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<SeanTAllen> katafrakt: it appears that your SSL dependency is missing.
<SeanTAllen> Given that Arch linux is a rolling update distro, I suspect that the required version of libssl is no longer available.
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<katafrakt[m]> SeanTAllen: the thing is, no ssl-related update was made since the time it worked. But maybe it will get back to normal.
<FunkyBob> which begs the question, katafrakt[m] ... what _did_ change?
<katafrakt[m]> A lot of things, kernel version included. I don't have detailed log at hand now.
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<Candle> Oh. Both stdlig packages 'net/http' and 'logger' supply something called "Logger"
<Candle> stdlib*
<Candle> Good to see that it's already sorted; you can alias un the use statement.
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<fluttershy_> hello, here when I consume an iso 2d array, the elements (arrays) are considered tag : any idea how to fix it ?
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<SeanTAllen> your statement isnt correct fluttershy_
<SeanTAllen> are you around to talk about what I did to make that work?
<fluttershy_> yes
<SeanTAllen> ok so two things
<SeanTAllen> 1. you almost never need for a field of a class to be an iso
<SeanTAllen> go for ref like i did, it will make your life much easier.
<SeanTAllen> the only time you need an iso is if you are packing it with data (like TCPConnection does with its read buffer) and then handing that packed up data off to another actor and starting over with an empty iso again
<SeanTAllen> 2. the compiler is not very smart of what happens inside of a constructor so everything in a constructor is tag. your problem was trying to access the matrix field in the constructor. yes, you initialized it and in this case, that is an easy thing to see but there are many cases that are hard to determine so right now the compiler defaults to "every field is
<SeanTAllen> tag until the constructor is finished"
<SeanTAllen> by finished, that means "all fields are initialized" so i'm going to gist a 2nd way to do this in a moment...
<SeanTAllen> so your problem had nothing to with consuming
<fluttershy_> hemmm ok I see, I wanted to use iso because i didn't want to copy the matrix in case I have a big one and to do in place transpose and when finishing transpose back.
<fluttershy_> oh never mind I understand
<fluttershy_> thanks
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<SeanTAllen> fluttershy_: are you planning on send the matrix back out of the actor it gets sent to?
<fluttershy_> yes
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> so you might want to do as an iso for the field, check out how that is handled with TCPConnection and its read buffer.
<fluttershy_> yes I'll, there is still a lot to learn :)
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<fluttershy_> so far what i understand is If I have something to share between actors before I call the behavior I need to create another alias in which I recover to sendable (iso|val|tag), I can't recover a ref to iso here the array is considered tag :
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<SeanTAllen> everything is "tag" in a constructor until all fields of the object have been initialized
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<SeanTAllen> you still around fluttershy_ ?
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<fluttershy_> yes
<fluttershy_> ok but here I am out of the constructor
<fluttershy_> I am trying to recover inside the behavior
<fluttershy_> do you mean that I have to init all vector inside create otherwise will always be considered tag ?
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<fluttershy_> so even when initialized all fields in create : still have the problem
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<SeanTAllen> you cant recover a ref to an iso
<SeanTAllen> thats not safe
<SeanTAllen> what is it you are trying to accomplish fluttershy_ ?
<SeanTAllen> there's multiple things wrong in there that are hiding errors
<fluttershy_> ok I'll send a gist with my original explaining the idea and what I actually want to do
<Candle> In a function definition, is there type alias for "sendable"; like with generics you can say '#send'?
<Candle> e.g. fun foo(something: Something #send) => ///
<Candle> (does that even make sense?)
<SeanTAllen> what you want though candle is probably #share
<SeanTAllen> or maybe #send
<fluttershy_> SeanTAllen can you open the link ?
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