well it looks like djb2 is different from sdbm
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Drup: Hello! In this little snippet, Furl routes to the default case for the 'goodbye' path, am I doing something wrong? https://bitbucket.org/snippets/orbitz/qAdLr
Drup: they both fail to route if I put "goodbye" before "hello" in the routing list
Drup: actually I take the last claim back. my assert was wrong in goodbye. If I flip the ordering goodbye succeeds and hello fails.
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orbitz: so... what's the issue ?
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oh, I see
Drup: at least for this example, whatever the second route is gets ignored
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Could somebody explain what does Lwt_engine.event means?
it's probably dark magic
writing a backend for lwt is no simple task
companion_cube: No, I'm not writing a backend, I want to use some reactive I/O
how do you mean "reactive IO"?
I thought Lwt_engine provides something like event callbacks (like in libev or libuv)
lwt is already based on nonblocking IO
freyr: what is not sufficient in Lwt_io ?
I know, I need a lwt compatible event mechanism
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What do you actually want to do ?
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Drup: afaik Lwt_io returns promise until say somebody write something into pipe. I want to poll a descriptor in libev style.
companion_cube: by reactive I mean reactive polling, with a callbacks and events, like in libev.
but why would you want to do that? lwt already does it for you
to do what afterwards?
companion_cube: Maybe, I'm still not well aware of lwt concepts. I have a descriptor, some other process writes something into it from time to time, so I want to do some stuff on each such message
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and then write something into db. I used to libev/epoll style I/O so I'm not really understant how to do so in OCaml with lwt
basically you'd write it in the same fashion as if you were using blocking calls
but you use Lwt I/O functions and >>=
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adrien: You mean read? So I could just bind read_line function with the handler with the bind compinator and the handler would be called each time read_line gets a value?
or should I wrap it with the loop?
If you want to read all the lines, it's Lwt_read_lines
(plural :p)
Drup: any ideas on the Furl thing? If not I'm going to put my heavy-typing-ahead hardhat on and dive in.
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orbitz: I'm looking at it now
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drawesome thanks
at least, it's not a regular expression problem
Drup: Well, it does not seem to work as I've wanted. It seems it reads fd's content only once, after that the promise seems to be always ulfilled. I need to call handler on each update of the FD's context, so is seems I need either a loop or an libev wrapper.
could I do that with a pure Lwt_io?
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mfp: ^
(freyr: side note, your question on reddit is a very bad case of X/Y problem, you should really explain your original problem)
Drup: Ok, I would edit it
(I mean, your question is really "how to minitor an fd with lwt to retrieve all the content as soon as it's being written", which probably has a good answer, even if I personally don't know)
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Drup: Thanks, is it better now?
Probably :p
Drup: this furl code is a wild ride.
I'm not saying it's over-engineered or something. It's just usage of the type system beyond my day-to-day experience ;)
orbitz: pretty sure I now why this is happening
So it's actually quite fun.
Drup: what's the hypothesis?
It's due to a change in the indexing of groups in Tyre
* orbitz
shakes fist at Tyre
(at least I think so)
Drup: is there a version of tyre I can pin to for testing?
let me try to fix this in furl first :p
orbitz: by the way, I have a wip branch in furl called "onetype" with a simplified API
(it has the same bug, though)
Drup: Ok, I can take a look at it if you'd like. So far I don't mind the current api. But I've only written it long enough to find a bug :)
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Drup: the implementation looks a bit simpler at first glance. And the .mli file is much simpler which is pleasant.
what? furl is nowadays dynamically typed?-)
Drup: btw, I notice you tend to do like `let by_name () = Furl.(...)` Any reason in particular you don't just do `let by_name = Furl.(...)`?
orbitz: have you tried ?
You can try, you will see that it produces lot's of non-generalized type variables and it's annoying
ahh ok. I have not tried
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Drup: Is the fix a big diff?
but as you said, the code is a big tricky :p
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yep, i can see how having clothes makes you a better programmer
Leonidas: can you elaborate?
certainly not, the best programmers don't wear pants and keep their alcohol level precisely at the Ballmer's peak
average: for example, if you code at coffee shops, it is useful to wear clothes to keep the background noise lower, thus making it easier to concentrate
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Leonidas: was that a trial-and-error revelation?
Leonidas: or was it obvious from the get?
companion_cube: what about underwear? or kilts?