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<m_mans> Hi all
<tankf33der> m_mans: ку
<Regenaxer> Hi m_mans, tankf33der!
<m_mans> Hi Regenaxer! How are you?
<Regenaxer> Good :) and you?
<m_mans> Me too, thanks
<Regenaxer> :)
<m_mans> What about pil21 state? Do you plan to switch to it in your production environments?
<Regenaxer> yes, though currently only the wiki runs on pil21
<Regenaxer> I also asked the Debian maintainer to switch to pil21
<m_mans> Sadly I not visit chat too often )
<m_mans> wow, cool
<Regenaxer> Too busy?
<m_mans> I think I'm not organized :)
<Regenaxer> hehe :)
<m_mans> I'm trying to start new project and also want to try pil21
<Regenaxer> great
<Regenaxer> I think it is quite stable, but I'm glad for any bug report
<m_mans> ok
<tankf33der> m_mans: btw, you should try setup your old code to run under pil21.
<m_mans> tankf33der: yeah, maybe. But currently I have no active projects
<m_mans> Regenaxer: I found strange behavior in REPL when I press Ctrl+C
<Regenaxer> it is now readline(), so it changed a little
<Regenaxer> though Ctrl+C should be basically the same
<Regenaxer> ie. interrupt
<m_mans> ./pil + , then I press Ctrl-C, I see '!' - it's OK. Then I press "Enter" and see empty string
<m_mans> It seems that it hangs, no reaction to futher "Enter"s
<Regenaxer> true
<Regenaxer> that is strange
<Regenaxer> You need to press ^D to leave the breakpoint
<Regenaxer> no longer ^X
<Regenaxer> but you are right, just Enter behaves strangely
<Regenaxer> It is hard to get readline to interoperate properly
<Regenaxer> I will check what happens with Enter
<m_mans> another bug: 1) start pil, 2) evaluate (+ 1 1), 3) press Ctrl-C -> free(): double free detected in tcache 2, Aborted (core dumped)
<m_mans> Fresh Linux Mint (x64)
<Regenaxer> pil21 ?
<Regenaxer> Seems I cannot reproduce. Is (+ 1 1) relevant?
<m_mans> pil21, yes. I think you can enter any expression and press Enter. Then press Ctrl-C
<Regenaxer> Without evaluating the expression?
<Regenaxer> i.e. before <enter>?
<m_mans> No, you need to press Enter first
<m_mans> any expression, even 1 <Enter>
<Regenaxer> Like that?
<Regenaxer> ./pil +
<Regenaxer> : (+ 1 1)
<Regenaxer> !
<Regenaxer> -> 2
<Regenaxer> NIL
<Regenaxer> :
<Regenaxer> :
<Regenaxer> I pressed ^C
<m_mans> yeah, here it goes to core dump
<Regenaxer> before printing NIL and : ?
<m_mans> ./pil +
<m_mans> -> 1
<m_mans> : 1
<m_mans> NIL
<m_mans> :
<m_mans> free(): double free detected in tcache 2
<m_mans> Aborted (core dumped)
<Regenaxer> I see
<Regenaxer> Perhaps it is related to the other problem
<Regenaxer> hanging on <enter> after !
<Regenaxer> I must rething this whole part
<Regenaxer> what to do in readline on interrupt
<m_mans> No urgency, just for info
<tankf33der> double free crash in my list, known.
<m_mans> It can look strange for newbies
<Regenaxer> right
<Regenaxer> ^Z seems to behave well
<Regenaxer> But I also noticed that sometimes after exiting pil21 the tty is not set back to cooked
<Regenaxer> needs an stty sane then
<Regenaxer> This whole issue is a bit tricky
<Regenaxer> I think all those problems are related to rlSigBeg() and rlSigEnd() in @src/lib.c
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<aw-> i also get the double free error
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> Not sure what it depends on
<Regenaxer> I think I saw it too, but cannot reproduce
<Regenaxer> I first check why it hangs, this is what I can reproduce
<Regenaxer> In any case, hitting ^D (instead of <enter>) always works, right?
<Regenaxer> tracing ...
<m_mans> hitting ^D - seems yes
<m_mans> afk for a while
<Regenaxer> Thanks! I keep debugging :)
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<Regenaxer> tough
<Regenaxer> Seems it has to do with re-entrance into 'waitFd'
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<tankf33der> Regenaxer:
<tankf33der> this is new sources, i have *.ll files and Makefile anyway tries call ../bin/pil to generate *.ll files, so bootstrapping fails.
<Regenaxer> This must be a time stamp error then
<Regenaxer> The sources are older than *.ll
<Regenaxer> is that the case?
<Regenaxer> Anyway, I probably released in the wrong moment
<Regenaxer> Let me release again
<Regenaxer> OK
<Regenaxer> I released
<Regenaxer> Can you try again?
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<tankf33der> doing.
<tankf33der> the same. since this is only for pijul control version lets skip it for now.
<tankf33der> afk.
<Regenaxer> Strange
<Regenaxer> *is* it the case that the *.ll files are older?
<Regenaxer> It is the basic principle of make
<Regenaxer> did you directly unpack the TGZ? It contains the timestamp
<Regenaxer> Git destroys the timestamps
<Regenaxer> that's why I hate it
<tankf33der> this is pijul, like git or darcs or anything else.
<Regenaxer> So it destroys the file meta infos?
<tankf33der> maybe. checking.
<Regenaxer> must ae
<Regenaxer> be
<Regenaxer> 'make' fails then
<Regenaxer> If the time stamps are destroyed, you need a 'touch *.ll'
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<Regenaxer> I could not solve the problem of re-entrance into 'waitFd'. Needs a different internal strategy
<Regenaxer> Will think with a fresh brain tomorrow morning.
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