tomeu: The first step would be reading (and ignoring) the comment "NOT FOR HARDWARE DRIVERS NEVER WILL BE"
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tomeu, is possible that was a mistake -- but it does populate the /boot with the bits that look necessary.
* chrisf
is far more comfortable with shader compiler guts than fiddling with getting the board to work
yeah, I also hate that
not sure your u-boot knows it has to mount the disk and look in /boot
the existing u-boot (hardkernel's one) was loading an uncompressed image, dtb, and uinitrd from this disk
mmind00: is there an easy way for chrisf to update the kernel in his go advance if he doesn't have a serial console?
tomeu: not sure ... like on my Go, I cleared the vendor uboot from the spi, put one on the sd-card and just am using extlinux to load a kernel also from there
tomeu: so I don't really know how the procedure _with_ the vendor uboot is
chrisf: and what happens when the board boots?
tomeu, in the failure case?
chrisf: yep
the uboot splash stays up, and nothing appears to happen
i imagine with the console i'd see it upset about something
hmm, I think I saw some complaint in the splash when it wasn't able to find the kernel
i *have* confirmed that it's using the uboot on the sd-card. in another experiment i rebuilt that and i could see my one was running.
guess you have the display driver built-in in the kernel?
's a generic "system failure" complaint in the splash which tells you nothing useful
ah, guess a custom u-boot could make it easier to figure out
i was trying to get the uboot netconsole working so i could see what it was doing
* alyssa
daniels: when is rk3399 expected back up?
alyssa: I was told 'a few hours'
alyssa: so probably somewhere between 2-4h from now?
(Vivek is replacing switches, recabling, and reconfiguring the network, so it should be a lot more stable and hopefully also faster - at some stage it's also going to get nicely sharded so we don't lose an entire class of test devices from network/switch/power/USB/rack/... outages)
chrisf: no easy way to get a serial cable?
tomeu, last part i need *should* arrive today
nice :)
assuming the uart connected to header along the top actually works :)
on a completely different tack, for vulkan -- it seems there's a few ugly things about the hw that complicate a very cheap mapping
chrisf: oh?
blending for one :p
i think that's actually not the end of the world -- we get to build a monolithic pipeline object which can contain the blend shader if we need one
so what is the end of the world?
min/max index?
ideally we could go all the way to the hardware descriptor structures during command buffer recording
min/max index is kinda gross, yes
but the job descriptor headers are mutated by the hw for status etc -- how to deal with a command buffer being submitted multiple times?
oh, oof
in GL we re-emit the headers (and payloads)
in practice it's not the *worst* thing since all the interesting bits are in other descriptors pointed around
so the actual main job descriptor header+payload isn't as large as it would be in a more conventional architecture
but yeah it's ugly
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also what to do with secondary command buffers, where we record a bunch of draws to later include in a primary, but dont necessarily know what render targets will be in use
afaik the blob doesnt even try there -- they defer everything, and inline secondaries into the stream of stuff they produce at the last moment at submission time
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the job resubmission thing is why vulkan has explicit one-time submission and simultaneous use flags on its command buffers
so if the app says it doesnt need the fully general thing you can do something less weird
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icecream95: had you given this stuff any thought yet?
i suppose if you do a gallium state tracker then you dont have to deal with a lot of it, but you burn a bunch of cpu vs a direct mapping
chrisf: I had, and IIRC, the conclusion was that we need to have templates for some of those descs and re-emit them (some descs can be kept around, like textures)
bbrezillon: for resubmission, for secondaries, or both?
unfortunately I don't remember
I guess it was both
bbrezillon: my real mission on this thing is to beat the pants off the blob on cpu overhead.. but that's going to be a long road :)
chrisf: I guess we can start with a sub-optimal solution involving a lot of CPU -> GPU copies, and see how we can improve that afterwards
but yes, definitely go for a 'real' vk driver
there's a lot of plumbing to do before we can even run a simple VK prog
(i.e. without depending on Gallium)
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bbrezillon: oh yes :)
bbrezillon: i just got done implementing it in software, well aware of the amount of plumbing :)
chrisf: if you don't want to start from scract, you can check my branch
but it's far from functional
chrisf: oh, ANGLE?
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tomeu: swiftshader
ah, mixed the two
guess then that panfrost will be a walk in the park for you :p
tomeu: on the vulkan side, sure. mali is still plenty weird though ;)
we have alyssa for that :)
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unrelated -- do we have any idea how the idvs jobs work?
this was supposed to be a big deal on bifrost
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chrisf: sounds like a fun project... and yeah, needing the index bounds is a big ouch there... best case you have to patch on command submission (because you don't know if it's been touched by the CPU before then) and worst case you have to emit a compute shader on-the-fly to calculate it or something
cwabbott: the blob emits a compute job to do it
makes sense I guess
the user could be evil and record two command buffers, one that writes to a buffer and one that uses the buffer as an index buffer, and submit them at the same time
cwabbott: super evil case: you have two draws in a single renderpass, the first has side effects to mangle the index buffer for the second.
so you can't really know whether it'll get overwritten by the GPU
chrisf: at least you can detect that case using dependencies
and pipeline barriers, if it's between passes
cwabbott: yes, you'll see a pipeline barrier for it
but if it's in a separate cmd buffer then you won't see the pipeline barrier, is what I'm trying to say
the app *still* has to provide the pipeline barrier even if the dependency is across a command buffer boundary
it could be in the earlier command buffer though
ah, i see what you're saying
yeah, that's ok.
so I think that completely defeats your ability to calculate the bounds on the CPU
i think you just dont bother and do it on the GPU
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tomeu: anything else worth poking at before i get the serial console working?
cwabbott: I had not considered that case ... that is horrifying
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Does GL also have that issue, I guess?
alyssa: this is why GL grew things like DrawRangeElements
chrisf: I specifically meant "bind an index buffer as an SSBO and mangle it" etc
oh, absolutely. GL buffers are buffers for any purpose
I guess with our gallium stack, that would trigger a flush so it'd be fine
yeah, im pretty sure gallium takes care of it
on T720 with my scheduler/RA changes, but fine on t860. wat
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Argh, okay, register spilling is broken on t720 at least under some circumstances
Unrelatedly, wondering if we should really just flip fp16 on
We still take a hit on cycle count but I suspect the win in register pressure makes up for it
register spilling fixed on t720 :)
well, i have a working serial console now... but no joy
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ive already run the gamut of unimpressed facial expressions ;)
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so txf with msaa has the sample # in coord.z
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alyssa: As in number of samples or sample index?
Okay, so I have txf_ms handled now
With 3D MSAA textures does it extend to w then?
GLES doesn't do 3D MSAA textures
anyway .z makes sense because Mali is treating MSAA textures as 3D textures
where depth = sample count
Ah, it needs GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array for MSAA 2D array
alyssa: yeah, the blessing/curse with vulkan is that the driver never gets the full picture... you can record various commands in parallel, and then only at the very end, after all the descriptors etc. have been generated, does the driver find out what order they're going to be executed
cwabbott: joy
Oh, even better, they literally have 4 separate layers for each sampling... ugh
this can't be good for perf
So all the 'magic' is in rendering ... fun
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chrisf: one thing you should think about early is how to handle renderpasses
in turnip we're rather lazy at the moment, since we can always fall back to immediate-rendering mode if something goes wrong
HdkR: you started any work on vulkan w/ bifrost yet btw?
wha? Nah. that was just a weekend thing to see what the initial infrastructure work takes
so we statically divvy up the tile buffer between all the attachments, and if it runs out of space then whoops, let's just use sysmem (immediate-mode rendering) for this renderpass instead
but you don't really have that luxury with mali
Dang Adreno, being able to cheat
Probably isn't even completely terrible with the platforms that have 68GB/s of memory bandwidth :P
my understanding is that you're supposed to think of each subpass like an instruction and do "register allocation" on the tile buffer, including spilling
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and in the downstream kernel there's even some special JIT memory allocation path to handle the "oh shit, we need to allocate a giant framebuffer during command submission" case if you spill
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also there are some, err, fun rules around vertex/fragment atomics which mean that as soon as you enable that feature, you may have to split the renderpass into smaller parts
(that's yet another thing we can get around in turnip by forcing sysmem)
so getting the "render pass allocator" right is going to be one of the toughest part of a mali vulkan driver, I think
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