doublec, does it also mean that I have to carry env everywhere I need to output something?
no, you need to carry env.out
you dont want to pass `env` around. that gives a lot more access than you want, in particular env.root
you would pass env.out (which is a tag reference to the out actor) to anything that needs write to standard out
if you dont provide access to env.out then you can be assured that other parts of your program wont access it.
they could however bypass that by using C FFI to call @printf, however you can limit FFI access to certain parts of your program to prevent that
hopefully i didnt overload you with too much info. the short version is: supply env.out to anything that needs to print to standard out.
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thank you
you're welcome
how can i associate a docstring with a field? i get a syntax error if i try to do a """-docstring right before a field, but after the class's docstring.
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