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whitequark: you may consider writing a sublime frontend for Merlin
(or getting someone to write one :)
I don't like closed-source programming tools, but I think having more frontend can only improve Merlin's design
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I'm just wondering: what would #ocaml think of a unix clone written in o?caml? What would be the advantages/disadvantages of this
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that unix clone idea disappeared too fast...
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hm mirage counts as one.
I'd be interested in hearing the answer too, although my gut reaction is that it would be completely pointless NIHing and if one were to write an OS in OCaml, it could do better than being a Unix clone. ;-)
hi there
there was a hobby project to write a kernel using OCaml, like ten years ago
iirc. it was called Spring
it fell into dust when the students that had teamed to do that went in different directions, I guess
it's hard to remain motivated on such lone rangers projects
ousado: I'd say Mirage counts, indeed
there was also a microkernel project, Coyotos, that design its own system programming language with strong ML roots, but it was abandoned after some time
gasche: hi!
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I realised more concretely my Friday's issue . It was not parsing combintors corrupting memeory: it was ocamllex lexing phase doing it.
"corrupting", you're a bit too strong :)
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If I had some additional 48 hours per day and had to write an OS, ATS would be a strong candidate for the low level stuff
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s/ATS would be/I'd consider ATS as
Rust is becoming interesting as well, and has more traction, but the design process is a bit too messy
(Rust was interesting from the start, I'm meaning he's becoming more usable)
Does ocamllex allocate a buffer for each lexeme even if such is not used?
Rust which is mozilla's Rust?
ggole: lexbuf is not allocated. it is mutable
I see, so getting the lexeme is a copy.
That makes sense.
I got interested in writing fast lexers a while back, so this is idle curiosity.
Can somebody point a link about GADTs and parser-combinators?
rust were interesting when they considered tailrec… and now with their T<A> syntax to introduce parametricity, it looks more like C++ than like a usable language
to be fair
it's hard to get something pretty when you start from the ML syntax
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(AST has a bit of the same issue)
… and putting java/c++ into the playground is an obvious improvement
I'm not sure that's a problem when you actually use the language, though
If Rust turns out to be an ugly but safe low-level language, it can still be worthwhile.
* def-lkb
is just trolling
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to be fair, ATS is not pretty
I think when you move into that design space, its natural that the language design feels cluttered
you can try to do better than C++ but ultimately you face some of the same issues
things could probably be simplified, but we'll only see it in retrospect
It's a lot easier to look nice if you don't have pointers.
what makes you think this design space is that hard ?
(for example, not having mutable *variables* is one of the things that simplifies ML's design as opposed to most imperative languages)
C is relatively clean
but C is not safe
(you have a point with mutable variables!)
Safe pointer types always seem to end being cluttery.
in ML implementations, there is a correlation between the base unit of mutability, references, and heap-boxed data
that makes it look unsuitable for systemish purposes
but you can separate the two, and have a lower-level notion of mutable data that is not heap-boxed
(I think Harper's book does some of that)
Javascript does some of that.
while still having the nice property of being a (r)value and not something magical about variable naming
Apparently there are suggestions to add "real" structs too
Not just typed arrays
And the Java guys want layout control too
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I wonder how they intend to deal with the consequences of that approach. Direct data representations might cause trouble for GC.
with lots of people and money :-'
The Lisp machine guys had an approach called 'locatives' to deal with pointers to the middle of objects, back in the day
IIRC it was backed by hardware support.
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I think that's what you need for layout control.
I am not sure it really makes sense to mix low-level & gc in the same language
(Rust got this right with their optionnaly garbage-collected tasks)
there are sml implementations that do fine
if you count region-inference as low-level
How do they deal with relocation of objects that are pointed-to in the middle?
You could use fat pointers, but that would get expensive pretty fast.
hm, if you want the details I'll have to look up the paper
You could eliminate relocation for such objects (while keeping it for others), but GC might become too slow.
rust looks like they're drifting away from the GC
ML Kit
I'll have a look, thanks.
ousado: by low-level I was thinking of mapping hardware registers, that expect a specific representation
more and more toward unique pointers everywhere
def-lkb: IIRC sgen deals with register
the new mono gc
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there are some quite in-depth posts about its architecture
ousado: i was thinking about descriptor tables… and yes it is definitely possible to make a GC run into such condition
(if any, the Boehm conservative one)
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it's just that the context in which you have to deal with hardware registers seems inappropriate for GC'ed tasks
That's not the only low-level concern.
Often you want to align things to cache-lines or use vector-friendly representations
("Often". Sometimes.)
ousado: the relevance of the paper seems to be that if the lifetime of a structure is just right, you don't need to do any GC at all. Is that right?
If so, I don't think that's a substitute for solving the problem in the general case.
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ggole: actually mixing in the GC isn't necessary
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they just wanted to see how it works out
the main point of mixing them is to reduce pressure on the GC
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gasche: I've looked at Merlin; it seems rather enormous for me
that's not necessarily bad, but the ocp-index plugin I've hacked in two days and it works rather well. it's a 80% solution, indeed.
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AMD does cover it.
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If we will lok at manual about Lexing.lexbuf structure we'll see that some fields of this structure and not described. Is it an issue to be reported?
Kakadu: guess the best documentation in this case is the source
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well, it does say the other fields are left unchanged
the question is indeed what they might be used for
hmm, even refill_buff is not documented
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I'm trying to use OpenGl with the liblablGL but I've problems with 3D : I can't change the camera orientation !
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I tried GluMat.look_at ~eye:(1., 1., 1.) ~center:(0., 0., 0.) ~up:(0., 0., 1.); but nothing appear, I've only a green screen
ah, I knew it: ocamlbuild implements cp through a call to the "cp" binary
I rely on cp anyway in many places
I even rely on configure and gnu make
yeah, sure, but calls to external commands in ocamlbuild is a real pain =/
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anyway, it still doesn't work because ocamlbuild is so smart it detects a circular dependency
hmmm hmmmm hmmmm
I think I'll give up on this whole natdynlink plan, and only support bytecode from now on
who cares about efficiency anyway?
on which platforms does it not work?
AAAAAA I read real world ocaml book, but now authors denied access to me. I'm really sad. Try to write one of the authors, maybe it take me access
oh, i see. I read beta2 but you open beta3, lol
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gasche: thanks a lot. Maybe later i will read books from this advices.
But now I want concentrate on real world ocaml
it's fine
it doesn't actually makes much sense to read another "beginner book" after that
there are more advanced books that may still be of interest, though
(eg. U3-OCaml)
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gasche: do you know what the status of ocambuild under windows is?
it works
good, then I can slap my colleague in the face with a large trout
the original authors took great care of having the "degraded mode" where not all the nice unix things we're used to are available
it won't be as good as on Unix, though
no problem
it's sensibly slower because it uses Cygwin's bash or something like that, and I suspect it doesn't parallelize at all -- not that the Unix version does a great job either
kerneis: it works but it's terribly slow
I wouldn't call it "terribly" slow
it's definitely slower
I couldn't care less about efficiency
there has been some discussion of how to make some of that overhead go away
and timestamps have a 1s precision
I just need something correct
but it's not slower than compiling C++
so you will often recompile everything
between adrien and william on the bugtracker
I will never develop on windows
but yup, it works
I want my users to be able to compile on it, that's all
if people are interested in contributing, that's fine
kerneis: I think the WODI guy had a good story about that
well, just stop using Unix.open_process* in ocamlbuild :P
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like projects using ocamlbuild (and maybe omake?) working mostly out of the box on windows
"A dynamically loaded C DLL can refer to any symbol from the main program (symbols of the caml runtime, or symbols of statically-linked C code) and to any symbol from a previously loaded C DLL. The dllimport/dllexport declspecs modifiers in the C code are no longer needed."
I wonder how that works
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Linking is a bit of a black art, especially dynamic linking.
pippijn: re. your message error technique, I looked a bit at what was available for LR parsers and I saw something very similar to what you're doing in a Russ Cox article about reimplementing in Go something that was already known
(I'm not sure whether you know about this related work, which is why I'm citing it here)
gasche: I don't know about it, yet
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I read about another error-reporting technique from John Shutt of LtU
which is not about the message itself but the location reported
he advises to highlight the "smallest non-trivial incomplete expression"
(instead of just the point where the parser gives up)
that's interesting
it's a bit unclear to me what the precise definition for this is in the general case
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but I've been running examples in my head and it looks rather nice
do you run them in bytecode or native code?
I'm wondering how to implement that in the context of a LR parser generator
companion_cube: if you allow me to get slightly off-topic, I think the habit of running code in one's head is the main difference between people that get programming, and those that feel they'll never understand it
(I'm not saying that there is a clear divide between those two groups, but rather than the most important thing to tell someone to avoid getting him in the second is to run code in his/her head, with a piece of paper to write down the steps)
I'll get a fresh batch of L1 students to test this in real conditions in about a month
I was just joking ^^
the only problem is that they're supposed to be taught Java
I have no idea how to run Java code in one's head :-'
gasche: it ends badly
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just to make sure... records types always have to be declared right?
i.e. it is not possible to return a record unless the corresponding record type has been explecitely declared before
watermind: yes
Drup: much like there are polymorphic variants I thought there may be something similar for product types
there is : objects
where oh
don't want to get into that just yet...
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let whee () = object method x = 1 end
it's not really as terrible as it sound :p
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probably, but still getting used to the syntax and getting to know the module system
so... one step at a time
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You can also use tuples, I guess
Although they aren't a great idea once you get more than two or three elements.
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ggole: yes but labels are really handy to not accidentally mix positions
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Labels are great. They won't help destructuring though.
they don't? isn't that what pattern match does?
or maybe I'm missinterpreting "destructuring"
is that the same as deconstructing or something else?
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Well, let a, b, c = some_tuple in ...
There are no labels there.
You can use them in construction by writing a "smart constructor", let foo ~x ~y ~z = x, y, z
let { a; b; c; } = some_record in ...
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But it would be better to just use a record
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I think ggole is talking about function labels and watermind about record fields
At least half right :)
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is there anything like frama-c for ocaml?
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particularly to define specifications and automatically-theorem-prove them
Coq, maybe
I know Coq is written in OCaml, but is there any integration between both?
There is automatic extraction from Coq to OCaml, I believe.
that's interesting
got to look at it
I was thinking something a bit different though, which is given OCaml code, be able to add specifications/assertions in comments, to be proved with some static verification system
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I don't know of any such tool.
Express them as types.
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mrvn: types, particularly in ocaml, don't let you express that much
watermind: depends, what do you want to express ?
with gadts you get a bit further than before
mrvn: even haskell with it's initial "dependent type"-like support doesn't give you much
"this array will end up sorted"
You can use phantom types to track certain kinds of properties
There is nothing automatic about it, though.
I know I do all that, it is quite useful to aid correct development of programs
but it's different from strong static verification
watermind: you can at least garanty that the sorting remains within the bounds of an array so you can use the faster unsafe_get method.
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Yes, it's not model checking.
there's quite a bit one can do
checking that the result is actualy sorted is hard. How would you even specify that? \forall i,j with i < j: x.(i) < x.(j)?
well x.(i)<=x.(j) but yes
I think that would require symbolic execution of the code to check.
not really...
unless you have something in mind I'm not considering
it's a basic/intermediate exercise using e.g. acsl (frama-c) or in a dependently typed language like agda
assuming you do it imperatively, with loops and assignments the proof can be done with Hoare's axiomatic, which is what ACSL is based on
well, in ocaml you would have recursion and folding and such
if you use recursion then the proof is by induction
which is even easyer
note I'm not expecting a system where you'd just give the assertion and it automatically proves it
instead you'd guide the proof, with the automation being used only to get rid of boilerplate
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< watermind> I was thinking something a bit different though, which is given OCaml code, be able to add specifications/assertions in comments, to be proved with some static verification system <--- why3.
\forall i,j with i < j: x.(i) <= x.(j) isn't hard to meet: for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do a.(i) <- a.(0) done
I would find that rather useless. Then I have to manualy guide the proof every time I change something in the source.
just look at this and enjoy
ggole: That would be a runtime assertion. We were talking static, as in compile time, assertion.
companion_cube: oh!!!
companion_cube: I didn't know that
ggole: oh wait, you ment that as (buggy) implementation of sort?
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I meant that it would satisfy the predicate, but it is (obviously) not a sort.
companion_cube: i.e. I know why3 and (implicitely) use it in frama-c as one of the provers, but I didn't know about whyML
watermind: you still have to write induction proofs in coq, I think, because alt-ergo (the theorem prover) cannot do them
watermind: it's arrived in why3
it's OCaml + annotations, just as you wanted ^^
ggole: yeah, even defining just what sort is is not easy. At least I don't know how you would say that every element in the input must appear in the output exactly once.
ggole: you also have to specify it's a permutation of the input
Theorem provers can do that sort of thing: I found them difficult to approach though.
companion_cube: hmm... still a bit confused about how this ecosystem works. So WhyML is the specification language, Why3 a theorem prover... where does alt-ergo fit here? I thought alt-ergo was just another theorem prover
whyML is a language that compiles to ML, and also to proof obligations in why3's logic
why3 proof obligations can be sent to theorem provers
among which coq (for hard proofs), and alt-ergo for easy ones
I see gotcha
right, so this is indeed what I was looking for
it seems
ah I just realised I was confusing Why3 with Microsofts' Z3 the latter being a theorem prover
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frama-c, which is for C, uses ACSL for the specification language and also translates it to the Why3 as the logic, so I'm guessing maybe all those theorem provers can be used with the programs generated by WhyML
got to look at this more closely... thanks companion_cube!
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Coq is fun if you have a guided intro to it.
It's kind of like playing sudoku or something.
After learning a bit of Coq, I thought it would be a fun project to 'gamify' doing simple formal proofs in a theorem proving system.
some people write real code in coq
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Sure, the projection tools it provides are nifty, though I never got to the point of playing with them.
I just found it surprisingly fun to play with even though I didn't have anything 'real' to do with it.
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how do i invoke ocamldoc from ocamlbuild ?
levi: I had exactly the same impression
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Anarchos: write a .odocl file
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why doesn't partial application in ocaml produce strongly polymorphic functions?
just to simplify the core language, since this case is rare and easily worked around?
when trying to install coq via opam I get: Application of .opam/4.00.1/build/coq.8.4pl2/CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH.patch failed: can not determine the correct patch level.
it doesn't?
any idea how to approach this?
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bungley: utop # List.map (fun x -> x);;
- : '_a list -> '_a list = <fun>
cf. (fun l -> List.map (fun x -> x) l) : 'a list -> 'a list
that would be unsafe whitequark
def-lkb: why?
aren't the two statements above equivalent?
e.g. let f () = let r = ref None in fun x -> let result = !r in r := (Some x); result
if f' was strongly polymorphic, e.g f' : 'a -> 'a option
then ignore (f' "hello"); f' 1 would return the value (Some "hello") with type int option
def-lkb: oh I think I understand: while in a common case with a function with e.g. two arguments applying it to one won't execute anything, this is not necessarily true
what's the difference between "'a list -> 'a list = <fun> " and " '_a list -> '_a list = <fun> "?
def-lkb: and you can have a function which after first application does something with a side effect, which would make polymorphism unsound in that case
whitequark: exactly
bungley: see rks`'s link
ah, thanks
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who was interested in IndexedSet here?
companion_cube: was looking at WhyML, seems pretty cool... it does however differ a bit from Frama-C/WP/ACSL for C, or for instance
in the sense that when using the latter you actually write a C program, and the specification in ACSL is in the comments of your program
then this gets translated to Why (WhyML?)
when using WhyML directly however you're not really coding OCaml. The programming language in WhyML is simply ML like, and apparently you can generate OCaml code form it
so it's kind of the reverse
oops, sorry
it is pretty cool... but it's a shame that a bunch of tools are built to use Why3 for other languages directly (C, Ada...) but not for OCaml
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dsheets: hi
did you have a look at the repository?
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I'm trying to compile coq and it complains it can't find dlllablgtk2.so - however I do have it in .opam/4.00.1/lib/stublibs
any ideas?
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watermind compile without gtk support ?
Anarchos: I'd like gtk support though, I do have lablgtk2 installed and it even finds the dir during ./configure
as i work on a platform without gtk, i can't help you !
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