aw-, (catch 'str|(list 'str) ...) is conceptually completely different from (catch 'sym|T ...)
took me a while to see that
first is to catch errors (issued with quit or from the pil VM), second is more like goto (useful e.g. to leave loops/nested loops, e.g. (iter))
btw. (catch '("") ...) is a catch-all for errors
Well, internally it is almost the same mechanism, a non-local jump to an enclosing environment
though modifying *Err might be better instead of using such a catch-all
Regenaxer, yeah of course. but the programmer must not intermix these usages :P
these days I strictly use (quit) for errors
why does 'zap only take 1 argument instead of a list of symbols? :P
Regenaxer, nice!
I think it is useful
So we now have already three backports from pil21 to pil64 :)
'export', 'private', and a change to 'symbols' to accept auto-symbols (the latter needed for transient symbols as you saw in pil21/lib/pilog.l, pil21/lib/debug.l and pil21/lib/lint.l)
I have something for you to review. Code for making use if NIL property for object-local caching. I'll send you an email :-)
OK, good
Yes, 'zap' could take more args
but it is not so often used, and (mapc zap List) does the same
And right, the uses of 'throw' and 'quit' cannot be caught both. Needs (catch T (catch '(NIL) ... )) to catch everything
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Regenaxer, how to pass from one F-EXPR to another (without evaluating the argument list) ?
I use macro in such cases
I think you better write EXPRs for the basic machinery, and wrap them with F-EXPR if necessary
Cause macro as rather expensive, builds the expression at runtime
beneroth thanks
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Regenaxer in the (ctl) example, why do you use (ctl ".ctl" ...) instead of (ctl "count" ...) ?
i don't understand why the file '.ctl' is opened for exclusive write lock, even thought it doesn't get written to
It does not matter which file you use, and whether it is indeed written to
A write lock in Unix is an exclusive lock
So ".ctl" is indeed not necessary here
just an example
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Just take care not to close the file when you still want to lock it
(ctl F (in F ..) (out F)) is not a good idea
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'in' closes the file when done
so the lock is gone
oh ok
then 'out' writes to an unlocked file
(ctl ".xxx" has no problem
how does (out) behave if the file already has a write lock by another process?
But (ctl F (in F ... (out F ... is also fine
It does not care
Unix locks are not mandatory, but cooperative
So you can lock any file as much as you want, another process can do anything with it
unless it also locks it
Both processes must just agree on *which* file to lock
(and which part of it)
so i can place an exclusive write lock on the file and another process can still write to it?
that doesn't seem right
or, do i need to check if it's locked before writing to it?
It is in Unix since centuries
with fcntl()
ok ok i get it
I think mandatory locks would have other problems
Perhaps they even exist in Unix (?)
yeah i'm looking at the manpage for fcntl now
"Warning: the Linux implementation of mandatory locking is unreliable."