that your pattern matching is not exhaustive, and give you an example, but you can fix it later)
(so focus on that case right now)
ok :)
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kerneis ok i repair the code, but it returns me a Syntax error, dont konw where..
let rec check tree = match tree with Nill -> true |Node(Nill,n,Nill) -> true |Node(Node(_,c1,_),p,Node(_,c2,_)) -> if (p>c1 && p>c2) then (check Node(_,c1,_) && check Node(_,c2,_)) |Node(l,v,d) -> false;;
osho0000: probably you need to add then ....
to your If statement
Kakadu: you mean "else" not "then" ?
rixed: okay, you got me
that wouldn't be a syntax error but a type error
rixed: I agree but it's hard to me to read code written in a single line...
I have created demo app of my slow parsers
osho0000: write check (Node(...)) instead of check Node(...)
the later is parsed as (check) (Node) (...)
hence the "Node is applied to zero arguments" error
then, your function is accepted
btw, you can also use "as" in your pattern-matching:
|Node((Node(_,c1,_) as left),p,(Node(_,c2,_) as right)) when (p>c1 && p>c2) -> check left && check right
yes 0 errors :)
that way, you can introduce a variable and name only the parts you need
why if I write _ instead of a b c and d in my code it give me a error?
on the left or on the right of the ->?
on the left, it shouldn't
(but then the variable will not be defined on the right)
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on the right, _ does not make sense; _ means "bind this part to a variable, but in fact I don't care about this variable, so you can forget its name right now"
someone here using/developing ocamlmerlin? I like the tool but it sometimes gives me a two abstract type :/
I don't really understand why.
gasche is the one who wrote the announce
e.g. let sigma = ref @@ Sigma.of_enum @@ BatList.enum [("a","q_a");("b","q_b")] in, then TypeOf for sigma return 'a
it often means your code is not valid for merlin
asmanur_: what are the specs for "valid"
almost "valid for ocaml"
well, it compiles correctly.
and in the .annot file, the correct type is given.
yezariaely: does merlin know about Sigma ?
and BatList
I don't know. How can I ask it? or tell it?
Kakadu: my remark on Qt was not meant to downplay your work on Qt
yezariaely: to use merlin properly, you should write a .merlin for your projects, telling what libraries you are using
eg. for your case your .merlin would be something like
PKG batteries
PKG <findlib package containing sigma>
(in fact I happen to have worked on my own ocaml-qt binding in the past, that was never released because it never got good enough to be useful, and I know it's very hard)
ah I see. Is there any doc about that? I didn't find any?! (and :help merlin.txt, doesn't work, though :helpgrep merlin.txt works)
Kakadu: it's just that I personally don't like GUI programming, and am bad at binding issues, so I meant that I won't personally get very much involved in your Qt work
(make sure you rebuilt tags, :Helptags)
def-lkb: now it works, I had to rebuild helptags.
yeah sorry ;) forgot to do that.
while a combinators + parsing + ocaml performance discussion is in my comfort zone
asmanur_: I read the readme, though it is not really helpful.
It does not even tell about <leader>t or such things
yezariaely: merlin devs suck at writing documentation, feel free to send them a pull request for some of it, or at least point out what's missing on their issue tracker
hehe ;-) Problem is that I do not understand how it works, so I can't write docs ;-)
(this morning's obvious missing content was "an announce for the last release", so I did my share0
yezariaely: that's the best time to write a doc
list the question you have as a beginner
send it in this form, or write down the answers where you can
and voilà, you've got something better than what already exists
i have 20 more exercises to do till monday :D
note a last trick: you could merge your last two patterns into a single one
because they take the same variables and do the same thing
just not in the same place
def-lkb: should $SHARE_DIR be defined in my environment by opam?
s/last two/next-to-last two/
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|Node((Node(_,c,_) as child),p,Nill) | |Node((Nill),p,(Node(_,c,_) as child)) when p > c -> check child
but it's really the icing on the cake
and you see now what I meant by "caml will warn you about a non-exhaustive pattern-matching"
waw elegant
brb launch :)
it works only when you have *exactly* the same variables in each case
see you
yezariaely: with opam, share dir is probably ~/.opam/4.00.1/share but it is not exported in the environment
def-lkb: I found it, was just confused that it was defined here and wondered if it should be.
*not* defined here
yes… it would be really nice if you took time to take note of all those confusing things :)… we should fix that, but it is really time consuming
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grr, the latest ocamlgraph with its broken Fixpoint API is available in opam
btw, anyone willing to upgrade the opam package?
def-lkb: In what direction is the type shown approximated if it says (approx)?
is it a subtype? supertype? or unspecified?
if there is syntax or type errors
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(merlin tries to recover, but it's just an heuristic, and a weak one at the time)
def-lkb: so what does the heuristics do?
yezariaely: so, it's neither a sub or supertype, its the type of the well-typed expression closest to the cursor
Kakadu: I found the issue with your test
gasche: I thought you are not here
yezariaely: arguably quite weak, but it's just a quick'n'dirty fix, until we have a better way to recover from errors
* Kakadu
is listening
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the problem is that when the pretty-printer runs for the combinators
def-lkb: e.g.: the type of 1 + 2.5 would be approximated to int because 1 + <some int> is approximated?
yezariaely: yes
lots of memory is in use, because the combinator parsed allocated a lot
so the GC is slow
(tracing passes have a lot of work)
in fact it's not the tracing
it's the fragmentation that kills you
so I added
Gc.compact ()
before "match ans with" in the right place
and the time of pretty-printing is now back to 10s as with LR parsing
I have tried Gc.compact only before executing parser combintaors
Also, what do you mean by 'right place'?
well before the right "match ans with" :]
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after the parser combinators have run
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I know it is compaction, because using Gc.full_major () instead doesn't work
note Kakadu that I think that is an artefact of the way you measure performances, by testing on a hughe input file
if you did lots of iterations on a file of the same sizes you will use in practice, you probably wouldn't observesuch a difference
gasche: Have you added it do TestHack.ml?
I wont try to undestand that piece of code…
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in fact, it's almost readable when syntax highlighted
kerneis: it depends on your terminal…
you can try :inoremap <Nul> <C-x><C-o>
it works on my current desktop, not on the previous one… I can't tell why :)
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i simplified more the code but the result isnt still correct.. http://paste.in.ua/8604/
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osho0000: 1 - 2 - 3 does 1 - (2 - 3)
you want a - to be computed only with the next number, not the whole following expression
ohh thanks
let see :)
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thizanne have some idea maybe?
I'm not sure giving you the solution is the best way to help
maybe if you have a more precise question I can answer
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hm.. don't know how to write the next number not all the expression
you already wrote the following things :
Nil, a Number n followed by Nil, a Number n follow by an operator followed by an expression
then you want to wrote a Number n followed by an operator follow by another number n [and then stuff]
you are saying that i must add more patterns..
not necessarily
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your pattern managing the '-' case is obviously wrong, so you have to modify it
(before going further, do you plan to manage * and / ?)
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thizanne no, only + and - :)
in the - case maybe i must nest more patterns?
that's a solution
when you encounter a number then a '-', you know that you need to get the number following the - instead of the whole expression
goind one step further in the pattern would give you this number
ok i will try now
hm i can nest another expression but then the same problem appears in the next expression :)
you don't need to nest another expression
you only need to get the next number
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i tried like this : Number(n,Oper('-',Number(g,h))) -> n - g + ovrednoti h
something like | Number (n, Oper ('-', Number (p, expr))) -> ...
then why "+ overdnoti h" ?
maybe h starts with a -
yes that s the problem
and obviously you cannot nest it again
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so what do you do when you must compute 1 - 2 + 3 ?
i must put a + or a -
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your pattern is good
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you cannot solve your problem by going one step further again, you would only shift it
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yes but don t know how.. i add a pattern |Oper(i,j) -> ovrednoti j but but for negative numers don't know.. because the same problem will arise..
osho0000: negative numbers need a unary operator
or 0 - a
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osho0000: when you want to compute 1 - 2 + 3, you can compute 1 - 2, and replace this expression by the result
so eval (1 - 2 + 3) is eval (-1 + 3)
osho0000: You should change your code to type expr = Number of int | UnaryOp of char * expr | DualOp of char * expr * expr
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mrvn: actually he only wants to manage + and -
1 - 2 + 3 --> DualOp('+', DualOp('-', Number 1, Number 2), Number 3)
mrvn I cant.. is a exercise of the exam
The type is given?
And what is the semantic? Is Number(10,Oper('+',Number(12,Oper('-',Number(4,Nil))))) --> 10 + (12 - 4)?
From the type definition I would read that with parens like that.
Number(10,Oper('-',Number(12,Oper('-',Number(4,Nil))))) --> 10 - (12 - 4) --> 10 - 8 --> 2. Your code is correct.
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no is (10+12)-4
osho0000: That would not be expressable by your type
are you telling me that I can do it?
No, just the type definition is stupid
ah ok :)
Your type definition is right associative (iirc that is the correct phrase) and you want left associative.
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in 3 hours i still dont find the solution..
osho0000: you can do this with 2 recursive functions. The first gets an accumulator and expression, the other an accumulator, an operator and expression.
And ovrednoti then takes the expression, extracts the first number and calls the first recursive function with it and the remaining expression
ok.. i me tired now.. i thought that i can do it with modifaing my code but.. :)
might be more readable with for loops and exceptions
or Array.iter
One wonders why the execrise uses char arrays instead of strings
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I think for that exercise I would make an obscure solution. Build a list of all subarrays arrays of all jumps of the right length of the second string and then use List.mem or something.
why max = ly / lx?
osho0000: because step can't be more than ly / lx