so maybe its a path issue, because it will load the .map files if I request them, but its just not showing up in chrome
so it looks like its only trying to request the map for helpers.js.map
but my other opal files have this stuff in them: //@ sourceMappingURL=/__opal_source_maps__/templates/page.js.map
maybe they are loaded lazily ... like only when you trace errors/lines etc
I only look at them using `debugger` statements
let me try that
CMD+SHIFT+R clears the page cache right?
yes, I think thats it
humm, no luck
its strange, seems like everything needed is working
so looks like /__opal_source_maps__/corelib/helpers.js.map is the first one in the file.
ohhhh, its loading them all inside one js file?
that could be the problem
well, it is the problem
its one .rb file that requires a bunch of others
how many .js files are actually served?
yeah, it will only load one source map per .js file
the Opal::Server has a #debug property
are you using the server directly?
I'm using it directly from Opal::Environment.new, then I copied the SourceMap class
I didn't want the default index page, so I couldn't use Opal::Server
do you think opal will support multiple files on source maps?
well, there are other ruby tools which can do that
I cant remeber their name
sorry, maybe we're not talking about the same thing
I know in source map's, you can see the individual files from concatenated files. Seeing as how the require's are basically concatenating, I would assume it could just show the individual required files.
I think it would be too tricky for the way sprockets works
sprockets in Opal::SErver handles each ruby file in its own <script> tag
so the source maps load properly
so maybe I'll make it add each script tag in dev
adambeynon: thanks for the help
having them in separate files makes for a ton of requests and a super long page load time. (went from instant to 4+ seconds)
any idea if its something I could patch sprockets to support?
actually, it said it took 9sec
should be quicker on the second load, I think
still 2.5 seconds
I know its only in dev, but that still seems like a long time
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ok, so if I use the debug option on Opal::Server, and do requires, it spits out the required file as a separate file, but the file it was required from also has it included as well.
which probably explains the high page load
what does your index page look like?
you mean html wise?
its doing a separate JS file for each require
sorry, never mind, I figured it out
weirdly its a 4 second load on the 2nd loads now (13 seconds on first load)
(not trying to complain, just trying to get a sense if there's something I can do to improve it)
that seems really long. usually on the apps I write, the first load is 4-6 secons, and the second/third/etc loads are less than a second
let me remove all of my code and see how long it takes just loading opal
ryanstout: check to make sure the page cache is enabled in chrome
sprockets should do caching anyway
but just in case
adambeynon: page cache in chrome?
or is there something in sprockets?
yea, 6.2s for just opal
(with source maps)
1.39 after cache
I'm on a fast new i7
so I guess for sprockets to support concatenated source maps, it would have to convert the source map from each file and move the line/char numbers up based on where it ended up in the concatenated file?
yes, but sprockets doesnt have any sourcemap support. Thats why we need the special Opal::Server which does it all manually
I think sprockets master branch has basic support
but no releases for it
(I think)
yea, I saw that
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ok, well maybe I'll have to dig into the sprockets source a bit more
again, thanks for the help
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adambeynon: does any_instance.stub work in opal-rspec?
ryanstout: haven't tried it. It does use rspec3 though, and they did change a lot of the mocking system for rspec3
double() etc works fine.
ok, didn't realize it was on 3
I have it running both in mri and opal, so I'll upgrade the mri ones and see if it works
2 was actually a lot trickier to get working, so I skipped to 3
good plan
yea, 2 was a mess
(under the hood)
I didn't realize the .should syntax was getting deprecated