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<emilbayes> I find it a bit confusing what the idiomatic "byte" array is in pony. Is it String or Array[U8] or something else?
<jemc> emilbayes: you're not the only one - this is still a UX point that we want to work on
<jemc> I personally tend to use String for everything that *could* contain something that I want to print
<emilbayes> jemc: What's the overhead of String vs. Array[U8]?
<emilbayes> What if you know the size in advance and it is constant?
<emilbayes> jemc: I'm actually working on sodium again, and find the string type a bit awkward in the case of keys
<jemc> emilbayes: the performance overhead should be pretty much identical for all operations shared between the two types
<jemc> neither String nor Array provide any useful features for cases where the size of the buffer is constant, unfortunately - this would require the "dependent types" feature that Luke Cheeseman is working on to be finished
<emilbayes> jemc: Ah ok
<jemc> in general in Pony, without dependent types we can't have any types that are "aware of" values, like a constant-size buffer
<emilbayes> jemc: Which type would be more correct - if even possible - for the guarded heap allocations feature that sodium has?
<emilbayes> jemc: Ah ok, I don't mean for it to be enforced by the type checker. I just meant that I could declare that I know the size
<jemc> regarding guarded heap allocs: you're just wanting to use them for byte buffers, right? not to allocate arbitrary Pony objects in the guarded heap?
<emilbayes> jemc: Yeah, just for keys
<emilbayes> so byte arrays / buffers yeah :)
<jemc> regarding declaring a String or Array that you know the size of ahead of time: the constructors for both String and Array allow you to specify the expected number of bytes, and it will preallocate (some number at least as high as) that many bytes
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<emilbayes> jemc: Oh, that sounds good. I should read the stdlib for the two before asking more questions
<jemc> going back to guarded heap allocs: it would be fairly simple to call `sodium_malloc`, then pass it into a new String (or Array[U8]) with `String.from_cpointer`
<emilbayes> jemc: Ah, nice. How do I pevent pony from attempting to resize?
<jemc> the problem is that you'd have to explicitly call `sodium_free` as well
<jemc> so I'd recommend something like making a new wrapper class
<emilbayes> jemc: Yeah ok. There's no destructor / gc hooks?
<emilbayes> jemc: Oh yeah, I think it should be explicit that you're doing something fancy
<emilbayes> Because it also takes up a couple of pages of memory
<jemc> there is a hook, but you have to define it on the class that's being destroyed, and you can't define it on String
<emilbayes> jemc: Makes sense
<jemc> something like:
<jemc> (give me a sec to whip something up in a text editor)
<emilbayes> hehe kk!
<jemc> is this something you were thinking about doing a PR to my pony-sodium package on github?
<jemc> because I definitely like the idea
<emilbayes> Yes!
<jemc> note that by using a wrapper class, this also gives you the chance to "protect" the underlying array from being resized inadvertently
<emilbayes> jemc: For now I'm just doing my own small bindings for a small project (being inexperience with pony and all)
<emilbayes> jemc: Yes ok!
<jemc> you can also provide convenience methods to convert to/from array and string
<emilbayes> jemc: So there are a couple of things I thought I didn't like about how pony-sodium is currently structured, but maybe you can give some feedback on my ideas :)
<emilbayes> jemc: I thought the String types everywhere should be Seq[U8], but that doesn't make a difference, right?
<jemc> the problem with that is, some places are creating new Strings, and you can't call a constructor on a trait or interface
<jemc> however, we could adapt it to use type parameters - are you familiar with those yet?
<emilbayes> jemc: No not yet
<emilbayes> jemc: I should look it up
<jemc> so, to take the example of `CryptoHash`, we'd convert `primitive CryptoHash` to something like `primitive CryptoHash[A: Seq[U8] iso = String iso]`, then replace all uses of `String` with `A`
<jemc> it's probably going to be a bit more complicated to get the rcaps right, but the gist is that we'd make it generic, where you can pass in a different kind of `Seq` if you wish
<emilbayes> jemc: Oh, so how do I read that? CryptoHash is generic on A where A is ... what?
<jemc> A is the type of Seq that you want to using
<jemc> s/using/use/
<emilbayes> jemc: How do I read `Seq[U8] iso = String iso`?
<jemc> the general format for type params is pretty much the same as it is for normal params - `Name: Constraint` for a "normal" type param, and `Name: Constraint = Default` for an optional type param
<jemc> so, `A` is the parameter, `Seq[U8]` is the constraint, and `String` is the default
<emilbayes> So is String a type of Seq[U8]?
<jemc> gotta go, but I'll read the channel log when I get back if you have any more questions
<emilbayes> structurally or via inheritance?
<jemc> emilbayes: yeah, structurally
<emilbayes> jemc: Ok! thanks for all the help
<emilbayes> jemc: Will do a PR later with pwhash :)
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