do the generated sources have the sourcemapurl ?
fkchang: sorry
im being slow
one sec, let me get the code
adambeynon: it seems it's not getting routed - - [03/Feb/2014 11:39:21] "GET /__opal_source_maps__/corelib/helpers.
but when I run the rack example, it does - - [03/Feb/2014 11:40:12] "GET /__opal_source_maps__/corelib/basic_object.js.map HTTP/1.1" 200 - 1.2604
sorry the not routing in sinatra line was cut off, it was returning 404
the source map server needs a reference to the sprockets instance
which makes the code a little ugly
but it does what it needs to
adambeynon: it's responding to src map requests now, thx
though it doesn't seem like there's anything useful in helpers.js.map, I'll mess around w/some more source
adambeynon: everything seems to be helpers line 1
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fkchang: any other files acting like that?
fkchang: tbh, I find sourcemaps very temperamental. always need to clear caches etc
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adambeynon: seems like everything still maps to helper, I added another class and raised an error in there and it still maps every line in the stack to helpers:1
is it an elia question to figure out how to debug?
ohhhh, wait
is it compiling all files into one javascript file?
yeah, that's the default isn't it?
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[opal-browser] meh pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/xuusgQ
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opal-browser/master 93aec20 meh: spec/dom/element/attributes: fix specs in IE6..8
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meh`: ping
fkchang, pong
fkchang: Opal::Server has to use some ERB magic to get assets compiling into individual files
then the source maps work
sprockets makes it tricky to get sourcemaps working in a single file
meh`: So if I wanted to make a lissio tabs component(s) how would I go about it? If it were just jquery, I'd have tabs in say a ul/li and divs in an a parent div that corresponded to the tabs (li's). My first thought was to have a tab container that I'd add tabs to, where the tabs might consist of 2 components one for the tab, one for the content. Where I'm getting to to is that the tabs and tab contents would have different parent
elements, so I wouldn't just do a element << TabPair.new(blah).render
so what you care about is the component to show
not the tab
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tabber["I'm a tab"] = MyComponent.new
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it build a TabHeader internally
so it can show the tab thingy
how do you call the tab selection thingy?
fkchang, then you can do some "optimizations"
you keep a @current showed tab
and only render it in the proper place
the rest stays unrendered, until you need it
for example
@tabber.go("I'm a tab")
would get the MyComponent instance from a @tabs thing
and do something like element['.content'].inner_dom = @tabs["I'm a tab"].render
fkchang, I'm not sure I explained myself
I'll think about that, I guess I could have a @tab_header.element << Tab.new() "I'm a tab").render and @tab_content.element << MyComponent.new.render, where I create those 2 parent elements in initialize
adambeynon: so is the answer to make it separate files to get src maps?
fkchang, gimme a sec, I'll write some mockup code
adambeynon: so I was thinking about the experimental branch you were talking about. What happens when there's a JS property with a $ in the name, does that conflict with the instance vars? I know some frameworks use $something as function names. (its not common, just thinking)
ryanstout: I did just update opal-irb to head the other day
ryanstout: cool video. Very slick, demo gave me a "rails-y, ember-y, meteor-y" type of vibe.
fkchang: thanks. Still have a lot to do, but its coming along.
I need to figure out how to make a 15 min screencast showing what I did at ocruby for the "ruby objects all the way down components vibe "
yea, that would be cool
ryanstout: can I tweet out the link?
I didn't show off my component stuff in that video
fkchang: I'm still waiting until I get a little further to really promote it
ok, I can delay, the video slick enough I think that u could get more eyes by showing it
I think once I get live queires working, you should be able to build real apps in it
ryanstout, are you going to use opal-jquery or opal-browser? or nothing at all?
opal-jquery at the moment, but I think I'm going to pull jquery and opal-jquery out at some point
I should be able to do it without needing them by default
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[opal-browser] meh pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/37t7fg
ok, I like how the reactive part works, I'd like to do similar and put a reactive element/variable into a template and have it automatically update.
fkchang: which page is showing works with reactive value's as well, you just change a string for which template is showing. Which can be stored in the params model, and it updates the template that shows.
I think I realize from watching it that this will be popular because of the "works the way you sort of already do" rails-y dir structure, erb/handlebars ish templates, sass, etc.. I think the all ruby components thing needs more videos for people to get where it could go. Even better if we have a bunch of std components
fkchang, I got liss.io, still have to find the time to make a half decent design for it and start adding things
yea, my goal was to be close enough people would get it fairly quicky. Then add different stuff in over time.