yeah, thats due to bridged classes. we cant really overcome that limitation
or not easily, anyway
I see
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[opal-rails] boberetezeke opened pull request #12: Update the readme to specify the correct spec directory (master...master) http://git.io/h8kXTg
meh`: how much need is there for Native::Array ?
adambeynon, quite a lot
there are many array-like objects
arguments is one
and in the DOM API there are a fuckton
adambeynon, any way to run opal-repl with phantomjs?
meh`: no - couldnt figure out a good way to do it
meh`: opal-parser.js can run code from script tags
if you want a quick browser test of something
nah, I can test it another way
adambeynon, when are we doing the corelib stdlib move?
meh`: cant we move Native::Array to opal browser?
adambeynon, it's useful outside of it
it's not uncommon in javascript to return array-like objects
I really dont think so. we are not going to start making wrappers for every lib out there
opal-browser is the exception
adambeynon, trust me, it's a common pattern
fine, but Native::Array isnt something that belongs in opal core
why not?
it's just few lines anyway, and the pattern is present in the core of javascript
arguments is just one example
why would we ever need to wrap `arguments`?
no clue, but there are other examples with stuff like typed arrays
they're part of the core language
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so are for and for-in loops, but we dont want to start offering a wrapper for those ^_-
it's not the same
in javascript you can have array-like objects, and you don't need to care about it being a real or not array
because you use a for loop using the length attribute
and if it's accessed using other functions on the object
you don't care all the same
because you use a for loop
in Ruby it has to be an Enumerable
and Native::Array does it
prototypejs had $A that converted array like objects to real arrays
but we don't need to create a real array out of it, since we have Enumerable
so, we are creating an abstraction on top of another abstraction of an array
array-like objects aren't an abstraction
they're common in javascript
for instance, you can pass an array-like object to Function.prototype.apply
they're pervasive in the language
and it needs a specific wrapper
right, but I dont get why we need a specific wrapper for those sort of objects in opal?
I think jQuery() returns an array-like object
adambeynon, because it's pervasive in the language
adambeynon, you don't use native, and that's fine, but that doesn't mean it doesn't belong in the core
if something is part of javascript, it should be available in some way or another
and native wrapping is useful if you don't have or don't want to use a full blown wrapper
also what [spoiler] said, jQuery returns an array-like object
and it's not just jQuery, it's also in the core of the language
Native should be a very minimal class: #method_missing, #[], #[]=, #include?
it's a pervasive pattern
thats all we need Native to do
Well, it's not very common, AFAIK and I only ever used it twice myself (and I work often with JS). However, I can't see why you need that in opal/ruby
if you are actually digging deeper, and trying to use these very small parts of javascript like passing array-like objects to slice() and call() and apply() etc, then some wrapper isnt going to help, and its probablly better writing that code in javascript anyway
[spoiler], I think you might be dealing with those objects and not realize it :)
meh`: I rarely use libraries, though. Got an example where vanilla JS uses those?
[spoiler], typed arrays, arguments, most of the DOM stuff
the DOM is full of array like objects
Oh, I never realised arguments were array-like. I always figured they were just an array
and typed-arrays is a godo example actually, yeah
so, class TypedArray < Native; include Enumerable; def each; ...; end; end
adambeynon, that's not enough, and it shouldn't be a child of Native but include Native::Base like it does now
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meh`: thats the other thing, why do we need Native and Native::Base ?
Native.new(obj) for general cases
or extend from Native for custom classes
because we had Native::Object
and you wanted Native
Native was Native::Base before
a Native::Object is a full blown wrapper for a native object
Native::Base is the contract your class has to fulfill to be treated as a native wrappre
so #to_n
and getting created with a native
meh`: but lots of objects can act as a native
adambeynon, you should look at more general cases than your specific ones
meh`: its also about performance. looking at the code you just comitted now, we are talking about going from 1 js function call into using 20 or 30 to send 2 arguments to an object
thats not going to be useful
thats huge performance loss
custom wrappers are the only decent solution
if you want array-like objects to be usable in Ruby, you need Native::Array
Native won't work
meh`: we cant pretend that working with native objects is seamless, it isnt. Native is there purely as a convenience for very small, simple interactions
anything more complex needa a wrapps
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opal/master 69c96e1 meh: Add Native#to_a and Native#to_ary
meh`, it's the exact reason you have built opal-browser
simple wrappers dont do the job
they do, full blown wrappers are just nicer
Native won't get any more complex than that, it does all that is needed
just a method_missing as you put it, doesn't cut it
it cuts it in your limited usage, but Native has to be general
we're running on javascript, that won't change
we need a way to wrap natives when we don't have a full blown wrapper
meh`: we are running a ruby-like runtime on top of javascript. we cant pretend that our ruby is suddenly able to work 1:1 with javascript objects
well, guess what, it can now
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Native does the right thing in any case
but in that commit you just pushed
isnt that better just to create an Array of natives?
no, it's slower
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adambeynon, meh`, reprise: put the file into stdlib, that's the right place, that's where fundamental libs like FileUtils and Pathname live
Hi can anyone help me with a javascript question
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jakeblue: no guarantees I know the answer, but I'll give it a shot
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Hi there. I have a question while working with Opal. How can you build two Ruby files at once. This " s.main = 'rubycanvaslib' " is only for one?
cogitator, the simplest way is requiring the two from the main
What's the syntax, please?
I mean having `require 'a'; require 'b'` in rubycanvaslib