Still some more regresisons to sort out and bugs to fix but conformance is going way up as I had hoped.
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20 patches thrown on the lists. Like half of the previously failing tests are now passing, so that's good.
Just need to do a series of that size an infinite number of more times and we'll be conformant
(Zeno's Pardox)
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Absent complaints (from CI etc), landed UBOs and point sprites.
Next up, hacking at texturing... some more.... oy CI
woo point sprites
hi. is there a panfrost support channel?
This is about as close as you'll get
I see a lot of dev talk in here, and I don't want to be an annoyance. I'm running linux 5.2 and mesa 19.1 and hear that both have the new panfrost driver included. However, when running sway all kinds of stuff still lags noticeably.
19.1 isn't really ready for daily use
Is this simply because Panfrost is "not there yet", or must this be some kind of mis-configuration on my end?
Aah okay.
The former, and also because there has been a ton of work since 19.1
THanks for the answer :)
19.2 is due early August and we're hopeful for it to be ready for experimental end-users (like yourself) then :)
I hope you all still enjoy the Panfrost journey...
.......Oh crap, that's like 6 weeks only. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm like that with my exams right now...
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tomeu: in case you haven't noticed, Krzysztof has also sent a patch to enable Panfrost in defconfigs